CA-Sandra Cantu Missing/Located from Tracy, #6

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O, wow, someone asked me a question. I just started watching JVM-- the just got done with the who's the suspect, back and forth... anyone remember Abbott and Costello's "who's on first".

Lurkeyloo... I'm pretty sure that I saw it mentioned somewhere in the thread. I'm not sure where... if I have it confused with another reference to duct tape I apologize. I'm going to go back and look for that.

I do. whos on first,whats on second,I dont know is on third.I am trying to catch up on this case.I was away tonight.I am so sad over this beautiful child.I know this is the wrong place but I have to say it or burst..I want all child murderers to die. No if ands or buts.Some say if we do that, they will kill the child ~ hello!! they are killing the children. Thank you I feel better..:furious:
After watching JVM and NG, it was said those were not irrigation ponds. They were ponds from the runoff of the dairy farm which means they were not clean water at all. Anyone else catch that?
I will go with what locals say over JVM and NG. They don't ALWAYS get it right. The ponds were emptied to flood the field - you don't use sludge water for that. They had high levee type walls around them. Runoff wouldn't go into them with that.
Hey Marla,
OK, let me see if I can try to remember everything! There have been two pressers and no one has been arrested yet. They have a search warrant for the church that is supposedly being done as I write. JVM said that flip flops were still on Sandra but we don't know where that came from. Pastor and wife say they knew the family well, blah, blah, and they want to tell whatever they can - were interviewed by LE for 3 hours. People in the MHP are scared to death. Coroner's report is finished, but LE says it won't be announced for some time b/c of things he has to do, blah, blah.
If I remember more I'll post it!
It was Jean Casarez who said she was still wearing her Hannah M. flip flops instead of JVM. ;) (She has some good inside sources usually.)
I always want sources cited for any info on here, so I sure don't take offense if someone else does! :) The flip-flop info was a quick addition, and I should have stated where I got it -- just got in a hurry.:blowkiss:

No really, I wasn't asking for a link....I can look at how many posts a poster has, plus the respect they garner from other WSers and figure they don't post half-heartedly....I just hadn't heard about that detail.

Now I'm pondering this new info........ If I weren't so afraid of spending the rest of my own life in jail and in hell, I would love to get *THIS* close to the perp that did this!

looks like everyone is throwing kisses around tonight LOL so here's one backatcha! :blowkiss:
At last night's presser (I think that was the one) they announced it hadn't been drained for at least two weeks.

Thanks Nora, At this point we always get information overload LOL

So Sandra went missing 10 days ago, 4 days short of two weeks, which would lead one to believe the pond would have plenty of water in it.

The bag was found in the ditch, right, not the pond? I have heard both on TV. The ditch would be deeper, right, to drain the pond, so would it also have water in it most of the time or only when draining? If not, that would mean the bag was thrown into the pond itself - maybe the perp/s thinking it would take the heat off for at least a few weeks ?

Geemany, none of that might even matter, eh? :crazy: Unless doing this would show the age of the perp as to how an old timer would accomplish hiding the body as to a younger generation who would have less experience with such things.
I will go with what locals say over JVM and NG. They don't ALWAYS get it right. The ponds were emptied to flood the field - you don't use sludge water for that. They had high levee type walls around them. Runoff wouldn't go into them with that.
It either came from Sgt. S. or the reporter on the scene (can't recall his name) and not from the talking heads. I guess we will have to wait on the transcripts to be certain tho.

Thanks, Nora! I just went back and caught your post! Give us the heads up on this please!!
On NG this afternoon, Sgt Tony Shidaman (spelling?), the PIO at Tracy Police Department, said the following about the body of water where Sandra was found:

"First of all it's a collection pond, approximately 150 yards by 50 yards. It's used as a collection area for run-off from the dairy operation. It's filled with bio-mass run-off from the cows and other areas that are there."

Hope that helps clear things up.
If I'm remembering correctly duct tape was used on Sandra, not on the suitcase. It would be a blessing if it would have been used on the suitcase, possibly allowing in less water?

