Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #19

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Can you elaborate on this one yllek?

Here's the comment; relevant text BBM.

After the LE search was called off hundreds of volunteers searched the area for several days after. I know of 4 drone aircraft that were operating trying to locate any clues. Several private helicopters assisted in the search. People kept an eye on homes that came up suspicious based upon their occupants or the direct questioning as every home in the area was visited. KP went back and spoke to every occupant in the area personally to see if he was comfortable with their answers. Billboard signs were donated for use, thousands of missing posters were donated and posted throughout the country, including many magnetic ones for bigs rigs. Hundreds of tips were called in and thousands of comments and prayers were posted on social media. I think every church in the area dedicated masses to her safe return and as we know nearly $48k was raised through from generous local AND national/international donors. After SP's release 500 people showed up dressed in pink for a giant Christmas card photo for SP as that is her favorite color. And the road leading to her home was decorated with large yellow ribbons. And I'm sure I forgot many other things that were done and am unaware of many others. I'm extremely proud of the way the community supported, and continues to support that family.
Good eyes, Gardener! Are you referring to the call at 11:29? From what I can tell that would be less than 3 miles from SP's home traveling Union School Rd. and returning to stop at the mailboxes? There was also made in almost the same location at 11:30 (may have actually been received before the 11:29 based on the case #). But both from the same location and from the same number, cleared at the same time. There were 6 mile and 2 mile runs in the Turkey Trot. If SP was preparing for the 6 mile, this could very well be connected. JMO

I'm not sure how to tell when the call was made--I'm not seeing a time but the report is on the 2nd page and it is #16-40779. I wasn't looking at the distance and thinking she was actually jogging there. I was thinking perhaps her phone was registered to that location because that street is the same street someone she is close to owns a business on (I can't spell it out anymore- TOS). My 1st thought was SP's phone registered to that address and it comes up when she tries to call 911--but I don't know how that works or if that would happen. My second thought would be someone at that place of business was threatened and called 911 but the perps left quickly. Person on phone hangs up and decides not to report it, tells operator to cancel when they call back. Perps that had been threatening people at that address go kidnap SP for ransom because they didn't get whatever it is they want. There being a previous call in Oct adds to the theory that someone was harassing someone at that address. This second theory would explain why SP's family knew right away she was taken.

Of course, it's possible this address and hang up 911 call is not related to SP at all. It's just an interesting coincidence...
In all honesty, I wouldn't even be going on the internet and searching out message forums about my own family's case. But that's me.

I would, if it were possible the suspect was leaving comments on articles regarding my loved one. In this day and age, social media is great for finding clues in solving crimes. If friends are telling me there are suspicious comments from posters, I'd want to check it out. I'd be checking out every lead possible.
Aren't there family members of MPs here at WS? That's all it would take to be aware of what's being said online. Or just reading news articles online, or the FB pages set up to find SP. I can see scouring the internet for information in the middle of sleepless nights--especially since he was doing everything he could to find his wife.

At any rate, the trolls and rumors are hard to miss.

All true.

I don't think it is at all strange that he saw the trollish critics. If he read any of the comments at the bottom af local news articles, it would have been front and center.
Reportedly, Sherri was seen by a neighbor around 9am Nov.2 near the mailboxes, and was thought to be using her phone.....not necessarily making a call or receiving one, though. I keep thinking that it was around that time that she disappeared, but if her phone was left there, who texted KP at 10:30 about coming home for lunch? SP must have taken a second jog to the mailboxes, I guess. KP DID say that the cell reception is bad at their house and that they have to go out to the road to get a signal...maybe that accounts for the 10:30 text. QUESTION: If there is poor to no reception at the house, will a cell phone still ring??? KP said sometime after 3:30am, he was shaving when his phone rang.... did not recognize the number calling, and then shortly thereafter, received the call from SP on the house landline. How does this figure? JMO

LE timeline has SP being missing around 2 which tells me that she does leave the children at preschool all day and not for Mother's Morning Out programs nor half days.

KP was apparently awake early, early for the yellow balloon release at the Turkey Trot. Even though Sherri had been found, the community still released a lot of [non-degradable] yellow balloons.
I agree completely. I was questioning based on rumors that she was had helped teens and was trying to establish if there was any validity to the rumors.

Well if we believe the Daily Mail interview with her 1st husband (and I see no reason to dismiss that one), Sherri DID have a history of helping teens.

"David said he met Sherri when they were both working on a Youth to Youth project, a community-based drug prevention and youth leadership program."There are a couple different orgs called "Youth to Youth" so it's hard to guess which one Sherri participated in.

