GUILTY CA - Michelle Hoang Thi Le, 26, Hayward, 27 May 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Investigators with dogs are searching the area where a decomposed body was found Saturday near the Sunol-Pleasanton border, police said.

Searchers are looking for any evidence that may be connected to the body, Alameda County sheriff's spokesman J.D. Nelson said. The remains were removed Saturday night and a forensic pathologist is scheduled to examine them Monday, Nelson said.

Hopefully there will be an ID soon.

I also thought about going on the search Saturday but couldn't. I was surprised to hear that they finally found her.
I've been following this case but not participating heart sank when I saw the news that a body had been found.
maybe they were told to search that area Or the Cell tower about a mile away was
The one that picked up on a cell phone ping. There are other possibilities.
There was Homeless man that died in Pleasanton about a year ago who was found near a creek.
There are homeless people in Pleasanton.
There was a young African American boy that was missing from Oakland but his Mother and stepfather Were suspects and they lived in I believe Union City or Fremont. And back in the 80s there was a Hayward girl that disappeared and was never found.
But this doesn’t look Good.
Hate to Monday morning quarterback, but I wonder if the cell tower in the area was the one that registered The ping, did it register hers and GE or just one of them.
The area were the body was found is not a heavily traveled area. About a block away is Sunol road which is traveled a lot by bicyles, cars and some joggers and yes once in a while homeless people but Verona is not.
I have driven by that road for years and have never seen anyone on it. (Verona)
I want this to be Michelle. She has been declared dead by LE and the suspect has been charged with murder. There is no reason to believe she is alive. She needs to be found, and the searchers seem to have done what the family asked. I am relieved to read that a police volunteer made the discovery.
I want this to be Michelle. She has been declared dead by LE and the suspect has been charged with murder. There is no reason to believe she is alive. She needs to be found, and the searchers seem to have done what the family asked. I am relieved to read that a police volunteer made the discovery.

I totally agree. I am praying it is Michelle, not only for her family to be able to give her a proper burial, but also for a more successful prosecution of the defendant.
I just looked at the area there at Verona Road on Google maps. It's not the area I thought it was but I know the road pretty well that gets you to it. (I believe it's Pleasanton Sunol Rd?) I speculate that GE was driving looking for somewhere to leave her, and that after going through the canyon she came upon the frontage rd that is parallel to 680. That road is not heavily traveled as it is, and any road off that road would be even less traveled. It makes sense that someone trying to hide something might end up there. When we were teens we used to go party in spots all around Niles canyon. In later years they started putting up short freeway walls at some areas making it a little harder to access. I would speculate the only people that may have been down there in that area would be:
1. partiers
2. possibly homeless people
3. someone that lived on that street
4. someone lost but that would be an odd street to turn down if you were lost or
5. someone up to no good.
maybe they were told to search that area Or the Cell tower about a mile away was
The one that picked up on a cell phone ping. There are other possibilities.
There was Homeless man that died in Pleasanton about a year ago who was found near a creek.
There are homeless people in Pleasanton.
There was a young African American boy that was missing from Oakland but his Mother and stepfather Were suspects and they lived in I believe Union City or Fremont. And back in the 80s there was a Hayward girl that disappeared and was never found.
But this doesn’t look Good.
Hate to Monday morning quarterback, but I wonder if the cell tower in the area was the one that registered The ping, did it register hers and GE or just one of them.
The area were the body was found is not a heavily traveled area. About a block away is Sunol road which is traveled a lot by bicyles, cars and some joggers and yes once in a while homeless people but Verona is not.
I have driven by that road for years and have never seen anyone on it. (Verona)

bolded by me.

Thanks, Mox, I was under the impression that joggers went close by where the body was found, but that seems to be untrue.

Weren't you saying all along that they should take a better look in this area?
I just looked at the area there at Verona Road on Google maps. It's not the area I thought it was but I know the road pretty well that gets you to it. (I believe it's Pleasanton Sunol Rd?) I speculate that GE was driving looking for somewhere to leave her, and that after going through the canyon she came upon the frontage rd that is parallel to 680. That road is not heavily traveled as it is, and any road off that road would be even less traveled. It makes sense that someone trying to hide something might end up there. When we were teens we used to go party in spots all around Niles canyon. In later years they started putting up short freeway walls at some areas making it a little harder to access. I would speculate the only people that may have been down there in that area would be:
1. partiers
2. possibly homeless people
3. someone that lived on that street
4. someone lost but that would be an odd street to turn down if you were lost or
5. someone up to no good.
Yes, Pleasanton Sunol Road is the frontage road along 680. She wouldn't have needed to get on 680 from Niles Canyon, IIRC, you can just make a Left turn (North) at the T-intersection where Niles Canyon ends and you can take Pleasanton Sunol Road. I used to drive it years ago for work as an alternative route to avoid traffic.
Google Maps may be calling it Foothill Road at that point.

