Found Deceased CA - Philip Kreycik, 37, Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, 10 Jul 2021

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I agree with the AMA being strange. IMO my take is CT loves attention & loves running and likes to be *the* authority on all subjects, hence he’s acting like he knows Philip way more than he does. He’s definitely helping the family with the search but I think that’s all that we can rely on him for - info about the search.
I also thought it was strange how he went on & on about future safety measures after this happened — that information was off-subject & not needed in an AMA about Philip.[/QUOTE
In the attached article it states that Phillip was experienced in exercising in the extreme heat, but in the AMA doc his friend says that Phillip was not accustomed to running much beyond the mid 80’s due to his usual running spots where he lives, as well as taking his typical runs in the early morning or later evening times when temps are cooler.
The attached SFist article uses a dubious SF Chronicle article as a source, the one that erroneously first reported PK was also in Pleasanton on Friday. They seem to have corrected some of the former's bad info but they still also report PK "was a third-year student in MIT's Urban Mobility Lab". We know of course he was actually working at PG&E. Sloppy reporting.

I can't defend CT's odd style, but what he says matches up with PK's Strava data. Over the prior month nearly all his runs were 6 to 8 am in hills near Berkeley and in the low 50s. The run they did together the Friday before he went missing stands out as being both exceptionally slow and a rare warmer evening run for PK. Getting acclimated to heat is a serious concern but PK is also an elite level runner and would seemingly have considered that.
I agree with the AMA being strange. IMO my take is CT loves attention & loves running and likes to be *the* authority on all subjects, hence he’s acting like he knows Philip way more than he does. He’s definitely helping the family with the search but I think that’s all that we can rely on him for - info about the search.
I also thought it was strange how he went on & on about future safety measures after this happened — that information was off-subject & not needed in an AMA about Philip.

That's what I was thinking. I'm glad that his knowledge is helping though.
Right, I guess what I was getting at is how do hey know he changed clothes in the car? I understand a shirt and his phone were found. Nothing else was found in the car, right?

So this leads me to think he may have been wearing something totally unsuited to running in the heat when he mailed the package? They have not released any images of him mailing the package, correct? (I have been super busy and in and out, so apologize if I overlooked.)

I guess I'm thinking he mailed the package in something like casual clothes a person would just throw on to run say jeans and a sweatshirt, or something like that....? My opinion only! Just thinking this through....
I can't defend CT's odd style, but what he says matches up with PK's Strava data. Over the prior month nearly all his runs were 6 to 8 am in hills near Berkeley and in the low 50s. The run they did together the Friday before he went missing stands out as being both exceptionally slow and a rare warmer evening run for PK. Getting acclimated to heat is a serious concern but PK is also an elite level runner and would seemingly have considered that.

What stands out to me is this run being different than his norm in a different place than his norm. Then yet another "different" thing happens. He disappears on said run.

I can not buy (yet) that he would not have noticed and considered the warm temp from the night before.

Looks more like a test run to me. MOO. Exactly the thing I would do if planning a walk away. Right down to engaging the very outgoing friend who didn't know if I drank or not but always ready to engage.
It is very possible PK was involved in something, or struggling with something. Even if no one in his life can imagine either.

I'm not sure what to think about CT. A family member died under tragic, and public, circumstances and it brought some very unusual and very public interviews, social media stuff all kinds of things I found very strange from some friends of this family member. I often wondered who on earth the close friend crawling out of the woodwork was, and if they were even talking about the same person who passed away, it was so foreign.

People process and handle things in different ways. He could know more, or this could just be his natural personality and way of coping.
What stands out to me is this run being different than his norm in a different place than his norm. Then yet another "different" thing happens. He disappears on said run.

But wouldn't running in a new place also increase the risk of something going wrong?

I can not buy (yet) that he would not have noticed and considered the warm temp from the night before.

It is suspected he was running without a shirt on. Perhaps this was his way to take into account the hot weather? He might have simply thought it would be a quick run and he'd be okay. Maybe he had even changed his plans and thought he'd just scope out the area very briefly, but he ran into trouble quickly.

Looks more like a test run to me. MOO. Exactly the thing I would do if planning a walk away. Right down to engaging the very outgoing friend who didn't know if I drank or not but always ready to engage.

But the outgoing friend was the one who reached out to him, and PK wasn't really that enthusiastic about that friend's recommendations. After a ton of exhausting back and forth via text, they finally arrived at an agreement. Could you explain what you mean by a "test run"? I could see what you mean if they ran in the same area the night before and then again the morning PK went missing, but those were two completely different areas.
From the AMA:

Q: Is there evidence he actually drove himself there / etc.

Yes. In addition to UPS Store cameras (which is how we know he changed clothes in his car afterwards), his car's journey was tracked via various FastTrak and traffic cameras from leaving that store (where he dropped off a return item) until getting to the trailhead. He'd also called his wife that morning before setting out with his rough plan, and texted her from the trailhead to give her his ETA.

