CA - Natalie Wood, 43, drowned off California coast, 29 Nov 1981

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Watching 48 Hours was the first I’d heard Dennis Davern finally tell his story—not good for Wagner. Also how RJ insisted they all have the same story at that time. Then yeah, the witness (or was it a couple) who saw & heard them fighting outside on the back of the boat, claimed to have recognized theirs voices—WHY did they not speak up back then?! I’ve always wondered what Walken would have to say, like Davern, but now Investigators say he spoke with them in confidence?
48 hrs. Was kind of a disappointment. Really no new information other than what is already out there. With the exception of a new witness who actually saw the fight, which I never heard of and frankly makes no sense. Where was this witness 36 years ago?

Agree - nothing really new - DD has really stuck to his story about what happened that night.
I guess we'll never know.
Watching 48 Hours was the first I’d heard Dennis Davern finally tell his story—not good for Wagner. Also how RJ insisted they all have the same story at that time. Then yeah, the witness (or was it a couple) who saw & heard them fighting outside on the back of the boat, claimed to have recognized theirs voices—WHY did they not speak up back then?!

DD wrote a book about her death years ago.
vmmking, i honestly have no idea what to believe about neighboring boats and who heard what. i guess on tonight's show there's supposed to be new witnesses thrown into the mix too.
vmmking, i honestly have no idea what to believe about neighboring boats and who heard what. i guess on tonight's show there's supposed to be new witnesses thrown into the mix too.

Lt Corina said there were 4 new witnesses.

First one was aformer neighbor of RW and NW. They said many years ago NW ran out of her house in a nightgown because RW was beating her. Ran next door for help. They took her in and helped her but she didn't want to call police. Didn't want the publicity. She later went back home. Not sure I correctly heard the time period but it sounded like it was during their first marriage. Guy who reported it recently was 12 yrs old at the time and remembered it well. LE said the story checked out that they were neighbors.

Another new witness was someone on a nearby boat who saw RW and NW fighting in the salon or stateroom on Friday night, (NW disappeared on Saturday night). It was a pretty detailed description of her going after him, then him hitting her back and her down on the floor on one knee, etc. So they had been physically fighting all weekend.

The other 2 new witnesses were the ones who saw and heard them fighting on the back deck of the boat Saturday night. Fighting then silence and RW went inside. LE thought they were reliable witnesses.
More like 3 months. He was seen out with JSJ Valentine's Day 1982.

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Wow. Wife dies Thanksgiving - new date for Valentines.
After watching 48 hrs I think this marriage was ( very)over

Just me but the few clips of past RJ (his book promotion ) interview
he kept MOVING Natalie to - leaving in the dingy-
and his repeated disappointment he could not - be there for her-
Yeah sure..he had the caption go identify her body.
He just wanted it to be over IMO.
She didn’t even know how to start the dingy & had no prob getting the captain to drive her to shore night before...not buying it.
Just me but the few clips of past RJ (his book promotion ) interview
he kept MOVING Natalie to - leaving in the dingy-
and his repeated disappointment he could not - be there for her-
Yeah sure..he had the caption go identify her body.
He just wanted it to be over IMO.
She didn’t even know how to start the dingy & had no prob getting the captain to drive her to shore night before...not buying it.

agree totally

they were paying someone to man the boat and do all the dirty work.

why in the hell would a prima donna movie star......drunk.....scared of the dark.... be out thrashing around in her nightgown tying up the dingy........
not remotely believable.
Wow. Wife dies Thanksgiving - new date for Valentines.
After watching 48 hrs I think this marriage was ( very)over

I don't know how this didn't hurt the kids. When the man from a couple who had been like a big brother and big sister to me as a kid died and the woman immediately moved on to a new man in 2 months and then married him within 6 months, I just couldn't bear to continue my close relationship with her. I was 24 at the time, but was still a kid in my heart over his loss, and it felt like a betrayal to him at the time. She had gone from professing that her husband had been her true love and that she was destroyed, to replacing him so quickly that it made me feel like everything I thought I knew was a lie. I felt like a hurt and lost child in some ways, even at that age. I would think that the kids would have had similar feelings.

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I was wondering the same thing. Also where & what was Walken doing the night before when she was all in a bad mood..went to shore with the captain & got two rooms, wanted to divorce,wanted to go home...had a change of heart next day ( day of her death). Did Walken visit with RJ that night? The boat was not that big. I mean?
Sorry in advance if I have the scenario wrong.
I have always had the amateur opinion and speculation that Walken knows exactly what happened that night, but has kept quiet to avoid personal embarrassment, and to avoid any legal entanglements. I don’t think he can prove what he knows, and I don’t believe the courts could beyond a reasonable doubt.

