Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #20

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My question for Lake16 is
Did you ask her about where she was dropped off and her route of travel to highway or did she offer up the information?
Did you ask about her captivity or abduction? I don't need the answer, just want to know if you asked since you were already being shared information.
The only people that matter to know where he was are LE. They've had over a month to verify his whereabouts and communications. IMO the fact that he's not been arrested means he's cleared.

Abduction in early Nov. Release in late Nov.

Three weeks later, if a guy hasn't been arrested, you take that to mean he's been cleared?

I know this isn't the first case you've ever followed. It can take months or years to build a strong enough case to make an arrest of the responsible parties. The Tera Smith case is Exhibit A. 18 years and counting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I could go with that or any therory really...but according to LE, KP, Lake16 that don't happen. My understanding is we are to take the details at face value.

sorry it did not take the comment with it that I was replying to.
I guess it doesn't matter tho. Any therory besides 2 women who abducted her. Beat her and then one released her is not to be suggested correct?
A few points on the location of her abduction and release:

1 - The lack of any surveillance indicates premeditation. It's definitely possible in a rural area to avoid cameras during the initial abduction, and possible to avoid cameras as you speed away. But you need to think it through, know your route. So again, this does not strike me as, "Hey, look at that blonde gringa, let's snatch her!' But more: "Ok, we know SP typically jogs from her home, let's pretend to be broken down in this spot, then we grab her and go out on this street, avoiding this part of town, etc., etc."

2 - Regarding her drop off, I agree they needed to avoid cameras, too. But again, I cannot imagine this wasn't planned at least a day in advance. It wasn't, "You know what, let's just get rid of her today. Put her in the car and go find a spot while you're driving, then push her out of the car." Why risk that, especially after three weeks (!) of captivity??! More likely is that they scouted the drop spot a day or so in advance. It was a long way from where they held her (at least 20 minutes by car, and probably much further). It needed to happen around 3-4 am to avoid attention (which seems to fit with this case). But it should also have been in a spot where SP would need a long time to reach any person, not near homes or churches or businesses. Why risk it when you have 24 hours or so to find a good spot?

3 - I would have chosen a very remote area where there is nothing but a road, no homes, no businesses, etc. It would have been an area with lots of roads connecting, to avoid having only one way to get in and get out. I would need to be able to see around me far enough to ensure no car would come for the 2-3 minutes (max - probably more like 30 seconds) I needed to get her out of the car. And I would want it to be a place where few cars would be driving at that time of night. Perhaps even a side dirt road. I want her to have to walk for at least 30 minutes, and ideally longer, before she meets someone, to make sure I'm long gone. I also want her to be a bit disoriented so it's harder for her to remember where I dropped her.

There is no need to be anywhere near civilization if I had 24 hours or so in advance to select my spot. Driving a few hours the day before to do a bit of research is worth it when the alternative is 8 years in prison!

Oh come on, releasing her was not that complicated. They could have put her in the car, drove until they got to the first dark isolated place, then pulled over and pushed her out of the car. That is not rocket science.

As to #3, that type of place doesn't even exist. If there is no homes and no businesses, then there is no roads, or at least very few roads. Roads get built because of homes and businesses. You want a place where cars come along every two or three minutes, but she would have to walk for 30 minutes? I'm not sure I understand the logic there, but that's about the type of conditions they did release her in.
Just got sort of caught up.

So we don't know if Sherri had keys with her?
Would she leave her home without locking it?
Was there a key pad that she used to enter?

If she had no keys with her, I guess she wasn't checking the mail, unless your mailboxes are left open
Here, our are locked at all times
Abduction in early Nov. Release in late Nov.

Three weeks later, if a guy hasn't been arrested, you take that to mean he's been cleared?

