CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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sandraladeda said:
I am all for Fred Goldman going after OJ every chance he gets. I'll never get over the injustice of OJ's acquittal.....:mad:

OJ should never enjoy any financial prosperity, and that is pretty much the only thing Goldman can do to Simpson now, as justice was never served by that p*ss-poor excuse for a jury....:banghead:

I wonder what those foolish jurors think now, after OJ has attempted to cash in on "blood money" with his "If I did it" book? I can only hope those jurors have deep regrets....:slap:
Of course they do, and if they don't, Karma will remind them.;)
tybee204 said:
My heart breaks for the Goldmans. This has been their life since the horrible crime occured. My wish for them is that at some point they are able to find some sort of peace and find some happiness.

I agree Tybee. I will never forget Kim's reaction when the verdict was read. What a horrible tragedy for the Goldman's and the Brown's.
Oh yeah, he just oozes class, doesn't he?

What's up with this unwilling accomplice? I wonder if that part's true.
He wouldn't want to have in print the real details of the actual killing of Nicole for his kids to read. Hm, so he DOES KNOW THEM.
hipmamajen said:
Oh yeah, he just oozes class, doesn't he?

What's up with this unwilling accomplice? I wonder if that part's true.

Maybe Charlie is actually the voice of Simpson's conscience....assuming he has one.
So sad for his children!

At least he admitted Goldman tried to defend Nicole and himself. Can you imagine the courage it must have taken to stand up to a huge, enraged ex-pro-football player who was armed with a knife?

hipmamajen said:
Oh yeah, he just oozes class, doesn't he?

What's up with this unwilling accomplice? I wonder if that part's true.

I always thought that Simpson's best friend from high school, sorry can't remember the guys name, was Simpson's accomplish. I just don't think he was smart enough to think of all of the details. Between the two of them they may have been able to put enough brain cells together to pull it off. But not all on their own they had help,with juries and lawyers.......:banghead:
Maybe the guy who was with him in the bronco chase (rowlings) helped him?
Was his name Al Cowling or something close to that? (The friend)

Of interest to me in the book account: He says that after the murder when he went to his car he took off all of his clothes except his socks. In actuality, there was a witness, a woman, who came out early and stated in an interview with one of the tabloids that she was driving that night near Nichole's home and O.J. in the white Bronco came out of a side street going very fast and almost ran into her car.

I wonder if she ever stated what he was wearing at the time. I remember she was adamant that she had no doubts at all that it was O.J., said she looked right at him.

She was never called as a witness in the trial because she had accepted money from the tabloid for her story.

Also, didn't Kato Kaelin testify that he saw a man in a dark colored warm-up suit enter the front door of O.J.'s house shortly after he heard the big "thump" on the back wall of his room? (The thump was from when O.J. ran into the protruding air conditioning unit that stuck out into the narrow walkway behind the cottage where Kato's room was located) That would not fit with O.J. being, presumably, in his skivvies when he got back home after the murder.
bing1 said:
I always thought that Simpson's best friend from high school, sorry can't remember the guys name, was Simpson's accomplish. I just don't think he was smart enough to think of all of the details. Between the two of them they may have been able to put enough brain cells together to pull it off. But not all on their own they had help,with juries and lawyers.......:banghead:
Al Cowling would be the friend and accomplice. I always believe he knew what happened but was to afraid of OJ to speak up.
I think Newsweek is being hypocritical by stating they were against the book's printing but yet is publishing part of it.
So, if I read it right, Ron was there on the porch talking to Nicole and giving her the eyeglasses when Simpson came in through the back gate. He then accuses Goldman of coming there for a sexual rendezvous with Nicole, which he denies. Ron challenging OJ in front of Nicole probably threatened his manhood so much that he pulled the knife on him and attacked him first. Nicole probably instinctly tried to help Ron and OJ probably knocked her down busting her head and knocking her out. He of course then had to finish off Nicole because she would have been a witness to the entire thing. What a sick, sick individual. It's a darn shame that he was allowed to walk free.
I think Al Cowlings is a good guess on the accomplice. I also have often wondered if his older son (Jason?) could have been his accomplice.
HeartofTexas said:
I think Al Cowlings is a good guess on the accomplice. I also have often wondered if his older son (Jason?) could have been his accomplice.
I have read of that possibility also that he was(is still?) a chef and carried his knives with him...... :eek:
You know what....we can say the same thing of OJ that we can say of Barry Bonds. When it is all said and done, OJ has to curl up with OJ each night (as does Barry Bonds). That's the greatest punishment of all. They are both miserable human beings.

I think this is tearing OJ up inside and I think that somewhere within that heartless soul, he wants to tell the truth. I think it was an act of rage and not a pre-meditated act. I think Ron being there turned this from a domestic battery situation to a double murder. However, I am still not convinced that Ron didn't stumble onto OJ finishing off Nicole or vice versa.

He did it and he has to live with that. Somewhere deep down, he has feelings for her and I think it will eventually eat him alive. That and being a hose bag doesn't feel very good.

I happen to be a Simpson Trial junkie. I believe that what Simpson says in the book is pretty much what happened that night. In his Civil Trial deposition, Simpson said that he talked to Nicole on the phone around 9pm that night. She probably said one last thing he didn't like.

It is known that Simpson had a morbid curiosity about who she was with, so he went over to Nicole's place. He saw Ron Goldman show up and some kind of confrontation resulted. Simpson took the knife he was carrying and killed them both in a fit of rage.

He didn't have an accomplice at the scene, but he probably called someone to come to his house and clean up. Simpson had several sycophants for such a task.
HeartofTexas said:
I think Al Cowlings is a good guess on the accomplice. I also have often wondered if his older son (Jason?) could have been his accomplice.
Right after the murders, Jason Simpson had an criminal defense attorney in LA hired for him by his father. The attorney's name was never publically disclosed to my knowledge, but the source I found out about the attorney is, A Problem of Evidence, by Joseph Brosco.

Personally, I never thought Jason was involved. I also don't think Cowlings was involved until after the fact. I think that Faye Resnick's boyfriend Christian Reichert (sp) is a better accomplice. Dan Petrocelli called him the "Ice Man." The good Dr. Reichert knew a lot about what was going on between OJ and Nicole and Faye and Nicole.

JMO, as always.

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