I've thought about that alot, even alluded to that in my latest article about GE.
It seems like some people were beginning to take her bizarre behaviors very seriously, like Scott Marasigan (by getting the restraining order) Maybe GE has never had to pay for or have consequences for her actions, and when Scott did that it flipped her out and all her rage came out against Michelle. IMHO>

I bet the restraining order had a lot to do with the rage---I'm not blaming Scott, he needed protection, apparently. But it put a legal barrier between her and her daughter, not to mention her and Scott. If Scott is the father of her unborn child then it seems like the restraining order would be even more devastating for her because I bet she harbored some idea that they all would be together in a cozy little family. At the very least, she wanted him for herself.

I wonder if something specific might have caused her to flip out at the exact time she went berserk and killed Michelle. Maybe it had to do with the trip to Reno that Michelle was going on that evening--possibly GE thought Michelle was going there with Scott. Finding out something like that would make her wild with jealousy. This is just speculation, of course. Michelle seems to have had lots of friends so she could have been going there with anyone and it could totally have been a coincidence that that was the day GE killed Michelle.
From the article I've linked, Alameda County Sheriff's spokesman J.D. Nelson is quoted as saying:
"We are 100 percent certain it is a crime scene," Nelson said. "It's a human body."

I have a question about that comment.

Just the fact of finding a human body wouldn't make it a crime scene necessarily, wouldn't that be so?

For example, what if it were a homeless person, or any person, for that matter, who had lain there to rest and died from natural causes.

I may be reading too much into the comment, but I'm wondering if there was something real evident by the appearance of the remains that caused him to say with "100 percent" certainty that it was a "crime scene".

Anyone have a thought on that? Maybe I'm being too picky with semantics.

A bullet hole in the skull or ribs, Knife wounds, crushed skull. A knife or gun could have been left there. Clothes removed. Other evidence could have been left too.

Maybe something leads them to the belief that this is Michelle.
A bullet hole in the skull or ribs, Knife wounds, crushed skull. A knife or gun could have been left there. Clothes removed. Other evidence could have been left too.

Maybe something leads them to the belief that this is Michelle.
maybe they were told to search that area Or the Cell tower about a mile away was
The one that picked up on a cell phone ping. There are other possibilities.
There was Homeless man that died in Pleasanton about a year ago who was found near a creek.
There are homeless people in Pleasanton.
There was a young African American boy that was missing from Oakland but his Mother and stepfather Were suspects and they lived in I believe Union City or Fremont. And back in the 80s there was a Hayward girl that disappeared and was never found.
But this doesn’t look Good.
Hate to Monday morning quarterback, but I wonder if the cell tower in the area was the one that registered The ping, did it register hers and GE or just one of them.
The area were the body was found is not a heavily traveled area. About a block away is Sunol road which is traveled a lot by bicyles, cars and some joggers and yes once in a while homeless people but Verona is not.
I have driven by that road for years and have never seen anyone on it. (Verona)
B.B.M. I think it's far more likely because of the cell phone pings that this is Michelle, rather than Hassani Campbell or Michaela Garecht. NewsPosted: 7:55 am PDT September 18, 2011Updated: 2:24 pm PDT September 18, 2011
SUNOL, Calif. -- A body was found Saturday in near a nature path in Alameda County during a search by family members and volunteers for missing nursing student Michelle Le, police said.Early Saturday afternoon, a volunteer discovered the body just off a dirt path nearby I-680, less than three miles from downtown Pleasanton. The area is popular for jogging and biking.The body, which was removed from the area Saturday night, was so badly decomposed that investigators were not immediately able to determine if the remains were those of a male or female.According to JD Nelson of the Alameda Co. Sheriff's Department, the county coroner has predicted that the body's gender would be predicted by the end of Monday.The coroner also said that it would take a few weeks to determine cause of death.On Sunday, police investigators were back in the area where the body was found, looking for any items left behind that may have been connected to the body like jewelry, and clothing, as well as possible murder weapons. more at link:
B.B.M. I think it's far more likely because of the cell phone pings that this is Michelle, rather than Hassani Campbell or Michaela Garecht.

Yes the cell phone pings make me think it's more likely her, too. Also, the size of Hasanni Campbell or Michaela Garecht would be much smaller than Michelle, I would think. Even though it's a decomposed body, maybe just bones, it seems like they could tell between a child and an adult, albeit a petite adult (which I'm assuming Michelle was).

I hate saying this! It's all just too sad.....
Yes the cell phone pings make me think it's more likely her, too. Also, the size of Hasanni Campbell or Michaela Garecht would be much smaller than Michelle, I would think. Even though it's a decomposed body, maybe just bones, it seems like they could tell between a child and an adult, albeit a petite adult (which I'm assuming Michelle was).

I hate saying this! It's all just too sad.....

In addition, Hasanni was only five years old so there would be a huge discrepancy between his skeletal remains and that of a 26 y/o female.
These are some pics from the scene Last night, Icould not upload these last night.


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From the ABC 7 helicopter shots, the red arrow was where she was found.
Said to be the scene were the remains where found.


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The train went by it every night but I bet they were not looking.
And it is NOT a place people would go jogging by. All the weeds look trampled
down from all the vehicles that were back there.
How close the train was to it.


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