The widower is an old man who will be facing his maker. Whatever atonement is necessary, if necessary, will have to transpire in the afterlife.

She was so beautiful, and by all accounts was an incredible mother. Gone too soon.

All amateur opinion and speculation.
One more thing from 48 hrs.
DD said the argument the first night was about RJ moving the boat to the other side of the island. Natalie argued it was too dangerous to move the boat at night in those waters.Well then why RJ , would you assume she took the dingy by herself to shore at night in those waters? ESP when she did not start it,drive it or go alone the night before.
One more thing from 48 hrs.
DD said the argument the first night was about RJ moving the boat to the other side of the island. Natalie argued it was too dangerous to move the boat at night in those waters.Well then why RJ , would you assume she took the dingy by herself to shore at night in those waters? ESP when she did not start it,drive it or go alone the night before.

People do stupid things when they are angry and drunk.
I don’t think any of them were sober enough to recall details with empirical accuracy. This is why I don’t think the case could ever go to trial.

Amateur opinion and speculation.
I saw a very interesting and quite believable explanation on a 'Hollywood' website. I know it is not MSM but hope I can reference it lightly here. If not I apologize and please delete. But it's the most plausible explanation for the most part, IMO, that I've read.
I used to Love watching Natalie Wood and in turn Robert Wagner, but after Natalie’s death I soured on him, because everyone kind of knew he did it, but then LE didn’t do anything about it..(Yes, I get that they likely had no evidence to convict, etc.., but I was so young I didn’t know all of that..*shrugs*

I’ve always thought it pretty clear that R.W. killed her..(he was a big philanderer), and he was super jelly of Christopher W’s acting with Natalie in their recent movie (scanners or something)..and then C.W.’s trying to get Natalie Wood to Step up & Shine (& not worry about her dang controlling her career husband)...

Now was there a thing between the two? Christopher Watkins & Natalie Wood...Umm..*shrugs* I dunno (He’s a cool actor and all that, but C.W’s is a royal Nutter!..*laughs*.. and has only gotten further out there over the years...seriously, have you ever watched a candid interview with him??.*laughs*...there’s an obvious reason that the studios don’t really send him to do movie promos!..*laughs hard*..) I could see C.W. looking at N.W. possibly in an attracted way..maybe..(it’s logical, but gut feels like it is a stretch, I’m still not convince CW is straight), even innocently as a big brother encouraging a wounded, fragile bird...and I think that Natalie Wood likely responded to his kindness and encouragement...maybe not sexually, but in more of a growing confidence level, and to Natalie stretching her wings as an individual and person kind of way, and in my mind...

Also, with C.W. Remember that he was an new Star rising ...and that R.W. was long time Hollywood, with Powerful pull at the studios...the metoo movement is a snowflake in a snow storm in comparison to the pull stars had back then, AND, also remember it was only recently within the last, what 10yrs that local CA law enforcement went thru a change in policy where they stopped giving ‘stars’ total preferential treatment, kid gloves & white glove service for fear of the hollywood studios money, power, and political influence..Hollywood of that day has carte blanche...

So, my thoughts are that When R.W. & C.W. were on the boat, and R.W. (drunk that he was), started to get all belligerent towards both C.W. & Natalie, and R.W. Started tossing around accusations and likely awful words about C.W.& Natalie sexually & an affair....again not convinced that it wasn’t C.W. & R.W. that somehow had a drunken moment..& would also help to explain CW’s silence...I think C.W. may be bi I dunno I just have a little difficulty believing him straight when we never hear about him w/women or maybe I’m not listening or hearing/seeing in the media *shrugs*)

...I think Natalie Wood for the 1st time in a ages...stood up for herself w/her Bullying..and if that were the case then...yeah, I think R&W...did it..
...enough mental rambling...

***Note:The above is only my own opinions, thoughts, theories, views, and possible BIG Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated by a website URL and/or reference to a direct origin source..Thanks!
The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
I saw a very interesting and quite believable explanation on a 'Hollywood' website. I know it is not MSM but hope I can reference it lightly here. If not I apologize and please delete. But it's the most plausible explanation for the most part, IMO, that I've read.

link? lol
I used to Love watching Natalie Wood and in turn Robert Wagner, but after Natalie’s death I soured on him, because everyone kind of knew he did it, but then LE didn’t do anything about it..(Yes, I get that they likely had no evidence to convict, etc.., but I was so young I didn’t know all of that..*shrugs*

I’ve always thought it pretty clear that R.W. killed her..(he was a big philanderer), and he was super jelly of Christopher W’s acting with Natalie in their recent movie (scanners or something)..and then C.W.’s trying to get Natalie Wood to Step up & Shine (& not worry about her dang controlling her career husband)...