Chris Thoburn 7/23 AMA Q&A Responses

The only way they would know he changed clothes in the car based on UPS footage is if he was seen in UPS in regular clothes and not running clothes. I personally find it odd that he didn't leave the house in his running clothes.

Reportedly the shirt he was wearing in the photos from Friday evening, it is also on the missing poster. I also found that strange, he drives a hybrid sedan so not much room to change, lots of odd details.

Does anyone know what clothes were found in the car?
It is very possible PK was involved in something, or struggling with something. Even if no one in his life can imagine either.

I'm not sure what to think about CT. A family member died under tragic, and public, circumstances and it brought some very unusual and very public interviews, social media stuff

all kinds of things I found very strange from some friends of this family member. I often wondered who on earth the close friend crawling out of the woodwork was, and if they were even talking about the same person who passed away, it was so foreign.

People process and handle things in different ways. He could know more, or this could just be his natural personality and way of coping.

My condolences for your loss. Thank you for sharing that perspective, I feel the same way about CT.
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Update as of Saturday, July 24, 7:30 pm: Today, Chris and his team continued to search in the hills. Several hardy volunteers woke up early to talk to trail users at trailheads. And volunteers continued to knock on doors canvasing for video footage. There were no major breakthroughs today, but trailhead volunteers did manage to get in touch with at least one trail user who was in the park on the Saturday Philip disappeared. That trail user did not cross paths with Philip, but the contact makes us hopeful that our strategy of canvasing park users could pay off. Heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who are keeping this effort going. And as always, a call to action:

• Tips/Info/Leads?: Contact Pleasanton PD: 925-931-5107 and also

Volunteer Needs for Tomorrow, Sunday, July 25:
Tomorrow, our most important volunteer need is at trailheads. We are looking for volunteers at 8 AM, 11 AM, 2 PM, and 5 PM. If you can make one of these shifts, please DM Dennis Baker and Betsy Everett. If trailheads are covered, you may be asked to canvass houses instead.
I’m not a fan of asking for money, but often the tuition is covered via grants or companies that pay for your PhD at these schools. You work and go to school at the same time. You’d be surprised, very few pay the full tuition even undergrads.

I agree, Tutter. Many students who receive academic scholarships or grants are mighty bright enough to scholarship their way out of U with a Doctorate's degree, from MIL appointments, as well.

Philip Kreycik's a brilliant employee who earned his position with PG&E. He loved running. He was good at it, too. Married pretty lady, smart, too. Had lovely 2.0 children, B1G1.

Was he, and all of his wisdom, kidnapped; taken to a place far away, to begin fresh and new and he's brilliant enough to plan and execute a vanishing, in order, for a new life to start? Whether under his own accord or as a willing participant for some other purpose, Philip is missing. Philip Kreycik has not been located after professional SAR Teams spent ten days searching miles upon miles of territory, sadly, without a trace of Mr. Kreycik.
According to CT, the clothes he was wearing at the UPS store were found in the car.
How he knows this, I have no idea.

It would make sense that Philip would have had extra clothes (besides the running shorts/shirt) since he was going to Stockton to meet up with his wife/kids after the run. I'd imagine he'd want to change into something clean/dry before going to meet them. Maybe he wore regular clothes into the UPS store and then planned to wear those same clothes again after the run.
Chances of Attack | BAPP

“It is more dangerous to walk the streets in any U.S. city at night than it is to live and hike in mountain lion country.”

I realize that most of you probably don’t live near mountain lion country ( I’ve worked in the Santa Monica Mountains for 26 years.)

While it’s impossible to definitively rule out at this time, it is my opinion that a mountain lion attack is not probable.

Lions in the Santa Monica Mountains - Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service)

To add to this, I'm born and bred in the East Bay, and I know that whenever a mountain lion is sighted or even suspected of being anywhere near a residential area (this park and trails are right next to a neighborhood, as well as an area an with expansive mall and industrial park), it makes news. There's little chance that there are numerous mountain lions consistently in this area, and out during daylight hours where people run, and they simply haven't been reported on. At least by runners or the Parks department. I concur that a mountain lion attack that presumably left a man dead is very improbable in this case.
Question for anyone familiar with the area where PK went running. Are there any surveillance cameras in the parking areas?

If not would that be an unusual thing in California? In this day and age most places have security cameras.

I don't know about this one in particular, but East Bay parks and their parking lots/trailheads usually do not have surveillance cameras. With so much crime occurring elsewhere, they just aren't a priority.
Someone with experience with scent dogs, please chime in. From my understanding, if there had been an animal attack and the victim was dragged or taken by the animal, the dog would not have just lost that scent. If anything, the scent might have been even stronger, due to the terrible scenario that would have unfolded upon that attack. Furthermore, there would be evidence very near to where the attack would've happened, a mountain lion is not the practice of dragging its prey for miles and miles. Even if it had, again, physical/scent evidence would've been present.
I wonder where the dog lost the scent? This remains so strange.

If I remember correctly, it wasn't very far into the route he was mapped to take. A watertower close to the parking area. How close, I'm not sure but it's discussed early on in this thread (of the ones before it, I'm not sure if they've been merged).
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