CA - Polly Klaas, 12, murdered, Petaluma, 1 Oct 1993

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Did that SOB seriously give Mark Klaas the finger during the trial????? Un-freaking-believable. Wow. What a piece of trash. I have NO IDEA how Mark did not physically attack him at that point.

Kill the worthless piece of crap already.

Yes, he gave the whole court the finger (see pic). Mark Klaas did have to be restrained from attacking Davis at one point - Davis made the claim on the stand that Polly had begged Davis to "not do me like my daddy does me". Mark erupted with "Rot in Hell, Davis!" and tried to rush him, but was grabbed by the baliffs and escorted from the court room.

If and when the state of California finally does put a needle in this a-hole's arm, I will be one happy, happy man.


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Thank you for the report-Mark's hard work and heart-break this year paid off....not that there was any question regarding the outcome.
I know! That's exactly what I was thinking when I finished reading the article. It's ridiculous. How many times can he appeal?

He can appeal at least 20 years worth.:rolleyes:

Isn't his time about up?:mad:

Forget "upheld," lets go for "carried out" already!
If I remember correctly (and I don't know if it would have applied in this case) a few days ago I heard on NPR that the Supreme Court ruled that detectives can keep questioning someone even after a person says they want a lawyer, although the person does not have to answer the questions until a lawyer shows up.
Yes, he gave the whole court the finger (see pic). Mark Klaas did have to be restrained from attacking Davis at one point - Davis made the claim on the stand that Polly had begged Davis to "not do me like my daddy does me". Mark erupted with "Rot in Hell, Davis!" and tried to rush him, but was grabbed by the baliffs and escorted from the court room.

If and when the state of California finally does put a needle in this a-hole's arm, I will be one happy, happy man.

I've only read the reports regarding this incident.
Thank you for posting the pic though. Unfreeking believable!
Forget "upheld," lets go for "carried out" already!
If I remember correctly (and I don't know if it would have applied in this case) a few days ago I heard on NPR that the Supreme Court ruled that detectives can keep questioning someone even after a person says they want a lawyer, although the person does not have to answer the questions until a lawyer shows up.

I haven't seen the article you may be referring to, but it's my understanding that LE can continue questioning IF they feel the victim is still alive and time is of the essence.

That was the reasoning behind continued questioning of Couey, who murdered Jessica Lunsford. LE THOUGHT there was still a chance Jessica was still alive, so when he said he wanted a lawyer, they continued on. He eventually led them to Jessica, but she was already deceased, smothered because he buried her alive.

Couey's confession was thrown out, but they had enough to convict the anyway. :mad:

IMO, that would be the case here too, most likely. There's no doubt, confession or not, that Davis killed Polly. It's just without his confession, they may have never found her, or it COULD have been years.

I hate that he keeps getting all these second chances. It's too bad Polly doesn't get a 'do over!' Davis saw that her fate was permanent!


PS.........This poor family,............having to relive this over and over and over..........every time this jerk gets another say in court. It's cruel and unusual punishment, what the surviving family has to be put through to be sure the murderer get's all of his Rights!
I will never ever forget the evil that is Richard Allen Davis.

I was nine years old when Polly Klaas was abducted and murdered. My family and I lived in the Bay Area (I still do!) and we all followed this case closely. I will never forget the day I heard a little girl was stolen from her bedroom, a place where all us kids should be safe and allowed to enjoy our innocence. I hoped that somehow Polly would come home to her mom and dad, who could hurt her? her kidnapper must have her hidden somewhere, right? I remember her missing posters being everywhere, I even took the time to write down the description of her abductor (who we later learned was Davis) and carried it with me, just in case I spotted him.

I'll never forget the day that I learned she was dead. Mom and I had just come from Toys R Us, I was so excited because she'd just bought me this huge T-Rex from Jurassic Park that I'd wanted for so long, and we were headed into Burger King in the same shopping center. As we passed the newspaper cases, my mom said out loud "Oh no" and confused, I looked at her to find out what was the matter. She pointed to a copy of the Mercury News which had the headline "Polly Klaas Found Dead" alongside the now-famous picture of Polly smiling sweetly. My heart sank, I couldn't comprehend it, she really wasn't coming home? I lived in a world where little girls could be stolen from their homes and taken into the night forever. I lost a part of my childhood innocence that day.