Daisy - do you have a link for this? I have not seen this yet.


I am just sick and disgusted over this case. As usual. :furious::furious::furious: For me, the biggest question at the moment, is what linked the luggage and the body to the church?? In my stupid mind, I guess I hope that Sandra herself grabbed at something and hid it in her shirt/leggins that led them there. I always like for the victims in these crimes to point a finger at the *advertiser censored**holes that put them in this position. This is another case that illustrates why I just shouldn't go into LE. I want to kill whoever harmed Sandra. :furious:
It was Jean Casarez who said she was still wearing her Hannah M. flip flops instead of JVM. ;) (She has some good inside sources usually.)

so if the video we have of sandra shows her wearing tennis shoes, and she is found with flip-flops...what is up with that? :confused: gonna go review the video of sandra again....If I can find it.........
On NG this afternoon, Sgt Tony Shidaman (spelling?), the PIO at Tracy Police Department, said the following about the body of water where Sandra was found:

"First of all it's a collection pond, approximately 150 yards by 50 yards. It's used as a collection area for run-off from the dairy operation. It's filled with bio-mass run-off from the cows and other areas that are there."

Hope that helps clear things up.
It does for me! Thanks! I thought it was what I heard him say, but we do want to be sure. :) So in other words...a sludge pond.

Sgt. Tony Sheneman is the correct spelling.
If I'm remembering correctly duct tape was used on Sandra, not on the suitcase. It would be a blessing if it would have been used on the suitcase, possibly allowing in less water?

LurkeyLoo... and others wondering about the duct tape detail:

From Riddlez post #251, thread 5:
Aside from duct tape over the mouth...
If the crime/s occurred in the would people have NOT heard something, especially at that time of day???

Recovering-Lurker shivered at the thought in post #260.
I just looked at the video and it "looks" like flip flops...but I'm afraid this may get the shadow discussion going again! LOL

so if the video we have of sandra shows her wearing tennis shoes, and she is found with flip-flops...what is up with that? :confused: gonna go review the video of sandra again....If I can find it.........
Hey Marla,
OK, let me see if I can try to remember everything! There have been two pressers and no one has been arrested yet. They have a search warrant for the church that is supposedly being done as I write. JVM said that flip flops were still on Sandra but we don't know where that came from. Pastor and wife say they knew the family well, blah, blah, and they want to tell whatever they can - were interviewed by LE for 3 hours. People in the MHP are scared to death. Coroner's report is finished, but LE says it won't be announced for some time b/c of things he has to do, blah, blah.
If I remember more I'll post it!

Thank you, Tori .. :blowkiss:
Wasn't she also supposed to be wearing a dress of some kind? I didn't see that in the video either. Where did that report come from?

I thought it looked like flip flops to me in the video, but I could be wrong.
It called CHAIN OF EVIDENCE. A seal is placed on the container, bag etc. and the seal has a number. If the container leaves the crime scene and arrives a another location, they can tell if the evidence has been tampered with if the seal is broken.

Thanks White Hawk, nice to see you here. Ya Ya I have always thought of the Chain of evidence is to the proper procedure being used, but that is exactly what this would be. It just didn't dawn on me this is what this action would be called or a part of. xox
Many thanks! We are all getting information overload with so many threads.
Hoping we can get a special place for all this information because we are getting confused.

Mods...pretty please?

LurkeyLoo... and others wondering about the duct tape detail:

From Riddlez post #251, thread 5:
Aside from duct tape over the mouth...
If the crime/s occurred in the would people have NOT heard something, especially at that time of day???

Recovering-Lurker shivered at the thought in post #260.
To my knowledge, duct tape has never been mentioned in this case either from on/in the suitcase or on her body. No such details have been released.
It was Jean Casarez who said she was still wearing her Hannah M. flip flops instead of JVM. ;) (She has some good inside sources usually.)
I would rather phrase it as good organizational skills. She was expecting it. Most of what she heard she "expected"......
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