CA CA - Rose Cole, 16, Oakland, 1972 - #1

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HeartofTexas said:
Shadow... two things that concern me. Rose's hair was brown and doesn't appear to be too wavy in her last picture (Doe mentions blonde to light brown hair and wavy). Also, the Doe report says blue eyes, and the SIL said she had green/hazel eyes. Not sure how much importance to place on these discrepancies but thought I would mention them.
This is gross, but if someone's face was burned beyond recognition, then wouldn't the eyes burn as well? Maybe the took a good guess based on what was left to see. As far as the hair goes, maybe Rose was naturally curly. After all, in the 70's long straight hair was desirable, whereas in the late 70's the Farra Fawcett look was more popular. Of course, we can make just about anything "fit", but I do see a resemblence.
itsreenw said:
Decided to take a break from my adoption search. I'm getting frustrated. This should be an easy one-I have all the info- but I can't get into the WA birth registry. If anyone has access can you PLEASE PM me.

I figured I'd take a time out and come see what the 'ol gang is doing here and to let y'all know that I got an email back from Rod Janzen. He gave me the phone # of Sue Richardson who was a teacher at Synanon, Oakland. I will call her Monday during business hours. Maybe she can tell us a little about Rose's activities at Synanon.

Ya know, it is so odd that a juvenile would be sent clear across the country to a drug program. I wonder if judges were being paid off to send wayward kids there.

Shadow, I know this was addressed to HoT, but I saw it and got totally excited!! Yes, she was from Flint, MI. Sorry for answering for you HoT.

HoT, did SIL say why she got kicked off the site?? Did she pose as Rose? How'd she get on in the 1st place? I'm game to try it if she tells me what to say to get in.
Did you have your meeting today?

Middle picture Rose Cole, age 14. Bookend pictures are of Jane Doe.

Jane Doe:
gardenmom said:
Did you have your meeting today?
Just spoke with Sue Richardson. Interesting is the best I can say. She said she was the teacher at Synanon Oakland in 1972 and didn't recall Rose at all. She said they didn't have any one Rose's age at that time. I mentioned Rose's visit to Tomales Bay and said that a girl named Ruth was with her on the trip. Her 1st question was 'well why did her mother just now start looking for her?" I explained that it was the sil, and broke it all down for her and said 'so here we are today and a group of concerned people are trying to help her family find out what happened to her.

I tried to ask if she would have been using another name for some reason and she talked right over that.

She would start to say something then stop. Part of what I grasped was:
Her husband was the president of some area at Synanon. He died 2 yrs ago. She spoke of John that founded Delancey Street in San Francisco. It's the bigwig of drug rehab facilities in Northern CA. I guess she was going to say they would know more but they are both dead. She started several sentences and didn't finish them. She didn't stutter but seemed to have random thoughts.

First she said there were no kids there that age. Then she said none without parents living there or without parental consent. I told her Rose was sent there by the courts in Flint MI for an alleged drug violation. She said that if a person would have run away that was sent there by the courts they simply would've contacted the court to put out a warrant and not pursued it any further. She added "who knows, the girl may have overdosed or something'.

She seems to still believe in Synanon. She certainly didn't let on to the fact that Rose may have met an untimely death at the hands of SynFnd heavies.

She did, however, volunteer to put a post on that site nobody can get into. She wanted me to get as much info as I could, including pics as close to 1972 as possible and send everything to her in an email. She said she will post it there and let me know if there are any replies.
I don't know if I want to use my email address. I'm skeptical.
itsreenw said:
She did, however, volunteer to put a post on that site nobody can get into. She wanted me to get as much info as I could, including pics as close to 1972 as possible and send everything to her in an email. She said she will post it there and let me know if there are any replies.
I don't know if I want to use my email address. I'm skeptical.
Good work, Itsreenw! I would open an email address at one of the freebie sites with minimal personal info. I wouldn't trust these guys for one moment - even if they are blameless in Rose's disappearance, they certainly are paranoid enough to create troubles for you if they think that they are being threatened in any way.
I found a Rose Cole on the SS death index. Her birthday is listed as 4-23-56 instead of 12-23-56 that died in 1998. I PM'd the ss# to HoT to verify the # with the family.
Itsreenw, great work! I feel your pain talking to that woman and feel like you probably wanted to jerk her teeth right out of her mouth! I felt so angry reading that they didn't have anyone there that young. OH YES YOU DID! Poor Rose should never have been sent to a place like that. It's too sad for words.

