CA - Rebecca Zahau Wrongful Death Revisited 2019

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I can't wait to see it.

The injustice done to Rebecca pains my soul. From Day 1 I said there's no effing way she committed suicide.

I couldn't agree more: No effing way this was suicide. Seems to me there are people high up in law enforcement that don't want the truth to see the light of day and i am no conspiracy person, but this case needs a light to shine on it. It does pain my soul as well.
I couldn't agree more: No effing way this was suicide. Seems to me there are people high up in law enforcement that don't want the truth to see the light of day and i am no conspiracy person, but this case needs a light to shine on it. It does pain my soul as well.

I still remember saying to myself right away that it wasn’t suicide. The disrespect shown to Rebecca in not shielding her body from news cameras was disgusting. And the lame and contrived “reinactment” of the knot-tying was pathetic. I’m not a conspiracy person either, but something is rotten in San Diego county. It angers and pains me too. Thanks to Rebecca’s tenacious family they haven’t been able to sweep this under the rug.
I still remember saying to myself right away that it wasn’t suicide. The disrespect shown to Rebecca in not shielding her body from news cameras was disgusting. And the lame and contrived “reinactment” of the knot-tying was pathetic. I’m not a conspiracy person either, but something is rotten in San Diego county. It angers and pains me too. Thanks to Rebecca’s tenacious family they haven’t been able to sweep this under the rug.

Yes- it was tremendous disrespect to not shield her body: just awful!
I still remember saying to myself right away that it wasn’t suicide. The disrespect shown to Rebecca in not shielding her body from news cameras was disgusting. And the lame and contrived “reinactment” of the knot-tying was pathetic. I’m not a conspiracy person either, but something is rotten in San Diego county. It angers and pains me too. Thanks to Rebecca’s tenacious family they haven’t been able to sweep this under the rug.

SDSD demonstrated a person tying themselves up with their hands bound behind their back. Well good for them to show that it can be done. However it's the wrong knot, it's not even close to the same knot. The knot in the demonstration is at the bottom near/at her fingers. To preform this task alone the knot has to be near your fingers.
If you take a look at the knot on Rebecca, the knot is on the top of the bindings away from her fingers meaning Rebecca was bound by another person.
Rebecca's fingers are not able to touch the knot, SDSD did not care about Rebecca, did not care she was sexually assaulted, and concluded their investigation with empty theories that can not be supported with evidence.
Thank you all for supporting us all these painful years.
SDSD demonstrated a person tying themselves up with their hands bound behind their back. Well good for them to show that it can be done. However it's the wrong knot, it's not even close to the same knot. The knot in the demonstration is at the bottom near/at her fingers. To preform this task alone the knot has to be near your fingers.
If you take a look at the knot on Rebecca, the knot is on the top of the bindings away from her fingers meaning Rebecca was bound by another person.
Rebecca's fingers are not able to touch the knot, SDSD did not care about Rebecca, did not care she was sexually assaulted, and concluded their investigation with empty theories that can not be supported with evidence.
Thank you all for supporting us all these painful years.

I will never forget.

It's been nine years, two months, and two days, that I was in SD on business when morning news broke over television in my hotel room about homicidal violence at the Spreckels Mansion. Media helicopters were flying over the property filming Rebecca on the garden (lawn), and neighborhood kids sitting on their rooftops with binoculars. It was so disgusting that I was phoning all the news desks in San Diego County imploring them to cease filming!! I could not believe what I was seeing. I returned to England late that evening and wept for hours crossing the Atlantic over what could have happened to Rebecca.

So many here understood both then and now that if only you took the money, politics, personalities, and favor, outside of the room, and looked ONLY AT THE EVIDENCE right before your eyes, the knots, Becky's hair, etc., would lead to the truth.

@Burma, sharing in both your pain and quest for justice for Rebecca.


It is upsetting... can they actually give any examples of somebody doing that (ropes, naked and knots behind the back/etc) to themselves in a suicide? I can't remember any such case.

To my surprise, there are cases of suicide with hands tied behind the back. I found this study that was done in Turkey when I googled “has anyone committed suicide with hands tied behind back.” Of course Rebecca’s case comes up first. :mad: This study talks about several cases that were initially considered homicide because the hands were tied, but determined to be suicide.

In no way am I implying that I think Rebecca committed suicide. I have bolded a section about homicidal hanging and one that makes clear that the investigation should be done when the victim is still suspended. Adam had cut Rebecca down and done who knows what else to the scene. And wasn’t there quite a delay for a medical examiner to arrive at the scene?


