CA CA - Rose Cole, 16, Oakland, 1972 - #1

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Yes, please do the timeline!!! I despertly need to see it, lol.

Shadow205 said:
I nominate Christine to do the time line :D
I will do my best, must be honest, may take me a few days...but I don't mind doing it, if ya'll don't mind waiting for me to do it.

I am getting all my info dates from thread and from the letters...will try to get it together....if someone can do it quicker...DON'T HESITATE to volunteer...:)

Otherwise, I'll get it on here as soon as I can, not being able to start it till late tonight.

Hey HOT, who is Dr Doggie? what did I miss?
Christine, Dr. Doogie is heading up the Anna Christian Waters abduction... it has its own forum. I would copy the summarization post he did but Jeana has asked us to cut down on the copying we do on Rose's thread. It's post #36 on the Searching For Anna thread.

Also, a page or two back, Isabela did a timeline that I posted for her. That will probably give you some of the key dates you need. Thanks for offering to do it (not that you weren't railroaded!).
I think we could do a forum on this case LOL..

Letters from Rose
Time Line
Who's doing What
Jane Does
Searching for/found
I don't think that's going to happen so we better content ourselves with having a thread. But I also don't think the summarization needs to have all that much in it, either. Just what we're working on, what we're still looking for, where we're at... that kind of thing. If we want to also include the important dates to update any newcomer, that's in a post I did a few pages back. I'll go try to find it now.
HeartofTexas said:
I don't think that's going to happen so we better content ourselves with having a thread. But I also don't think the summarization needs to have all that much in it, either. Just what we're working on, what we're still looking for, where we're at... that kind of thing. If we want to also include the important dates to update any newcomer, that's in a post I did a few pages back. I'll go try to find it now.
Yeah your right, I printed the entire thread, I hadn't seen the timeline you mentioned, now I have, there really isn't a whole bunch...I am going through the whole thread again. I thought we could list the Jane Does we found and which still need investigating and which are, if any, ruled out too. And who we are still looking for that may have answers, like, who did she live with when she ran away, and where?
Mostly I don't want you to work too hard on this. But it's also your's to do with what you want... what you think would be helpful either for someone new, or for someone that might be looking for something noteworthy. Thanks for your help, Christine.
Have been getting some emails from my new friend who is a former Synanon member....

Various people on the synanon list said: XXXXX and I both remember Rose,
although I have no idea what happened
to her, or who Ruth is! I remember she was 17, with long hair, she
was tall and thin.

Another one said

I think I remember her because she was underage and came up at a time
when we really didn't accept "single boots." It's the picture that

made me remember her - although her face looked thinner - I remember her long curly hair and wearing a red bandana.

Another note from my new friend:

So people remember her but not what happened to her. Lots and lots of kids would run away each winter esp between thanksgiving and Christmas due to home memories. Many took Hwy 1 S which leads to San Francisco. Others didn’t Many got stuck in SFO esp if they had drug or alcohol problems. Others ran to the nearest relative. I talk about this migration every winter in my story btw.

And another:

She says she caught the bus to the clumps but there was no bus to the clumps in tomales in December of 72. There was no clumps left??? In Santa Monica but don’t think she was there. May have been clumps in Oakland. She could have caught a bus to walker creek and ran from there but she doesn’t say that.
Here is another email from another synanon member:

Rose was a new member of a wealthy and powerful cult, then at the
> peak of power. Despite this she only mentions SY once, in a single
> para describing her dining room job, no mention of the game and many
> other things (like general meetyings) that must have been as
> frightening for her as they were for all of us when new. Despite
> being under the pressure on newks (HOW DID ANY OF US SURVIVE THAT
> PAIN AND TERROR OF BEING NEW!?, except maybe that guys like Bernie
> and my tip leaders XXXXXXX and XXXXXX took us under
> thier wings, and we were so sick and tired of waking up sick for a
> shot that Sy was a better deal...) she expresses an earnest concern
> for her brother, who she loves and does not want to have move away
> to Texas.
> She is a sixties sister, trying to find her way into a hard and
> unjforgiving world, a time when getting a job used to be the "13th
> Grade" after high school, but now the factories were shutting down
> and inflation was jacking prices month by month as the collective
> horror of the 1970's got rolling.
> At one time "moving on" was a choice, but the 1970's corrupted that
> choice along with all else into the "best of a bad lot", which is
> not a choice but a mocking echo and all that was left us then. By
> some miracle of the spirit we picked up the pieces of our lives and
> forged them into a new one.
XXXXX, you've done a terrific job in bringing this delicate young
> girl to life for us, and XXXXX as well for not shutting out a bad
> opening move by her relative, and giving her a .org page after she
> proved out as a real sis...
> What became of her I have no more idea than anyone, I don't remember
> her personally although her name gives a slight twinge of memory.
> She may have vanished, some did from back then. But I now feel she
> is back with us, the childish scrawl and phrasing of her letter is a
> testimony of Oliver Stone's ideal of the sixties "people trying to
> come to terms with turbulent times..." I'd reccomend that everyone
> try finding the time to read her letter posted by XXXXX, its like a
> window into a past that is lost forever but still lives within us.
> (XXXXX I hope you vacumned this letter into her page).
And the last email I had in my inbox this morning:

