CA - Rebecca Zahau Wrongful Death Revisited 2019

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The entire paint situation never made sense to me. You would think there would be paint on the tube, unless someone wiped it off or they were super careful. I wonder what the writing on the door means, I’m sure it’s been discussed a million times so I’ll try not to ask to many questions. Was it Gore who said she wrote it?
Hugs to you and your family, I hope you all get justice for this beautiful soul.
Yes is was Gore who said Rebecca wrote the message on the door. We offered Rebecca's handwriting samples in 2011 and SDSD refused to accept them, stating it was not possible to match block letters that were painted.
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This clip from oxygen Paul Holes is discussing some of the crime scene

Paul Holes Discusses The Death Of Rebecca Zahau

Death At The Mansion: Holes Inspects Never Before Seen Rebecca Zahau Autopsy Photos

As a family we are wanting a different agency to actually investigate Rebecca's death and find the truth.
I still can’t believe that they failed to accurately re-create the knots on Rebecca’s hands in court. How is this not an issue? We are still with you @Burma!
I wish some light would be thrown on this case.

Me too: i cannot believe that this case goes on and on without proper investigation and resolution. I feel for the family: i don't know how they get through each day knowing what a horrible investigation was done and that, so far, there is no justice for their beloved family member. It makes me sick to even think about the travesty this case is.
I followed this case on the Coronado Patch then when that ended, I found out about websleuths and came here. I believe there were no fingerprints, so nothing to follow up on right? Did this person wear gloves or meticulously clean up? Also, I believe the doors to the mansion were not locked, right?
I would like to again thank everyone here for all the support and advise that has been given to us after all these years. I am sharing a document from SDSD that shows a portion of what we have been dealing with. Even when we were given the full case report and after Keith Greer served SDSD with a subpoena for all the documents on Rebecca's case. Adam Shackani's legal team seemed to get more information than we did. I know that's difficult to believe but it's true. I will never understand why we were not given the complete case file, we are the victim's family and should have received the entire case file. Instead we were pushed in the back seat and told how we should act. This occurred on day one even before we had guidance from council. Gore claims they did a compete investigation into the death of Rebecca Zahau. If that statement is true why were Adam's cell records omitted from the original case file? During the investigation SDSD requested cell records from Jonah, Nina and Dina I would assume that they would have requested Adams as well.
Earlier this month I sent two requests for information under the California Public Records act. I requested Adam Shacknai's cell phone records along with emails between deputies involved with the investigation, detective notes from meetings about the Death of Rebecca Zahau, a copy of the detective binder or workbook on the case of Rebecca Zahau. I also requested information (emails) between the personnel involved with the review of Rebecca's case where Capitan McClain was in charge of . I also requested the communication between SDSD and the FBI along with the FBI's response.
This is a simple request just send me the copies of what I am asking for under the law, I will pay for any expense's of making the copies. Since this has been ruled a non criminal issue and we are Rebecca's family there is no reason to not send the information I requested.
I also requested emails between Gore and his legal team, we learned during depositions of deputies that everything on Rebecca's case went through Gore's legal team.
His legal team consist of 4 attorneys that represent only Gore. They are paid by the county but their only client is Gore, or so I'm told. Why would Rebecca's case investigation have to be routed though attorneys? It just seems odd and strange I confident that not every death investigation is run though his legal team. We are only asking for information they have about her death.
Below is their response to me.
If you should look up Haynie vs superior court and see how that case does not apply to us.


RE: Public Records Request of March 04, 2020, Reference # S000233-030420

Dear Mr. Loehner,

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department is in receipt of your letters received on March 2, 2020 and March 9, 2020, requesting records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Specifically, you seek "copies of public records that pertain to the case of Rebecca Zahau." Additionally, you request all email communications related to her death investigation, interdepartmental memorandums, including any detective notes, and a copy of the detective binder, workbook, any email or other documented communication between Sheriff Gore and his legal team of attorneys, and cell phone records.

