CA CA - Rose Cole, 16, Oakland, 1972 - #1

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Isabela...what do you think? What does yer hubby think of this picture?
Just sent pictures and poster out to former synanon members, do see if that could be her...the more I look at it the more it looks like her smile, her eyes, her teeth.....
Christine, do you have the more recent picture of Rose, the one where she is about 14-15 years old? The lines under Rose's eyes in that picture look quite a bit like the lines under the Synanon girl's picture.
Hi sorry forgot to cut and paste. Here is the first one I found the girl in the ad.

I can see the Oakland address in that ad, Ladyhawk. And Oakland is where Rose stayed.
I also found this one, it's a group wedding picture look at the top row of girls the 4th from left to right the girl is turned and looking at the other girl.


Lady....great job, look at my post #378 to see comparison side by side.
Thanks Christine. I was just excited I got to view pictures from that site!
The wedding picture DEFINITELY looks like Rose. Geez, Rose didn't mention anything about getting married. She said she ran away. And she looks awfully happy that day to be faking it. I'm soooo confused.
Here is another comparison...a more recent pic of Rose on Left and Synanon poster picture on right:

Looks pretty close to me, Christine, especially around the eyes. And the wedding picture Ladyhawk posted looks very much like the picture of Rose at 14-15.
So if by chance she did get married while she was there, wouldn't they have to file for a marriage license? Wouldn't it have her husbands name on it?
So if by chance she did get married while she was there, wouldn't they have to file for a marriage license? Wouldn't it have her husbands name on it?
I'm not sure. I've read up on some of the Synanon marriage stuff, but not enough to know if they followed the laws of the State of California re licenses. I would guess they didn't. They pretty much thought they were above the law.
HeartofTexas said:
The wedding picture DEFINITELY looks like Rose.
This I'm not seeing, why can't I see it....I don't see Rose anywhere in that picture, the wedding one :( I think the girl mentioned nose is too big, and her hair is too straight....didn't Rose have curl in her hair, many have said they remember her long curled hair? Or maybe I am mixed up.

Wouldn't that be somethin'....if she married, but noone emailing me seems to recall that.....I think I need to get more specific with my questions, like, what is their last memory of Rose, seeing her when?

Do you think she lied about running away? Because she wanted to marry? This would throw a whole new twist to this.

I am going to see if I can get more details from ex synanon members....I'll let you know what I find out.
Christine look in the back row starting from the left to the right the 4th girl. She is turned looking or talking to the girl next to her
I just sent this email out to my Synanon connection:

Hey there, how's your day goin'?
I hope very well......I am wondering, in your opinion, or any of your contacts, could Rose have been lying in letters, not have run from Synanon? We have found a wedding picture that some think is her, a group wedding, me, I don't see it, but some say they think it is her.
I am wondering, maybe she lied to parents because she fell in love and wanted to stay on with this fellow?
Your thoughts?
Also, does anyone you have been talking to remember her running away? What are thier last memories of seeing her.....maybe she didn't run away? Could they be covering for her?
Oh, my mind is reeling!
Thanks for all of your help!
HeartofTexas said:
There's a resemblance, in a more mature sort of way. But what about all of the accounts of Rose having long wavy hair? I guess they could have cut it off.

I believe that cutting their hair was a favorite form of punishment/humiliation for people who "broke the rules". Long hair was a kind of status thing, up until the women's revolt when they all started shaving their heads.
Christine, maybe ask your source to look at the picture of the ad with the other guys. To me it looks like a pose one would do for a theater type thing. The girl looks very comfortable, I don't think its her. If we can find out who that was it would help us move on.

BTW, I don't think the wedding pic is her either. What is it with those weddings anyhow? Someone asked, then answered herself and dropped it. Inquiring minds want to know...
Interestingly, I think the wedding picture looks very much like Rose... at least what my mind can translate from her last picture. The same thick wavy hair. Obviously, it's very hard to tell anything accurately with pictures, since we've never met her. But it does look like I have her invisioned.
christine2448 said:
I just sent this email out to my Synanon connection:

Hey there, how's your day goin'?
I hope very well......I am wondering, in your opinion, or any of your contacts, could Rose have been lying in letters, not have run from Synanon? We have found a wedding picture that some think is her, a group wedding, me, I don't see it, but some say they think it is her.
I am wondering, maybe she lied to parents because she fell in love and wanted to stay on with this fellow?
Your thoughts?
Also, does anyone you have been talking to remember her running away? What are thier last memories of seeing her.....maybe she didn't run away? Could they be covering for her?
Oh, my mind is reeling!
Thanks for all of your help!

Here is the reply to this email from my new friend:

There was a group wedding, actually 2 of them. My mom married in one of them in 1972.

This was the wedding in fall 1972. She would not have been in this wedding
as "newcomers" were NOT invited. These were for special people in the community or those who received approval typically there 3 years before getting married. There were few group weddings after 1972 so highly doubtful on that.

They remember her being there.....and then she wasn't. I think she left.
Many did. The % that left were huge

I think she left, dated, met some guy (these were the 70s remember) and
perhaps fell in love , perhaps was killed. Who knows.

No one remembers her running away and no one who was in the Boot camp or in Tomales remembers her there and I can't find anyone with an older POP sheet to verify her dates of departure .

No one had a reason to cover for "newcomers" like her. She was simply
another forgotten "failure" as far as Synanon is concerned. Does that make
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