Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #20

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Should have followed up because "no money changed hands" is not the same as saying "no ransom was paid" since 5.5lbs of gold, as just one example, would net about 100k.

IIRC the letter to the abductor was pretty emphatic on the fact that they could be paid in any possible way.

My hunch tells me, IF a ransom was paid, it wasn't cash. Gold is a possibility or welcome to Technology; BITCOINS = virtual currency.

I just bumped into this interesting trend; TumbleBit. Feel free to google it. For the lazy ones, is kind of like an anonymous transaction; is a bit tough to track, but NOT impossible.

Back to the satoshi's trail. Bit, bit, bit. ;)
what if he made up the "anonymous donor" and his money? What if he hired some women to kidnap SP so that he could play the hero? What if he has one of those hostage simulation environments (storage containers) outfitted somewhere north, say about 150 miles away?

What if SP is so terrified to say anything to police about him b/c he owns guns and has all of that military training (not to mention lives in the same town as her children and family)? What if he did, in fact, threaten her into silence, making her move out of town to get away from him?

It's as valid a theory as any put forth so far. Perhaps more so, since the man has the motive, the means and the opportunity. Plus naked ambition.

If CG was the mastermind, don't you think he would've been savvy enough to clear off his SM footprints BEFORE the event and not postmortem? Why leaving breadcrumbs left to right pointing to him?

My guts tell me he was more a "mediator" than a negotiator; but got played big time. Ambition is a tricky mistress...

Less risk than the abduction. But it's really the wrong question. Why the risk of letting her go in the first place?

Maybe the abductor came to believe that the risk of keeping her or killing her was greater than the risk of letting her go.

Maybe something spooked the abductor - a close call that led to the decision, "I can't keep this up."

Maybe the place where she was being kept had no heat, and as it turned to late November the effort required to maintain what the abductor was doing became too much of an effort.

Maybe the abductor needed to go somewhere for several days (Thanksgiving), and for the first time it was going to be impossible to be there physically with SP.

Maybe abductor 1 had something happen that took them out of the equation - an arrest, sickness or death. Abductor 2 couldn't maintain and maybe never wanted this in the first place.

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If he set it all up so he could play hero, he failed. He can't even claim he negotiated a ransom. I don't buy that CG was involved because he did not get anything out of the kidnapping and torturing of SP. He barely got 15 minutes of fame and he was not paid for the 20/20 interview. Someone paid him $1 retainer--I guess to make it official?-- and he donated the money to St Jude's. What did he get? It's not like people are lining up to have him employ the same technique. He was asked to help with Stacey Smart's case and he consulted on it but has not announced any plan--likely SS family cannot pay anything either, JMO. And he said the reverse ransom wasn't even his idea--it was KP's idea.

That $1 exchange/retainer is a sign of what is known as a nominal or zero dollar contract. << CONTRACT...
After CG said "no money changed hands" the follow up question should have been: "Would you tell us if it had?" Ach, reporters these days.

BBM Maybe because "cash" was not the currency exchanged?
There is a lot of fog in the area. I think it's possible she could hear I-5, but most likely due to the fog, she could see the glow from the highway lights reflecting off of the fog. Probably very dark down one way, and lighter towards highway. I used to live in Sacramento area, and remember how the fog really reflected lighting. Just a thought I had. JMO

As soon as I read the word "fog" I couldn't help myself, but I had a Jodi Arias flashback. :gaah:
As soon as I read the word "fog" I couldn't help myself, but I had a Jodi Arias flashback. :gaah:

"FOG" is also a term about victims who keep their mouth shut out of...


The Secret Witness Program usually is reported on in the Redding Record Searchlight. I will ask family members to share the phone number on social media, but unless the MSM feels like reporting it I'm not sure what else the family can do.

The family had no problem with MSM on the missing stage period of SP. While would it be different now?

If they need help with reporting, why not go with their first resource: Mike Mangas? IIRC he helped with KP earliest public appeal when Sherri was missing.
Here's something that only just popped into my head. What if she was snatched and held captive by a psychopath but then his wife/mother/some other family member discovered he was keeping her captive and insisted he let her go or they go to authorities. Now I know most of us would be appalled to discover a family member doing such a thing and would turn them in instantly but there are all types out there.

The wife/mother/family member could also have been quite psychologically manipulated by this person over the years too. Just a thought. It would explain the sudden unexpected release that many seem to be struggling with getting their heads around.

