CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #9

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She was dead for hours at that time. Would a fall of a dead body leave evidence of blunt force trauma to the head?

Seems this is LE's claim

"Adam ran into the main house to get a knife, pulled a nearby wooden table to the decedent's body, stood on top, cut the rope and laid the decedent's naked body on the grass," the report continued. "He removed a blue cloth which had been in her mouth in an effort to perform CPR and at 0648 hours, placed a 9-1-1 call to request assistance."

Rigor mortis had to have already set in not only because the TOD was set around 3 am but because of the way the body looked lying on the ground. I don't think I would give CPR to someone who was already in rigor mortis, gray, etc.?

Also, if she didn't drop and hit the ground when he cut her down then why were her legs bent like that and her arms behind her?
I'm not sure I'm willing to believe a word this Anne Bremner says. I wasn't sure who exactly she was, so googled for a bit and am a bit stunned...

Not the most upstanding, trust worthy person out there. IMO I would venture to guess she sought out the family of Rebecca for more television face time.

Stella, You put the words on my fingers. Of course, she offered her services probono to the family. She wants the air time and self promotion.

Why in the world would they hire someone who isn't even licensed in California to represent them?
From the above link a commenter asks this question:

If Adam Shacknai cut Ms. Zahau down, why were his fingerprints NOT found on the rope?
And, possibly his DNA on her body?

I keep thinking that was a very long rope. It seems anyone might worry that wanted to commit suicide that the rope could be too long. Or, at least, why make the rope that long.

How do they know her footprints or someone's were not made earlier and someone climbed over the top of the balcony.

How do they know she actually went over the balcony and wasn't hung from below. The length of the rope might suggest this instead of someone jumping off. Didn't they say her neck was not broken?
Thanks a lot, moderator - when I started writing my message on the last thread, it was still open. I went to post it, was told the thread was closed, and the message I had spent 20 minutes writing was lost! Now I'm too tired to try to rewrite it! Bah humbug!

When that happens, just hit the back button. The post as it was before you hit "post" should still be there. Then you just copy or cut inside the reply box and then transfer it to the new thread, where you paste it into a new reply. It always works for me.

Max fell on the staircase on Monday 7/11. Rebecca and her younger sister were the only ones home (allegedly). Sister was upstairs showering and Rebecca was in the restroom downstairs. Max was without a pulse or respiration for 25-30 min. Rebecca was forbidden from going to the hospital to visit Max and was found hanging from a balcony, nude, hands and feet bound, tape residue on her legs, a blue t-shirt wrapped around her neck and in her mouth on 7/13 at 6:48 am. The boyfriend's brother found her and cut her down with a kitchen knife. She supposedly did all this herself, in the bedroom with the balcony. She wrote the note on the door to the bedroom (allegedly) with paint and a brush, cut the rope with two kitchen knives. Max was pronounced dead on 7/16 and his organs were donated. Rebecca's family has hired an attorney because they do not agree with the suicide ruling.

You can view parts of the media briefing and photos here:

Don't have a good link for the full media briefing....sorry.

Here is a floor plan of the house:

Steely, other info from LE is that Rebecca had black paint on her body and hands, which matched the paint on the door, and that there were no other footprints in front of the railing where she went over, besides one boot matched to LE who went and looked over the railing.

It seems tape residue was found on the front of her shins, but we don't know from what. Bandaid? Shin splint taping? Being bound?

No drugs or alcohol was found in her system. LE claims she received a voicemail message right before her death, from someone telling her Max's prognosis was hopeless. However, the message was deleted. Her phone apparently showed a missed call and then that someone checked her voicemail. However, we don't have independent corroboration as to what any message contained. Could it have been an angry message from Jonah? An angry message from Dinah? A somber message from Jonah? Why was it deleted?

We also do not know what other messages, calls and/or voicemails were received or sent by her in the days after Max's accident, before Rebecca died.

There are reports from her family that blood was running down her leg when she was found, dead, but that LE stated she was not on her period.

