CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021

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He's constantly insulting his wife. It's clear from the info he shares about her that he despises her and he wants others to believe she was an absent mother.

Can't really say much more without breaking any rules. Just hoping for evidence from the recent search warrant to break the case open and bring Maya home.
I have to agree.

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. But, I keep circling back around to him. That's just moo...

I can't ignore that LM told News 8 that investigators seized his property around 1am Sunday morning.

Ok, why then? Why so late at night? Why not wait till the morning? Especially since children are living there...

Yes the home was seized. The point is, it was the home, not some where else the warrant was issued for.

Then neighbors told MM's family they saw police using what appeared to be "forensic lights." So, it sounds like luminol. There's only one reason LE brings in liminol.....

Search warrant is served at home of missing Chula Vista mother |
Maya posted all these videos of running challenges she was doing trying to get to a certain number of miles within a month for certain causes trying to raise money. It looked pretty desolate the places she chose. So many different possibilities of what could have happened.

The only thing I’m sure of is she did not choose to disappear, something bad happened. IMO :(
My frank question for LM is, when does he think Maya left the house?

You physically saw her on Thursday. You said you heard her on Friday, but didn’t see her all that day.

Did your daughters interact with their mom Friday while you were gone from the house with your son? Surely the girls have information, or at least an impression on whether or not their mom was home at the time. What did they tell you when you asked them, to pin down the time Maya actually left the house?

Why do you think it was that you did not hear the moment she left the house? You could hear her moving around downstairs throughout the day, you said. Is that to suggest she left while you were sleeping, as a reason you are unaware?

Does the locked bedroom she uses also have a door leading to the outside, where she might have left from, so that there were less sounds within the home of her leaving—and that’s why you may not have heard?

Do you now think she left on Thursday night—that you mistook whatever sounds you heard Friday?
Maya posted all these videos of running challenges she was doing trying to get to a certain number of miles within a month for certain causes trying to raise money. It looked pretty desolate the places she chose. So many different possibilities of what could have happened.

The only thing I’m sure of is she did not choose to disappear, something bad happened. IMO :(
This has crossed my mind many times.
However, right now, I just can't get past the warrant being issued at the house.
And at 1am nonetheless....
New Court Tv w/ Mike and Chris

"There's something keeping her from contacting us. I try not to think about that stuff because it's mind-numbing." LM

He spent hours with working with LE Wednesday night. Wonder if he's had a poly? How many hours?

He noticed she was missing Saturday morning. Thursday night argument. They'd been having issues for a year, it was up and down. He gives her space. He didn't physically see her Friday night. He heard her upstairs downstairs kitchen. She's kinda like a roommate. We're kinda always giving each other space, I mean, SHE wants space. He's all over the place.

Red flags per Chris:
1. Marital problems
2. Locked door
3. Presents himself as a victim

Per Mike:
1. That they can go days without seeing each other.
2. Why did it take the parents going by on Sat to get him to unlock the door.

Per body language expert:
He gives info that was not asked of him. Why does he want us to know they've been having problems for a year? Additional, unnecessary info =red flag.
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I noticed that off the bat, in his phone call. He begins the interview saying they've had problems for a year. His wife s missing. You'd think he would address that right away, rather than giving such info at the start, especially when he wasn't asked about their relationship.
I really want to know if they caught footage of either car leaving Thursday-Saturday, and if so have they taken that car in for a thorough search? Or did they do the search while the car was on the property? Moo
I noticed that off the bat, in his phone call. He begins the interview saying they've had problems for a year. His wife s missing. You'd think he would address that right away, rather than giving such info at the start, especially when he wasn't asked about their relationship.
Great point @whitelilac !
We should note that in words spoken order shows priority. First things reported are the most important.

So what's the first thing out of his mouth? That they've had problems for a year.

This is first on his mind....
Chris, in the Court TV interview, was asked if was possible to take Larry's timeline and match it with a digital footprint to see any inconsistencies. He replied that in addition to checking his digital footprint, they will have likely collected his car and checked for things like unusual pollen in the air filter, which, in the case of a body dump, could be telling that he was in a different area recently. I wish he had gone into more and a better explanation about that, but that's what I got from it.

I'm hoping that what he is saying is that searching his car would have been at the top of the list of things to do, as soon as they became suspicious of him.

