CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021

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The locked door has come up throughout this case. For whatever reason, she wasn't even behind that locked door when "he found an extra key"! This door doesn't sound like one of those little push button doors. Toddlers have pushed those buttons and locked themselves alone in a room, and yes a frantic parent has opened them with a bobby pin. This door Maya was behind required a key to get in? Was it a padlock? How'd she lock it from inside then? Did Maya lock it before she left?

Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete - ABC 10NEWS San Diego -
I'll have to listen again... sigh. Someone brought up how the very first part of his phone interview it sounds like they were laying down and LM says his son turned expecting his mother, but only LM was there. So, did Maya not always sleep behind her locked bedroom door, but slept where LM slept? Or maybe they just have another bedroom that's used to watch tv with the kids.
Great questions. Hope you don't mind my going over it in my reply how I'm understanding it so far. I've wondered all those questions, too. Why the family would come looking for her on Saturday and decide it required further searching and then reporting her missing.

It sounds like Maya's family were close, and had a group chat set-up. and I guess they used it to stay in regular contact and steady communication with each other. No one could get a hold of Maya on Friday. Why that was so strange it set off alarms tells me she usually replied, usually called back, usually stayed in contact.

We have to remember, they were planning to go to Big Bear for the daughter's 11th Birthday. They probably wanted to get the planning completed and needed Maya's input.

Maya may have worked from home and that locked door to her bedroom / possible office space doesn't bother me at all. She was a Defense Contractor.

It must have seemed weird husband didn't know a thing about whether she was behind that door or not. He must have said he heard her rustling around the kitchen Friday night like he said on the phone interview. I don't know if he tried to say the girls were home schooled by Maya on Friday because IMO that is a mistruth by him. The family knew already something was very wrong for Maya to not call them back, etc., They must have asked the two daughters. It's been reported that the 9 yr. old is said to have been the last to see Maya in the home on Thursday. Then, the argument with husband, then Maya seems to have disappeared because she was probably not there Friday nor reachable by phone.

What I'm most vague on is what the family did before reporting Maya missing. I think they called hospitals, and maybe other people, but can't remember where I read that. I do think if left to the husband, without it being the birthday weekend and the family showing up looking for her, Maya may not have been reported missing for awhile longer. Didn't husband give a story he got in trouble once looking for her? (JMO here, sets the stage that one, always has a reason for not doing something.)
His stories of her going out drinking with friends sometimes and not coming in until the wee hours of the mornings I think is bogus too.
Actually I think a lot of the stories are bogus at this point. He was trying to paint a picture she was a party girl who wanted her own life is what he represented.
I’m calling BS at this point.
She was a hard working mother and wife imo.
His stories of her going out drinking with friends sometimes and not coming in until the wee hours of the mornings I think is bogus too.
Actually I think a lot of the stories are bogus at this point. He was trying to paint a picture she was a party girl who wanted her own life is what he represented.
I’m calling BS at this point.
She was a hard working mother and wife imo.
I am seeing shades and shadows of Patric Frazee.
Search for Maya Milette, a missing Chula Vista mom, continues - California News Times


Their missing Mom has "a little impact on them."

These poor children have to be devisated and lost without their Mom.

These are the wrong kind of words to use....

He's constantly insulting his wife. It's clear from the info he shares about her that he despises her and he wants others to believe she was an absent mother.

Can't really say much more without breaking any rules. Just hoping for evidence from the recent search warrant to break the case open and bring Maya home.
Search for Maya Milette, a missing Chula Vista mom, continues - California News Times


There missing Mom has "a little impact on them."

These poor children have to be devisated and lost without their Mom.

These are the wrong kind of words to use....

I’ve been thinking about the audio interviews of LM and the manner of his speech delivery as well as the phrasing he uses, which all feels very awkward, to say the least.

In my trying to stay neutral regarding judgment of his role in Maya’s disappearance, I got to wondering if he could have pronounced social anxiety to explain his awkward responses.

I’m recalling how LM said he’s “embarrassed”, and how he didn’t go to the vigil because he’s a “private person”. With social anxiety, you do feel self-conscious and embarrassed in a social situation, and can feel nauseous and shaky to have to speak. You would rather be invisible. Words may not flow due to the fear, so what comes out may sound odd.

I have it, to a degree, though I’m a lot better now. I can remember when I was younger and had it more severe; it was quite debilitating. I would never raise my hand in class out of fear of speaking in front of others. I remember a time my bike was stolen while I was with my friend. I think we were preteens. She told me we should call the police. She dialed, then handed me the phone. When someone answered the phone at the police station, I was terrified, and froze, and literally couldn’t say a word. My friend grabbed the phone and told them “My friend’s bike was stolen.” I marveled at the time at the ease to which she could talk on the phone.

