CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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I am so darn mad hearing this news. I seen & heard it on NG.....

I hate seeing a woman get the living crap beat out of her. Then a double murderer stating she had been drunk & falling all over the place & once again its her fault.

I don't understand any woman who would choose to live with someone who I am certain she knows for a fact that he killed Nicole & Ron. That I don't understand & never will. At the first sign of him throwing a temper tantrum she should of been packed & running for cover.

Am with PaperDoll on this one he is guilty no matter what he says or does! He did it! I am sure the gas station has lots of video of her fall. Where was OJ? Whats his excuse besides her being drunk? He'd be enough to drive anyone to drink!!!!!! :furious: :furious:
OJ probably wouldn't want her then! I was reading more of that link above and she really hounded him to get into his life. Crazy!

The National Enquirer is now reporting:

Update: The NATIONAL ENQUIRER has now learned that a neurologist at the hospital where Christie Prody is being treated has told police her injuries are consistent with an assault, not a fall.

I had to go look and was surprised that I forgot about this saga from the LoveBirds.......

"When Simpson moved to Florida Prody went with him. Their relationship has been in and out of the headlines for ten years. Simpson and Prody have had their own run-ins with the law since moving to Florida. On four separate occasions the couple has had their problems and relationship trust into the headlines. Prody even sold an interview to the National Enquirer claiming Simpson has confessed to her that he had killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman in 1994. Nonetheless, Prody and Simpson’s relationship somehow continues to endure."
yes, Nancy Grace is discussing this with a person from the NE right now....apparently she had bruises all over her body????...large abrasions/bruises on her face, arms, buttocks, legs....

BTW, Nancy just had both her twins on the show with her....they're a adorable!:)

Ohhhhh, thanks for posting this about the twins. Her show will be on here in 7 min.

I'm inclined to believe OJ had something to do with Christie's injuries. Sad thing is she probably won't press charges. From what I've read she is totally obsessed with OJ.:bang:
I had to go look and was surprised that I forgot about this saga from the LoveBirds.......

"When Simpson moved to Florida Prody went with him. Their relationship has been in and out of the headlines for ten years. Simpson and Prody have had their own run-ins with the law since moving to Florida. On four separate occasions the couple has had their problems and relationship trust into the headlines. Prody even sold an interview to the National Enquirer claiming Simpson has confessed to her that he had killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman in 1994. Nonetheless, Prody and Simpson’s relationship somehow continues to endure."

What was his excuse for her giving this story to the NE? Cocaine habit? I can't remember.
OJ probably wouldn't want her then! I was reading more of that link above and she really hounded him to get into his life. Crazy!

The National Enquirer is now reporting:

Update: The NATIONAL ENQUIRER has now learned that a neurologist at the hospital where Christie Prody is being treated has told police her injuries are consistent with an assault, not a fall.

As long as she covers up what happened to her, the police can't do anything, right? I can't believe OJ is getting away with murder (pardon the pun) again before our eyes. Someday Ms Karma is gonna knock the *&*$ out of him good.
As long as she covers up what happened to her, the police can't do anything, right? I can't believe OJ is getting away with murder (pardon the pun) again before our eyes. Someday Ms Karma is gonna knock the *&*$ out of him good.

That's how I understand the system. I hope Karma gets the final blow in soon too. Sounds like he was close to killing her!:furious:
Have you noticed how much this woman looks like Nicole Brown did?

IMO this woman is very gullible, very trusting, and not discriminatory about who she is friends or boyfriends with and O.J. took advantage of her, manipulated her, and is obviously beating the hell out of her. He is a nasty, evil, leech who sucks the life out of women that he is in a relationship with.

This man is a double murdering, evil, woman-beating, psychopathic, poisonous, leech. He injects his venom into people, leaves dead bodies, beaten bodies, he injects his hate and moves on without any remorse and without any guilt. Leaving behind blood, gore, grieving families, and beaten bodies.

I really do not understand why someone so evil and so psychopathic is allowed to walk this earth unmolested. He is so hateful and so disgusting! :behindbar
BTW, Nancy just had both her twins on the show with her....they're a adorable!:)

Awwww, aren't they just so precious!! I loved the photo of them in their first pair of blue jeans. 3 months!

