Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #16

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Rodriguez III would seem to be the logical anonymous donor, except for the weird letter telling LE basically to back off and for the fact that CG said anonymous donor had left town to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family, after having been on a business trip in Redding. Perhaps anonymous is someone that RodriguezIII knows, though. JMO

However, the ransom offer came out initially almost immediately on 11/6, yet both KP and CG are saying that CG wasn't engaged by KP until much later. That would be quite a thing if RIII hired CG within the first week and then tricked KP into also hiring CG for "$1" weeks later. If on the other hand CG was trying to latch himself onto the case, it would make sense that he'd float an unsubstantiated ransom offer and then after that failed, go and work to have KP vouch for him to the media rather than let over a week go by with silence on the ransom offer when time is of the essence and the longer it drags on the greater the chance she'd be dead.
Can anyone here identify any action taken by the anonymous donor or Cameron Gamble that contributed to the release of Sherri Papini?
Here is what concerns me about Cameron Gamble: at best, he's an opportunist trying to gain fame through the Papini's misfortune.

To topline what stood out to me from the Daily Beast expose on him:

He did not reply to the Daily Beast's requests for interviews. Yet, the "anonymous donor" did. There is no evidence that I could find, anecdotal or otherwise, that suggests the anonymous donor could not be CG himself.
Project TAKEN bills itself as being a non-profit, and even formerly boasted about obtaining non-profit status, but none of the online databases can confirm this (the state of California makes it very easy to confirm whether a company is a legitimate non-profit).
He claims the "reverse ransom" technique has never been used before. Except, of course, in the movie "Ransom" itself, where Mel Gibson's character "flips the script" and His "company" is called Project TAKEN which advertises to be "an elite group of individuals that have acquired a certain set of specialized skills" which sounds similar to the catchphrase from the movie "Taken" where Liam Neeson says, "What I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career." Coincidence?
"Gamble said his course had 'recently been accredited by the Department of Criminal Justice Services,' but no such federal agency exists."

And, while I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but the church Gamble associates himself with, Bethel Church, was the subject a Christianity Today in depth article looking at whether the church was a cult or not.

Of course, there is also the the timing of SP being released the day after Gamble made the dramatic video announcement saying the ransom money would be used for tips to find SP, but that alone doesn't make Gamble appear to have any connection of the SP disappearance... just someone who was trying to financially gain from it.
Outstanding first post! Hope to hear more from you,
Did anyone find out where the "eyebrow store" is located?
Just putting this here because I didn't see it quoted unless I missed it. It stood out to me from the Daily Beast article:

The DONOR contacted the Daily Beast? Why? I don't remember a previous article from them about this case. The donor used an anonymous email? Why? Why does it matter now who this person is? The Daily Beast is insinuating that Gamble and the donor may be the same person or someone who is close to him.

Hope this case is solved soon.

BBM ~ That's what I think!
One of the things that really bugs me with the approach taken by CG to try to gain her release is it could encourage other kidnappers to do the same thing if the kidnappers get away scott free with a lot of money.

This is the reason why the US policy not to negotiate with terrorists exists. The US does not want to do anything to cause others to want to do the same and do it for profit.
We all know that some US releases of abductees were probably released with ransoms but there is no fanfare when its done and it is done under the table to prevent the appearance that abducting people is profitable.

Thats the big difference here in why I disagree with the tactics and very visible advertising done with the methods used in this case. They are actually promoting it in a way.

Im very happy with the results but very unhappy with the methods and advertising that could encourage more kidnappings.
However, the ransom offer came out initially almost immediately on 11/6, yet both KP and CG are saying that CG wasn't engaged by KP until much later.

I can only find news sources that say the $50,000 "ransom" from the anonymous donor are from November 17, at the earliest, with CG's involvement connected. Is there an article conflicting with this?
Can someone tell me the "position" the husband holds at Best Buy? The reason why I am asking is because I am wondering if he could have been involved with breaking up or catching any form of theft from the store?

After I thought of this last night. I asked my friend who used to work at Best Buy if he ever experienced catching any thefts or rings and how that would look. He said yes, in fact a ring was caught at his time there. He said they have a "asset protection" and a "loss prevention" department. Different stores call them different names according to him. He said there was a coordinated ring working through his store. I am not being racial but repeating what he told me and he has no knowledge of this case. He first mentioned to me that Hispanic females using baby strollers to take/steal/stash merchandise, he said there were also males involved. Ultimately, the ring leader was an American Male. They were all caught and apparently this was going on for awhile.

If the husband had this experience in any fashion and upset some form of criminal acitvity, I would add this to the list of possibly motives. Revenge, retaliation. Leading to the suffering and victimization including the humiliation and more. Hope this makes sense, I am on my phone.
The husband is an audio video installer on the geek squad

Many thoughts and some research, please bear with me:

+ Why are there details about the abductors’ eyebrows but not their eyes – shape, color, etc.? I can’t visualize how someone would see eyebrows but not eyes. Also body build, weight? Clothing? Jeans? Shoes or boots? Size of SUV? Smell of surroundings -- forest?

+ I thought KP’s interview spoke volumes, in what he did not say. It makes sense that at this point, they would know how and where she was taken but, nothing said publicly. He said at least twice, something along the lines of: What I can tell you is that … He was hesitant and cautious on many points.
The reporter avoided asking detailed questions and the sheriff once again played the Dunno card … after nearly 30 days including FBI involvement, and they don’t know much yet won’t release even the most basic details?
I suspect that the investigation is probably hot, not cold; the interviewer knew this or was given boundaries, and agreed not to probe further (and frame it as: she’s home, story’s over) because it’s an active investigation.