I admit, I’m having a hard time with his story, but trying hard to come up with explanations.
I’ve been thinking about the audio interviews of LM and the manner of his speech delivery as well as the phrasing he uses, which all feels very awkward, to say the least.

In my trying to stay neutral regarding judgment of his role in Maya’s disappearance, I got to wondering if he could have pronounced social anxiety to explain his awkward responses.

I’m recalling how LM said he’s “embarrassed”, and how he didn’t go to the vigil because he’s a “private person”. With social anxiety, you do feel self-conscious and embarrassed in a social situation, and can feel nauseous and shaky to have to speak. You would rather be invisible. Words may not flow due to the fear, so what comes out may sound odd.

I have it, to a degree, though I’m a lot better now. I can remember when I was younger and had it more severe; it was quite debilitating. I would never raise my hand in class out of fear of speaking in front of others. I remember a time my bike was stolen while I was with my friend. I think we were preteens. She told me we should call the police. She dialed, then handed me the phone. When someone answered the phone at the police station, I was terrified, and froze, and literally couldn’t say a word. My friend grabbed the phone and told them “My friend’s bike was stolen.” I marveled at the time at the ease to which she could talk on the phone.

I admit, I’m having a hard time with his story, but trying hard to come up with explanations.
You are bringing up such an important point that applies to all our threads, and why the WS TOS and approach is so wise.

You are right, we *don't* know LM or MM, and we don't know what is normalized behavior for either of them. We can't project our own personalities or how we would approach things, on them. We can examine and speculate on MSM information, information from verified experts, and statistics from various agencies like DOJ, and so forth.

Great post and reminder that how we perceive things and act, doesn't translate to what other subjects of these threads would do.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Search for Maya Milette, a missing Chula Vista mom, continues - California News Times


Their missing Mom has "a little impact on them."

These poor children have to be devisated and lost without their Mom.

These are the wrong kind of words to use....
Let's take the entire quote - "“I try to keep everything as normal as possible for my kids,” Larry told FOX5 on the phone Wednesday. “I know they all look good, but I know it has a little impact on them.”

He is saying despite the fact they look good, this has a little impact on them. Meaning, it's effecting them.
He did *not* say it has little impact. He is saying it does.

Amateur opinion and speculation
He's not named as a POI or suspect so we can't sleuth him at all, right? All we have to go on is what's in MSM and there's not that much.

I do tend to have a soft spot for those with anxiety, social anxiety, etc. It's a real thing. It does cause reactions to things that people without social anxiety will see as weird. Typical people think nothing of making small talk, people with social anxiety struggle to get out a hello without thinking a thousand bad things about themselves and inducing physical anxiety symptoms. That even includes online stuff. It's torture, so doing a zoom vigil or whatever where there's hundreds of eyes on you would be literally physically painful. This can also explain the weird things he says sometimes.

Do I think there's no chance it's the husband? God, no, of course not. The stats are not on his side, and there's some things that aren't easily explained here at all (like the locked door, etc). But given that he's not been named as a POI or suspect yet, and given there's no smoking gun, so to speak, there could still be other explanations. It's not like there aren't other cases we follow here where it looks like the most obvious suspect, but turns out not to be. Just personally still keeping an open mind - while I also will not be at all shocked or surprised if it turns out the way it sadly so often does.
Just personally still keeping an open mind .
Respectfully snipped.
Me too.
We need more facts. I always (try my best) to stay victim friendly until if/such time someone is officially a POI. I've been SO SO sure of someone's guilt in the past, and was SO SO wrong!

Amateur opinion and speculation
I think the telling part for me regarding the husband is, he hasn't lawyer-ed up. At least, not publicly. He may have consulted one, or even retained one. That would be a smart move on his part. He could be following legal advice and it simply hasn't been disclosed. We simply don't know.
Listen here:
Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete - ABC 10NEWS San Diego -

Please know this is all MOO.
I have considered his privacy comments as possibly being a real psychological clinical anxiety with panic attacks, even a fear of leaving the house; however, he could have other reasons for throwing his embarrassment and privacy issues into the mix.

I listened to his phone interview again, 4-5 times now, and he talks fast. He never seems to hesitate, and to ponder or think of an answer. Most people pause more to process thoughts and emotions. I wondered if he rehearsed it. Lots of talking, but not much detail or facts, IMO.