Itsreenw, you need to delete some PM's so I can get mine through to you!
HeartofTexas said:
Itsreenw, great work! I feel your pain talking to that woman and feel like you probably wanted to jerk her teeth right out of her mouth! I felt so angry reading that they didn't have anyone there that young. OH YES YOU DID! Poor Rose should never have been sent to a place like that. It's too sad for words.

Itsreenw, you need to delete some PM's so I can get mine through to you!
Yeah, you are so right. I had to bite my tongue. I have a hard time NOT speaking my mind. It was bad enough that she lied about no teens there. That's why I threw Ruth's name in her face. We know there were at least two and if there were two there were more.

When she said "so why did her mother just now start looking for her" I wanted to let her have it. But I didn't think that would get me the answers we need. Still didn't but maybe we will get a reply or 2 from that site. Did the sil say if the site seemed pro-Synanon?

Cleared my PM's-I'll be looking for yours.
I took a quick look in my files for UIDs from the Bay area in '73 to '75...I found four in just a quick look. These are girls I couldn't find elsewhere, and could not find anything in print stating they had been ID'd.

Are there any approximate vitals on Rose (height, weight)? Is the family considering filing a new missing persons' report and getting Rose on Doe Network or Charley Project?
Shadow, I believe her height was 5'3" and I don't think they knew her weight. I'm working from memory here, so I could be wrong. I posted the information as it was sent to me from the SIL elsewhere on these 4 pages and will try to find it to verify this.

I've suggested that the SIL register Rose with the Missingkids site, and sent her the url, etc., but don't know if she's done it yet or intends to do it.

I really look forward to hearing about your 4 UID's from the Bay Area. Keep in mind that the last time Rose was heard from it was in the Oakland area of California. That doesn't mean she didn't go to SF, however.

The stepmothe (Opal) found Rose's birth certificate and her correct name is NOT Rose Leanna Cole but instead is ROSE LENA COLE.
Here are some important dates that the SIL has written up:

April 1, 1971 Rose ran away, she was found and released to stepmother's custody (Flint, MI)
April 2, 1971 Court Date (Flint, MI)
April 21, 1971 Rose was assigned a parole officer (Lois Sullivan)
??? Rose continued to get in trouble and sentenced to the Synanon in Oakland, CA
Oct 15, 1972 First letter from the Synanon
Nov 17, 1972 Second letter from the Synanon
Dec 15, 1972 Third letter - She indicated that she had run away from the Synanon
Dec 23, 1972 Wrote Fourth letter - copy of letter below - Her 16th Birthday
Feb 3, 1973 Mailed fourth letter - "Sorry but I just got a stamp!", she wrote.
Jan 4th 1974 Petition to the court of Michigan was granted to drop all charges, she was 17
I think the copy of the letter referenced above is a scan of the letter, so I probably won't be able to copy it. I'll post it here if I can.
There is a new picture of Rose where she looks older than the one where the SIL said she was 14 that is on a new Yahoo 360 blog that the SIL just started tonight. At present I think you have to be invited to view the blog, but I've emailed the SIL to see what the situation is. I haven't heard back from her yet.

So far the letter referenced in the previous post has not shown up on the Blog but the SIL told me the other day that she was going to have it scanned. If I see it, I'll let everyone know.
Okay, here's the letter. It's very long and very sad and I doubt it's going to fit in one post. Here goes...

3:00 AM December 23, 1972

[It’s almost been a whole stinking, lousy year!]

[Sorry but I just got a stamp! ~ Feb 3, 1973]

Dear Mom,

I love you, oh mom what am I going to do! I can’t sleep no more at nites, I wake up from dreams, that leaves me frights.

I dream of you, and Daddy and Billy and Pose, and Jesse and Norma, I know its weird and sounds silly! I dream of being home, but wake up, and what happens, I’m all alone!