+ LE needs SP to identify/testify against the kidnappers for the cops to make a case for the DA. They may both know who it is (or LE may strongly suspect) but without her ID, the investigation is nil. That may be the delicate dance we appear to be witnessing and lack of progress on the investigation.

Broader context:

+ It turns out that in addition to sex crimes in SP’s Shasta County, sex trafficking, particularly connected to illegal marijuana growers, is a serious issue in neighboring Humboldt County (the 2 counties are connected by a massive forest that hides illegal activity). While likely unrelated to SP’s case, this is an incredible article detailing abuse of women in Humboldt, very much worth your time, with claims that Humboldt LE does not pay much attention to trafficking/sex crimes in the area. (As w/most trafficking, victims weren’t SAHMs.)
“In 2015, Humboldt County reported 352 missing people, more per capita than any other county in the state.”

+ CG’s “brazen” “reverse ransom” tactic and very public style is in stark contrast to that of a typical hostage negotiator. This lengthy Vanity Fair article from 1998 (it inspired the film Proof of Life) was ground-breaking because hostage negotiators are exceptionally discreet about their work.
The article “…sheds light on one of the world's murkiest legitimate businesses — the so-called K&R industry, which provides kidnap and ransom insurance… The K&R business is so secretive that one of the companies lists its return fax number as 000-000-0000. Control Risks proudly boasts that its agents operate under sterner security measures than they did as elite forces for their various governments.”

+ CG trains missionaries heading out to the field (seems like mostly missionaries from the local megachurch, Bethel) and claims to have done some K&R for missionaries. He is in a highly competitive business, both on the training and K&R side (usually 2 separate industries) -- though with a potentially good business model as missionaries (volunteers, small stipends, etc.) can’t necessarily afford the larger outfits and the community is tight-knit.
For those heading to unstable/conflict countries the security protocol frequently includes:

+ a pre-field “hostile environment” security training (IEDs, mock kidnappings, similar to what CG showed on 20/20 although the “simulator” storage containers were unusual).
Example of hostile environment training for missionaries:

+ while many orgs have general private security, in an abduction, a specialized K&R team is often brought in:

+ if there is a need for an actual “extraction” it can be private security via the K&R team or, very rarely, the military.

As evidenced above hostage negotiators are highly specialized and training seems to be another industry. K&R are brought in only for K&R.
So what I found unusual was that despite there being many K&R specialists/competitors, an anonymous benefactor was willing to hire CG and not a specialized K&R team. This makes me wonder if the donor was local.
I can only find news sources that say the $50,000 "ransom" from the anonymous donor are from November 17, at the earliest, with CG's involvement connected. Is there an article conflicting with this?

It was floated on 11/6 to a local TV station but they refused to run it back then and only ran it on 11/17 after KP vouched for CG:
KRCR first received this letter in an email from, sent on November 6. In that email, the anonymous source said they were willing to provide proof that they had that kind of money available and were willing to release bank statements showing such. KRCR was unable to confirm the letter was from a legitimate source, and chose not to make the letter public at that time.

That more or less conflicts with this article that hints that the anonymous donor may have had the idea. Like everything else seems to be conflicting information depending on what articles we read.

""the Papini family members had no association with the website."

"He said he did not write the letter or set up the website, but rather the anonymous person did and put Gamble's contact information in it.."
I've answered that last question many times now. I've been learning to tighten up my language, though. I like to 'speak' in hyperbole, but it seems people jump all over that...

As succinctly as possible:
In general, a divorced person, whose previous marriage wasn't Catholic, can easily get an annulment from the Catholic Church.


I almost hate to mention it, but we don't actually know she was married in the Catholic Church. I have seen no proof. We know she planned to, because it said in her wedding blog that she was taking the preparation course. But there has been no proof here yet that it went through. It could have ended up being a non-Catholic wedding.

You're right, Ace. The question of annulment/remarriage in the Catholic Church has been answered. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Tried to post earlier and the photo failed. Has anyone brought up the fact that the Shasta County Sheriff has an incident filed stating:

Listed under SHERRI PAPINI on 11/12

One of the things that really bugs me with the approach taken by CG to try to gain her release is it could encourage other kidnappers to do the same thing if the kidnappers get away scott free with a lot of money.

This is the reason why the US policy not to negotiate with terrorists exists. The US does not want to do anything to cause others to want to do the same and do it for profit.
We all know that some US releases of abductees were probably released with ransoms but there is no fanfare when its done and it is done under the table to prevent the appearance that abducting people is profitable.

Thats the big difference here in why I disagree with the tactics and very visible advertising done with the methods used in this case. They are actually promoting it in a way.

Im very happy with the results but very unhappy with the methods and advertising that could encourage more kidnappings.

You’re totally right. Some other posters have pointed this out, too.

If Cam brings his “test case” “model” to my town, I’m going to contact him to say that I’m holding my two kids hostage upstairs in their rooms and I won’t release them until I get 200Gs in unmarked bills. How cool would that be?
I think most of us wouldn't know what we'd do in her situation. Could be that her brain and emotional space is consumed entirely with what she just went through, and then on top of that she has to be a mother to two young children who can't understand what she went through. I don't blame her for not having the emotional or mental or physical energy left over to also take care of animals. It probably was a hard decision, but I think it's best for her to take care of herself first.

Leaving my animals would be like leaving a child. They are family. And I need them as much as they need me.
I haven't closely followed this story, but on British Daily Mail.

Something doesn't smell right about this whole story. I'm a bit skeptical. Nothing adds up.
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