CA - Natalie Wood, 43, drowned off California coast, 29 Nov 1981

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Wait I thought CW was passed out in his state room remember? This is what I mean.

If RW was having a huge fight with his wife on deck about cheating on her with CW then don't you think Walken would want to go to stay in the hotel?

I agree. That's why I said, if you put down everything Daverne says and look at ALL of it, it doesn't make any sense.

He hasn't even accused RW of killing her outright but is throwing around the same disjointed crap he has for years.

Also I'd like to hear the timeline people think occurred between the time RW noticed her missing and the time he contacted the Harbor Patrol. His actions show that he thought she went in the dingy to the shore.

I don't see it like that I think he is telling the truth , but I believe there is a crucial piece missing that only Daverne knows about that has not come out yet.
That's what I don't think. I think he's making stuff up because his story keeps adding to it and adding to it.

HE's resentful of RW because he basically cut him off. So he comes out with the book. Now you can look at Christopher Ciccone doing the same thing to Madonna after she cut him off because of his drug and alcohol issues, and you could say that just because it's revenge doesn't mean that it isn't true.

Except in this case the guys story is more and more and he's going to the press and publishing books. When he went to the police they blew him off and didn't reopen the case, now they have reopened the case and RW is still not a suspect.

It was a drunk accident. If more comes out of this I will be hugely surprised.
Except in this case the guys story is more and more and he's going to the press and publishing books. When he went to the police they blew him off and didn't reopen the case, now they have reopened the case and RW is still not a suspect.

He isn't a suspect yet. There is another credible witness.
That's what I don't think. I think he's making stuff up because his story keeps adding to it and adding to it.

HE's resentful of RW because he basically cut him off. So he comes out with the book. Now you can look at Christopher Ciccone doing the same thing to Madonna after she cut him off because of his drug and alcohol issues, and you could say that just because it's revenge doesn't mean that it isn't true.

Except in this case the guys story is more and more and he's going to the press and publishing books. When he went to the police they blew him off and didn't reopen the case, now they have reopened the case and RW is still not a suspect.

It was a drunk accident. If more comes out of this I will be hugely surprised.


The police are under no obligation to show their entire hand to the public.

The police can say that RW is not a suspect.

Doesn't mean it's true.
I am guessing... but since Natalie seemed to put a lot of trust in the captain she most likely shared things with him she might not have told anyone else. If the captain was aware of RW's jealousy of Warren Beatty, the gun incident, etc...I could certainly understand if he had a fear of what RW might do should he cross him and not go along with the story RW wanted them all to agree on.
From the TMZ article RW seemed to be bribing the captain with jobs, and a place to stay hoping to keep him quiet and on his side after Natalie's death.
Like I said, if more comes of this I will be very surprised. But enjoy the gossip while it lasts. I just feel that if it's not true it's horribly cruel to her children. I don't care about him so much but her children deserve more respect.
Like I said, if more comes of this I will be very surprised. But enjoy the gossip while it lasts. I just feel that if it's not true it's horribly cruel to her children. I don't care about him so much but her children deserve more respect.

Speaking for myself: I'm not "enjoying the gossip". I'm not getting any lurid thrill from this. I don't necessarily want anyone to be convicted of murder--I'd just like to know what really happened that night, and see justice done for Natalie, if that is what is called for. That's all.

The police are under no obligation to show their entire hand to the public.

The police can say that RW is not a suspect.

Doesn't mean it's true.

You are right.

Of course they aren't going to say he is a suspect at this time even if they have their suspicions. That would only come after they have completed their investigation.

FWIW the blood alcohol was 0.14. That is not alarmingly high, but it is high enough. The other two things in her system were an anti-nausea medication - which would have the side effect of drowsiness - and Darvan, a pain reliever that also would have the side effect of drowsiness. Both medications carry the warning not to combine them with alcohol due to the potentiating effect.

Thank you, I should've read further before posting.

The declarations were interesting. I'd never heard that Noguchi was fired because of his handling of the Wood case (this was in Rulli's declaration and, I think, Davern's, but I also found other mentions of it on Google). Has anyone read Coroner or can otherwise shed more light on this? This seems to be another area laden with rumor.
I have seen Natalie Wood in movies. I could not hear any accent despite her being from Russia. Her death is rather suspicious and should be investigated.
I have seen Natalie Wood in movies. I could not hear any accent despite her being from Russia. Her death is rather suspicious and should be investigated.

Natalie was born in California. Her parents were from Russia. She never lived there.
bolded by me.

Yes, if you look at page 12 of the document that asks for the case to be reopened (link below, originally posted by Penelope) you will see this comment by Wagner.

His wife has just been found dead, and he says they "thought she was probably off on another boat screwing around because that is the kind of woman she is". WTH? The woman who was the love of his life? She's found dead and he still displays this kind of anger? It really doesn't jive with what he cried when the group boarded the Splendour to give him the news: "she's gone, she's gone Oh God, she's gone. Why ?" in what I think was fake anguish . Talk about inflated egos.....he seems sociopathic to me.