Now I'm twenty-five, and I still think of Polly from time to time. Especially around the anniversary of her abduction and murder. If she had lived, she'd be a little older than I am now, and I wonder how her life would have turned out for her. I'll never forget her, I know that much. I'll never forget the man that killed her, either. By age nine, I was getting a bit old to believe in the monsters of fairy tales and childhood closets, but Richard Allen Davis showed me that monsters do exist and that children suffer for it.
Setting aside the debate over whether a prisoner should be given this luxury, I would suggest that the "CCADP"--at the very least--display a prominent link to an account of the crime(s) for which they're convicted.
There's really no good argument they could come up for against that, I don't think. The fact that the information is not explicitly given casts into serious doubt their purported good intentions in offering the prisoner contact info to the public.


ITA w/ the above bolded statement. Let's have some full disclosure on these sites. I don't think that even Death Row prisoners should be denied the right to correspond with people on the outside, but let's make sure these correspondents realize fully just what their pen pals did to warrant their sentences.

I went to the site and read his ad, even checked out his woodworking site. The man has a God-given artistic talent that I wish I was blessed with. How sad that he chose instead a life of crime and violence rather than doing something positive with his gift. People every day are faced with choices, and it appears that he always made the wrong one. It seems that he shuns the white man's God. I admit that I know little of Native religious beliefs or practices, but I am 100% certain that they do not encourage or accept the sexual abuse and murder of innocent children. This man knew right from wrong and made that decision to do what he did. He deserves his punishment, and I am not a supporter of capital punishment.

The only thing that I hope comes of his pen pal request is that someone somewhere who writes to him is able to reach him in a way nobody ever has and open him up to redemption. But first he has to accept his own role in his crime and renounce his actions, and I honestly don't see this man doing that.
Mr. Richard Allen Davis

If you know how to read then I am sure you will find this letter particularly amusing. Although, considering what I know about you, I'm guessing you are one of the most uneducated, ignorant, useless waists of a human life imaginable, and it wouldn't be a stretch to fathom the possibility of you not being able to read. Actually, I imagine you trying to read this letter, stuttering about as you go, before Scott Peterson chimes in from the next cell over, "come on, sound it out Richard." That's all fantasy, but the fact of the matter is, I'm about 99.99 percent sure that you are not human. Maybe you were at one point, but now you're just an animal, an animal who has a predetermined date with death. Sure, you probably won't ever see the likes of the death chamber at San Quentin (and I'm not sure it matters to me either way), but I find it incredibly hard to believe that it's not in the back of your mind, lingering, eating at you, consuming your thoughts. You see, you no longer have power, you lost all that on November 30, 1993. If I know you, and I think I do, I know you like power, it gets you off, and it irritates you when you realize it's all gone (even though you'll never show it.) Now I have the power. The power as a free citizen of this country to remind you, time and time again, what a horrible person you are.

Guess what. Yesterday, I went to McDonalds, got 3 cheeseburgers, smoked a pack of cigarettes, and had sex with my girlfriend. You will never do any of those things as long as you remain on Earth, aside from have sex, but that's with an inmate, and he's a dude. Man, it sucks to be you.

I know I'm not alone in my writing here, and you probably get letters like this on a daily basis. You probably interpret that as having power, but your wrong. Let me be frank, and put it bluntly, you are scum. It makes me feel good to let people who are scum know it. Maybe it's what I was put on Earth to do. You could have chosen this path, but you chose a different one, and now you'll suffer. I mean, think about it like this, the only reason people write you is because your evil, and we get the thrill of making you feel like crap, but that's all your good for, period. Nothing more, nothing less.

At this point, you're probably wondering, should I stop reading this letter and throw it out? And I don't blame you for wondering that, but again, I know your type, you'll keep reading, because quite frankly, you have nothing better to do. Your an animal, caged, locked up, away from the rest of us. It's either reading this letter or watching reruns on the Disney channel via your 19'' black & white television.

You try and portray someone who doesn't care, who is the badest of the bad, the worst of the worst, but in reality, you're a coward. Despicable, contemptible, inadequate. Always have been, always will be. At this point, there is absolutely nothing you could say or do to shock me. You tattoo your arms to "look tough", you throw up the middle finger in court, you kill a defenseless child. You're the epitome of an evil man, but you're not scary, you're not tough, and you're not a legend.

