Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #16

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Wow, an even more curiouser catch, Raymond!

Man, it's hard to determine what is real, and what is not, with the G's. Tate, Inc, who CG claimed to be employed at, has been around since 1994 according to their website but are they for-real and/or was CG really employed there in 2007? Like real employed and not just "training Navy Seals" probably-make-believe stuff?

And was CG and JG's enterprisetornadoministry for real or a scam? It's just so weird how the G's have so many 501(3)c's, corporations, websites, and fingers in things.

Goodness. I feel like I'm in Westworld and can't tell what is real or what is fake.

And he owned an excavating company? This guy has had a lot of jobs over the years. Wonder why none of them seem to stick.
I think most of us wouldn't know what we'd do in her situation. Could be that her brain and emotional space is consumed entirely with what she just went through, and then on top of that she has to be a mother to two young children who can't understand what she went through. I don't blame her for not having the emotional or mental or physical energy left over to also take care of animals. It probably was a hard decision, but I think it's best for her to take care of herself first.

Thank you for this. In ordinary circumstances, I'd never leave my pets behind. They've accompanied my family on several hurricane evacuations through the years. It's one thing to drive an extra 250 miles to find a motel with vacancies that accept pets. However, if my loved one had been through a horrific nightmare, my family still potentially at risk, and I was faced with the possibility of being out of work for some time and a relative offered free accommodations, no pets allowed, (not saying that's what happened), then yeah, I'd probably leave my pets in the care of someone. Sounds like the Papinis made arrangements for the care of their pets. It doesn't sound like the left them on the street or dropped them at the shelter. It's possible they may send for the pets when they settle into their new lives.
I want to know if CG & JG knew the P's before this happened. Didn't KP say on 20/20 that someone put him in touch with CG or that the anonymous donor requested he work with CG which sounds like he didn't know him prior to that, but I can't say that for certain, not to mention those stories are never the same depending on the article you read.

I'm not questioning the P's. I'm just wondering about JG's +1 on something Sherri posted 30 weeks ago. I'm aware she could have done it recently but why +1 something like that now and she would have to have been sleuthing out Sherri's online activity to find that if she didn't know her personally before this happened. I don't know. Just more weirdness. :thinking:

I sure hope Sherrif Bosenko's 20 warrants included Google "+1 post" time stamps. Could be JG was just noodling around after CG was pulled in by the secret English donor or whoever it was, saw it, and clicked something. Clicking something inadvertently is really easy to do, as I do it on FB all of the time. I also hit the red exclamation mark on this site all of the time, as I scroll with my left thumb. I'm pretty sure JG stated she did not know SP until this abduction happened.
So Bethel's description of Cameron and Jen on their website says "[FONT="]Cameron’s been training the U.S. Military Special Ops community on survival tactics since shortly after September 11, 2001." Project Taken, on FB, says he JOINED the military right after 9/11. .....Um, yeah, the military is all about putting rookies in charge....[/FONT]

That's usually the way the military works.

Guy joins the service, and the "US Military Special Ops Community" immediately snatches him up to teach them survival tactics. :facepalm:
It's possible. I really do not understand Google Plus.

Sherri doesn't seem to have used Facebook, but she does have a Google Plus account. I don't know much about Google Plus (I have it but can't understand it), and it looks like only one post of hers is public. She might not know much about it either because it looks like she meant to post a job opening to someone specific, but posted it publicly. If you click on "view activity" you can see who has liked her post.

Can we tell who this was sent to? The job description stopped me for a minute
Why would a stay at home Mom be searching government jobs?
Random theory...
What if someone (kidnappers) thought she had reported some sort of abuse?
I could never leave my pets though :( would only go where they are also welcome.

I'm hoping they just didn't have room in the truck and someone will be bringing the dogs to join the Ps in the next day or two.
The only reason I recall that even coming up is because in her wedding blog she mentioned never having lived with a guy before; yet, by that time we'd located the info about her first marriage. So then we began to wonder if the first marriage was even known by those in her inner circle.....and then, how'd she marry in the Catholic Church if she was divorced? Questions that were raised but have gone unanswered.

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Thank you. Yes, I understand how the conversation evolved. I'm simply trying to figure out how it relates to catching the demented women who did this to Sherri. I'm not directing my observation to you personally, but it seems to me that the topic is just salacious dirt that has absolutely nothing to do with Sherri's ordeal or the capture of her assailants.

I want to know WHO these two chicks are. Were they missing for 3 weeks as well? If so, someone in their circle must know it. If not, were they just going about their usual daily routine and no one noticed they were holding someone against their will? SOMEONE knows something about these two women and what they were doing during this 3 week period of time.

Why is LE not enticing or pressuring these people to come forward? There is still a reward, but why is no one in LE, the media, the family screaming for these people to be turned in for reward money or caught in general??? Why aren't these two demented, dangerous perps on a ten most wanted list or something?

It's just crickets. And it's making me mad. Does no one care about bringing to justice these despicable people who did such a horrendous thing to an innocent person just going about her day? Is LE even trying? Is anybody???

Why is the focus not on catching and stopping these nutcases before they do this again?

Again, nothing personal. I just jumped off your post. But I am getting really angry about how this case is being handled by LE. The media and the internet is picking apart the victim and only about one of every thousand words is about bringing her assailants to justice. It's just maddening.

