Still Missing CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 *husband arrested* #5

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This is actually the direct link to 48 Hours.

"I want her to be found": One year later, Maya Millete's family, friends continue the search for missing mom

Interesting, that Billy L.'s wife was friends with Maya, and she told her husband that Maya was missing, and asked for his help. He is also a former criminal defense attorney for the navy. ( I didn't know this. Thought he was a CM friend.)

I'm watching now. Get your tissues ready, because it's really heartbreaking. :(

ETA: the subliminal messages Larry was playing in Maya's separate bedroom were called "No more men." She found bluetooth speakers in the room she was sleeping in, and confronted him.
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If you missed watching it over the weekend, you can watch it online now. Thanks for posting the direct link, @swedeheart.

Watch it now-- Maya Millete disappearance: One year later, family, friends continue the search for missing mom - CBS News

Started crying a couple of times watching it. Maya stuck around through a lot of nonsense from Larry. It's not easy to hear about the immature, controlling, nasty maneuvers of LM. The "no more men" subliminal messages and recording device under the bed was absolutely ridiculous. It's hard to not cry watching it.

Maya put up with enough, and it's plain to see LM was willing to cripple and maim her (via the spellcasters evidence) just to get her to stay. I hope by the time this goes to trial that a body has been found. At least, LM left lots of circumstantial evidence. MOO, it should seem obvious to jurors, LM premeditated how far he would take it. The same day, the minute he knew Maya had made that divorce attorney appt. he acted.

We might not see more arrests, but that doesn't mean that LM didn't have some helpers, that others didn't get somewhat involved, and those others know things.
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Monday, February 28th:
*Preliminary Exam Readiness Hearing (re murder) (@ 1:30pm PT) - CA - *May “Maya” Millete (39) (last seen @ home on Jan. 7, 2021, near San Miguel Ranch area, Chula Vista & reported missing Jan. 9, 2021 by her sister; not found). *Larry Ibarreta Millete (40) charged (10/18/21), arrested (10/19/21) & arraigned (10/21/21) with murder. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. Denied bail (11/4/21).
*Larry Millete (39/now 40) regarding gun violence restraining order on possession of guns (1/7/21) <<temporary GVRO in place against Millete was dissolved 12/1/21. Plead not guilty.
Prosecutors say Millete sought help from “spell casters” he found online, in the hopes that magic would make her want to stay. According to San Diego County DA Summer Stephan, Millete’s requests grew darker. He asked the spell casters that his wife be incapacitated, that she have an accident & break her bones so she would stay at home. In one message to the spell casters, the subject line read: “Obey Me Spell to Dominate & Control & Bend her Will.” Prosecutors said he also researched plants like hemlock & pharmaceutical drugs possibly used to incapacitate.
Case info from 1/7/21 thru 12/6/21 reference post #144 here:
CA - CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 *husband arrested* #5
12/8/21 Update: GVRO: No hearing unless Millete responded in opposition to the Order. Murder: Preliminary exam readiness hearing on 12/16/21 & preliminary exam hearing on 2/28/22. Guardianship: The next hearing will be trial on the children’s custody has been scheduled on 1/19/22. But defense attorneys are seeking a continuance due to discovery not being available or turned over. Visitations: The case continues in Family Court with the next hearing set for 2/25/22 @ 845 a.m. in Dept. S-17 of the Chula Vista Courthouse.
12/16/21 Update: Murder: Inside chambers of San Diego County Superior Court Judge Dwayne Moring, prosecutors & the defense were debating the details of a protective order, forbidding public release of discovery evidence. The office of the San Diego County DA had filed the proposed protective order to make sure evidence turned over to the defense did not get released to the public or posted on the Internet before trial. But defense attorney Bonita Martinez refused to sign off on the order as she thought the language in the protective order was too vague, according to a motion filed this week by the DA. After the hour-long delay, Martinez returned to the courtroom & signed the order. The order covers 246 pages of evidence, 16 hard drives with media & 100 police body cam videos that the district attorney wants kept secret, records said. Preliminary exam readiness hearing on 2/28/22 at 1:30pm & 4/14/22 at 8:30am for the preliminary hearing.

