CA CA - Rose Cole, 16, Oakland, 1972 - #1

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christine2448 said:
Isabela, great work on those pics, did you do those overlays. What a comparison.

No, D.o.a cop's connections did the work. . .amazing!!!
christine2448 said:
Has someone explained how to do pics to you yet?

Open an account at a place like it's free...upload your pictures there.....under the picture, once you upload it there are 3 options..copy and paste the 3rd (IMG) one into your post here at WS then hit preview and you should see the picture in your post.


I will try when I get home ~ thanks
Hollow said:
I think it looks like the same excact person. Did anyone contact LE yet ???

I am lost! What? Who is LE? Did I miss a posting?
Rose has not officially been ruled in or out to this point. I am working with the courts in Genesee County and trying to crack open Rose's Jeuvenile File - in hopes than an accurate description (height / weight / etc) can be obtained, but more importanly - a fingerprint card. I'm also requesting MI authorities search for a driver's license - as it too would have a print. I am expecting bad news though, as they only hold files for 30-years before destroying them. Juvenile fingerprints are not available on the same databases as the adult offenders - so they would never have hit on an automated search.

The SIL's husband has viewed the actual scene photo of Jane Doe and doesn't think it's her - but in the identification of the deceased, personal ID is the least accurate fomr of identification - human emotions play a huge role. Example: Mom views scene photo of her daughter's car wreck, emotionally she doesn't want the face in the pic to be her daughter so her mind shuts down and tells her that it's not her daughter. Crude example - but it has happend. I had a father misidentifty one of his own daughter's as a jumper from the Golden Gate Bridge - his own daughter - he got them mixed up and gave us the wrong name.

So, that said, I will not knock Rose off my list until I have done everything possible to POSITIVELY rule her in or out - that includes the possibilty of DNA testing SIL's brother.

FYI: I am currently working with family of an Indiana girl - Melinda CREECH - who went missing 3-weeks prior to the murder of my Jane Doe case in 1979. Interestingly - the sculpture resembles this girl's elementary school photos - but Jane's scene photo makes her look more full in the face. Adding to the drama is that CREECH gained weight over the last year prior to her disappearance - her last photo is an uncanny match to my Jane DOE on computer layovers. CREECH also had a more current computer rendition of her likeness made up by the folks at the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. I think you can see that picture on the Doe Network (File U324). This computer rendering looks very similar to Creech's last photo as well. The family has a dynamic website with the entire Hx of the case - and itr's a hell of a story too - you can get there via the Doe Network file for Creech.

Hope all goes well with Clair's sister - glad I could help. You guys could have found this too. Genesee County (Flint, MI) has all their Marriage records online - free - I simply ran all Claire's sisters names in that database and found out their husbands Sir names - then searched for them

Found other surprising info too. Rose's father married another gal in 1979 - Merle Ann Orr. SIL has no idea who that is, but I'll bet she (Merle) heard a few stories from old Jesse before he passed away.
IsabelaPR said:
I am lost! What? Who is LE? Did I miss a posting?
LE means Law enforcement. I guess that Jane doe is out of the running because of her eye color right ??? Has anyone looked at Oklahoma Jane Doe as a possible ?? I don't know what Rose's vital statistics were, just a thought. I'll bump the thread.
Hollow said:
LE means Law enforcement. I guess that Jane doe is out of the running because of her eye color right ??? Has anyone looked at Oklahoma Jane Doe as a possible ?? I don't know what Rose's vital statistics were, just a thought. I'll bump the thread.

Here are the vitals on the OK case that you bumped:

Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 18 - 25 years old.
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'6"-5'7" (168-170 cm);120 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Light reddish/brown hair. Fair complexion with freckles on face and upper torso. Appendectomy scar. No fractures.
Clothing: None found.
Dental: Extensive dental work done, some teeth out of alignment.
Tattoos: Tattoo of small heart above left breast; heart and line in blue ink, center of heart colored with red ink.
Fingerprints: Available
IsabelaPR said:
I am lost! What? Who is LE? Did I miss a posting?
LOL, Isabela, LE is Law Enforcement...whoever made that post must not be familiar with what all we are already doing and that you have contacted LE.
d.o.a. cop said:
Rose has not officially been ruled in or out to this point. I am working with the courts in Genesee County and trying to crack open Rose's Jeuvenile File - in hopes than an accurate description (height / weight / etc) can be obtained, but more importanly - a fingerprint card. I'm also requesting MI authorities search for a driver's license - as it too would have a print. I am expecting bad news though, as they only hold files for 30-years before destroying them. Juvenile fingerprints are not available on the same databases as the adult offenders - so they would never have hit on an automated search.
You are just absolutley amazing. We need more of you round here! OK, so, not ruled out, forgive me. I just don't want to believe it's her, as I mentioned earlier, so I was hoping you would agree, but you haven't so, this Jane Doe is still a possibilty. hmmmmm.
My MPD contact is not very cooperative, I have to wait until Monday to talk to his boss.