I am so scare out here,
I don’t like the atmosphere!
I walk the streets,
Oh God, if you knew the people I met.
Mom, I wanna come home,
Please understand, please!

If I thought you loved me, it would
put me being uptight, to ease!
Mom, I don’t know what to do!
All I can think of is you!
Mom, have you ever been lonely,
didn’t have no family to go to,
because they all hate you! Walk
streets, wondering what street to
take, know you don’t care, because
at least you’ll be going
somewhere, and whatever street
what difference does it makes.

I listen to different songs,
most make me feel like I don’t
belong. I feel so sad and blue,
I just want to make you guys
love me, as much as I love
you. I wish I could make you
see. Love me! Please, Mom,
Please love me! Oh God
love me, love me! please
love me! I can even go
to sleep at nites no-more. I
dream of one time, I was
walking down the street with my
suitcases, and Jesse and James
Hamilton was getting ready to
Get on the bus to Michigan and
I saw him, and I dropped my
suitcase, and I was so happy to
see him, and was crying, and
ran up to just hug him, and
I yelled Jesse, and he turned
Around and saw me, and I
Was getting ready to hug him, and
He said I hate you, Rose , I
hate your guts. He said don’t
ever come home again,
you’ve caused enough trouble,
and we all hate your guts so much,
we don’t ever want to here from you.

Then he got on the bus and looked
out the window, and I just stare at
him, and cried so hard, I didn’t think
I had anymore tears, and he just sat at
the window and cracked up laughing,
then mudged James and said something,
and James and Jesse waved there hand,
like get away you no – good Brad, and
they laughed and laughed.

I have a lot dream of the baby. I dream
of playing with him. I dreamed one time,
that I have to come home and Daddy was
the only one there, you guys was at Billy’s
and me and Daddy hugged, and kiss and stuff.
I was so glad to see him, and he took me where
you guys were at and I couldn’t wait to get inside.

I got out of the car and ran inside, and Pose was
looking out the door, and he opened it, and said
Rose you’re home finally, and we hugged and
Pose yelled, Rose is home and you came running
out and we hugged and hugged and we cried. And
then Norma came and said Rose I missed you so
much, I can’t wait to call Claire, and we hugged,
and then I said where’s Billy, because he’s who I
wanted to see so much. And you said he went to
pick up the baby, so then sat, and I never, felt so
good in my life, never. To bad it was only a dream.

Too bad, then I heard the car outside. I looked
out the window, and I saw Billy carry a big fat
baby in a bunch of blankets, then I don’t know
why but I was so happy, I mean righteously happy,
tears just poured and poured, and then I ran to the
door, and you said, Rose, take it easy, sit down in
the kitchen, and don’t let him know you’re here.
He came in and took the baby and said where’s Rose?
I ran to him and hugged and he said your finally home.
I didn’t want to let go and I heard the baby cry. I reached
out to him and he wanted me. It was like he loved me
and as I held him he smiled. We had dinner and I
never wanted to leave. I love everyone so much.

I woke up and then I tried to get back to sleep. But it was gone, what I wouldn’t do to have another dream like that. Now all I ever dream is you guys laughing at me. If you guys hate me all I can say is I don’t blame you. I understand but I just want you to know I love you. I’m used to going off by myself and crying, and it’s not hard for me.

Here’s a poem for you.

Stars! Stars are bright,
Stars give off light.
Stars make your love scene bright.
Stars shine and look brand new.
They refuse to come out when the sky’s blue!
They must like the night black.
Must bring good memories back.
I love the stars.
They get attention even though they are so far.

With all my love, your daughter, R. L. C

It’s not much, I know, but it’s a little.
Mom I wish I could get you guys to love me.
Give a hoot, don’t pollute!

Today’s my birthday,
so what is all I can say.

I’m 16 but I’m the same sad and cold.

I’m to blame I look like I did before.

Like I got hit in the face with a door.

I walk like I did before inherited it, my Mom’s to blame.

I don’t yet have strength,

my feet have the same length.

My legs are long, my stomach’s in outer space.

They need to belong, same old neck and ears.

Lonely tears and I live the way it appears.

In this funky big atmosphere.

God why can’t anyone see I’m not living.

I’m dying.