OMG I never knew he said that,he is a sociopath!How cruel and demeaning to even utter those words after being told the love of his life was found drowned.He should have been a wreck after not even putting a light on and looking for her.Waiting hours to let anyone know she left the boat and was missing.Sounds more like a man who either hates woman or just hated her. I was convinced of his guilt as soon as I heard the news of her death. I was 22 and not jaded back then.To bad she ever remarried him. I really am starting to believe my mom's theory maybe Natalie did catch the 2 men together.Why did Natalie leave the 2 men on the boat and spend the night in a hotel?Kinda weird if RW was jealous of Walken's attention towards his wife,you would think Walken would have left and not stayed another night on their boat.Where was Walken's wife on a holiday weekend?Why wasn't she invited?Hollywood is the cover up capital especially back then IMO.
It is the confluence of all the affidavits about that night that beg the issue of RW complicity. So, everyone but RW is lying now? The uninvolved witness and her boatmate that heard the screams and man responding, the man who found her, the forensic profiler and the Captain are all lying? I think there is enough info in these statements to warrant an investigation and put some hard questions to Mr. Wagner. The boat Captain is willing to speak with LE despite what some say are culpability issues. I am sure the innocent Mr Wagner will run right on in and answer all LE's questions. Oh yeah, that's right...he lawyered up. We may get another PR release though.

Walken has also lawyered up.
OMG I never knew he said that,he is a sociopath!How cruel and demeaning to even utter those words after being told the love of his life was found drowned.He should have been a wreck after not even putting a light on and looking for her.Waiting hours to let anyone know she left the boat and was missing.Sounds more like a man who either hates woman or just hated her. I was convinced of his guilt as soon as I heard the news of her death. I was 22 and not jaded back then.To bad she ever remarried him. I really am starting to believe my mom's theory maybe Natalie did catch the 2 men together.Why did Natalie leave the 2 men on the boat and spend the night in a hotel?Kinda weird if RW was jealous of Walken's attention towards his wife,you would think Walken would have left and not stayed another night on their boat.Where was Walken's wife on a holiday weekend?Why wasn't she invited?Hollywood is the cover up capital especially back then IMO.

Yes agree ,all seems a bit strange to me just the three of them wonder what the arrangements really were for that holiday. Was it arranged for them all to be there in the first place or did the situation alter and she went along as an afterthought, although they said it was arranged. Like you said where was his wife on a holiday weekend. Daverne took Natalie back to the island not far from the boat why did he not go back and spend the night with the two men. Most of what is being said mentions her interest in Walken but that could be just a cover. Daverne is the only one who really knows what went on, but will he divulge all.
I also wonder why Richard Gregson never tried to get custody of his and Natalie's daughter.
I also wonder why Richard Gregson never tried to get custody of his and Natalie's daughter.

I've always heard that it was so the two half sisters (Natalie Wood had two daughters, one with Gregson, one with Wagner) wouldn't have to be separated and go through any more trauma after their mother died. She visited/spent time with her father often but her primary home was with Wagner.

Seems like it to me as well. I guess that's why my hackles are up. Knowing people who have lost their parents at a young age and knowing how devastating it was to them, the idea that people are gathering around for unfounded salacious gossip not paying any attention to the actual facts in the case, is unnerving.

I've actually seen people say that RW is a sociopath because he did not dedicate his book to NW but instead dedicated it to the women in his life, his wife and his daughters and mother.

It's as if people expect him to have been frozen in grief and never to move on. Meanwhile NW is sugarcoated through this whole thing, even though she repeatedly cheated on RW and obviously had issues with drinking and drug use.

Just weird.
Seems like it to me as well. I guess that's why my hackles are up. Knowing people who have lost their parents at a young age and knowing how devastating it was to them, the idea that people are gathering around for unfounded salacious gossip not paying any attention to the actual facts in the case, is unnerving.

I've actually seen people say that RW is a sociopath because he did not dedicate his book to NW but instead dedicated it to the women in his life, his wife and his daughters and mother.

It's as if people expect him to have been frozen in grief and never to move on. Meanwhile NW is sugarcoated through this whole thing, even though she repeatedly cheated on RW and obviously had issues with drinking and drug use.

Don't be too happy if there is negativity by some who think this case won't come to justice. There is still plenty of time for other information to come out . I think most people having just lost the love of their life would be in total shock, mourning, or at least have the decency to act with respect not out with someone else less than two months afterwards. No one said she was perfect, it is not her they are investigating they are looking for answers as to why she was so cruelly left in the water bruised and her cries ignored . Also there seem to be questions that need answering as to why it was hushed up in the first place. I don't know if he is a sociopath but he certainly does not come across as being a nice guy.
I haven't read the entire thread so I apologize if I'm not up to speed.

So the only witness is a drunk captain who lied 30 years ago?

IMO it will be next to impossible to convict on that.

Also, couldn't he be facing criminal charges himself if he covered up for RW?

This is looking a lot like the captain is trying to cash in on this story to me.

Why after 30 years almost to the date?

This is fishy to me.

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