CA - Polly Klaas, 12, murdered, Petaluma, 1 Oct 1993

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Polly Klaas' killer has his day in court
Debra J. Saunders
Thursday, March 12, 2009

When a jury found Richard Allen Davis guilty of the murder of Petaluma's 12-year-old Polly Klaas in 1996, Davis puckered his lips and extended a middle finger to TV cameras. Later, Davis was sentenced to death, and outraged California voters passed a three-strikes sentencing law.

From death row now, Davis still is puckering up and extending his finger at the public - and the public is paying for it. It's 2009, yet it was only this month that Davis' first appeal was argued before the California Supreme Court.

"Who would think it would take almost as long for this guy to get his hearing after he was sentenced to death than my daughter was on this Earth and she didn't reach her 13th birthday?" Polly's father, Marc Klaas, told me Tuesday.

Expect a ruling on that appeal within 90 days. Then there's a state habeas corpus appeal. Then Davis has a federal habeas corpus appeal. Before it's over, Davis, now 54, probably will have died of boredom. Or from another opium overdose, like the one for which he was treated in 2006, despite the fact that he was inside San Quentin.

Full article: click hre
Mr. Klaas you are a true hero in my mind, along with Mark Lunsford, John Walsh, Beth Holloway Twitty, Danielle VanDamm's mother. I truley hope all of these scum bags get whats coming to them here on earth. I do know in my heart that there will be a special place in hell for them. You all are in my prayers.
When my daughter was killed and her killer was going for parole we got over one thousand people to send letters to the judge and parole board to keep the killer in jail to serve out his time. I don't know if my writing letters to the judge and parole board in California will keep this behind bars but say the word and not only I but the others who I pass the word along to will also write letters to keep this reprobate behind bars. Theres strenght in numbers Mark Klaas and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just say the word and we parents/victims will write.
Mom of Lynn Marie, my only child, 19 yrs old killed August 8, 1993. She was packing for her first Fall Semester at Harvard University looking forward to going.
I don't see what the problem is. Don't write to him. Or write him and tell him exactly what you think of him. He's opening himself up to it.

Either way, he's off the streets and he isn't killing any more little girls. This is a good thing.
I don't see what the problem is. Don't write to him. Or write him and tell him exactly what you think of him. He's opening himself up to it.

Either way, he's off the streets and he isn't killing any more little girls. This is a good thing.
IMO the thing that I have a problem with in concern to this is that this convicted murderer who should have been put to death long ago has the freedom and ability to have a website asking for penpals. Why should this vermin be allowed such? He took a life of an innocent, has been tried and found guilty and that should be the end of his freedoms, period. Prison should equal /freedoms.
Setting aside the debate over whether a prisoner should be given this luxury, I would suggest that the "CCADP"--at the very least--display a prominent link to an account of the crime(s) for which they're convicted.

There's really no good argument they could come up for against that, I don't think. The fact that the information is not explicitly given casts into serious doubt their purported good intentions in offering the prisoner contact info to the public.
Setting aside the debate over whether a prisoner should be given this luxury, I would suggest that the "CCADP"--at the very least--display a prominent link to an account of the crime(s) for which they're convicted.

There's really no good argument they could come up for against that, I don't think. The fact that the information is not explicitly given casts into serious doubt their purported good intentions in offering the prisoner contact info to the public.

Now I don't know about the contact Death Row prisoners have with other cons in with them, but I would never write someone in prison because even if they can never get out, they might know someone who is getting out, pass your info to them and they can come and make your life a living h*ll. I agree with the link to the crime info. I think that's the least they can do to keep the public informed. I've looked on some of those sites and then looked up the crimes and I am astounded at the bs the cons spew to get people to write them. They probably are lonely. They made their choices.

Richard Davis is vile. When I saw the clip on TV where he said those awful things to Mark Klaas, I could have reached through the screen and strangled him with my bare hands. I'm not that strong, but I was so enraged that I really could have done it. Bless Mark Klaas for going on and being such an advocate for children after what happened to his beloved daughter. He has helped save lives.
I've never started a thread, so Mod's please forgive if I screw this up somehow.