Apologies for saying "he" etc but surely that would be statistically more likely. Not impossible it was a female though of course. :)
Thanks, the more I thought about it the more I decided I want to do it. It's not too far and I so want a better understanding of what this area looks like at night. I'll need to wait til after the heavy rain, but I'll report back later this week or this weekend. If i can, I'll take pictures from the car even though it'll be dark. (not getting out and walking around though!) I don't know if it will tell us anything useful, but maybe.

Anything in particular anyone would like me to check out - from the car only - other than what it's generally like in the dark? This is for the drop off location. I think Google maps has the daylight views covered pretty well.

While I wouldn't expect you to get out and walk around in the dark, it would be good if, with no cars around, you could stop your car, kill the engine and lights and walk around in front of the car. With no extraneous noise, let the camera pick up ambient sound and see if you can hear car engine noise from the freeway or see headlights.

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Of course it's a joke, and quite frankly, a bit sad. But if he wants to be the hero in his wife's eyes, or his kids' eyes, that's none of my business.

I suppose the relevant issue here is what was his specific role in this abduction? It's one thing to chase an ambulance with an inflated resume, it's quite another to orchestrate, or participate in, a 22-day abduction. That's a huge leap. I agree there are a lot of circumstantial red flags, but that could just be coincidence.

And one final point: if he was somehow involved with the abduction (still highly highly speculative), I would say it's almost a certainty he had inside help. Otherwise it just doesn't make any sense at all. So careful what questions you start to ask, as it might lead you somewhere this site would not want you to go.

a couple of latina women who don't even speak much English can do it, why not a guy who claims to have all of this experience simulating kidnappings? That makes him FAR more likely; he's clearly researched this stuff (whether or not he's actually done it).

As for having to have help, well, maybe he hired a couple of latinas, and that's where the story comes from.

All I know is that where there is smoke, there is usually fire. And there's a lot of smoke around him.
"Someone paid him $1 retainer--I guess to make it official?-- and he donated the money to St Jude's."

Yet another bizarre claim, IMO. Easy enough for LE to check that claim out, though. Hope all his ducks are in a row, that's all I'm saying.

The hinky meter is on high.

Rob, that's not bizarre; it's a nominal or zero dollar contract. Google it.. I posted about a few threads back.

To look at a different date just change the date in the URL. Example - I thought I'd see if there was anything from last November and was able to do that by changing the date to 11-02-2015
Well, I really don't believe he was anywhere near SP. Why does it matter where he was?

The only people that matter to know where he was are LE. They've had over a month to verify his whereabouts and communications. IMO the fact that he's not been arrested means he's cleared.
Is it possible that the Papini family paid CG under the table for his assistance?

This is a nominal or zero dollar contract basic definition:
"[FONT=&quot]A contract which does not contain any monetary remuneration between the parties for services or property. This type of contract is frequently used by business or government entities that hire a vendor to accept payments on their behalf. The vendor does not receive any money from the business or agency with which it has the contract, but is allowed to assess a service charge against anyone using the payment service."[/FONT]

That's why I said earlier CG is not a negotiator but a mediator... IF paid, it wasn't by the AD, but if I may call it, by a fee from the abductors << third party on the contract.

ps. Finance, Accounting and Auditing is my field of work.
I'm so tempted to go drive over there (I5/County Road) at night to go see what it looks like at that specific spot in the dark. Maybe not 4 something AM, but when it's dark. We're supposed to get some major storms this week so it might have to be after those pass, but does anyone think it'd be useful? I'm so curious now what it looks like.

Good point made about the fog too. I can't remember now if it would have been foggy that night and early morning. I think it would have been mentioned if so, especially if it was that impossibly thick fog, but maybe not?

The traffic activity won't be the same; unless you do your exercise on a big Holiday. That's something that you need to factor in. JMO
I read an account by a pro in the field of investigating these types of abductions. He hasn't had any contact with this case.

Anyway..... he does not believe the story SP is saying because she is too traumatized to tell the truth due to being scared they will come back and hurt her or family. He totally believes the stranger abduction story, but not the details she is giving. SP was held, tortured and constantly threatened.
Back on another thread, there was mention of a 2006 Womens Health Alliance contributor list that had Sherri Graeff on it. 10 years ago, granted, but it made me wonder if Sherri has been an advocate all along, and possibly a volunteer for WHA, secretively, because her family and friends may strongly object to the services offered by that organization. This is just speculation, on my part, but, is it possible that someone found out that she was an advocate or volunteering and a rabidly opposed activist found a way of punishing her for her belief and service??? Could that have something to do with the "sensitive" details that LE is keeping close to the vest? It would explain why she was eventually let go, and possibly the branded "message". JMO
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