CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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From the article:prody said she does recall what led to her injury. "Oh, yeah, I remember what happened. I just slipped and fell at the gas station," said Prody from the passenger's seat of her mother's car.
"No, we don't know what happened," Bellmore quickly interjected.

Sounds like a classic abused woman:doh: , Oh yeah, now I remember the lines I'm supposed to say to cover!
If she just "fell at a gas station" then why isn't she going home to OJ? I wish the reporter would have asked where OJ is.

This is horrible. 24 hr care? Poor girl looks so weak & doesn't sound like she's all there.

So what is really happening? Does she not remember but this person she was with at the gas station has convinced her that she fell? Or do you all really think that she knows and is lying for OJ? This is unbelievable!
If she just "fell at a gas station" then why isn't she going home to OJ? I wish the reporter would have asked where OJ is.

This is horrible. 24 hr care? Poor girl looks so weak & doesn't sound like she's all there.

So what is really happening? Does she not remember but this person she was with at the gas station has convinced her that she fell? Or do you all really think that she knows and is lying for OJ? This is unbelievable!
great post Jilly---- why isnt oj taking her home to take care of her? probably a good thing :eek:
great post Jilly---- why isnt oj taking her home to take care of her? probably a good thing :eek:

Yeah, no doubt it's a good thing but surely he could help out financially. They've been together for 10 yrs! Her mother said she couldn't do the 24 hr care and was asking for suggestions!
Yeah, no doubt it's a good thing but surely he could help out financially. They've been together for 10 yrs! Her mother said she couldn't do the 24 hr care and was asking for suggestions!

Excellent post jilly.. OJ has always been driven by the bottom dollar. I'll be interesting to see what's going to happen. I hope Christy gets her health back and stays away from OJ.
So sad but I feel that the next stop for Miss Brody will be the County Morgue if she stays with OJ.

The girl's gotta get a clue.
She is safer now than she has been in the last 10 years, so perhaps once she is settled with her parents, she will be better able to "remember" or process what happened. Did she live with OJ? If so, do they have common law in FL? Perhaps she is due some money or assets from him and that will help with her 24 hour care.

Another thought, perhaps if she had repeatedly fallen in the last few days, months or years, she was at risk for substantial brain injury anyway, like a boxer who has taken a few too many punches-you know what I mean??
Like many of you my hinky meter is way off the charts. First off if she was to drunk to get on a plane to fly home why didn't oj stay with her like most caring boyfriends would do, get a motel and get a good nights sleep and both of them leave the following morning. He is nothing but a heartless cold hearted killer imo. Who's to say she didn't get back to OJ's,he was so pissed at her the anger was eating him up, he might of slipped something in a drink, beat the heck out of her, drove her to the gas station he gets out of the car and walks home she is so beatin, she trys to get out of the car and falls down. Of course this is jmo
...why didn't oj stay with her like most caring boyfriends would do...
I don't think OJ ever cared about this girl. She just didn't seem to get it. Maybe, she still doesn't. We can only hope that she wises up. She still has her whole life ahead of her and can change, if she wants to. She seems to have caring parents. That's more than many young people have.
Like many of you my hinky meter is way off the charts. First off if she was to drunk to get on a plane to fly home why didn't oj stay with her like most caring boyfriends would do, get a motel and get a good nights sleep and both of them leave the following morning. He is nothing but a heartless cold hearted killer imo. Who's to say she didn't get back to OJ's,he was so pissed at her the anger was eating him up, he might of slipped something in a drink, beat the heck out of her, drove her to the gas station he gets out of the car and walks home she is so beatin, she trys to get out of the car and falls down. Of course this is jmo

Nope! It's My Opinion too.......I just have the added extra of him pushing her out of his moving car. We already know that he is PO'ed over his pending charges in Vegas, if that's not a ticking time-bomb walking right there, then I don't know what one is.
I heard her Mother in an interview. She said that there was no alcohol in her system when she was found.
She looks a little like Nichole, but not as pretty.
That trial will be with us all forever. If Furman would have admitted he had said the "N" word before, I don't think the jury could have used his lie as reasonable doubt. That jury used that trial to get back at the LAPD for past abuses.

Welcome to WS Paragon!!!!!
Christy Prody has been dependent upon OJ for 10 years. I wonder what skills she has to support herself. I wonder if she even has insurance.
If she was knocked out she would not remember what happened to her near that time. Obviously she was renderd unconsciense.
I fell once from my blod pressure meds giving me vertigo. I had no idea what happened and tried to to come up with an excuse. People ask you what happened and you try to give them an answer. She would not know that she fell at the gas station. That is her mind coming up with an excuse or what she had been told.
From the article:prody said she does recall what led to her injury. "Oh, yeah, I remember what happened. I just slipped and fell at the gas station," said Prody from the passenger's seat of her mother's car.
"No, we don't know what happened," Bellmore quickly interjected.

I wonder, if it's true she will need 24 hour care - then how is she seemingly well enough to answer a reporter's question? Regardless, she has chosen to be with a double murderer and documented abuser so I don't think the bad things coming her way should be unexpected in any way.
Please forgive me for being a doubter, but I think these two deserve each other. She knew he was a murderer and chose him anyway because he had the money for her drug habit ( well documented).

Both have beat the heck out of each other for years. I say good riddance to both of them because one will kill the other and one will go to prison for it eventually.

This is a classic case of co-dependency and double narcissism at work. I wouldn't want to cross his path or hers. She may have been the victim this time, but not when she let all her animals die because she went on vacation and was too high to remember them. She was almost to the point of being brain dead from drugs before the so-called accident.

And we all know what OJ is- a psychopathic murderer.
So sad but I feel that the next stop for Miss Brody will be the County Morgue if she stays with OJ.

The girl's gotta get a clue.

My thoughts exactly rosario- Im sure her mother HAS to see what is going on. What mother wouldn't? I would not be able to let my baby go back to him regardless her age- and right now Christie doesnt sound too coherant- granted Im sure she is on meds, but she isnt too bright just speaking of her current beau. A lot of battered women stay with serial-abusers because think that they are the "exception" that will not make their man angry. Im sure every time they fight, he tells her sorry and blames it on her acting like on of his exes?? just thinking out loud from past experience, but I hope this is her wake up call. Poor baby is SOO bruised- This happened 11 days ago- sad.....:confused: :confused: :confused:

To a point I have to agree with you,although I don't like any type of abuse,it was her stupid decision to hook up with him. Most people have choices in life,and she made hers.


In your post you asked if she lived with OJ,a little while back I read that they never lived with each other,I can't remember where I read that,but will look for it again a little later.I was surprised to read that,I always assumed the were living together.

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