1/19/22: Guardianship: During the hearing the judge changed the visitation rules saying the maternal relatives can have the children visit them in Riverside County. Next hearing on 4/25/22. 1/21/22 Update: Visitations hearing on 2/25/22 was vacated.
Whoa….he’s blown up! Some suggest he was on a substance pre jail, cut off now thus the weight gain. And the greasy long hair?

Praying she is found
most ppl gain weight in jail because they starch your food, plus its boring and ppl order a lot of top ramen and snacks on canteen. but many gain after using substances as well.
Feb 28, 2022 // Updated 3/1/22

CHULA VISTA, Calif. – The husband of missing Chula Vista mother Maya Millete was back in court Monday.

Larry Millete, 40, appeared with attorney Bonita Martinez for a readiness hearing at the South Bay Courthouse in Chula Vista. Millete, who was arrested and charged last fall in his wife’s murder, will return to court May 12 for a readiness hearing after Martinez requested more time to prepare.

A preliminary examination for Millete also has been set for June 27.

Maya Millete: Husband of missing Chula Vista mom appears in court

@Niner - the 4/14/22 at 8:30am preliminary hearing was vacated and reset for June 27. Readiness hearing continued to May 12.
Feb 28, 2022 // Updated 3/1/22

CHULA VISTA, Calif. – The husband of missing Chula Vista mother Maya Millete was back in court Monday.

Larry Millete, 40, appeared with attorney Bonita Martinez for a readiness hearing at the South Bay Courthouse in Chula Vista. Millete, who was arrested and charged last fall in his wife’s murder, will return to court May 12 for a readiness hearing after Martinez requested more time to prepare.

A preliminary examination for Millete also has been set for June 27.

Maya Millete: Husband of missing Chula Vista mom appears in court

@Niner - the 4/14/22 at 8:30am preliminary hearing was vacated and reset for June 27. Readiness hearing continued to May 12.

Thanks! How come his attorney - Bonita Martinez sounds familiar - ??
Thinking about where Maya might be, and looking at aerial maps. I find it hard to fathom that smallish-man LM would be able to tote MM (despite her petite size) very far on his own...

What ever became of the alleged vehicle captured on video pulling up in front of his home in the early hours of the fateful morning? What ever became of that refrigerator that was given to the relative shortly after MM disappeared? Anyone know the status of the relatives who took possession of that refrigerator?

I wonder if LM had any gym weights in his home that he could have weighted MM down with before depositing her in a body of water? Otherwise, a water burial seems less likely

While I'm sure there are plenty of remote coastal areas where MM could have been dumped in to the ocean, it seems risky for LM.

What are these two bodies of water that show on the map close to the San Diego Wildlife refuge? Would those be likely dumping grounds? What about the wildlife refuge? Anything there that could lend it self to subterfuge, or too traveled?

My theory shys away from LM burying Maya; he doesn't appear to be particularly robust, and burying someone would be an arduous task. I think he dumped/concealed her. If forced to chose, I would say dump/conceal vs. water, unless he had heavy gym weights at home. Weights sounds still too physical for LM, whereas dumping seems more likely to a steep hill, in to a ravine, etc. Sorry to be so graphic.

Will appreciate hearing others thoughts on the likelihood of where MM's remains rest. Buried? Water? Cavern/cave/mine? Down a ravine?

Amateur opinion and speculation
Will appreciate hearing others thoughts on the likelihood of where MM's remains rest. Buried? Water? Cavern/cave/mine? Down a ravine?
I appreciate all the thought you've put into it. You brought up a lot of the possibilities. It haunts me, too, that Maya needs to be found. I have never forgotten the freezer that was taken from the house by relatives at the oddly convenient time when Maya went missing, LE supposedly followed up on that, but I'm not sure they applied enough investigation into it.

(Remember me going on and on about the Elizabeth Sullivan case, here in San Diego, and the freezer? She wasn't found for two yrs. even though there was so much missed evidence, She was most likely in a freezer for those two yrs.) JMO here, CVPD was a day late dollar short waiting to search warrant the house and vehicles. Not sure the investigation was ever thorough enough in the beginning. I feel a lot was missed. Don't you?

Helpers, not just LM, would be another angle. The way his parents speak of Maya makes me think other relatives like maybe the uncle might've been willing to help pitiful LM. Seems his family supports him all the way.

If it was just LM without a plan, and he was driving around trying to dispose, I'd say he found a remote spot, pulled over, and threw her body down a ravine into a steep, rocky canyon. That seems more likely to me than water or burial. Someday I hope Maya is found, and then we'll know. Prayers.

