CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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izzyB said:
yes, that is why mark furman went behind the building and found the glove. in the first place. but of course all of that was destroyed during the trial when the focus became the "N" word and that furman intended to "frame" OJ all along.

i too got the impression that kato feared OJ then, not now obviously. but it was clear he did not want to be the one to take OJ down, although he certainly could have.

And SHAME ON HIM for not doing so. Although I don't believe it would had any impact on that biased jury, he should have spoke up loud and clear for his friend, Nicole.


All of the above is ONLY my opinion and I AM entitled to have one!
Only4Justice said:
And SHAME ON HIM for not doing so. Although I don't believe it would had any impact on that biased jury, he should have spoke up loud and clear for his friend, Nicole.

AMEN!!! :clap:
izzyB said:
yes, that is why mark furman went behind the building and found the glove. in the first place. but of course all of that was destroyed during the trial when the focus became the "N" word and that furman intended to "frame" OJ all along.

i too got the impression that kato feared OJ then, not now obviously. but it was clear he did not want to be the one to take OJ down, although he certainly could have.
He certainly rehabilitated himself in the Martha Moxley case resulting in Michael Skakel being convcited of her murder. Never could understand why an utterance of the N word negated his testimony.
BarnGoddess said:
He certainly rehabilitated himself in the Martha Moxley case resulting in Michael Skakel being convcited of her murder. Never could understand why an utterance of the N word negated his testimony.
Because he lied on the stand. He was asked if he ever used the word, and he said no. The defense had tapes of him using it... so it was actually his lying that negated his testimony.
izzyB said:
if i recall marcia clark became so frustrated questioning kato during the trial that she asked judge ito to have him declared a hostile witness. kato was so non-commital on the stand, other than describing the thump on the back wall that was so loud he thought there had been an earthquake.

you're absolutely right, izzyB....if i were to ever meet this freak, i think i'd almost HAVE to slap him..what a loser :loser:
izzyB said:
yes, that is why mark furman went behind the building and found the glove. in the first place. but of course all of that was destroyed during the trial when the focus became the "N" word and that furman intended to "frame" OJ all along.

i too got the impression that kato feared OJ then, not now obviously. but it was clear he did not want to be the one to take OJ down, although he certainly could have.

yep, he was afraid of OJ, imo....ugh

INDIANAPOLIS - Ronald Goldman's father sued O.J. Simpson on Tuesday, seeking any money the former NFL star received for a canceled book deal and TV interview that told a hypothetical tale of how he would have killed his ex-wife and Goldman.

The federal lawsuit filed in California by Fred Goldman's Indianapolis-based attorney accuses Simpson of "fraudulent conveyance" and alleges that he created a shell corporation that received at least $1.1 million as part of the TV interview and book, titled "If I Did It.

Attorney Jonathan Polak said Lorraine Brooke Associates was created in March using the middle name of Simpson's two children. The lawsuit calls it a "sham entity" formed to defraud Ron Goldman's relatives by preventing them from claiming any of more than $38 million Simpson owes the family from a judgment against him in a wrongful death lawsuit.

I can't stand OJ, I can't wait for the day that he gets what's coming to him. How he was found not guilty in the criminal trial is beyond me.
I love how Fred Goldman stays on OJ's *advertiser censored**!!!!! :woohoo:
I wish that Fred Goldman would have these corporations sued that are transferring $$$$'s to this MURDERER. EVERYBODY in this country & throughout the world knows that this guy is trying to hide assets to avoid the judgement.

Money laundering is what is going on & they should be held accountable. These corporations are KNOWINGLY COMPLICIT in MONEY LAUNDERING.
GO FRED!!!!!! Stay on his butt!!!!!
englishleigh said:
I love how Fred Goldman stays on OJ's *advertiser censored**!!!!! :woohoo:

Me too.. :dance:
My heart breaks for the Goldmans. This has been their life since the horrible crime occured. My wish for them is that at some point they are able to find some sort of peace and find some happiness.
I admire Fred and Kim for being a continual thorn in O.J.'s side. You know that it has to burn the hell out of O.J. He thinks that he is fantastic and is used to being in control of everyone and everything. He may mock the Goldmans, but I know that he is really seething underneath his sneers. ;)
tybee204 said:
My heart breaks for the Goldmans. This has been their life since the horrible crime occured. My wish for them is that at some point they are able to find some sort of peace and find some happiness.
I know, but I think OJ's arrogance and the fact that he got away with such a heinous crime and the big jerk he has been since them will keep them from finding peace. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child and then to have OJ taunting you, it is sickening. I can only hope that Oj passes awat before them b/c then they may get their peace.
O.J. disgusts and sickens me. :sick:

I shudder to think what is behavior is like with his children. If only for the sake of appearances, for his children's sake, he should pay something toward the civil settlement due to the Browns and Goldmans. He is showing his children he is flaunting the judicial system twice. Disgusting.
2sisters said:
I know, but I think OJ's arrogance and the fact that he got away with such a heinous crime and the big jerk he has been since them will keep them from finding peace. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child and then to have OJ taunting you, it is sickening. I can only hope that Oj passes awat before them b/c then they may get their peace.
how very well stated- I agree with every word you typed 100 %
I am all for Fred Goldman going after OJ every chance he gets. I'll never get over the injustice of OJ's acquittal.....:mad:

OJ should never enjoy any financial prosperity, and that is pretty much the only thing Goldman can do to Simpson now, as justice was never served by that p*ss-poor excuse for a jury....:banghead:

I wonder what those foolish jurors think now, after OJ has attempted to cash in on "blood money" with his "If I did it" book? I can only hope those jurors have deep regrets....:slap:
I just watched Nancy G tonight. It was all about OJ, and it was very good.
When it repeats, try to watch it.

Actually, Nancy owes her comeuppance to the OJ trial and Geraldo. She was still a prosecutor then.

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