There’s all kinds of people mean and cruel.

Too bad we can’t combine.

Understanding and kindness would keep you happy.

Never push you from behind.

Lonely people I respect,

I consider myself a lonely aspect.

Black and white wanting to fight.

High class trip disrespect.

Might consider themselves one of us.

Why can’t they make one more friend?

Here I am in here, feeling sad and blue.

Drinking water wondering what to do.

Feel the walls creep close to me?

They don’t want me to be.

I’m the only one there,

room’s full of chatter and laughter.

Why does it always have to happen to me?

Maybe it’s something in me that you see and hate.

Why can’t they see I want to be understood.

Push me away because I’m shy.

That’s what they think,

don’t understand why.

Rose Cole
Here's a legal document posted on the blog tonight. It's got me totally baffled. It says the child appeared in Court with their parent or guardian. Nobody in the family knows anything about this if it did happen. Remember that these papers were found in the father's possession after he died, if my understanding is correct.

Legal Document

Rose was charged as at age 14 for unlawfully running away from home

January 4th, 1974 Petition to Drop Charges
State of Michigan
Juvenile Division

The Probate Court County of Genesee


BIRTHDATE 12-23-1956 SCHOOL Emerson

ADDRESS 208 W. Jackson, Flint

At the session of said Court in the City of Flint on the 4th day of January, 1974.


WHEREAS: A petition has been filed for proceedings and disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Code, Chapter 712A of C.L. 1948, as amended, and upon investigation and hearing, upon due notice, as provided by said laws and said child appearing in Court with parent or guardian and from the evidence and admissions of said petition are true and that said child is subject to the power of this Court, which ORDERS, as follows:

ON THE COURT'S OWN MOTION, This matter be and the same is hereby dismissed.



HeartofTexas said:
Here's a legal document posted on the blog tonight. It's got me totally baffled. It says the child appeared in Court with their parent or guardian. Nobody in the family knows anything about this if it did happen. Remember that these papers were found in the father's possession after he died, if my understanding is correct.
Where does it specifically say she was present?

BTW, her letter and poems were so sad. She didn't think anyone loved her.
That IS baffling! What was the name of the judge who sent Rose to Synanon in the first place?
HeartofTexas said:

The stepmothe (Opal) found Rose's birth certificate and her correct name is NOT Rose Leanna Cole but instead is ROSE LENA COLE.
Where was her real mother? And were her letters to her real mom or her step mom? How did she feel about the stepmom?
gardenmom said:
Where does it specifically say she was present?

BTW, her letter and poems were so sad. She didn't think anyone loved her.
WHEREAS: A petition has been filed for proceedings and disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Code, Chapter 712A of C.L. 1948, as amended, and upon investigation and hearing, upon due notice, as provided by said laws and said child appearing in Court with parent or guardian and from the evidence and admissions of said petition are true and that said child is subject to the power of this Court, which ORDERS, as follows:

Just noticed something, when she wrote this letter on 12/23 it was AFTER she supposedly ran away on 12/15.

She starts the letter out by saying its almost been a year (I would assume that meant since she's been at Synanon)

then further down she writes:

Here I am in here, feeling sad and blue.

Drinking water wondering what to do.

Feel the walls creep close to me?

They don’t want me to be.

I’m the only one there,

room’s full of chatter and laughter.
IMO, She is not living on the streets when she wrote this.
I think Rose may have been a "hustler" for Synanon. The hustlers peddled goods on the streets to make money for Synanon. With Berkeley just a stone's throw away, and SF right over the Bay Bridge, she could've been anywhere working, walking and I can only imagine what acid trips she may have witnessed back then. Those people probably scared her to death

She put the time at 3am. What would've been open at that hour? Denny's?

I’m to blame I look like I did before.
Like I got hit in the face with a door.
I'm wondering if she tried to run away and got caught (she's to blame)
Looks like she got hit in the face with a door (oldest excuse in the book for a black eye)
She also references that she still doesnt have any strength and she's walking like her mother.

Still doesn't have strength?? Perhaps from a severe beating. Odd thing for a 16 yr old to say
Who is the baby she mentions? Was one of her siblings that much younger then her?
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