CA CA - Rose Cole, 16, Oakland, 1972 - #1

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Great site, Shadow! I emailed the url to the SIL just now. Hopefully they will be able to offer her some suggestions and support on what else she can do and how to proceed. Thanks again!
HeartofTexas said:
No, I don't know when that picture was taken. My guess is that the picture that the SIL originally said Rose was 14 in is actually a picture at about age 10-12, and the one you're seeing on the blog is actually 14-15. Just a guess, though.

I'll check out the new missing persons site you referenced... thanks, Shadow!
Here is the picture that we are refering to

Rose's hair appears to be more wavy in this picture. I remember that was something that was pointed out in the Jane Doe that I posted earlier. The Jane Doe had wavy hair and Rose's appeared to be straight in the younger picture.
That one worked for me! Thanks, Shadow, for taking the time and effort to post the newest picture of Rose for everyone to see.
she does look older in that pic. Her story is so sad and strange, I mean strange in the fact of the letters and the Synanon school link.

The Jane Doe


That Jane Doe just looks so much like Rose to me. An older Rose.
Gosh, Shadow, you're right - I think it looks a lot like her, too :(
annemc2 said:
Gosh, Shadow, you're right - I think it looks a lot like her, too :(
It's very eerie. Even Yanette mentioned in her blog that she sees the resemblence.

HOT, have you asked Yanette to come here to register? I hope she finds Rose, one way or another. I hope we can help.
No, Gardenmom, I haven't asked her to register... but I've sent her the url for the forum, and I know at one point (a few days ago) she had read all of the posts. Maybe I need to be more specific with her so that she knows we'd love for her to register.

Shadow, I'm not very good at observing similarities with any of the Jane Does. I also get confused with all of the different interpretations by various Doe artists, to the point I end up wondering what the people really do look like and if anyone really knows. I certainly think there is at least a decent chance that your Jane Doe could be Rose, but beyond that I don't know. I think the fact that some of the other posters can see the similiarity should be given lots more weight than my untrained eye. I just really appreciate you finding the Doe and doing the various pix for us to look at.
As a follow-up to Itsreenw's interview with the Synanon teacher, she has written a letter to her and asked her to check into any information she can find re Rose's stay and also to post the information re Rose's disappearance on their site. Thanks, Itsreenw!
shadowangel said:
Would the original court records of Rose being sentenced to rehab be available?

From what I read, its difficult to tell if Rose was present at the hearing or not...If this were a petition on her behalf to have the charges dropped/removed, I would think she did not have to be present herself. Court records of the hearing should reflect whether or not she was actually present, I would assume.

Couldn't someone call the courthouse and ask if this type of petition can be presented and acted on by the court IF the person in question is not personally present in court. Maybe an attorney could answer the question?
iam new on this site and i hope iam not speaking out of line. but something about this case is bugging me to all my year's i have never seen a dad that in specially his little girl or girl's did not have a big soft place in his heart for them he protect them and buy them any thing that he could and help them out in anyway he possible could... but in this case this look's to be missing?? iam wondering why?? even in a case like this where he married a other women beside her true mother i still have not seen it???
welder 79 said:
iam new on this site and i hope iam not speaking out of line. but something about this case is bugging me to all my year's i have never seen a dad that in specially his little girl or girl's did not have a big soft place in his heart for them he protect them and buy them any thing that he could and help them out in anyway he possible could... but in this case this look's to be missing?? iam wondering why?? even in a case like this where he married a other women beside her true mother i still have not seen it???
Well, from what I can gather, something either happened to her in her family, or she had big self esteem issues. As much as parents try, sometimes it's just not enough. We don't really know all the facts in this case, but it was the courts that sent her away. I don't know how much if anything her parents had to do with it. Maybe they thought they were doing what was best for her. I think she was reaching out to her dad. Whether he returned the favor, I don't think we know. It sounds like the letter we saw was written to her step mom anyway. That's why I'd like the family to join here, so we can figure out the dynamics of the family. It may not help solve the case though, and I think it is hard on the family to rehash all this. But, they are heading in the right direction I think.
i agree garden mom..i just can't see them watching her as young as she was begging too come home knowing she's living homeless in the mean street's of a big city even if they had to keep her hidden because of legal problem's( i think a 1st year law student could talk a judge into very close watched probation because they was not as harsh on people on drug's back then as today except maybe heroin and i don't think that was the case) and if i read it right in sometime in 74 she was released from her legal problem's so they be no more reason to hide....And i feel that judge overstep his legal power's even sending her out of state!!!! No where even close i saw where he was a federal judge. and i think you could get that overturned very easy in appeallate court!!!that's not including sending her to what could be called a slave camp.. This day and time a good lawyer could clean house on a case like this i feel. Maybe iam a little soft hearted myself lol..
i sure hope i didn't offend anybody...but i say i am a lot soft hearted when it come's to little kid's.....sorry

I missed this when you originally posted it. Was HoT able to compare the ss# with Rose's? Does the family even have Rose's ss#?

itsreenw said:
I found a Rose Cole on the SS death index. Her birthday is listed as 4-23-56 instead of 12-23-56 that died in 1998. I PM'd the ss# to HoT to verify the # with the family.
i have thought of a way to get into syanon website. someone who can get a free email add and write to them tell them that they belived they were in syanon but is not 100% sure they could say well i had a bad accident a few years ago that left me with amisia.. im married with children and when i meet my husband years ago i had no family to speak of. i know i had changed my name beacuse my husband told me that when we started dating i had told him i used to be someone else but i wanted to forget that life or something. i still dont remember everything fully about my life before the amisia or someting but i know i have these dreams of some place i used to be in i remember seeing all these people and a name of the place but i cant fully see the name but i know it started with a s so i search online and found the saynon place it sounds familar but im not sure if you could let me in with my currant name and a picture i might be able to remember more of my life

i duno that might sound a lil phoney but hey what about registering with roses name or something?
smile22 said:
i have thought of a way to get into syanon website. someone who can get a free email add and write to them tell them that they belived they were in syanon but is not 100% sure they could say well i had a bad accident a few years ago that left me with amisia.. im married with children and when i meet my husband years ago i had no family to speak of. i know i had changed my name beacuse my husband told me that when we started dating i had told him i used to be someone else but i wanted to forget that life or something. i still dont remember everything fully about my life before the amisia or someting but i know i have these dreams of some place i used to be in i remember seeing all these people and a name of the place but i cant fully see the name but i know it started with a s so i search online and found the saynon place it sounds familar but im not sure if you could let me in with my currant name and a picture i might be able to remember more of my life

i duno that might sound a lil phoney but hey what about registering with roses name or something?

I don't know. It might work. However, I would not use Rose's name. The lady from the newspaper was supposed to post something on Rose, so I think they would know something was up. Besides, Rose's family might be in danger by using her name. If someone from Syanon did something to Rose they might do anything to keep that info from being found. I think we need to be careful. If you register, please do so under a free e-mail account and not your home e-mail address.
im def going to do that i have to come up with a pen name and such and no im not going to use roses name. i think im going to creat my email now and stuff and see what happens
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