CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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William N said:
I happen to be a Simpson Trial junkie. I believe that what Simpson says in the book is pretty much what happened that night. In his Civil Trial deposition, Simpson said that he talked to Nicole on the phone around 9pm that night. She probably said one last thing he didn't like.

It is known that Simpson had a morbid curiosity about who she was with, so he went over to Nicole's place. He saw Ron Goldman show up and some kind of confrontation resulted. Simpson took the knife he was carrying and killed them both in a fit of rage.

He didn't have an accomplice at the scene, but he probably called someone to come to his house and clean up. Simpson had several sycophants for such a task.
I too was a simpson trial junkie. I didn't miss one day of trial and I am waiting for the fall. I'm waiting for all the people who covered this up with him and helped him in any way to start coming out of the woodwork and turning on him.

Yes, I agree he lost it and ended up with a big mess to clean up. He may not have had help with the murders but I believe he never had to think for himself and as soon as he realized he needed help he called cowlings(sp) or someone else. I believe he had a team of helpers on his staff to clean up after him.

Interesting that you don't hear about cowlings anymore isn't it? Wonder if simpson is keeping him in the lifestyle that he became accustomed to? Simpson's money must be just about drying up otherwise why would he have written the book?

Does he have bad dreams about it? Do his thoughts wander back to that night? Does he regret what he did even just a little? He should write a book and answer some of the questions above. Give all the money to the victims families. Find a way to stand up and be a man, acknowledge what he did for his family's sake. :twocents:
I don't think OJ has ever lost a minute's sleep over any of this. He is a tried-and-true sociopath, and he doesn't even try to pretend he has a conscience. The only thing that might ultimately punish him is if women of all ages would quit throwing themselves at his feet... but that doesn't seem to be happening. As long as he can have continuous sex and continuous adulation from women, he's a happy camper. IMO, he is a disgusting excuse for a human being and what happened in the trial was a travesty of justice. And then, to add insult to injury, he was able to raise his two younger children.
AlwaysShocked said:
Was his name Al Cowling or something close to that? (The friend)

Also, didn't Kato Kaelin testify that he saw a man in a dark colored warm-up suit enter the front door of O.J.'s house shortly after he heard the big "thump" on the back wall of his room? (The thump was from when O.J. ran into the protruding air conditioning unit that stuck out into the narrow walkway behind the cottage where Kato's room was located) That would not fit with O.J. being, presumably, in his skivvies when he got back home after the murder.

the limo driver who was waiting for OJ (who was late) is the one who testified that he saw a figure in dark clothes walk in the front door.

OJ is "guilty, guilty guilty" to quote bob shapiro's wife shortly after the crime. it is my opinion he has zero remorse. at this point my only consolation is that everybody in the world knows he did these crimes, thus the uproar over his new book.
SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) — A judge ordered the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department on Friday to set a date to auction the rights to O.J. Simpson's book, "If I Did It."

The book, in which Simpson explains how he might have committed the killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, is the subject of a legal battle between the former NFL star and Goldman's family. Initially planned to be published by HarperCollins, a division of News Corp., the book and companion TV interview were never released amid public outrage.

Goldman's family has been trying to collect a $33.5-million civil judgment from Simpson in a decade-old wrongful death lawsuit. Earlier this month, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ordered the book rights to be auctioned off with proceeds from the auction and any subsequent book profits turned over to Goldman's family. Judge Gerald Rosenberg also ruled the rights of Lorraine Brooke Associates, a Florida-based company that struck the book deal with HarperCollins, be included in the auction.
Well, I don't have enough money to buy the rights, but I would like to read the chapter on how he "might" have committed the murders. (((Dripping sarcasm on the last four words in that sentence)))

How many times does he need to confess? I guess he heard confession is good for one's soul, but I wonder if he has a soul?

He can't shut up to save himself. He reminds me of the cat that ate the canary.

I can't stand his lawyer, Yale Whateverhisnameis. Every time I see that man, I want to throw something at the TV. Yeah, right, the company belongs to his four kids but Simpson paid some bills and bought a condo in the Bahamas with the advance.
O.J. Simpson must give any money a Florida lawyer is holding for him to the family of slaying victim Ronald Goldman to satisfy a multimillion-dollar wrongful death judgment, a judge has ruled.

Attorney Leonardo D. Starke is believed to be holding about $3,500 for Simpson in a client trust account in Florida, where the former football star now lives, Goldman attorney David Cook said Wednesday.

Goldman's family has also been pursuing money from Simpson's canceled book, "If I Did It."

The book, in which Simpson explains how he might have committed the killings, was never released because of public outrage.

A Los Angeles judge ordered the book rights to be auctioned off, with proceeds from the auction and any subsequent book profits turned over to Goldman's family. However, the auction was put off after the company that struck the book deal filed for bankruptcy last month in Florida.
it is considering what they are owed , but hey 3500 less for that creep to enjoy. Justice was not served in this case nor will it ever be until OJ has to answer to the lord.
O.J. is probably fuming because guys like him need to always win. O.J. scoffed that Goldman would never get a dime from him. So, I'm glad that this judge ruled in Goldman's favor.
O.J. is probably fuming because guys like him need to always win. O.J. scoffed that Goldman would never get a dime from him. So, I'm glad that this judge ruled in Goldman's favor.

Nan, you're right, sociopaths ALWAYS think they're right and that they should WIN. they want to win at all cost, too. (Murder)

I read that book, The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha ___, she's a Harvard psychologist and the book is very good.
I love it that they are getting under Oj's skin. Its so sad it has to be this way but unfortunately its the only thing they have to get justice for Ron and Nicole is to make his life as miserable as they can.
Finally, OJ may have to face the fact that he was found guilty in the Civil Suit.I know this sounds terrible but I hope he's suffering. :dance:
O.J. is probably fuming because guys like him need to always win. O.J. scoffed that Goldman would never get a dime from him. So, I'm glad that this judge ruled in Goldman's favor.

I remember him saying that! So :woohoo:
it is considering what they are owed , but hey 3500 less for that creep to enjoy. Justice was not served in this case nor will it ever be until OJ has to answer to the lord.

If he ever sees the Lord. I think OJ will be headed the other way.
No justice in this case so at least O.J has to pay financially for his crime. He should not make a dime out of anything to do with these peoples deaths.What a sad mess this all is.I feel so sad for the victims families.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - O.J. Simpson's hypothetical account of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson will be printed by a New York publisher, a spokesman for literary agent Sharlene Martin said on Monday.
if Martin struck a deal on the controversial book -- a previous print of it was scrapped last year -- on behalf of the family of Ron Goldman, who was murdered along with Brown Simpson at her Los Angeles home in 1994, according to a spokesman.
A federal judge last month gave the rights to the book, entitled "If I Did It," to Goldman's family, who are owed $33.5 million in damages by Simpson.

I plan to buy a copy and will encourage anyone I know to follow suit.
I don't get it? I thought the Goldman family didn't want this book published.... was it just because they didn't want OJ to profit from it and now that he won't get any $ they want it out there as his 'confession'?

I plan to buy a copy and will encourage anyone I know to follow suit.

Might as well send the money straight to the Goldman's, make sure the publisher doesn't get his cut. I'd rather do that than read a word of that garbage in that book.

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