Just watching Nancy and they're playing that 911 tape made by Nicole Simpson! I was hoping that we'd never have to hear that again!
As long as she covers up what happened to her, the police can't do anything, right? I can't believe OJ is getting away with murder (pardon the pun) again before our eyes. Someday Ms Karma is gonna knock the *&*$ out of him good.
I heard a legal commentator say on NG, that she could be called as a material witness against her will. But all she would have to do, is lie...

I just hope this is a wake up call and that she realizes what a scum bag and what a monster O.J. is.

I just wish that we could tattoo DOUBLE MURDERER ON O.J's fat ugly head as a warning to everyone what this freak is. And what he can do.
Awwww, aren't they just so precious!! I loved the photo of them in their first pair of blue jeans. 3 months!

Just watching Nancy and they're playing that 911 tape made by Nicole Simpson! I was hoping that we'd never have to hear that again!
I think the tape needs to be played more. It serves as a reminder of what O.J. is and what sort of evil this man carries inside of him. The one good thing about the news coverage about O.J. is that it could possibly make society aware of what O.J. is: A venomous rat, and it could make him an outcast from society. Unfortunately we can't legally lynch him, but we can make him an outcast and shun him.
Why oh why isn't he dead yet? :furious: :behindbar :furious: :behindbar I can't stand this guy.. :furious:
I agree, I'd pay for him to be sent to Gitmo awaiting his trials.

IMO his bail should have been revoked after he threatened a witness in the robbery trial.
I heard a legal commentator say on NG, that she could be called as a material witness against her will. But all she would have to do, is lie...

I just hope this is a wake up call and that she realizes what a scum bag and what a monster O.J. is.

I just wish that we could tattoo DOUBLE MURDERER ON O.J's fat ugly head as a warning to everyone what this freak is. And what he can do.

I think the tattoo is there & NOBODY should trust him & I think he is a freak.
Have you noticed how much this woman looks like Nicole Brown did?

IMO this woman is very gullible, very trusting, and not discriminatory about who she is friends or boyfriends with and O.J. took advantage of her, manipulated her, and is obviously beating the hell out of her. He is a nasty, evil, leech who sucks the life out of women that he is in a relationship with.

This man is a double murdering, evil, woman-beating, psychopathic, poisonous, leech. He injects his venom into people, leaves dead bodies, beaten bodies, he injects his hate and moves on without any remorse and without any guilt. Leaving behind blood, gore, grieving families, and beaten bodies.

I really do not understand why someone so evil and so psychopathic is allowed to walk this earth unmolested. He is so hateful and so disgusting! :behindbar

I couldn't of said it any better myself! I can't stomach the monster!!!
This sure don't sound good for her......if her brain is bleeding that is a very serious life threatening injury.
In this article Miami police are saying her injuries are consistent with a fall.

According to a witness, who was not named, Prody was “intoxicated and always falling down” during a recent trip to San Antonio.

I wonder who this witness was? One of O.J.'s murderer loving, fan of gore films, scum pal freaks?

A thought just came to me: Was O.J. ever in San Antonio with her? If so, he could have beat her there and could possibly face some TEXAS JUSTICE...
This sure don't sound good for her......if her brain is bleeding that is a very serious life threatening injury.
IMO what should be bleeding is O.J. brain...
As long as she covers up what happened to her, the police can't do anything, right? I can't believe OJ is getting away with murder (pardon the pun) again before our eyes. Someday Ms Karma is gonna knock the *&*$ out of him good.

In California if the indications are that someone's been hurt by another in these situations the authorities take over and the victim cannot let the perp get away with it. I don't know if it's the same in Florida. I hope it is.

If the neurologist is saying the brain injury is from a beating and not a fall then this will be investigated no matter what she says.

I don't believe OJ for a second. If a person falls down they may get a bruise in a couple places, NOT all over the whole body and face.
Will this be the wake up call for her to leave him or if she recovers will she again forgive him and go on as usual? Does she have family? If she does they must be so sickened by all of this. I really don't understand how it is someone in all these years hasn't decided to take the law into their own hands when it comes to O.J.


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