Your request for all records related to the investigation is denied pursuant to Government Code section 6254(f). Records of a law enforcement investigation, or any investigatory or security files compiled by a law enforcement agency are exempt from disclosure pursuant to the CPRA. Cal. Gov't. Code § 6254(f); Haynie v. Superior Court, (2001) 26 Cal. 4th 1061, 1071-72.

Additionally, your request for any "documented communication between Sheriff Gore and his legal team of attorneys" is further denied pursuant to Government Code section 6254(k) incorporating attorney-client privilege and attorney-client work product.

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department maintains a public website that contains information related to this investigation,

Your request is now closed.


Christine Lawyer, Paralegal II

San Diego County Sheriff's Department
I am so sorry that this happened to your sister and that the murderer is getting away with it because of who they are and where it happened. It is obvious that there’s no way that an intelligent person could come to the conclusion that she killed her self. I hope that someday every single person who covered this up or flat out lied about it is exposed and publicly discredited.

That letter sounds like a bunch of hooey. Law-enforcement administrators and the lawyers who protect them are professional intimidators. I think that their heads are so big that they truly believe that whatever they say is magically true. To be clear, I am saying that they decide what is going to be true based upon what they need to be true. From that point on they believe their own lies. That makes me sad. MOO
Dominick Dunne, God rest his soul, made a writing career out of how The Rich are truly treated differently in the law and court system; of how they invariably get preferential treatment and generally don't pay for their criminal wrong doings due to vast amounts of money and personal connections. It remains so to a disgusting degree. I pray Rebecca gets her justice and her peace!
Adam during his interview with deputies stated how he went to bed after retiring to the guesthouse and got a great nights sleep. Adam said he did not hear anything at all but was never asked if he had heard anything either. Since he was the last person to see Rebecca alive and be the person to report her death where are his cell phone records? He is an important person in this case and it would seem deputies forgot about him. They did process him for but failed to investigate anything he said. His cell records would show if he was sleeping or not, they would also show who he called and texted with that evening.
We also filed a complaint against Gore to his own internal affairs unit about the investigation. I was like writing a letter to Santa, just nothing. There was no follow up call, there was no question for any additional information. These are things an investigative agency does they ask question and collect information. Not SDSD under Gore. I called them and was passed around to different people one even said he had nothing to with that. Finally I was able to speak to the LT over internal affairs. After speaking with him about our complaint I realized he knew nothing about Rebecca's death. He has no idea about any of the details he knew nothing about the case.
A few days after speaking with him a letter arrived. I have attached our complaint and their response.


  • Complaint and SDSD Response.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 32
I would accuse them of hiding something. Yes the rich are treated different because they can afford the best in attorneys. Many years ago in my hometown a guy from a wealthy family shot his wife in cold blood because she was divorcing him. He opened a car door in a car she was in, in her parents' driveway and shot her dead. He got 7 1/2 years! I believe, I can't say for sure, he went on and remarried.
We also filed a complaint against Gore to his own internal affairs unit about the investigation. I was like writing a letter to Santa, just nothing. There was no follow up call, there was no question for any additional information. These are things an investigative agency does they ask question and collect information. Not SDSD under Gore. I called them and was passed around to different people one even said he had nothing to with that. Finally I was able to speak to the LT over internal affairs. After speaking with him about our complaint I realized he knew nothing about Rebecca's death. He has no idea about any of the details he knew nothing about the case.
A few days after speaking with him a letter arrived. I have attached our complaint and their response.

