CA-Sandra Cantu Missing 3/28/2009 from Tracy,#4

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That makes sense. We even even tie a piece of yarn or fabric to a serving spoon I bring to a potluck. Makes it really easy to see and no one else walks off with it by mistake. Hope that leads to the creep(s) who is responsible. However, in the presser he couldn't confirm there was such a ribbon - and I didn't see one in any of the pics. Did anyone else see one?

About the luggage and the red ribbon I've heard of...

I don't travel much but my in-laws do, and they always put something on their suitcase handles to more easily find them at the baggage carousel. (colored yarn)

So if that is the case with this piece of luggage - I think it means the person must have actually used that luggage at an airport at some point - it's not just some brand new piece of luggage - or someone's old piece of luggage that they never used.

Not much - but might help narrow something down.
We understand...and feel the same way. :blowkiss:

This is all so sickening. Excuse me while I rant for a sec -- I've known a few people over the years who moved to Tracy and the surrounding areas from Oakland and Hayward because they wanted a safer environment for their children. How sad is it that no matter where you go, these disgusting, twisted killers still infiltrate even the most unassumingly quiet neighborhoods? I can't even imagine what my colleagues and friends with children, who currently live in Tracy, are feeling right now.

I am sorry if I come off as an alertist, my emotions are just running really high right now.
Forecast for tomorrow...rain. I hope LE got all that they need from that site. :(
Wow. Talk about emotion overload in the past hour. Tar Heels win and I try to be happy, but can't. Sandra's body is found...complete sorrow. I need to go hide in a corner for a while. I'll check in tomorrow. Good night to all. Thanks for caring about Sandra. :blowkiss: RIP sweet Sandra.
For those who live in the greater Bay Area, KRON TV is continuing to talk about this story.
Marc Klaas is on.
This is so so sad. And it makes me sick to my stomach. How some *** just took life away from this happy, innocent, carefree little girl.

It bothers me too that I was looking at that suitcase today on live stream and the whole time, her little body was just laying there...

Her poor mother...
How can anyone kill a little girl, put her in luggage, and then throw her in water? I'm so.....just can't believe it. Just like with Caylee. A garbage bag????

I hope I NEVER understand this sh!!.

Throw em' on their own Island and let them abuse each other for eternity. There really is no other answer. They CAN'T be rehabilited. That's proven. So what's the problem?

I'm scared. People are turning up missing everywhere. Kids, moms, teenagers. It's like the creeps watch the news and go..OH...look how easy it is to get rid of someone. These should NOT EVER be allowed back on the streets again if they have offended even one time.

I'm so sorry for Sandra's family. And for her. My god. What a terrible outcome. I feel sickened that I watched this all day and all along I was looking at this poor baby's body inside this bag.


You wrote everything I was just about to post. Thank you for saying it much better than I could have. I couldn't agree with you more.
Good night friends, and pray for Sandra's family...:blowkiss:
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Sandra was a beautiful child.
Her family must be heartbroken.
Sandra was such a beautiful little girl. Everyone who knew her said she was sweet, kind and happy. I can't bear thinking about what her last minutes alive were like or what was done to her before. I want to beat and kick and scratch the eyes out of the person who did this to her. It's not fair. She should still be alive and skipping down the road to meet friends. I hate mean people.
How can anyone kill a little girl, put her in luggage, and then throw her in water? I'm so.....just can't believe it. Just like with Caylee. A garbage bag????

I hope I NEVER understand this sh!!.

Throw em' on their own Island and let them abuse each other for eternity. There really is no other answer. They CAN'T be rehabilited. That's proven. So what's the problem?

I'm scared. People are turning up missing everywhere. Kids, moms, teenagers. It's like the creeps watch the news and go..OH...look how easy it is to get rid of someone. These should NOT EVER be allowed back on the streets again if they have offended even one time.

I'm so sorry for Sandra's family. And for her. My god. What a terrible outcome. I feel sickened that I watched this all day and all along I was looking at this poor baby's body inside this bag.

AMEN. We are all with You Breanna... I feel exactly the same way. I am sitting here feeling sick to my stomach and shaky at all that has been going on, from Caylee, to Hayleigh and now Sandra. What the Heck!
I was hoping for a miracle here, my prayers tonight are with the family and friends of Sandra...there's just nothing to say at a time like this.
Sweet Sandra, so full of life, we love you and you've shown us with your happy skipping what it is like to be full of joy. Rest in peace, sweet baby, and get some well-deserved hugs from Jesus. For Sandra's family, I pray for peace and comfort, and closure as their lives are forever changed. For LE I for pray wisdom and direction and strength in the coming days. For all of us, I pray for safety for our children.

Love to all of you at WS. It was a blessing to not go through this alone. :blowkiss:
Just came home from errands...
No Words...Only Prayers

i get the feeling this is either someone that isn't from the area and doesn't know retention ponds eventually get drained....or its someone from the area that knew and wanted her to be found but thinks they won't get caught.
You may know this verse--it was in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"--and I quote only its last stanza, but W.H. Auden certainly knew how we all feel:

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

That is Beautiful. And Perfect. Thank you so much for that.
This is hard for me. I have a grandchild her age and I am only half an hour from Tracy - in fact I drove through Tracy just yesterday. They are still not reporting it on the national news channels that I can find. I don't watch the local news so I missed that. My daughter had to call me from out of state - her husband heard it from a friend on the internet.
Another precious little girl ~ I am sooooooooo sad.
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