Sorry. Had to get it out.
Call it a hunch, but I have a sneaking feeling that the publicity CG is getting right now isn't exactly the kind he was hoping for. Might have been a good idea for him to just stay out of this all together.
Thank you. Yes, I understand how the conversation evolved. I'm simply trying to figure out how it relates to catching the demented women who did this to Sherri. I'm not directing my observation to you personally, but it seems to me that the topic is just salacious dirt that has absolutely nothing to do with Sherri's ordeal or the capture of her assailants.

I want to know WHO these two chicks are. Were they missing for 3 weeks as well? If so, someone in their circle must know it. If not, were they just going about their usual daily routine and no one noticed they were holding someone against their will? SOMEONE knows something about these two women and what they were doing during this 3 week period of time.

Why is LE not enticing or pressuring these people to come forward? There is still a reward, but why is no one in LE, the media, the family screaming for these people to be turned in for reward money or caught in general??? Why aren't these two demented, dangerous perps on a ten most wanted list or something?

It's just crickets. And it's making me mad. Does no one care about bringing to justice these despicable people who did such a horrendous thing to an innocent person just going about her day? Is LE even trying? Is anybody???

Why is the focus not on catching and stopping these nutcases before they do this again?

Again, nothing personal. I just jumped off your post. But I am getting really angry about how this case is being handled by LE. The media and the internet is picking apart the victim and only about one of every thousand words is about bringing her assailants to justice. It's just maddening.

Sorry. Had to get it out.

bbm. Probably because the description given to LE was so vague. I mean, "two Hispanic (because they "sounded Hispanic") women in a dark SUV" doesn't give LE much to go on.
Call it a hunch, but I have a sneaking feeling that the publicity CG is getting right now isn't exactly the kind he was hoping for. Might have been a good idea for him to just stay out of this all together.

Totally agree. I think he really expected to be the hero in this scenario.
The more we learn about the anonymous donor (or more lack of knowing) the more convinced I am that something shady may have went on related to the people that were hired to help get her back. Not the Ps.

Here are some possibles

1-Anonymous donor never existed.
Because if they were involved in holding her then no money needs to ever really be present. They can just claim that they gave the abductor 100K and the abductor let her go. They could also ask for extra real funds to help sweeten the pot for the abductor to make sure she gets released. It seems I recall 50K + 50K somewhere in all this and it somehow turned into 100K.

2-Anonymous donor is real but working in cahoots with who they ended up hiring to help get her back.

3-A real anonymous donor was pulled into this and taken along for the ride and everything that seems strange is just strange coincidences.
That story also features an "anonymous donor" who saves the day.

CG is a regular do it all kinda guy. Sure has owned a lot of businesses:
The Web site described needs like trash bags and cardboard boxes and requested money to rent a mini-excavator, which is like a small backhoe. Cameron Gamble is well experienced in operating one -- he previously owned Gamble Excavating in Redding.
Does anyone know the current population of Shasta County? Just trying to estimate how many threads it will take to insinuate the rest of the county's involvement in SP's disappearance. From what I can tell, we're into the double digits now for conspirators. I'll need more wine at the rate we're going. Can we throw in a mommy's group or spin class just to speed things up?
Does anyone know the current population of Shasta County? Just trying to estimate how many threads it will take to insinuate the rest of the county's involvement in SP's disappearance. From what I can tell, we're into the double digits now for conspirators. I'll need more wine at the rate we're going. Can we throw in a mommy's group or spin class just to speed things up?

LOVE this.
Does anyone know the current population of Shasta County? Just trying to estimate how many threads it will take to insinuate the rest of the county's involvement in SP's disappearance. From what I can tell, we're into the double digits now for conspirators. I'll need more wine at the rate we're going. Can we throw in a mommy's group or spin class just to speed things up?

Unless you don't accept SP's version of events, there was a conspiracy involving at least 2 people and she was abducted in Shasta County.
Seriously! IMO, even if CG had approached KP (contrary to reports, BTW) and said "I'll do what I can to help, but I would like to use her case in my training program", KP would consent. This was a family desperate to get their loved one back. It's only logical that they would exhaust every possible option. Those who think CG somehow orchestrated this abduction (and brutal beatings, branding, starvation, etc.) for self promotion are in denial of trafficking and the sick individuals involved in it. MOO

Right and then she talked about how people were being mean. I saw it too. But I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I believe they did it to help. I believe what he did added more publicity to the case and because of this, could've played a role in Sherri returning home alive. JMO.

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Does anyone know the current population of Shasta County? Just trying to estimate how many threads it will take to insinuate the rest of the county's involvement in SP's disappearance. From what I can tell, we're into the double digits now for conspirators. I'll need more wine at the rate we're going. Can we throw in a mommy's group or spin class just to speed things up?

Well... normally in a case here, where there are like, 40 bazillion "coincidences" and twice as many unanswered questions, it usually turns out that the thing quacking all over the place, was in fact, a duck. Now this is not to say CG actually orchestrated this whole thing (although I know many are leaning that way, or are already there) but it is to say, that the impression from his own writings on his various web sites and SM pages, brings up many inconsistencies and questions.

I don't believe for a moment he is who he claims to be. But, that's my opinion.
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