Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #13

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When KPs statement came out about SP's injuries, I felt absolutely terrible that I had been posting slightly snide and jokey posts inferring it was all a big hoax etc. and I made a decision that whatever I post on this site from now on, even if I have the biggest doubts or I'm convinced the victim isn't a victim (speaking hypothetically), if it suddenly is confirmed that I was wrong in my thoughts, I wouldn't regret anything I posted and that I wouldn't look like a complete jerk if someone read the thread knowing the outcome.

I just wanted to put this out there as maybe a consideration for people. There are lots of people posting doubts and theories in a very respectful way that would feel no shame if the result was different to their theories. I wonder whether maybe some people, like I should have, should take a breather and consider the ramifications of their posts before posting.

Just trying to pass on experience from having felt awful the other day. All JMO.

Thank you for this insightful post. Unfortunatly,some people are not as introspective as you and they have no compassion for who they hurt by what they say.
Long time lurker here, even before I finally registered-- so this is my very first post on Websleuths!

I've read most of these threads, but there are a lot of them, so forgive me if this has been thrown out there already--

Does KP have a jealous ex? Did he have an affair at some point? His own stalker? Yes, K & S seem very much in love, like the perfect family, but the whole case smells. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe that SP was abducted against her will. But so many of the details just don't add up, and the things that KP/ the sheriff describe as have been done to SP strike me as something done by a jealous woman.

Her hair was cut. Some of it was found with her phone. This seems almost like a direct message to KP. Like, from someone who knows how much he loves her "signature, long blonde hair".

The branding. According to the sheriff, it isn't a symbol, but a message. Could it be a note to KP? Something like "you hurt me, now I'll hurt you". It seems to me that she was always intended for release, as the women kept their or her faces covered the whole time.

All in all, it just comes off to me like a jealous woman specifically trying to get back at KP. Someone who knew that KP loves SP and loved her hair. Now, this could also go the other way-- a woman who was jealous of SP-- of her gorgeous hair, of her perfect marriage, of her family and nice house. Someone who knew how much SP valued her looks-- that would tie in with both the haircut and branding as well. Someone from the children's preschool? A former client? A coworker of KP? You would think that SP would recognize them if it were someone she knew, but between keeping faces covered and trauma, that may not necessarily be the case.

Either way, just some thoughts I had on possible motive. It just doesn't sound like a "random" abduction to me. I believe it was targeted and SP was the only target for these people.

I have only posted once on this very quickly moving topic... but now I will again to say I believe you are correct about KP. I've thought from the beginning that all of this, is about him. Someone took what he loved and cherished and I think it was pay back, or jealousy for something done wrong in the past. JMOO and all that.
We dont yet know the motive.

If the motive ended up being something related to one of my other family members and if I ended up getting kidnapped for weeks and almost killed because someone in my family were hanging or dealing with the person(s) that would do this to me then I would immediately disown myself from that family member and even move out if they were living in the house with me. I would probably take any children with me too.

I would want nothing to do with any family member that had dealings with someone that brought about serious harm to me or my other family members.

We dont know the motive though and it may not have anything to do with other people running with the wrong crowd or having dealings with bad people.
Bringing over from last thread...

Have to agree with cady on this. Not sure where the PI is getting his hunches from. Besides the fact that he has access to the family which could confirm one way or another via Sherri, there is this:


If LE has acknowledged her branding, but is also saying there is no evidence yet of human trafficking, it would seem logical to assume the branding has nothing to do with sex trafficking...wouldn't it? No known symbol (indeed, not a symbol at all), and the "message" is not, apparently, one tied to sex trafficking.

So WHY is the PI publicly theorizing about what could be personally stigmatizing info about the victim -- that her own family is not affirming and which LE is not supporting? Is there a reason why people are still theorizing about this?
I took note that Sheriff Bosenko validated two questions during the press conference yesterday afternoon. When asked the question about a cartel or ST he responded that is a good question but I can't give specifics or something close to that. He also validated the question about where she was taken but also added he could not give specifics.
From what I heard, he did not say he did not support her story, I am not sure what he believes really.
Yes is there any reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspects?
Good question..take the reverse ransom money and use it as a reward for finding whoever did this...or take the money from the go fund me..or the money being made with the interviews..she is also being given some of the reverse ransom there is plenty of reward money.
Why is her husband and family not offering a reward to find who did this th Sherri??!!
Has anyone complied a list of what we ABSOLUTELY know for sure?

