CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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Injuries from the fall at the gas station sounds like a potential lucrative lawsuit.

LOL,maybe that's OJ's big plan. Since he can't make any money,because it will go to the Goldman/Brown's,he's hoping his girlfriend will win a big lawsuit and live off that.

He's such a dope.
This is kinda off topic-- but I lauged out loud when I noticed a thread like this was started by someone with the name 'Kato"...

( Kato-- I know you are not a Akita dog, I'm just teasing you !! )

Yeah, it's kinda weird seeing my nic. But it is my cat's name and I had her 5 yrs. before the O.J. circus so it's just a coincidence.
TMZ is saying that O.J. is not a suspect.

When it was first being reported that Nicole was murdered, way back when, I distinctly remember the very first reports saying that OJ was not a suspect. Of course *that* changed very quickly.
But as we all know..

Even if the gloves fit OJ perfectly,it had nothing to do with the gloves.

Once the racial card was put in place......

That makes no sense to me (the race card, not your post!)

Actual discrimination cases need to be heard on their merit and dealt with. Cases where race has nothing to do with it - people need to take ownership for their own actions and not be allowed to play that particular card. Maybe the joker card. ;-)
This is kinda off topic-- but I lauged out loud when I noticed a thread like this was started by someone with the name 'Kato"...

( Kato-- I know you are not a Akita dog, I'm just teasing you !! )

I forgot about the dog! Here I was thinking about Kato Kaelin.
Who says that O.J. doesn't have money. He has millions in his retirement. He has a nice home in Florida. He also got quite a tidy advance for his book. I would also wager that he has money hidden in offshore accounts. I believe that Goldman's lawyers think that he does.

This girl is a loser. She kind of resembles Nicole, except Nicole was more attractive. This girl is into alcohol and drugs. If her injuries were that severe, it wasn't from a fall. My opinion.
The animal gets 25 grand a month from his NFL pension. That's not alot of money? It sure is in my book.
Who says that O.J. doesn't have money. He has millions in his retirement. Plus, he has a nice home in Florida. This girl is a loser. She kind of resembles Nicole, except Nicole was more attractive.

This girl is into alcohol and drugs. If her injuries were that severe, it wasn't from a fall. My opinion.

I saw that she resembles Nicole as well, kind of eery and weird imo. OJ makes me sick and I would believe him about as much as I would believe Joran. So what, did this girl beat the hell out of herself? I don't buy the "she fell at the gas station" story for a minute.

Sadly, it may take OJ killing another female for him to finally get his due.
Isn't this the same chick that disappeared back when they first started feeling the love for each other?!
Isn't this the same chick that disappeared back when they first stated feeling the love for each other!

Yeah, she was gone for a while and let her cat starve to death while she was gone. What a cold-hearted *ITCH!
Yeah, she was gone for a while and let her cat starve to death while she was gone. What a cold-hearted *ITCH!

OMG that's horrible and irresponsible! Where did she go gone to?
Does anyone have pics of this girl's bruises from her "gas station" fall?
Maybe she bruises easy due to drug use, OJ, and falls at gas stations?
OMG that's horrible and irresponsible! Where did she go gone to?
Does anyone have pics of this girl's bruises from her "gas station" fall?
Maybe she bruises easy due to drug use, OJ, and falls at gas stations?

It happened about 3 or 4 yrs. ago. I forget where she went.
Why oh why isn't he dead yet? :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar I can't stand this guy.. :furious:
Hmmmm.....let's hope she doesn't end up brutally murdered.

I have to wonder what these women are thinking when they date men who are murderers or rapists. Surely, they don't think since they were found not guilty they are innocent at least not in this case. I would be scared to death to be in the same room with this man let alone date him.
Hmmmm.....let's hope she doesn't end up brutally murdered.

I have to wonder what these women are thinking when they date men who are murderers or rapists. Surely, they don't think since they were found not guilty they are innocent at least not in this case. I would be scared to death to be in the same room with this man let alone date him.

She's not going to hear anything but "I told you so" from everyone she knows. (Regardless of what words they are really speaking!)

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