This one is in CA:
This one in international but based out of Ohio:
Here's another, not sure where it's located:
I'm trying to remember if we've had any confirmation as to whether or not KP actually picked up her phone prior to LE arriving at the scene. IIRC, in the 2020 interview, he said that he reached down to pick it up and thought he should take a pic of it, but don't know if he continued on to pick it up. With his criminal justice degree, I can see why he may have thought first to capture the phone's original position. (Just from following this case, I'm almost certain I would do the same now). He may have even looked for something inside SP's vehicle to pick it up in a way not to disturb any other prints or DNA. He also may have known that suspicion would automatically center around him (at least at first, as the spouse) and wanted to gain as much information as he could from the phone if he thought LE may keep some information to themselves. If he did pick it up and check the call history, he may have even seen 911 calls (just speculation). MOO

Good post.

Some of those same things have nagged at me too. Most of those you've attributed to KP I've been able to justify to my satisfaction. KP having the presence of mind to photograph her phone still bothers me some. I DO believe that by the time he decided to search for her phone (guided by the app) he knew something was very wrong. If it were me, my first instinct would have been to grab the phone and frantically look at the text/call history. HOWEVER, I am not employed in any IT capacity so I can believe that KP may have had the presence of mind to realize how important it would be to document the exact condition/location of her phone. I'm more the emotional, impulsive type who wouldn't have thought so carefully so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt.

KP addressing all the internet rumors doesn't bother me in the least anymore. His wife was missing for 22 days. He and their young children were suffering greatly. When she's released, he sees her to discover she had been tortured, beaten, branded and lost 13 lbs. As if that wasn't bad enough, they're still being crucified by a bunch of strangers on the internet. Frankly, I would have done exactly the same thing he did. I would have done everything in my power to stop the insanity and defend my family.

As far as LE - If it were my spouse missing, I'm not sure I would ever feel they were doing "enough". No matter how hard they were working. Is anything ever really "enough" if it's you and your loved one is still missing? If it were me and I KNEW I was innocent and felt precious time was being wasted, I'm sure frustration would build quickly. I would try to maintain faith but I imagine at some point I would do whatever I felt needed to be done to find my loved one. It's desperation and I can understand that.
Thanks, Gardener. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it and my mind is a blur now with so many articles out there.

Well if we believe the Daily Mail interview with her 1st husband (and I see no reason to dismiss that one), Sherri DID have a history of helping teens.

"David said he met Sherri when they were both working on a Youth to Youth project, a community-based drug prevention and youth leadership program."There are a couple different orgs called "Youth to Youth" so it's hard to guess which one Sherri participated in.

This one is in CA:
This one in international but based out of Ohio:
Here's another, not sure where it's located:
All true.

I don't think it is at all strange that he saw the trollish critics. If he read any of the comments at the bottom af local news articles, it would have been front and center.

And unfortunately they're hard to miss. There are so many trolls.
The only problem I see with your map is that on Interstate 5, the speed limit is mostly 70 mph, and that is about the average speed there. 60 mph on I-5 would be really slow. The other roads 50 mph would be about the average. So they could have traveled much farther north or south, especially south.

Sorry I was out for a driving lesson. I can add an overlay for 70 mph too if that would be helpful?

ETA: Added 70 mph overlay
Sorry I'm way behind in reading this thread but I was just reading through the logs and noticed an interesting entry from Nov 2. On page 2 there was an "incomplete 911" call. My first thought was that what if SP tried to call 911 but was forced to hang up and set the phone down by her abductors? But then I saw the address I think must be associated with the call and I got even more confused. Not sure I can say anything else but I find that address, especially the street name, both interesting and puzzling. If the address is the address for the phone number that called and not the location of the call, Is it possible SP's cell phone bill was still associated with an old street address? May be nothing relevant and may be unrelated, just something I thought was interesting.

I found it (I think) and see what you're saying. But it appears that, according to Google maps, the addresses are several miles apart. And the time doesn't make sense.
I wonder if she lets her four year old play with her phone. Could've accidentally called 911. My niece has done it with my sisters cell phone more than once.
I thought of that as well, however; there are more than the singular one I posted about coming from different numbers.
Sorry I was out for a driving lesson. I can add an overlay for 70 mph too if that would be helpful?

ETA: Added 70 mph overlay
JMO - I think your original map is good and 50 - 60 is probably as much as would be possible. And that it would be fairly unrealistic to think that anybody could average 70mph. I toyed with google maps. Used the home location as a starting place and random cities as destinations to determine unimpeded travel time. Here is a sample:
Woodland: 2hr 18min
Yuba City: 2hr 16min
Sacramento: 2hr 35min
Vacaville: 2hr 35min
In all honesty, I wouldn't even be going on the internet and searching out message forums about my own family's case. But that's me.