The ropes seem to have been connected, from her ankles to her hands, but not exactly hog-tied. There is a live, recreation on the LE website of how a person similar in size to Rebecca could have tied her own hands behind her back. I watched it and did not see demonstration of how her feet were also bound.

Now I hear reports that there is evidence of contusions under her scalp?

A friend reportedly stated that Rebecca seemed depressed in January, losing weight and not exercising like she used to. There are no other, corroborating reports about this and her family contradicts such a report.

Apparently, although I have not seen the news report, some teens hanging out on a neighbor's roof, reported that they saw JS's teen daughter? leaving the house right after Max's accident. LE says only Rebecca and her sister were there when Max fell.

There were knives found upstairs near the bed where the rope used to hang her was attached to a bed. There was a knife found near her body, reportedly used by JS's brother to try to cut her down. I am not clear as to whether he succeeded or not. There are photos? of her body hanging and on the ground, with her body fuzzed out, that someone posted. I don't know if it is a recreation or actual crime scene photos.

Her DNA was found on a knife and the rope used to bind her. I have seen posts stating other DNA from an undetermined source was found on her shirt? but I can't find that in a news report.

The family says the black, block printed message was done with a left hand, as Rebecca's right hand print was found on the door next to it and the message was on one side of the door, I think. They claim it is not her writing while LE claims she signed paintings that way, IIRC.

Curiosjo, in post #895 from the last thread (page 36), linked three articles by a writer named Joel Siegfried. Siegfried posts in comments to this article:, that he wants the truth to come out and that he has more info that he cannot disclose but that makes the case even more troubling.

BTW, I am on the fence about Rebecca's death. I suppose it is plausible that she killed herself in a very bizarre manner out of rage if she was being blamed for Max's accident, or guilt or both, but I too, see too many unanswered questions. I wish Bremmner was not the attorney for the family. I do not respect her. She seems flighty and made ridiculously illogical statements in connection with casey anthony's case, although her statements in connection with this one seem good so far.

I would like to see a list of all the "facts" and rumors, clearly listed with sources for each, by someone who can present both sides in an unbiased manner. I added what I think I know to IWannaKnow's post, but I'd love to see all in bullet points with sources and links. I'm too lazy/busy to do that right now!

I don't see how a woman (even a guilt-ridden one) would commit suicide following such a tragedy. If she truly cared for Mr. Shacknai, wouldn't she want to be there for him in his greatest time of need? Help him through it and then deal with her feelings. Instead she supposedly compounded his grief and stress by ending her life in such a bizarre way. (Not that suicide is usually logical) Why would she add such misery to someone she loved, who needed her, if she never had a history of mental illness?

The entire thing from beginning to end makes NO sense, every detail is hinky and unexplained and I'm not buying that she did this to herself.

If she was seriously angry, if blame was being placed in her direction, and if she had become unbalanced due to the accident, her own grief and possibly other issues we are not aware of, it is very possible that she wanted to take her life, both to resolve her own feelings and to lash out at JS for blaming her, if he did. Suicides are sometimes vengeful.

If that was the case, her purported message on the door, "She saved him, can he save her?" could mean that she saved JS somehow, but taunts that even though she saved his life in some manner, maybe via her relationship with him (maybe he said that to her before, "You saved my life"), let him try to save her, after she jumped off a railing.

It could also mean, in that scenario, that she saved Max via CPR, helping get his pulse back, but since no one credits her and since they blame her for his condition, let him save her now, which obviously, he could not do.

In a murder scenario, to me it would mean, also sarcastically and angrily, that since she "saved" Max with her heroic CPR efforts, (yet he is essentially brain dead), let him save her from her own "fall" off a balcony.

I don't know what the heck happened. But I do know that money and power can breed some very strange, evil people. I'm prejudiced when it comes to extreme money and it's effects.
Holy crap. The exact wording from the autopsy report, from the article linked above:

"On the anterolateral mid left shin there is a 1 x 5/8 inch gray piece of material and two smaller similar pieces just distal to it, measuring 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch (Comment: appears similar to tape residue). On the lateral distal right lower leg there is a 1-1/4 x 5/8 inch area consisting of three horizontally oriented, parallel somewhat evenly spaced, areas of sticky, tan-gray apparent tape residue. They are situated between 3/16 and 5/16 inch apart."