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While typing here.

I just seen Keith on 20/20 doing an exclusive interview.

Is this new? Didn't he do Good Morning America?

His wife wants privacy and he has said his peace.

So is he going to continue a world tour on national TV while his wife just wants to keep things off the grid for now while the detectives try and catch said perps?

Has Keith offered a reward on Good Morning America and 20/20 as of yet?

Yes, the sheriff said there is a $50K reward
Yes, that strikes me as odd, too. I'm curious to see if anything else disappears from sm

[emoji86] [emoji85] [emoji87] Time will reveal...
Deleted post.
These stealthy posters had already touched on this
Depends on your definition of good, maybe? But no good reason I can think of. What would be the point? She's getting plenty of sympathy and being treated well, the case is getting a lot of attention, no one is denying she's been through a traumatic experience, and I don't see how labelling the women in the SUV (without more information) would help catch them.

Maybe to incite more fear in the community, or convince other people it could happen to them, to keep the women extra mysterious and dangerous. But... why would those things be good?

Can you think of anything?

Nope. I'm with you on this - cannot see any good reason for it.
Depends on your definition of good, maybe? But no good reason I can think of. What would be the point? She's getting plenty of sympathy and being treated well, the case is getting a lot of attention, no one is denying she's been through a traumatic experience, and I don't see how labelling the women in the SUV (without more information) would help catch them.

Maybe to incite more fear in the community, or convince other people it could happen to them, to keep the women extra mysterious and dangerous. But... why would those things be good?

Can you think of anything?
Great Post...
As far as we know, there are NO witnesses other than Sherri. If she cannot help LE find her abductors, then all LE can do is follow the money and social media and catch various people in lies, based upon what evidence LE DOES have. JMO
Has anyone complied a list of what we ABSOLUTELY know for sure?

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I think all we know is today is December 1st... :thinking::crazy: sorry...I had to...
It truly bothers me that there has been a social media cleanup. Its almost like they are saying 'Nope. Nothing to see here! No sir. Nothing but good, supermommy stuff.'

I can tell you that if I was in the middle of a medical/mental crisis, my husband would not be worried about my Pinterest boards.

They may be anticipating a large interest and search once the 20/20 airs. I am not sure what has been erased but I am willing to bet it is anything that can be interpreted toward a lifestyle choice or negative actions on their part. With the KB/CDC with Todd Kohlhepp, there was talk of participation on certain social media that might imply BDSM was at play in the abduction. I don't generally look at social media beyond the plain Jane things like FB and other more popular sites. That doesn't mean that once the interviews airs there won't be people trying to unpack any and all dirty laundry they might have.
Speculating that there may be more than meets the eye in this case does not mean I do not have compassion for this family. I don't care if the whole thing is entirely made-up, they have certainly been through, and will continue to go through, something very public and traumatic. Everyone's elation that she has come back alive should override any judgement, even in the worst case possible scenario that this is a hoax. Should that be the case, there will be fall-out, especially since race has been a factor, but even that can be forgiven in time.

Thank you for this. This is exactly my thoughts as well with regards to compassion for the family. There are no winners in this situation no matter what the outcome.

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Depends on your definition of good, maybe? But no good reason I can think of. What would be the point? She's getting plenty of sympathy and being treated well, the case is getting a lot of attention, no one is denying she's been through a traumatic experience, and I don't see how labelling the women in the SUV (without more information) would help catch them.

Maybe to incite more fear in the community, or convince other people it could happen to them, to keep the women extra mysterious and dangerous. But... why would those things be good?

Can you think of anything?

Agree Blues. This case has received mega attention. So hubby and LE shouldn't be mad regardless of what some want to say. Especially if a lead can come out of all of this.

Plus I'm sure that there are plenty of folks who loved ones that are missing; Wished their cases would receive a tenth of the attention that this case has received thus far.
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