Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #22

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Excellent. Thank you. I'm trying to reconcile earlier statements about Sherri approaching other "houses," yet none are really there. And her checking out the Kingdom Hall, yet she seems to just bolt IMMEDIATELY BACK, after coming to the side-front of the Hall, to the direction she came from. Why would she go BACK to where the kidnapper(s) just dropped her off? I'd be hiding in a bush, trying to regroup.

It's hard to say what I would do, but my first thought when I saw the video is that I would probably stay by the church door until someone showed up for work or at least until daybreak. I would be scared to run around in the dark and would feel safer hiding near the church door.

But, I admit it's unfair to speculate as I've never been in that position and can't imagine it would be easy to think straight.

I also recall people saying the weather was cold, so perhaps she was also concerned about getting someplace warm as quickly as possible.


BBM in red-This stands out to me as I don't normally put the tag on the present until AFTER I finish wrapping it. How and where would you put it?

I believe this was discussed at length way back in the beginning, and it's a good question, although there could have been a card already written, in an envelope.

BBM in red-This stands out to me as I don't normally put the tag on the present until AFTER I finish wrapping it. How and where would you put it?

I agree. I also think it’s odd that KP says he thinks SP made it. It seems like he should know one way or the other.

BBM in red-This stands out to me as I don't normally put the tag on the present until AFTER I finish wrapping it. How and where would you put it?

:seeya: Yes, good catch and good point about the gift tag.

BBM in red-This stands out to me as I don't normally put the tag on the present until AFTER I finish wrapping it. How and where would you put it?

A gift bag has a card attached, so if it was a gift bag she could have written the card before putting in the tissue and gift. Perhaps part of the tissue was in the bag, but the pillow and the rest of the tissue weren’t. Isn’t November 2 awfully early to be wrapping gifts for Christmas (if that’s what it was for)?
Is it true that Gutman is personal friends with the Papinis?


A rancher; to brand animals. Cattle usually.

Those are huge though.

BBM: Leading UP TO her abduction ? Really ? :rolleyes:

:thinking: So wait ... I thought SP was wrapping gifts prior to her "abduction."

From People:

He [KP] says he became worried when he arrived home from his job at Best Buy that night to find neither Sherri nor their two children, who Sherri usually picked up from child care.

During his search of the house, Keith says he found a partially wrapped present addressed to him from his wife and two kids. “She must have been wrapping her presents,” he says. “It is like an American flag pillow that she more than likely she made it. It wasn’t here when I left, so I know that she must have been working on that."


Well to our knowledge SHE never said she was wrapping presents. She said she can't remember much. Which conveniently explains how she doesn't know much that could help ID the people. It could also be a means to not explain certain things LE might have found.

But I go back to brain injury on this one. If she was heavily battered, she could've had one. If she did, LE should've mentioned her memory was poor due to that. Instead they said it was de to trauma. Which isn't what research bears out. Research shows trauma victims over remember or have exaggerated memories or remember incorrectly. But they don't have actual gaps without brain injury.

Does brain injury erase what happened before? My brother had one. He was jumped while walking home drunk one night. He can't remember anything from the fight or right before. But his head hit a concrete post and he was hospitalized and out of it for a couple weeks. Couldn't walk at all at first and then couldn't straight. Thought he lived with someone different than his actual roommate at the time. And he had been wasted right before.

I don't know much about brain injury.
I'm still 10 pages behind (again!), but two quick thoughts/questions:

1) I see some of you talking about the brand being "carved" into her shoulder. I always assumed it was burned into her shoulder. To me, a brand is a burn. That's how they do it to cattle, and the human branding I have seen is related to a fraternity, and is also burned on. Did anyone ever specifically see police say that it was carved? I think it would be very easy to brand yourself if it were a burn. You would just heat up whatever you were going to burn yourself with, and then back into it.

2) any thoughts on why that specific location was chosen for the drop off? There are tons of very isolated freeway exits along that part of the five. So why there? Does CG have any connection to that exit? Is it possible that she was being held right at that exit all along? Maybe she was "held" (holed up) in that junkyard? A junkyard would have hose clamps, chains, and metal things to brand yourself with.
On the flip side, why would two gun toting kidnappers release someone they kidnapped and beat up over the course of 22 days. Why wouldn't they kill her? If SPs story is true, it seems like the younger one had no problem possibly killing her older accomplice, so why would she hesitate to kill SP?