I know this isn't the first case you've ever followed. It can take months or years to build a strong enough case to make an arrest of the responsible parties. The Tera Smith case is Exhibit A. 18 years and counting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He became involved two weeks before her release. It's now three weeks since she's been released. Yes I think he was already annoying to LE, therefore he was vetted early on.
Maybe it would be helpful if Lake16 shared one long post with every single bit of detail and information that is allowed to be shared. Then mods can sticky it to the top of each thread and we won't be redundant with our questions.
Then of course we can ask the random questions as they come, Lake can update it as necessary... but it would be great just to have one big narrative "interview" to read at once.
This is a question for Lake16,

Do the Papini's belong to a specific church in Redding? If so, do you know which one they attend? Do you know how long they have been affiliated with that church and how engaged with church activities (if any) they are?
I could go with that or any therory really...but according to LE, KP, Lake16 that don't happen. My understanding is we are to take the details at face value.

sorry it did not take the comment with it that I was replying to.
I guess it doesn't matter tho. Any therory besides 2 women who abducted her. Beat her and then one released her is not to be suggested correct?

That DOES seem to be the consensus. Which is circular "sleuthing". Too bad. I think that it is entirely possible that Sherri was captured by 2 Hispanic women that she did not know, however, I do NOT buy into the idea that she has no idea of the motivation behind her capture and abuse. I think that she is in GREAT fear of a person or persons that she KNOWS who are behind this horrifying experience. I would want to get the hell out of town, too.....JMO
Dont forget Bitcoins.

Oh oh.

An interesting TumbleBit script that I was reading a week ago labeled the "fulfilling transaction" or "cash out transaction" as "Tcash". Lol. You bet I found it pretty amusing.

BTW: Bitcoins are about to reach the $800.00 value.
The only people that matter to know where he was are LE. They've had over a month to verify his whereabouts and communications. IMO the fact that he's not been arrested means he's cleared.

It took 4 months to arrest Scott Peterson. It took 2 or 3 years to arrest Casey Anthony. It took more than that to arrest Drew Peterson.
He became involved two weeks before her release. It's now three weeks since she's been released. Yes I think he was already annoying to LE, therefore he was vetted early on.


Now, if those of us who think he may have had something to do with this are proven wrong, there is no harm done except asking questions.

If those who refuse to even entertain the possibility he's involved are proven wrong, how would they face SP if they met her, and had to explain refusing to explore all avenues?
It took 4 months to arrest Scott Peterson. It took 2 or 3 years to arrest Casey Anthony. It took more than that to arrest Drew Peterson.

I agree with your main point - that arrests often come after months of investigative work. But just to be clear, Casey Anthony was arrested on child neglect charges within days (IIRC, one day) of her mother reporting Caylee missing.
Maybe or maybe not. CG claims it was KP's idea. It did serve to create a large buzz with the MSM and social media. If the abductors were holding SP for future ST then they might decide to take their payday up front by accepting it rather than wait six months or more to "earn" it through ST. Whether ST was the plan or not the more media presence SP got and the offering of rewards from both the family and CG to people that would roll over on the abductors may have played a roll in her being released vs being killed. It will be an interesting revelation if and when any of the abductors are caught.

That however is the rub. LJ claims that she didn't even float it by KP until 11/8, yet the same ransom offer letter that was released on 11/17 naming CG as the negotiator had been sent previously on 11/6 to KRCR before KP had ever heard of the donor let alone supposedly came up with the idea:
"KRCR first received this letter in an email from, sent on November 6. In that email, the anonymous source said they were willing to provide proof that they had that kind of money available and were willing to release bank statements showing such. KRCR was unable to confirm the letter was from a legitimate source, and chose not to make the letter public at that time."
CG has kidnapping simulators in intermodal shipping containers, his military background is actually in driving various vehicles as a 'vehicle operations apprentice' and he may have branding equipment/experience with his ranch plus he knows something about communicating discretely with others. He could set up an shipping container equipped for kidnapping anywhere and in fact could have changed locations and containers over a period of weeks, he is clearly aware about discretely communicating with others, he stated he was 'out of town' notwithstanding that he was supposedly engaged 24/7 ready to deliver a ransom, he may be equipped to brand and it serves to advance him.
Actually I would add a 4th point to my previous post:

4 - To be brutally honest, an even more likely scenario is to take her to a very remote location and put a bullet through her head. Probably have a hole prepared in advance to conceal the body. Cover up the hole, very unlikely she'd be found. Sorry to be so graphic. But after 22 days in captivity, she probably has a lot of DNA evidence on her. She could have seen and heard who knows what. Why risk release? It's not like the people who did this are averse to brutality, based on what happened to her while in captivity.