Now was there a thing between the two? Christopher Watkins & Natalie Wood...Umm..*shrugs* I dunno (He’s a cool actor and all that, but C.W’s is a royal Nutter!..*laughs*.. and has only gotten further out there over the years...seriously, have you ever watched a candid interview with him??.*laughs*...there’s an obvious reason that the studios don’t really send him to do movie promos!..*laughs hard*..) I could see C.W. looking at N.W. possibly in an attracted way..maybe..(it’s logical, but gut feels like it is a stretch, I’m still not convince CW is straight), even innocently as a big brother encouraging a wounded, fragile bird...and I think that Natalie Wood likely responded to his kindness and encouragement...maybe not sexually, but in more of a growing confidence level, and to Natalie stretching her wings as an individual and person kind of way, and in my mind...

Also, with C.W. Remember that he was an new Star rising ...and that R.W. was long time Hollywood, with Powerful pull at the studios...the metoo movement is a snowflake in a snow storm in comparison to the pull stars had back then, AND, also remember it was only recently within the last, what 10yrs that local CA law enforcement went thru a change in policy where they stopped giving ‘stars’ total preferential treatment, kid gloves & white glove service for fear of the hollywood studios money, power, and political influence..Hollywood of that day has carte blanche...

So, my thoughts are that When R.W. & C.W. were on the boat, and R.W. (drunk that he was), started to get all belligerent towards both C.W. & Natalie, and R.W. Started tossing around accusations and likely awful words about C.W.& Natalie sexually & an affair....again not convinced that it wasn’t C.W. & R.W. that somehow had a drunken moment..& would also help to explain CW’s silence...I think C.W. may be bi I dunno I just have a little difficulty believing him straight when we never hear about him w/women or maybe I’m not listening or hearing/seeing in the media *shrugs*)

...I think Natalie Wood for the 1st time in a ages...stood up for herself w/her Bullying..and if that were the case then...yeah, I think R&W...did it..
...enough mental rambling...

***Note:The above is only my own opinions, thoughts, theories, views, and possible BIG Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated by a website URL and/or reference to a direct origin source..Thanks!
The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!

We never hear about Walken with women because he's been married to the same woman since 1969. Basically, I think he's a good guy, and because they are home-bodies and their personal lives are without drama, there isn't much for the paparazzi to chase.

What a world, where being a person who loves to act, but who lives a quiet, decent, monogamous life makes them somehow suspicious.

I don't see him as a nutter in his interviews at all. In fact, it's clear that he just doesn't like small-talk and is not comfortable with self-promotion. I feel the same way. I watched 2 clips here, and that's what I got from them.

While Wagner may have been around Hollywood a bit longer, CW had been acting and dancing since he was a child. He began in theater (some amazing pictures are out there of young Walken in costume). By the 70s he was in movies. By 1981 he had two Oscars under his belt while Wagner was a mere TV star.

And let's not forget what young Walken actually looked like in the 70s and 80s. Wagner probably saw him as a credible threat. He was handsome, incredibly talented in dance and acting, award-winning, and made Natalie laugh.

A smart man knows to watch out for the man who makes his woman smile and laugh. But I think Lana hit on the truth - that Natalie essentially had a crush on Walken, an affair in her mind, because in reality, I think he stood by his wife.

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One more thing from 48 hrs.
DD said the argument the first night was about RJ moving the boat to the other side of the island. Natalie argued it was too dangerous to move the boat at night in those waters.Well then why RJ , would you assume she took the dingy by herself to shore at night in those waters? ESP when she did not start it,drive it or go alone the night before.

Good point. JMO, RJ knew she didn't take the dinghy out on Saturday night. It was just a ruse, his cover story.

Lt Corine believes RJ actually untied the dinghy and let it drift away while the others were searching the other areas of the boat for NW. Witnesses saw and heard them arguing on the back of the boat that night. They didn't see NW untie the dinghy and get into it. The arguing just stopped and RW went back inside.

I also agree about CW and his career. He's always been an East Coast actor, began in theater. He's never been the Hollywood type, he's more serious about his acting, not publicity seeking. It's just a different subculture of the acting world, I suppose. And yes, he was very handsome and appealing back in the late 70's and 80's. I've always been a fan of his from the early days.

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