I am stopping in person on Monday. In the meantime I am making some phone calls, going around the system to see if I have better luck!!

doa, the MPD detective suggested for me to go to the local hospital to have the DNA swap done. If I can't get his boss aboard on Monday, will his suggestion be a possible alternative?

Sorry about my grammar/spelling or if I am not making any sense. . .I can't hardly type today!!! :)

Am still @ work, will log back letter tonight!
christine2448 said:
LOL, Isabela, LE is Law Enforcement...whoever made that post must not be familiar with what all we are already doing and that you have contacted LE.
Guilty as charged !!!:angel:

Since you are working with someone with the Genesee courts you could find out an answer for us. There is a doc posted where the charges were dropped against Rose in January 1974. On the doc it says that she appeared along with her parent/guardian. We really need to know if she did or not. That puts her back in MI in 1974. Do you think you could find out?
Thanks so much for everything that you are doing to help us find Rose.

here is the doc I am referring to in case you havn't seen it.

Legal Document

Rose was charged as at age 14 for unlawfully running away from home

January 4th, 1974 Petition to Drop Charges

State of Michigan
Juvenile Division

The Probate Court County of Genesee


BIRTHDATE 12-23-1956 SCHOOL Emerson

ADDRESS 208 W. Jackson, Flint

At the session of said Court in the City of Flint on the 4th day of January, 1974.


WHEREAS: A petition has been filed for proceedings and disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Code, Chapter 712A of C.L. 1948, as amended, and upon investigation and hearing, upon due notice, as provided by said laws and said child appearing in Court with parent or guardian and from the evidence and admissions of said petition are true and that said child is subject to the power of this Court, which ORDERS, as follows:

ON THE COURT'S OWN MOTION, This matter be and the same is hereby dismissed.



To D.O.A. Cop

Mr. Harris this is completely off topic - you have mentioned that you worked on the Castro Jane Doe case in the past. This makes me think that absolutely every stone has been turned over and examined!

Some of our members did a lot of work trying to match her to published missing person's reports. The thread is here

Even though there has been massive publicity about the case... there has not been a single email address publicized - nor is there a crimestoppers in the area.

Would it be possible for you to let the Detective know about the thread - just in case we might have uncovered some information that wasn't turned over before? Don't want to pester Law Enforcement... but the phone isn't always the best way to send information these days.

Thank you for anything you can do!
Since we're trying to get a WHOLE lot of information on one thread instead of an entire forum, please DO NOT it the "QUOTE" button to repond to a post. Instead, use the "REPLY" button or please edit the QUOTE that you're responding to so that we're not reposting very long posts over and over. Thanks for your cooperation.

If you notice posts above that were "edited" by me it was simply to remove large duplicative post.

Thanks ya'll! :blowkiss:
Shadow205 said:
d.o.a. cop did the photo's. So what is everyones opinion on them?
I can't really tell. I guess they look alike. The hairline seems a little different, as far as how far down it goes.
The hairline appears lower on Jane Doe due to extensive burns and charred skin. It is in fact higher than it appears. It's hard to see the detail of Jane with the overlay.
itsreenw said:
I guess that makes me a co-defendant:D
LOL, itsreenw, and hollow! Ya'll r funny! How can you know everything that is going on????? So many posts, so many of us doing different things, it gets all confusing...hollow, I didnt' mean anything when I said that....just explaining to Isabela.

I had mentioned earlier we should do a time line etc, and I think someone did, a summary of what we have done and where we are now maybe would be good, every couple of pages or so, that way others don't have to go through the entire thread and try to figure out everything...what do ya'll think?

Like, as of 4/whatever...Rose has still not been found....Rose's SIL is now here with us along with yada yada. We have found the friend Claire, we are still looking for yada yada.

Or is thsi a stupid idear?
Christine that is an AWESOME idea... it could be posted... let's say every 5th page - with updates. That way everyone could just go to page 10, 15, 20 and get the info....
Nope, that's not a stupid idea at all. I'm not sure if I would call it a timeline as much as a summation of where we're at. If I were more alert this morning, I would offer to do it... and might do it later today. But I'm dragging this morning and my brain is not all that perky. Another good thing to put on the summation is where we're at with whatever Jane Doe we're working on. Even though many of us are already looking at the Florida Jane Doe, Darrell and Isabela are still working on the Marin Jane Doe, and we need to be aware of that. Until that one is excluded, we can't move ahead to the next one.

Dr. Doogie did an excellent summation on Anna Waters' thread that gives anyone viewing it an idea where things stand and what ideas or people still need to be researched.
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