Still Missing CA - Orson & Orrin West (3&4), California City, 21 Dec 2020 #4

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At the vigil last night the chief was present and he gave a speech. It was very emotional all of them were. He said he refuses give up and assured everyone that they were working round the clock. Not seeing or hearing details doesn’t mean they aren’t working hard on it. They in fact are and they are non stop. He also said he refuses to assume they are dead because he doesn’t know and won’t give up hope .
At the vigil last night the chief was present and he gave a speech. It was very emotional all of them were. He said he refuses give up and assured everyone that they were working round the clock. Not seeing or hearing details doesn’t mean they aren’t working hard on it. They in fact are and they are non stop. He also said he refuses to assume they are dead because he doesn’t know and won’t give up hope .
its just so sad. I had said before I was actually losing faith in the cheif..and i take that back. I think hes doing the absolute best he can do given having to deal with those two. If those sweet boys are alive, imo those two still know what happened. They hold the answers, they chose to be foster parents and they chose to adopt them. This is on THEM.

At the vigil last night the chief was present and he gave a speech. It was very emotional all of them were. He said he refuses give up and assured everyone that they were working round the clock. Not seeing or hearing details doesn’t mean they aren’t working hard on it. They in fact are and they are non stop. He also said he refuses to assume they are dead because he doesn’t know and won’t give up hope .
Well, that’s good enough for me. If he won’t, I won’t.
I'm late with this again, but looking through my pics, I found and made a comparison.

Neighbor said they were jackhammering and roto-hamering. I found some pics that show the location.
It seems they removed and replaced a section of walkway near the backyard shed building.

Top pic was from neighbors drone footage 12/23.
Second pic is later, close to 12/27.


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I'm late with this again, but looking through my pics, I found and made a comparison.

Neighbor said they were jackhammering and roto-hamering. I found some pics that show the location.
It seems they removed and replaced a section of walkway near the backyard shed building.

Top pic was from neighbors drone footage 12/23.
Second pic is later, close to 12/27.


It does appear that they are saw cutting the concrete.


They would saw it the concrete to make a clean cut from the surrounding concrete slab, then use a jackhammer to break up the slab for removal.
So what would make them saw cut concrete in that spot? A hit from a cadaver dog?

That’s what I’m wondering. They removed a very specific area. Maybe they noticed that there was a section of concrete that had been replaced and they wanted to see what was under it.

I can see the seller replacing broken concrete before listing the house so it may mean nothing.
I'm late with this again, but looking through my pics, I found and made a comparison.

Neighbor said they were jackhammering and roto-hamering. I found some pics that show the location.
It seems they removed and replaced a section of walkway near the backyard shed building.

Top pic was from neighbors drone footage 12/23.
Second pic is later, close to 12/27.

Is there a link to the drone footage? TIA
I'm late with this again, but looking through my pics, I found and made a comparison.

Neighbor said they were jackhammering and roto-hamering. I found some pics that show the location.
It seems they removed and replaced a section of walkway near the backyard shed building.

Top pic was from neighbors drone footage 12/23.
Second pic is later, close to 12/27.
Great find Amanda. Photos do not lie.
Can you imagine six boys under the age of ten shut up in the house all day, not allowed outside due to the pandemic? It’d be pure pandemonium.
Your post made me think...8 people in a small house. Would any of the kids really have anything that would have their scent only? I imagine most toys, clothes, bedding, etc were shared, possibly with the exception of toothbrushes. And even that, I can see toddlers just grabbing one, I know mine did on occasion. I’d really like to know how long the other kids were with grandma AND what was in the West’s laundry basket and trash can. There should have been either yesterday’s clothes/underwear or fresh dirty diapers/pull-ups in the trash. That would be the most telling clue to me.
Your post made me think...8 people in a small house. Would any of the kids really have anything that would have their scent only? I imagine most toys, clothes, bedding, etc were shared, possibly with the exception of toothbrushes. And even that, I can see toddlers just grabbing one, I know mine did on occasion. I’d really like to know how long the other kids were with grandma AND what was in the West’s laundry basket and trash can. There should have been either yesterday’s clothes/underwear or fresh dirty diapers/pull-ups in the trash. That would be the most telling clue to me.
From your post: Would any of the kids really have anything that would have their scent only?

probably not which makes me think perhaps none of the kids were allowed in the back yard
I'm late with this again, but looking through my pics, I found and made a comparison.

Neighbor said they were jackhammering and roto-hamering. I found some pics that show the location.
It seems they removed and replaced a section of walkway near the backyard shed building.

Top pic was from neighbors drone footage 12/23.
Second pic is later, close to 12/27.
Great pics. Thanks so much Amanda for keeping this archive to look back on. Our memories may fail us at times but those pics don’t lie!
JANUARY 25, 2021

Here's what authorities have done so far in the case.
  1. Excavated the parents backyard, to make sure the boys weren't buried underneath.
  2. Used search dogs which found the scent of the boys inside the home, but not outside as they were reported to be before disappearing.
  3. Used cadaver dogs inside the home -- no scent of human remains detected.
  4. Search warrant used to collect items from the home, including adoptive parents cell phones, ipads and other electronic devices. Phones have since been returned.
  5. Adoptive parents van tested with luminol - no indication of blood found.
  6. Spoke neighbors in the area. No positive ID of any of the Wests 6 children. Walker says the family only moved to California City in September. They previously lived in Bakersfield.
  7. The parents, extended family members, and others were interviewed.
  8. The West's four other children were removed from the home.
  9. LE and volunteers searched a 5-mile radius in the desert.
  10. Unmarked police cars have surveilled/are surveilling the area.
  11. LE asked the parents and multiple others to take polygraphs.
  12. LE has reviewed/is still reviewing security video, body cam footage and interviews.
  13. LE has searched the homes of (12?) SO's in the area.
  14. Ongoing analysis of [potential] evidence is taking place in Bakersfield.
  15. The home has been searched multiple times including the shed, the attic, the chimney and the plumbing.
  16. Searched adoptive parents previous properties in Bakersfield
  17. Searched former Saddle Ranch Resort property
  18. Various agencies gathered "statistical" information of the home's perimeter while using drones from above for imaging.
  19. Measurements and photographs were taken from inside and outside the home and the gate was further examined.
  20. As of 12/29, LE's review of video has shown
    • No sign of the boys leaving by the side gate that TW said he left open
    • No sign of an animal or someone else going in to get the boys
    • Source: Bakersfield Now
According to Walker, the last time the boys were seen by anyone other than the Wests was by their grandmother in Bakersfield. Walker was unable to comment on when that occurred.

Before that, Walker said someone other than family also saw the boys in Bakersfield. Walker was unable to comment on that date as well.


As others have said, this timeline is incredible and is so helpful in following this case. I only check in every few days because the lack of any development is so frustrating.

One thing I still haven’t heard mentioned: whether LE has spoken to the other children (biological and foster) that have been removed from the home. Does anyone know the ages? Even if they’re small children, they could potentially provide information in a forensic interview with an expert - e.g. what goes on in the house, how they’re treated, when they last saw their siblings.
Either that or they used GPR to see if there was anything under the concrete. The chief said the dogs did not hit on anything, though.

Do we know for sure that they cut up the concrete?
I don’t know what else a jack hammer would be used for besides drilling/cutting concrete or pavement.

The Chief did say the dogs didn’t hit on anything. You’re right. So why else would concrete be demolished? Can dogs sniff money? I guess it’s not illegal to bury money. Drugs are though so I guess they weren’t looking for that or else we’d hear of charges.
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