Hanging is a form of ligature strangulation in which the force
applied to the neck is derived from the gravitational force of the total
or partial weight of the body and is generally suicidal.
It can
rarely be seen as accidental, especially in children and in adults
during autoerotic activities. It is unusual to ascribe suicidal appear-

ances to a homicidal hanging case. Being able to kill another adult
by homicidal hanging requires force and intervention. However, if a
person is in a confused state because of mental illness, under the
effect of medication or alcohol, or if the victim is a child, then it is
possible to ascribe suicidal appearances to a homicidal hanging

In adult victims, more than 1 perpetrator could perform a
homicidal hanging but this would most likely result in a violent
struggle. Thus, in such circumstances a medical examiner would
expect to find severe traumatic lesions on the victim’s body.

To determine the cause of death in hanging cases, while the
corpse is still at the death scene and in the suspended position, a
detailed investigation should be performed by a team including a
forensic pathologist. Further evidence from the death scene inves-
tigation, statements from witnesses, the presence of a suicide note,
and autopsy findings can all help to determine whether the victim
was responsible for his or her own death.
The tying together of the wrists in hanging cases is rare, but
may not indicate a homicide, so long as the hanging ligature could

not have been self-applied. Some suicidal people try to avoid being
rescued by others or themselves.

In the medical literature, there are
few cases reported in which the wrists are tied and/or the mouth is
plugged or tied.
Marsh et al presented 1 suicidal hanging case
where the victim’s wrists were bound and a sock had been used to
gag his mouth. Takac et al presented another suicidal hanging case
where the victim’s hands were tied and a handkerchief put in his
mouth. Goonetilleke and Krzyzanowski et al also reported hang-
ing cases where hands or limbs were tied. Ozkok et al, Tugcu
et al, and Turla and Ozkanli also presented suicidal hanging
cases where hands were bound.

In our study it was observed that in 5 (29.4%) of the 17 cases
the hands were either limply or tightly fastened together in front or
behind the body. At first glance, a hanging body found with their
hands tied together would give the impression of a homicide.
However, an investigation of the death scene,such as in our first case
showed that the victim had tied up his own hands; 1 end of the cable
was in 1 palm and the other end was free, showing bite marks on it.
In the same case, a piece of paper had been placed against the
hanging ligature and the victim had left a suicide note. In the second
case, the hands were tied around the thigh and waist to prevent the
hands from rising up. In the third case, both hands had been tied
behind the body with a simple knot. Also, along with a suicide note,
the door had been locked from inside, meaning anybody trying to
enter the room would have to break the lock. In the fourth case, there
was a suicide note left at the death scene and both hands had been
fastened limply behind the back. In the fifth case, beside the
presence of a suicide note, the hands had been tied behind the back
and a plastic bag had been used to close the mouth. In all 5 cases, the
knots over the hands had apparently been secured by the victims and
based upon the autopsy findings and inquiry data, it was determined
that the hangings were suicidal. Each victim was thought to have
tied both their hands together to prevent any change of mind.
It is upsetting... can they actually give any examples of somebody doing that (ropes, naked and knots behind the back/etc) to themselves in a suicide? I can't remember any such case.
San Diego County Sheriff's Department this is the link
Gore only attempted the recreation of knot tying, Gore did not include being nude, painting the door, getting paint all over her body and rope. Rebecca had no paint on the grasping portions of her hands or fingers. There is no way she could have transferred any paint to any surface. Gore explained how its all the same paint in the crime scene, but what does that really mean? nothing, nothing at all. It does mean that Rebecca was unable to transfer the paint to her body, rope and other areas and the paint transfer was done by another person.
San Diego County Sheriff's Department this is the link
Gore only attempted the recreation of knot tying, Gore did not include being nude, painting the door, getting paint all over her body and rope. Rebecca had no paint on the grasping portions of her hands or fingers. There is no way she could have transferred any paint to any surface. Gore explained how its all the same paint in the crime scene, but what does that really mean? nothing, nothing at all. It does mean that Rebecca was unable to transfer the paint to her body, rope and other areas and the paint transfer was done by another person.

Yes, there are so many things wrong with the investigation and with ignoring logical evidence.