"(06-01) 12:20 PDT PETALUMA -- The state Supreme Court upheld the death sentence today of Richard Allen Davis, the repeat felon who became the catalyst for California's "three strikes" law when he kidnapped 12-year-old Polly Klaas from her Petaluma home and strangled her in 1993.

In a unanimous ruling, the justices rejected defense arguments that police had obtained Davis' confession illegally by questioning him about Polly's whereabouts after he had asked for a lawyer following his arrest in December 1993. The court said the questioning had been proper because officers had reason to believe that Davis was their best hope of saving the girl, who had been missing for more than two months."

The ruling can be viewed at
What are they waiting for? It frustrates me, that if they decide on the death penalty, that it isn't carried out in a reasonable time IMO.
What are they waiting for? It frustrates me, that if they decide on the death penalty, that it isn't carried out in a reasonable time IMO.

I know! That's exactly what I was thinking when I finished reading the article. It's ridiculous. How many times can he appeal?
This is taking much too long. Let's get rid of this garbage now. He needs to be gone. It needs to happen now and he is no loss to our society.

Thanks for the update

this is one of those cases when they should have needled him 30 days after his conviction. there is no reason for him to ever see the light of day again, and there shouldn't be any chance of a retrial; he's GUILTY...period..needle him ...end of story
IMO the thing that I have a problem with in concern to this is that this convicted murderer who should have been put to death long ago has the freedom and ability to have a website asking for penpals. Why should this vermin be allowed such? He took a life of an innocent, has been tried and found guilty and that should be the end of his freedoms, period. Prison should equal /freedoms.

But 'no freedom' would translate to isolation. If he can write to his mother, why can't he write to a friend? A penpal?

Excessive and unrelenting isolation is considered cruel and unusual punishment.
It was more than flipping Marc I recall...the words make me puke...this was the most disgusting thing I have ever heard said in a courtroom concerning the rape and murder of a beautiful child.
So Californa is continuing the charade. Maybe we need one more liberal court justice to have the whole nation go down with this state....they now allow Death Row Inmates computer access? You gotta be kidden!

I could telll you stories about the people that have been working in the prisons. I am talking mental health and their bleeding hearts. Reading files of child molesters and baby (never reported to the public, but yes, some rape infants) molesters is not a good thing to do. Some of these employees have it in their psyche that these pieces of crud deserve plenty of oxygen, scrabble boards and tv and a decent life in prison...They told me they are "human beings".....I challenged that and no longer work there. The thought of remembering makes me ill and want a sedative.
this is one of those cases when they should have needled him 30 days after his conviction. there is no reason for him to ever see the light of day again, and there shouldn't be any chance of a retrial; he's GUILTY...period..needle him ...end of story

Couldn't have said it better myself.
I want this SOB dead and I want it to happen while Joe Klaas (Polly's grandfather) is still alive. I want Mark Klaas to be able to see the last remenants of a miserable life drain out of RAD's body. And I want the last sight that Davis sees before he begins his stay in eternal fire and damnation to be Mark giving him the finger - just like Davis did to Klaas at the trial.

Like I always say when discussing Davis: When you have a turd in the toilet bowl, you flush it. Good riddance.
I want this SOB dead and I want it to happen while Joe Klaas (Polly's grandfather) is still alive. I want Mark Klaas to be able to see the last remenants of a miserable life drain out of RAD's body. And I want the last sight that Davis sees before he begins his stay in eternal fire and damnation to be Mark giving him the finger - just like Davis did to Klaas at the trial.

Like I always say when discussing Davis: When you have a turd in the toilet bowl, you flush it. Good riddance.

Did that SOB seriously give Mark Klaas the finger during the trial????? Un-freaking-believable. Wow. What a piece of trash. I have NO IDEA how Mark did not physically attack him at that point.

Kill the worthless piece of crap already.

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