I would also add that these gun toting kidnappers had zero criminal record whatsoever. The DNA that was found on SP's body does not match anyone in any criminal databases. So if there are kidnappers, they went from having no criminal record to committing a crime that could put them in prison for life. That's typically not how it works.
I would think and hope if Sherri presented with any facial injuries tests would be done to rule out any brain injury. Cat Scan would readily show any trauma to the brain. Even if she wasn't presenting with any obvious signs I would hope Hospital would order a CT to be sure. Brain Injury varies in symptoms. Depends on cause, location in the brain etc.
Seriously, though, about the brand. If you look up the topic of cattle branding, there are specific letters and symbols that are unique to that industry. It's like it's own alphabet except our normal ABC's can be reversed or can even be upside down.

A rancher typically comes up with the brand he's going to use and then has a branding iron custom made. Brands usually have to be registered in your county for livestock ID reasons. So it's easily traceable.

I'm sure that is not what we're dealing with in this case. This is somebody heating up some piece of metal over a flame and then trying to apply it freehand to SP. And of course she is going to jerk and flinch. Hence the "obscure" letters. It's not the letters don't have meaning - they're likely just illegible. It would be like trying to decipher a toddler's letter to Santa that he wrote with a broken crayon on the back of a napkin.

It could mean that. It also could mean that they look like letters but are unrecognizable because they are characters from a different language (like Russian, Chinese, Korean, whatever.), so police are having a hard time making meaning of them.
I really don't remember. I thought it was stated back when the interview took place. Does anyone else recall?

ETA - maybe it was another reporter who brought the story to Gutman....

Mike mangas is a reporter for an ABC affiliate. He covered this case extensively. He is also a family friend of the papinis. He officiated KP and SPs wedding.

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It could mean that. It also could mean that they look like letters but are unrecognizable because they are characters from a different language (like Russian, Chinese, Korean, whatever.), so police are having a hard time making meaning of them.

I think "search Google images" would pull up whatever language it was in. Catfish taught me a lot of stuff, and I'm sure between the FBI and law enforcement, they would be able to identify it using a computer program if it were clear enough. I'm still going with a theory that Sherri told LE how the brand/message/whatever was put on her skin, and it made them think they were sending a message to somebody.
Ok, this is where I'm at right now on this case, that I have followed from day one. I may even get in trouble with this but it is my view and have been sitting by, reading and wondering just what in heck I can post.
My first thought? This looks like a "punishment" situation to me. Her story, the injuries, the cutting of the hair and her being set free, the anonymous donor who offered $50,000 ransom for her return, then changed it to $100,000 for just information on her disappearance and now Gamble is saying that Papini is going to receive part of the ransom because she survived her
'kidnapping'. I think it strange that after changing the amount on the ransom to information to double the amount and then within 24 hours , she reappears. Now, she gets to keep some of the 'ransom'. I just can't help but think that she was 'taken' to be punished for either something she did or didn't do. Also can't help but think about a Slave/Master situation here (hope I don't offend anyone here). If she disobeyed someone, then she would have to suffer punishment. And......if the master did not want to be found out, he just might offer a "ransom" for her return or even offer to pay 'her' to keep quiet about him. And of course, be the anonymous donor all the time, right? I know that this might seem strange to some people here but the secrecy of her job, the craziness of her story, her miraculous reappearance just after the ransom for her return jumped from $50,000 to $100,000 for just information to now the donor going to pay money to Papini for just way too strange to me and opens up a hundred questions. She has been silent, her husband hasn't because IMO, he is trying very hard to understand and make sense of all of this. She can't talk because of the 'punishment' situation. This is my view and I can appreciate if anyone totally disagrees but would like for y'all to at least digest. This is such a strange case that I think a strange answer will solve the case. Again, JMO

Quoted myself but I'm still holding onto my thoughts on this case.
Anyone know if the husband's DNA was checked against what was found on her?
Anyone know if the husband's DNA was checked against what was found on her?

Yes, his dna was checked and it was not his DNA on her clothes.

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