Exactly my feeling.
As if that wasn't bad enough, they're still being crucified by a bunch of strangers on the internet

But it was bad enough, in my opinion. To have their little family reunited and whole was remarkable. What difference does it make what strangers on the internet think? Who really cares, when this story has such a positive outcome? Why bother with perceptions of unknown people? And with two little kids in the family..........perpetrators are still out there somewhere. They're sequestered now, but that won't last forever.

What others' think may be best ignored, in my opinion.
I think the theory that someone was involved with CASA or foster care advocacy and someone did this for revenge is a viable theory in this case. I would guess, however, that one of Sherri's family members does or did CASA, maybe not SP herself. The VI confirmed that SP's family had done the race to benefit CASA for several years. That indicates, IMO, that not just SP was interested in helping foster kids. What if there was a case of abuse of a child in foster care and the child's parents felt the CASA person was as much to blame as the abusers for not getting the child moved to another home? They might have taken the CASA advocate's child (SP) to inflict the same abuse and to send a message. I found such a case with a child who had many of the same injuries as SP --burns and bruises all over her body (Warning--some graphic photos in video):

I'm not saying the above case is connected to SP, but maybe there is a similar case in Shasta County that did not get media attention? Maybe they held SP for as long as a child was in foster care and abused and let her go alive because the child lived? Maybe they wanted one of SP's family members to know the anguish they knew? It's the only revenge theory I have thought had legs so far. The only thing that doesn't make sense is the branding--if the branding sent too specific of a message then the police would be able to figure out these were people with a child in the system and may easily figure out who they could be by going through case files. But maybe the brand was to throw LE off. Hopefully, if there HAS been any child advocacy volunteers in SP's family LE has investigated this angle.

Thank you for that. For some reason the link wasn't working so I think I fixed it.

I do think Sherri's ordeal was a giant message meant for someone and I did wonder about the CASA connection but perhaps someone angry that they lost their child/ children to the agency. SP and family do the run as volunteers at the very least.
The whole thing from the length of time, the brutality, daily beatings, burns, the brand "message" and the excessively heavy restraints are all a huge message for someone IMO.

ETA: Never mind, you fixed it, LOL

That was hard to watch, Gardener. It breaks my heart to see children rescued from a bad situation only to be thrown into another (possibly worse situation) and not getting the love, nurturing, and protection they need. My hat goes off to these volunteers, it is not a difficult position and one that requires enormous self restraint. My thoughts with SP were involvement prior to her marriage with KP and possibly have developed a friendship that continued or a child that she may have advocated for and the family somehow held her responsible for the outcome. As for the branding, if she had advocated for an abused child (or one that was even trafficked by a parent/relative), it would give the motive and the connection to the type of torture she received.

This is very interesting. In the dispatch transcript, CHP described SP as heavily battered. In the video at the end of the link you provided, a 4 year old girl was apparently being battered by her 21 year old half sister. So, a young woman was the accused batterer.

I work in the dental field. "Licensed dental health care providers in California are mandated to report domestic violence physical assault, and suspected child abuse/ neglect and elder abuse/neglect." I've never considered retribution as a possible consequence of reporting.

Abuse Detection and Reporting Policy Statement

Child Abuse Identification & Reporting Guidelines
So on Sherri's wedding blog she said she'd never lived with a man (before KP). Does this mean she never lived with her 1st husband?
JMO - I think your original map is good and 50 - 60 is probably as much as would be possible. And that it would be fairly unrealistic to think that anybody could average 70mph. I toyed with google maps. Used the home location as a starting place and random cities as destinations to determine unimpeded travel time. Here is a sample:
Woodland: 2hr 18min
Yuba City: 2hr 16min
Sacramento: 2hr 35min
Vacaville: 2hr 35min

If you want to have a play, this is what kdg411 sent me (thank you very cool!)

You input a starting point (I used Sundust)
Time of journey 2.5 hours

It creates the polygon for you, which I then uploaded to the map.

I think I will leave the 70mph as it covers Sacramento and I do think it's possible, that if they drove right down I5 they could have done that, and stayed within the speed limits. Which if you are driving with an abducted lady in the back you are going to do! You do not want LE attention on you. Same goes I guess if they drove north on I5.

I just noticed there is actually a place called 'Weed' north of Redding, off I5
So on Sherri's wedding blog she said she'd never lived with a man (before KP). Does this mean she never lived with her 1st husband?

IIRC he was in the military. Perhaps he was stationed elsewhere for a majority of their marriage?
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