Your also ugly, both mentally and physically. I mean god all mighty, did your mom mate with Chewbacca? It's no wonder you had to resort to molesting and underage girl, you couldn't get a woman.

I want you to know what we hear about you from outside San Quentin's walls, because it's an important detail. We hear stories of you being tortured by other inmates, spit on, knocked out, and failing to commit suicide. Every time I hear one of those stories, my heart races with happiness, and I rejoice. Again, it must suck to be you. Always looking over your shoulder, wondering who is going to coldcock you in the jaw next. Surrounded by other individuals just as sick as you are. But even most of those guys deserve a little dignity, you deserve none. If by chance you don't die beforehand, I hope to god I am allowed to be present at your execution, and you'll know it if I am. I'll be the guy smiling, waving, and then throwing a party after you expire.

You could try and write me a heated response to this, but it wouldn't make it 30 feet from your cell before prison officials confiscate and destroy it. Also, I will purposely leave an ambiguous return address just to make sure I never hear back from you. So you'll sit, in pure solitude, wondering about this angry "white man" who is waging a literary war against you. Alone in your cell, thinking of snide remarks you would say if you had the chance. You'll never get that chance though Richard, because I am out here living my life on this beautiful Earth, and you, well, you're are already dead. You died on August 5, 1996.
I don't see what the problem is. Don't write to him. Or write him and tell him exactly what you think of him. He's opening himself up to it.

Either way, he's off the streets and he isn't killing any more little girls. This is a good thing.

I agree with this. Besides, I believe it is of greater benefit to society to probe the mind of convicted child killers than to ignore them so that would-be murderers can be more easily detected before they act. Such an individual may be more prone to open up to a penpal than he would to a psychiatrist.
Just playing devils advocate here-who among us would be qualified to probe his mind? here in the civilian world that is.

I actually think it is amazing that he is allowed to have mail. He has proven he is not fit to walk among us here in society. He has received the highest penalty you can get here. Why should he receive mail? Why should he be able to get his rocks off by corresponding with those who in their arrogance, compassion, lonlieness, naivete, whatever believe they can get to know the "real man?"

Polly Klaas, Mark Klaas and a jury of his peers know the real man. 'nuff said. JMO>
i remember hearing his sentencing on the news back then and when he said that i was like 'why doesnt the deputy pull his gun out and shoot him and do us all a favor'.
but here we are 13 years later and he's still living off taxpaer money, having 'penpals' and getting internet access.

if this is what a piece of cr*p child killer gets i can imagine the treats that away garrido and his wife in california prisons..........
20 years ago 12 year old Polly Klaas and her friends found out that monsters were real.

Richard Allen Davis, a convicted rapist, kidnapper, and all around evil beast, had been hanging around Polly's neighborhood watching Polly.

Neighbors saw him but did not call police.

Today in large part because of Polly neighbors report suspicious looking people.

The police did not want the media to know there had been a kidnapping so they did not use the radio channel that the media monitored. Because of this many police officers did not know there was a missing child.

The police helped Richard Allen Davis pull his vehicle out of a ditch right after Polly was taken. Polly was in the trunk but because the officers knew nothing about the kidnapping they helped Davis and then waved him on his way with Polly in the trunk.

Today, in large part because of Polly if there is a kidnapping everyone knows about it.

To read more about Polly's story go here or go here

This week people will remember Polly Klaas

If you can please take a moment so share your thoughts about Polly and I'll make sure Marc Klaas gets a copy of this thread.

Thank you,
Mr. Klaas,

I can't believe it's been twenty years, it doesn't seem like that long ago.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all those who love Polly.
Marc, my prayers are still with you, even after all these years. God Bless.
Marc, I read on FB how difficult this is for you and want you to know that many many people have you in their prayers - lifting you and your family up! Thank you over and over for what you, your family and your team are doing for the missing and their loved ones.

Polly is very proud of her daddy. :hug:
Marc, you are in my thoughts and my prayers and my heart. You do so much for so many. I echo Kimster above that Polly is very proud of her Daddy. I don't have many heros but I have to say that you are one of mine. Thinking of you during this very difficult time for you and sending love and support your way.

Your a man of great dignity, honor and strength. Your merits are noble, selfless and of admirable and considerable length. Thank you for helping so many victims and their families. Please know you have our support today and every day.

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