That is not waxing residue or anything else, that is tape. Probably duct tape or something similar. I can't think of one good reason for that to be there. I don't see tape in the pictures, and it was never mentioned. Where did it go?!?
Another thing that bothers me from the press conference.

They said Adam broke the leg on the table when moving it from where it was to under Rebecca.
From the above link a commenter asks this question:

And, possibly his DNA on her body?

I keep thinking that was a very long rope. It seems anyone might worry that wanted to commit suicide that the rope could be too long. Or, at least, why make the rope that long.

How do they know her footprints or someone's were not made earlier and someone climbed over the top of the balcony.

How do they know she actually went over the balcony and wasn't hung from below. The length of the rope might suggest this instead of someone jumping off. Didn't they say her neck was not broken?

I didn't see that her neck was broken, but that she asphyxiated, I guess from being strangled with the rope.

I don't think his DNA would necessarily be found on her body just because he cut her down. DNA comes from blood, saliva, sperm, skin, usually. I don't think it is as easy to find in dead, skin cells or hair strands, except for follicles. It is very possible that he shed none of that when cutting her down.

So, I guess he did cut her down, then. Question, what are the fuzzed out photos of her body hanging, then, that I saw on the last thread? Was that a recreation?
I didn't see that her neck was broken, but that she asphyxiated, I guess from being strangled with the rope.

I don't think his DNA would necessarily be found on her body just because he cut her down. DNA comes from blood, saliva, sperm, skin, usually. I don't think it is as easy to find in dead, skin cells or hair strands, except for follicles. It is very possible that he shed none of that when cutting her down.

So, I guess he did cut her down, then. Question, what are the fuzzed out photos of her body hanging, then, that I saw on the last thread? Was that a recreation?

I find it difficult to believe she dropped 9 ft and her neck was not broken? But I don't think it would be necessarily if she were standing on a table and the table were kicked out.

You're right, he might not leave any DNA but it was a naked body he had to touch (hold and then lay down) as well as hold the rope while he cut? What about fingerprints.

I think that pic you saw was someone cutting out the original pic and trying to place it on a noose as LE described it by length, etc..
Transparency should be key in this case. A suicide ruling seems to mean they do not have to discuss all findings or lack of them. I am under the impression they are not willing to do that even with the family. In fact, it was mentioned that even the search warrants, I believe will not be obtainable without a court order.


There was basically nothing much that came out for weeks on end. We hear a very well planned presentation, then the doors slam shut. If we start from some begining since the two cases are connected per LE. We cannot even be told of any background on who was there that morning. Why not? What the heck does it matter if this is all on the up and up. The wording even about that was carefully chosen based on 'when the ambulance arrived' and so on as. In the presser, they kept saying things like 'we are not going to talk about that' or release that or whatever out of respect for the families. This was just plain cagey and had nothing to do with respecting the Zahau family. They bothered to mention some mysterious journal entry on her phone that they claim is undated as evidence she commited suicide and an anonymous friend who only relayed something that happened months ago, not all the counter evidence. They rely solely on someone's account of what happened as the truth when in fact that person could have had ulterior motivations. They keep referring to Rebecca as Shacknai girlfriend instead of his partner. Jonah has just one sentence about Rebecca after the press conference (written) and he makes it sound like she was just someone he knew for a short while. At least he said something positive about her.

We were supplied little context and details for what went on other than so and so was in the bathroom when the accident happened, here's how we think it happened, Rebecca calling the dog guy, two phone calls (one of which they claim led to her suicide and they wouldn't even reveal at the presser who made it), a vaugue message on the dor (again, they wouldn't reveal it - why not, it's hardly a suicide note and they even said as much), and saying Rebecca shuttled others back and forth.