Quite honestly, #4 is the usual outcome, unless they keep the person(s), for years, in a backyard prison (Jaycee Lee Dugard, for one example).
What's your theory?

There's a strong hunch I keep going back to since Thanksgiving. I've read a lot outside of WS ... there's a lot of information you can find online, what locals are saying, etc.

I don't visit other sites. I'm sticking to what has been aired on MSM; LE statements and relatives interview. Have a couple of scripts from my fieldwork that are pretty helpful for sleuthing.

Trust me, it's all on the breadcrumbs. ;)
Back on another thread, there was mention of a 2006 Womens Health Alliance contributor list that had Sherri Graeff on it. 10 years ago, granted, but it made me wonder if Sherri has been an advocate all along, and possibly a volunteer for WHA, secretively, because her family and friends may strongly object to the services offered by that organization. This is just speculation, on my part, but, is it possible that someone found out that she was an advocate or volunteering and a rabidly opposed activist found a way of punishing her for her belief and service??? Could that have something to do with the "sensitive" details that LE is keeping close to the vest? It would explain why she was eventually let go, and possibly the branded "message". JMO

waiting 10 yrs to avenge a wrongdoing? a bit stretching but more realistic than a catch&release ST gang/initiation two-female abductors. JMO
This is a question for Lake16,

Do the Papini's belong to a specific church in Redding? If so, do you know which one they attend? Do you know how long they have been affiliated with that church and how engaged with church activities (if any) they are?

Lake has already said the Papini's have never mentioned Bethel Church and they don't have any connection to it/have never been there to Lake's knowledge. We also know they got married in a Catholic Church*. They are likely still Catholic, IMO. When talking about the Papini's and Bethel, Lake also used the word "mass" to describe the church services. Protestants don't call it "mass" so I'm also inclined to think Lake16 is Catholic and possibly knows the Papini's from attending the same Catholic Church. JMO.

*And, please, please don't restart the divorce debate and whether they could have gotten married in the Catholic Church. The did. There are wedding pictures of them getting married in a Catholic Church by a Priest. Sherri's first marriage was to a Jewish man and likely easy to annul by the Church (divorce is by the state) or the 1st marriage/divorce didn't exist in the eyes of the Church in the first place since it wasn't in the Catholic Church. Seems it depends on who you ask what the precise order of required events was to get married but regardless, it happened. Divorced people can get married in the Catholic Church. They married in the Catholic Church and no fraud/deception was required to do it. Hope that covers it. I will scream if the divorce debate restarts. :please:
Lake has already said the Papini's have never mentioned Bethel Church and they don't have any connection to it/have never been there to Lake's knowledge. We also know they got married in a Catholic Church*. They are likely still Catholic, IMO. When talking about the Papini's and Bethel, Lake also used the word "mass" to describe the church services. Protestants don't call it "mass" so I'm also inclined to think Lake16 is Catholic and possibly knows the Papini's from attending the same Catholic Church. JMO.

*And, please, please don't restart the divorce debate and whether they could have gotten married in the Catholic Church. The did. There are wedding pictures of them getting married in a Catholic Church by a Priest. Sherri's first marriage was to a Jewish man and likely easy to annul by the Church (divorce is by the state) or the 1st marriage/divorce didn't exist in the eyes of the Church in the first place since it wasn't in the Catholic Church. Seems it depends on who you ask what the precise order of required events was to get married but regardless, it happened. Divorced people can get married in the Catholic Church. They married in the Catholic Church and no fraud/deception was required to do it. Hope that covers it. I will scream if the divorce debate restarts. :please:

Screaming is allowed.
It is not condescending.
Thank God. ;)
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