I remember Rose - she was tall and thin with long dark wavy hair -
she wore a red bandana and had milky white skin, she was under 18.
XXXXX remembers her also. I have posted many times about knowing
Rose - maybe nobody saw my posts here, it wouldn't be the first tiome
Yahoo did that, my first post was to XXXXX about her. My posts have
gone unanswered... so I ask has anyone read my posts about Rose???
Should I find them and re-post them?

Is this email from a former Synanon member? Where is she talking about posting several times?
Shadow205 said:

Is this email from a former Synanon member? Where is she talking about posting several times?
On the Synanon site, I guess, everything I'm posting is coming in emails to me from the woman I met who lived there.
Wow, Christine, excellent work! Someone finally remembers her.

The part about leaving between Thanksgiving and Christmas definitely rings true for Rose, because that's when she left Synanon.

I'm confused about there being no bus to the clumps, but other than that everything seems to be validated.

I, too, think SF (and/or Marin) would be where she ended up. There was so much going on in SF at the time... Haight-Asbury and a huge street crowd... that going there makes the most sense.

And it all makes even more sense if we can determine whether or not Marin Jane Doe is her.

Rose mentioned something in her letters about maybe going to either Florida or Hawaii, so the Florida Jane Doe is also still a consideration.

Again, Christine, thanks for following through on this angle.
From another Synanon member:

  • Another thought about Rose...only one letter or two came to Rose's family on Synanon letterhead right... well she wouldn't have had any paper to write on in the boot camp. It was not allowed in our foot lockers. Maybe after she split, Rose just told her family that she was in synanon, boot camp so that they wouldn't know that she had split...thats something that i might have done when new.XXXX

Dear *advertiser censored* and XXXXX...I TOO remember Rose Cole...but NOT in the way that *advertiser censored* does...I do not believe that Rose was a boot camp member...although my memory has been known to hiccup at the most inconvenient time...i am very sure of this memory. Does anyone remember the central kitchen at the ranch, where we would prepare all of the food used at the ranch and walker creek, and then truck it to its final location ? Well, there was a big bulletin board right inside the kitchens door that we food service folks used to post junk...and there was a heading in large block letters that said..NEW TO SYNANON FOOD SERVICE> and Rose Coles picture was posted on this site with the to Oakland kitchens...I had to keep this bulletin board neat and throw out outdated posts after each cubic week...I clearly remember XXXXXX XXXXX telling me to discard Rose's picture because she had split from Oakland. If she only spent two or three months in Synanon, it is unlikely
that she would have been pulled into the Boot Camp that is likely that she was told that she was going to be sent up to the boots, and got scared and split...we were not permitted to send letters out for the early bootcamp, remember *advertiser censored*...XXXXX said that instead of writing home, we should concentrate on getting to know each other, become friends, and use our synanon games to air our problems.
If she only spent two or three months in Synanon, it is unlikely
that she would have been pulled into the Boot Camp that quickly...
I think there is a misconception that Rose was only in Syannon for a few months, but there is somewhere in one of her letters that she says, "it's been almost a year". Rose's SIL doesn't know when Rose went into Synanon but that doesn't mean that it was just a few months that she was there.... just that there is no paperwork to document the date she entered Synanon. As the above post states, letters weren't allowed in the first few months of Synanon, so Rose's 3 letters written while in Synanon would have come AFTER that period.
Please point out of I missed out xxxing anyones name so I cna fix..thanks
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