It took a year for the body of Amber Dubois to be found around here. The killer disclosed the location or they might not have found her body for more years.
Teen Amber Dubois's Body Found a Year after Disappearance |
"... a very rugged and remote area of Pala,”

I appreciate all the thought you've put into it. You brought up a lot of the possibilities. It haunts me, too, that Maya needs to be found. I have never forgotten the freezer that was taken from the house by relatives at the oddly convenient time when Maya went missing, LE supposedly followed up on that, but I'm not sure they applied enough investigation into it.

(Remember me going on and on about the Elizabeth Sullivan case, here in San Diego, and the freezer? She wasn't found for two yrs. even though there was so much missed evidence, She was most likely in a freezer for those two yrs.) JMO here, CVPD was a day late dollar short waiting to search warrant the house and vehicles. Not sure the investigation was ever thorough enough in the beginning. I feel a lot was missed. Don't you?

Helpers, not just LM, would be another angle. The way his parents speak of Maya makes me think other relatives like maybe the uncle might've been willing to help pitiful LM. Seems his family supports him all the way.

If it was just LM without a plan, and he was driving around trying to dispose, I'd say he found a remote spot, pulled over, and threw her body down a ravine into a steep, rocky canyon. That seems more likely to me than water or burial. Someday I hope Maya is found, and then we'll know. Prayers.

It took a year for the body of Amber Dubois to be found around here. The killer disclosed the location or they might not have found her body for more years.
Teen Amber Dubois's Body Found a Year after Disappearance |
"... a very rugged and remote area of Pala,”

We are thinking alike here, Curious Me.

LM is not a robust man; small. I don't see him toting a dead body on his own unless he rolled it off the side of a hill down a ravine. Or, it wouldn't be a stretch to speculate he could have had help in disposing of the remains in a different manner.
But I agree, the quick ditch and drive is the most likely, IMO.

You are further right in that we have seen intense vitriol coming from his relatives with regard to MM; deeply offensive concerning she is missing, and the mother to the children they are related to!
I have no idea if anyone else aided LM in his alleged nefarious acts, but who can forget that refrigerator....what timing.

As for the refrigerator, no amount of scrubbing or bleach can remove all evidence; the forensic team would have been able to capture trace amounts and see residual blood patterns.
The same goes with his home. I know where blood hides, and where the common Perp wouldn't even consider to look or clean, but where the forensics teams go first.

LM doesn't appear to be smart enough to cut a deal with the D.A., and seems quite emboldened.
That bravado should start wearing down soon. The court will not be gentle on him.

amateur opinion and speculation only
The only thing we may disagree on is the appliance. I remember it being a small deep freezer, but you keep calling it a refrigerator. o_O
No, you are correct. It is indeed a freezer. I misspoke. It’s disturbing to think of MM allegedly being stuffed in there. He would have had to break limbs to allegedly accomplish that. I’m sorry for that thought.
I hope the sounds of that alleged act haunt him relentlessly.

These are not statements of fact, but merely amateur opinion and speculation. The trial will reveal the facts.

amateur opinion and speculation
...He would have had to break limbs to allegedly accomplish that.
Well, he did worse than that if he killed her first. You see him as a small framed man, but I think he had some muscle to his arms. Whereas, Maya was definitely smaller framed and quite petite.


^^^ You can see a freezer in the top right corner. I remember seeing the probable freezer in pics and I think it looked like that. Had to go back to Thread #4.
CA - CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 #4 *husband arrested*

MOO only, Maya was petite, only 5'2" and 105 lbs. I was that size and fit myself into a tiny box once as a challenge, so... I think she could've been put in a small deep freezer without breaking bones.

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Well, he did worse than that if he killed her first. You see him as a small framed man, but I think he had some muscle to his arms. Whereas, Maya was definitely smaller framed and quite petite.


^^^ You can see a freezer in the top right corner. I remember seeing the probable freezer in pics and I think it looked like that. Had to go back to Thread #4.
CA - CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 #4 *husband arrested*

MOO only, Maya was petite, only 5'2" and 105 lbs. I was that size and fit myself into a tiny box once as a challenge, so... I think she could've been put in a small deep freezer without breaking bones.

Help Find Maya | Facebook
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