I noticed that off the bat, in his phone call. He begins the interview saying they've had problems for a year. His wife s missing. You'd think he would address that right away, rather than giving such info at the start, especially when he wasn't asked about their relationship.
Has he ever made a plea for his wife to come home, or if anyone has her to let her come home?

Amateur opinion and speculation
In the last couple weeks, including yesterday, we've had two big rain storms in the area (at least by San Diego standards). Not sure if that makes a search difference. There must be a good reason the searches are going uphill toward mt miguel, instead of downhill, to the valley. The area has three bodies of water within hiking distance - the dam at sweetwater is probably the closest, and upper and lower otay. The lower otay has a dam too.
The area has three bodies of water within hiking distance - the dam at sweetwater is probably the closest, and upper and lower otay. The lower otay has a dam too.
Before I say another thing, let me say this is still MOO. I haven't heard bulletins for the locals to keep looking for Maya walking around town. LE got a search warrant to search her home, but I still hope LM is just coming across as odd, and not involved. It looks like they were terribly estranged trying to live in the same house.

I knew there was a dam around there someplace. A dam crossed my mind, but there's cameras around dams. It sounds like you know the area well. Any gut feelings on where to look next? I saw someone pointing out lots of camera on the couple's street on the Find Maya page.


There's no timeline really if you go by the husband's account on when Maya went missing. He didn't know she was gone until Saturday...that's what he said. Did he leave the kids sleeping Thursday night? Where'd he go on Friday taking his little boy with him?

If the news reports are that the 9 yr. old daughter saw Maya last on Thursday, then Maya was not home schooling those girls Friday. LM was mistaken, or to be blunt, telling a mistruth some would call a lie. It threw the timeline off. That's serious and that is a Red Flag right there for LE.

I was watching a late night Dateline and making Apple Crisp the other night. Some woman was alarmed her sister disappeared. LE couldn't determine a thing until they searched with a cadaver dog, and the dog hit on two cars the husband used. They pinned him down to the crime, but they never found the body. I've been saying I hope they used cadaver dogs in the house and did car searches with the dogs. Whatever LE thinks is not being shared with the public, but it almost feels unspoken where we can guess this is going. I really don't feel comfortable knowing the children are living in such a tense situation.

All my scattered thoughts and MOO. Praying for those children and Maya's Family.
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I knew there was a dam around there someplace. A dam crossed my mind, but there's cameras around dams. It sounds like you know the area well. Any gut feelings on where to look next? I've saw someone pointing out lots of camera on the couple's street on the Find Maya page.


There's no timeline really if you go by the husband's account on when Maya went missing. He didn't know she was gone until Saturday...that's what he said. Did he leave the kids sleeping Thursday night? Where'd he go on Friday taking his little boy with him?

If the news reports are that the 9 yr. old daughter saw Maya last on Thursday, then Maya was not home schooling those girls Friday. LM was mistaken, or to be blunt, telling a mistruth some would call a lie. It threw the timeline off. That's serious and that is a Red Flag right there for LE.

I was watching a late night Dateline and making Apple Crisp the other night. Some woman was alarmed her sister disappeared. LE couldn't determine a thing until they searched with a cadaver dog, and the dog hit on two cars the husband used. They pinned him down to the crime, but they never found the body. I've been saying I hope they used cadaver dogs in the house and did car searches with the dogs. Whatever LE thinks is not being shared with the public, but it almost feels unspoken where we can guess this is going. I really don't feel comfortable knowing the children are living in such a tense situation.
I've driven proctor valley road twice this week. Got out and walked my dog, looked around. No one is around. Go up the hill, literally 2500 feet to the park where the searches are/were and it's crawling with people. Didn't get out of the car. I hadn't heard about lm leaving his phone Sunday, but I was suspicious when I heard that he took his four-year-old son somewhere Friday. I still have not heard a definitive timeline at all. I mentioned in an earlier post, I think she's been missing longer than we think.
I've driven proctor valley road twice this week. Got out and walked my dog, looked around. No one is around. Go up the hill, literally 2500 feet to the park where the searches are/were and it's crawling with people. Didn't get out of the car. I hadn't heard about lm leaving his phone Sunday, but I was suspicious when I heard that he took his four-year-old son somewhere Friday. I still have not heard a definitive timeline at all. I mentioned in an earlier post, I think she's been missing longer than we think.
But it sounds like the sister had talked to her very recently? don't know why he would get on her phone and tell the sister that they were in the middle of a fight..
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