Did anyone threaten Rebecca? What other calls did she get?

What calls were made by the other players?

Where were her clothes?

Who else visited the hospital?

Why on earth wouldn't they just come out and mention she was gagged and if that's how she was found when LE arrived?

Of course, I have many more questions ... too many. It's all just too hinky

Just because the public was not informed of every single minute detail, it doesn't make it "hinky". My goodness, don't you think LE knows a little more than we do? Maybe they are trying to spare feelings of Rebecca's family?
Another thing I find peculiar-supposedly she gets a message that went to voice mail that supposedly informed her of Max's condition not going to improve. The message is deleted. Why was she not picking up the phone (since message went to voice mail)? With the child in the hospital she would have wanted to pick up the phone if somebody with knowledge of the child's condition was calling. And why can't police retrieve the message? I don't doubt her family would be interested in hearing what was in it.


]She must have been tied up at the time:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I'm beginning to think that counsel, Paul P represented GS. Hence, the reason nothing further is being discussed as to her presence at the mansion that day. jmo

Bingo Arielilane!:woohoo: You're a smart one! The whole Pfingst subject just disappeared into a void too.
i think the biggest question for me right now is: if TOD is 3am, is it possible that she was not in rigor when she was found at roughly 6-7am? as i understand it rigor sets in at about the 2 hour mark. can it be longer? what factors in to the time it takes? if she was hanging, why are her knees bent?
I find it difficult to believe she dropped 9 ft and her neck was not broken? But I don't think it would be necessarily if she were standing on a table and the table were kicked out.

You're right, he might not leave any DNA but it was a naked body he had to touch (hold and then lay down) as well as hold the rope while he cut? What about fingerprints.

I think that pic you saw was someone cutting out the original pic and trying to place it on a noose as LE described it by length, etc..

Can any of the posters with medical background weigh in on this question of hurling oneself off the balcony with such force that it pulled the bed away from the wall and yet that force didn't break her neck? I wonder how the autopsy findings support this fact as well considering they know how she went over the balcony.
Just because the public was not informed of every single minute detail, it doesn't make it "hinky". My goodness, don't you think LE knows a little more than we do? Maybe they are trying to spare feelings of Rebecca's family?

In a case like this, when two very, unusual deaths occur in the same house, within a short period of time, and one looks like an obvious murder but is deemed a suicide, any info the public is not given makes it hinky, IMO.

Like I said, I am on the fence, but the public AND her family are upset and deserve more info that led to LE's conclusion.
In a case like this, when two very, unusual deaths occur in the same house, within a short period of time, and one looks like an obvious murder but is deemed a suicide, any info the public is not given makes it hinky, IMO.

Like I said, I am on the fence, but the public AND her family are upset and deserve more info that led to LE's conclusion.

You think her death looked like an "obvious murder"? See, I think that's the problem with this. There's nothing obvious about it. And I think that was the intention.
You think her death looked like an "obvious murder"? See, I think that's the problem with this. There's nothing obvious about it. And I think that was the intention.

I do. When a woman is found bound and gagged and naked, with her hands tied behind her back and the rope binding them also connected to her bound feet, yes, it looks like an obvious murder.

In fact, LE apparently thought it looked like an obvious murder at first as well. Which is why they opened a "homicide" investigation at the onset.
UK article reporting Dr. Wecht thinks her autopsy showed evidence of blunt force trauma to her head? If that is accurate that would be most peculiar, to say the least, considering she supposedly killed herself by hanging. Would they say she whacked herself on the head first?

Could she have hit her head on the house/wall? She should have "swung" back and forth after going over the railing or being pushed over the railing.....but it doesn't appear that any of the tree limbs were broken.....
Wow, you all have been busy! Trying to catch up.

Seems as if RZ family are gearing up for a wrongful death suit, much like civil suit against OJ. If this is the case, JS has 2 choices, have everyone and his brother remotely associate with this case give a deposition or pay off family.

ETA-I'd like to know more about DS boyfriend.
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