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A refresher. Kamala’s letter....
SDSD has ignored a sexual assault, ignored a murder, and failed to conduct an ethical investigation to Rebecca Zahau's death. Gore did not care about Rebecca he made that very clear since July 13th 2011. That is malfeasance I can go on with a list of all his failures on Rebecca's case.
For starters just examine the blood on the knife handle, Gore it's still locked up all secure in your evidence locker, along with Rebecca's phone. Her phone had over 20,000KB's of data removed/hacked from her phone while it was in his custody. I have her cell records, Gore does not, there was never a search warrant issued for Rebecca's phone, but there was also never a search warrant issued for Adam's phone.
The two people on scene of the most suspicious death in Coronado CA and he does not secure a search warrant for their phones and did not seize Adam's.
Gore says he has the best investigator's in the country, I am to accept this as the best work of investigators in the country?
I don't think so.
They failed, this was racially bias investigation.
Thanks for the correct information on her standing politically...I remember reading speculation that in this case, people believed she cowed to the dollar/political fundraising efforts through the boyfriend and therefore did not pursue charges...interference by omission?

and I am in no way trying to make this a political post....I do remember it being speculated that she did not want to offend the money.

I may be misremembering...I just hope like hell this case is brought to justice....soon.

Not at all -- I don't think you are misremembering.

Ms. Harris didn't even respond -- she let someone else do that for her -- and they essentially parroted JS inquiry that was nothing more than lip service to RZ's family.

I have not one doubt that had JS asked KH to review SDSD, KH would have done just that.

I learned all I needed to know about Ms. Harris in 2014.

(And we all know that Sheriff Gore "understood Shacknai," and agreed with him)...


Shacknai, 54, wrote the attorney general Monday that he had no reason to doubt the finding but that a review might put to rest questions raised by Zahau's family and others. He said Thursday that he accepted Harris' decision.

"If at any time there is new substantive evidence bearing on this case, it should be presented, not in tabloid form to fuel rumor and innuendo, but rather to appropriate law enforcement authorities who may determine whether further investigation is warranted," Shacknai said in a statement.

Sheriff Bill Gore said this week that he understood and supported Shacknai's request and would cooperate if the attorney general launched a review. His office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Calif. Attorney General Won't Review Finding in Millionaire's Girlfriend's Mansion Death
SDSD has ignored a sexual assault, ignored a murder, and failed to conduct an ethical investigation to Rebecca Zahau's death. Gore did not care about Rebecca he made that very clear since July 13th 2011. That is malfeasance I can go on with a list of all his failures on Rebecca's case.
For starters just examine the blood on the knife handle, Gore it's still locked up all secure in your evidence locker, along with Rebecca's phone. Her phone had over 20,000KB's of data removed/hacked from her phone while it was in his custody. I have her cell records, Gore does not, there was never a search warrant issued for Rebecca's phone, but there was also never a search warrant issued for Adam's phone.
The two people on scene of the most suspicious death in Coronado CA and he does not secure a search warrant for their phones and did not seize Adam's.
Gore says he has the best investigator's in the country, I am to accept this as the best work of investigators in the country?
I don't think so.
They failed, this was racially bias investigation.

I agree. I also felt Harris should have had more sensitivity wrt the potential for a woman to have been sexually victimized and murdered, most like by a man. As you mention, there were many, many indications a sexual assault might have taken place.

A woman prosecutor should have also been offended by the treatment of Rebecca post-mortem, with LE leaving her nude body on display for several hours after her death. Was Harris busy and not following the news of this sensational death? Did she just leave the decision to the male staffer who wrote the reply letter without bothering to research the case? Her continued silence in light of more recent developments is puzzling. People have mentioned this case to her and asked about her response via online postings in relevant fora. Neither she nor her staff have responded.
Interesting to me, IMHO, especially today, no offense to anyone, that Kamala Harris decided to stand with white men against a person of color and that person's family.

If Gore's investigation was trustworthy & appropriate, what's the harm of sending one person to San Diego for a day to review files?

Oh, risk of offending the people with $$$. Oh.

Burma, don't want to speak for other posters, but know that we stand with you and your family, and really appreciate your work for justice for Rebecca!

SDSD demonstrated a person tying themselves up with their hands bound behind their back. Well good for them to show that it can be done. However it's the wrong knot, it's not even close to the same knot. The knot in the demonstration is at the bottom near/at her fingers. To preform this task alone the knot has to be near your fingers.
If you take a look at the knot on Rebecca, the knot is on the top of the bindings away from her fingers meaning Rebecca was bound by another person.
Rebecca's fingers are not able to touch the knot, SDSD did not care about Rebecca, did not care she was sexually assaulted, and concluded their investigation with empty theories that can not be supported with evidence.
Thank you all for supporting us all these painful years.
And not to mention her gagging herself with a shirt down her own throat unbeleivable

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