Oh, he supplies all his veiled grievances about their marriage, but no helpful details about her mysterious disappearance. The point is to find her and he's the most likely one to know what possibly happened, the last one to actually see her I believe. What was the argument about? He's the one that mentioned it, but we have no idea how upset he or Maya was, or if she happened to say anything about leaving him. What did Maya do right after that argument? Did she storm out of the room and stomp to her locked bedroom?

Sorry, I thought he has a odd, casual chatty way of talking. I didn't sense he was holding back at all, or any real embarrassment. I didn't get a sense of frantic concern or emotion about Maya either. It sounded to me like he was suggesting Maya took off to do one of her fun things and he couldn't count on her to call. She needs her space, he gives her space, he doesn't need space, he thought she "upped her game". Just my own take on what I heard. I could say more, but I don't want to break the rules.

Besides, I don't know him, he could very well be shy or embarrassed, and I'm just reading him wrong. So, this is all my own opinion.
Listen here:
Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete - ABC 10NEWS San Diego -

Please know this is all MOO.
I have considered his privacy comments as possibly being a real psychological clinical anxiety with panic attacks, even a fear of leaving the house; however, he could have other reasons for throwing his embarrassment and privacy issues into the mix.

I listened to his phone interview again, 4-5 times now, and he talks fast. He never seems to hesitate, and to ponder or think of an answer. Most people pause more to process thoughts and emotions. I wondered if he rehearsed it. Lots of talking, but not much detail or facts, IMO.

Oh, he supplies all his veiled grievances about their marriage, but no helpful details about her mysterious disappearance. What was the argument about? He's the one that mentioned it, but we have no idea how upset he or Maya was, or if she happened to say anything about leaving him. What did Maya do right after that argument? Did she storm out of the room and stomp to her locked bedroom?

Sorry, I thought he has a odd, casual chatty way of talking. I didn't sense he was holding back at all, or any real embarrassment. I didn't get a sense of frantic concern or emotion about Maya either. It sounded to me like he was suggesting Maya took off to do one of her fun things and he couldn't count on her to call. She needs her space, he gives her space, he doesn't need space, he thought she "upped her game". Just my own take on what I heard. I could say more, but I don't want to break the rules.

Besides, I don't know him, he could very well be shy or embarrassed, and I'm just reading him wrong. So, this is all my own opinion.
I agree that despite his statements that he is shy and embarrassed, he is really p*ssed off at his wife! I interpret his remarks that he truly believes she is off "teaching him a lesson" and running around having a good time.

While nothing is impossible, as we have learned on these threads, that theory seems highly improbable given her apparent devotion to the children. However, I think he believes it.

Time will tell. Nothing is off the table here.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I don't know what to think, I get on and off the fence regarding something happening at home that Thursday night.

Regarding the phone call...I can't say anything indicated a red flag to me, not knowing him.

One thing though, he did say at one point, in passing, that Maya would at times spend the night at a friend's place (or maybe it was one time). Later he was asked what's the longest she has stayed away....and his answer was she always comes home but it can be late...3:30 to 4:30, which contradicts sleeping over elsewhere.

The main thing for me whether there is any video surveillance of her leaving the house, being picked up, or whether one of the family cars left and returned before the Saturday morning. LE must have that info by now, hopefully. There's also the search warrant, not given without probable cause. And the lack of LE asking for any sightings.

Something happened, she's not out there "teaching him a lesson" or having some sort of adventure, and is fine somewhere. I do not believe for a minute she would leave the kids in limbo like that, nor that she would purposely miss her daughter's birthday.
I'm just going to go with my gut and it leads me to 2 scenarios. These thoughts all of course depends on the door lock type. I don't think she left her children willingly, but there is always the possibility.

If the door lock was a lock and key type, that gives me vibes of severe trust issues or a need for privacy.
1. Trust issues - need for a safe space, if going through divorce maybe not wanting the spouse to find anything that could be held against you. (Leads me to think something happened in the house)
2. A new relationship and that need for an alone space or possibly trying to keep things private due to impending divorce. (Leads me to think things could have happened inside or outside the house and opens up possible suspects).

I hate to think Maya would just take off and leave her children, but if she was feeling threatened enough and was confident the kids would be safe - maybe she needed some space to figure out things? Just trying to think through some possible scenarios.

I have most doors in my house locked because my teenage daughters have no concept of privacy and will 'borrow' clothes and anything else they want to rummage through if I don't.

If the bedroom lock was just a basic locks from the inside but just needs a skeleton key or small screwdriver to open, my opinion might differ a bit.

Again it's all MOO and speculation. Just trying to think through different reasons people get locks on doors and the types...
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