It looks like the letter was signed by Gore, am I reading it wrong? I'm so sorry you are getting stonewalled. I really wish just one person would do the right thing.
It looks like the letter was signed by Gore, am I reading it wrong? I'm so sorry you are getting stonewalled. I really wish just one person would do the right thing.
I'm not sure who actually signed the letter and yes they just keep shutting doors in our face ever since the beginning. Someday someone will actually do the right thing with Beckys case. Were not giving up and are not going away.
Thanks for the response.
So I have requested information from SDSD about Rebecca's case. I requested all the reports that were generated during the case review, any emails sent or received between investigators and Gore. I also requested Adam Shackani cell phone records. The first go around I was denied and they listed a court case that did not apply to our scenario. I sent a message back saying that was not a adequate reason for denial. They replied back that as a brother in law to the victim I did not meet the requirement of next of kin.
So I filled out 5 more requests and they were all signed by Pari Zahau (mother of Rebecca Zahau) I also had them notarized to prove the request came from Rebecca's mother, who is the victim's next of kin.
Attached it the response from SDSD about our request of information. Is this a game to them? I don't understand why Pari Zahau is not allowed to have the documents about her daughter's death. Since they have ruled this a non criminal issue there is not a single reason to refuse to turn over any documents to Rebecca's mother. There are no witness's that will be exposed, no personal information that we already don't have, there is just no reason. Also during our civil trial, that we won, we realized Adam Shackani's legal team was given a more complete case file that what was provided to us. SDSD gave them more information than was released to Rebecca's family. So we are being denied documents as family member but Adam Shackani is able to get more information from SDSD.
Gore said in a press conference that they wanted to make sure they left no stone unturned, and they did a complete and through investigation, he as the best investigators in the country, yes his words. Why did they not obtain Adam Shacknai cell phone records. He was the last person to see Rebecca alive and the same person to report her death just hours later. He was looked at as a person of interest, given a polygraph, SDSD told the family he passed. Deputies recorded the interview with us when they told us he passed, later we found out that was not true. Then ruled as the person responsible for causing her death by a jury, but SDSD did not get his cell phone records. They did get Jonah's, Dina's and Nina's why not Adam's? Wonder what information is on his cell phone records.
This case needs to be reviewed by the Attorney Generals office.


  • SDSO response to CPRA.pdf
    130.1 KB · Views: 23
So I have requested information from SDSD about Rebecca's case. I requested all the reports that were generated during the case review, any emails sent or received between investigators and Gore. I also requested Adam Shackani cell phone records. The first go around I was denied and they listed a court case that did not apply to our scenario. I sent a message back saying that was not a adequate reason for denial. They replied back that as a brother in law to the victim I did not meet the requirement of next of kin.
So I filled out 5 more requests and they were all signed by Pari Zahau (mother of Rebecca Zahau) I also had them notarized to prove the request came from Rebecca's mother, who is the victim's next of kin.
Attached it the response from SDSD about our request of information. Is this a game to them? I don't understand why Pari Zahau is not allowed to have the documents about her daughter's death. Since they have ruled this a non criminal issue there is not a single reason to refuse to turn over any documents to Rebecca's mother. There are no witness's that will be exposed, no personal information that we already don't have, there is just no reason. Also during our civil trial, that we won, we realized Adam Shackani's legal team was given a more complete case file that what was provided to us. SDSD gave them more information than was released to Rebecca's family. So we are being denied documents as family member but Adam Shackani is able to get more information from SDSD.
Gore said in a press conference that they wanted to make sure they left no stone unturned, and they did a complete and through investigation, he as the best investigators in the country, yes his words. Why did they not obtain Adam Shacknai cell phone records. He was the last person to see Rebecca alive and the same person to report her death just hours later. He was looked at as a person of interest, given a polygraph, SDSD told the family he passed. Deputies recorded the interview with us when they told us he passed, later we found out that was not true. Then ruled as the person responsible for causing her death by a jury, but SDSD did not get his cell phone records. They did get Jonah's, Dina's and Nina's why not Adam's? Wonder what information is on his cell phone records.
This case needs to be reviewed by the Attorney Generals office.

This is very frustrating. Do you think there's any hope of getting the current Cali AG to look at it again?

Also, are these kinds of requests done under FOIA? Just curious, I've not tried to do this before.

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