Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #6

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Yeah, but if they shared a facebook account, Pinterest is connected to it and when you pin something it ends up showing on your profile. Maybe she thought he might see it and it would ruin the surprise. If she did make it, she hadn't posted her own pin of it yet, probably for same reason. She has posted pins of things she had made in the past.

You can turn that off. I got tired of having all the pins show up on Facebook so I stopped sharing them. You can also link up Instagram and twitter to do the same thing.
(Stagehand somewhat wearily hauls this out again.)

So what happened, ya think? List your top 3 or 5 or dozen, in order. No. 2 pencil.


.1. Abducted by person known to her; still alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; now deceased
.3. Abducted by unknown party; still alive
.4. Abducted by unknown party; now deceased
.5. Murdered by known person; jog a red herring
.6. Hit by car; driver fled scene with body
.7. Suicide; body undiscovered
.8. Amnesia
.9. Hoax
10. Wilfully missing
11. Witness protection
12. Human traffickers
13. Space aliens
14. Crazy clowns

Playing the devil's advocate with the whole "voluntary disappearance" angle...

It's possible that if she wanted to leave or felt like she had to leave for any reason, that she had planned ahead. She could have stashed a bag somewhere with extra clothes, shoes etc. Like we said earlier, its not likely KP would notice what shoes or clothes of hers were missing. She could also have a fake ID, and we know she was selling on Poshmark at one maybe she had a stash of cash somewhere.

I still don't really believe this angle necessarily but just thinking of ways she could have made it happen. Of course she could also have left with someone or to go to someone who could have provided her with these things.
Playing the devil's advocate with the whole "voluntary disappearance" angle...

It's possible that if she wanted to leave or felt like she had to leave for any reason, that she had planned ahead. She could have stashed a bag somewhere with extra clothes, shoes etc. Like we said earlier, its not likely KP would notice what shoes or clothes of hers were missing. She could also have a fake ID, and we know she was selling on Poshmark at one maybe she had a stash of cash somewhere.

I still don't really believe this angle necessarily but just thinking of ways she could have made it happen. Of course she could also have left with someone or to go to someone who could have provided her with these things.

Honestly she is home alone a lot I'm not sure she had to stash anything anywhere...just pack some stuff and go...I get not taking anything with you in that scenario...purse etc...I can even see her throwing the phone out the window to give herself a time edge to get farther.....
I can also see her listening to music walking to the mailbox as she stopped wrapping to get something into the mail before the delivery person came and a stalker grabs her and the phone is either dropped by her in struggle or by perp upon get away...I can accept either of these scenarios in my mind. If abducted I believe her body has been dumped since shortly after she was taken.
(Stagehand somewhat wearily hauls this out again.)

So what happened, ya think? List your top 3 or 5 or dozen, in order. No. 2 pencil.


.1. Abducted by person known to her; still alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; now deceased
.3. Abducted by unknown party; still alive
.4. Abducted by unknown party; now deceased
.5. Murdered by known person; jog a red herring
.6. Hit by car; driver fled scene with body
.7. Suicide; body undiscovered
.8. Amnesia
.9. Hoax
10. Wilfully missing
11. Witness protection
12. Human traffickers
13. Space aliens
14. Crazy clowns

2, 5
9, 10

Is the jog considered a red herring if she got into the car of someone she knows while jogging or walking to get the mail? I think that's possible.
2, 5
9, 10

Is the jog considered a red herring if she got into the car of someone she knows while jogging or walking to get the mail? I think that's possible.
We may need a new category; #5 is frantically trying to signal another avenue of possibility, and #9 is meant to connote a shared plan among family and/or close friends.
I shall bring this one over from #5. Thanks to all who contributed to my eight-item original.

I am interested to see what you think; me, I'm leaning toward 5, 6, or 7.

We of course hope the outcome is one in which the subject is found alive.


.1. Abducted by person known to her; still alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; now deceased
.3. Abducted by unknown party; still alive
.4. Abducted by unknown party; now deceased
.5. Still running, away from domesticity: voluntarily missing
.6. Jog was a red herring; she was killed beforehand*
.7. Hit by car; driver fled scene with body
.8. Suicide; body undiscovered
.9. Hoax
10. Murder by known person; no abduction**
11. Aliens
12. Outcome related to her alleged belief system
13. Witness protection
14. Medical event while jogging; subsequent amnesia
15. Underground for the alt.right: voluntarily missing
16. Those ubiquitous human traffickers

* murdered by inner circle privy to her actions
** murdered by acquaintance(s) or friend(s)

I think 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 are all the most probable scenarios. I can see #14, but with a running injury and that ends up in an abduction. I also think of the Mickey Shunick case that was mentioned earlier. Yet, I come back to the unwrapped present or presents and it leads me to believe the abduction occurred at the house at the front door or on the porch. The witnesses might be mistaken and she was abducted before she had a chance to go jogging that day. She sent a text to her husband between 10:30 and 11 that morning - assuming she was the one that sent that text. He didn't answer it until some time after 1 in the afternoon. We never heard if she replied to his text. If not, her abduction probably occurred between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM.

I see joggers all the time. I saw 3 this morning and I can only remember what one of them was wearing. They are part of the background, just like kids playing in the yard and riding bikes or skateboards. I see them, but I don't file it away for later recall in case LE asks me who I saw.
I think 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 are all the most probable scenarios. I can see #14, but with a running injury and that ends up in an abduction. I also think of the Mickey Shunick case that was mentioned earlier. Yet, I come back to the unwrapped present or presents and it leads me to believe the abduction occurred at the house at the front door or on the porch. The witnesses might be mistaken and she was abducted before she had a chance to go jogging that day. She sent a text to her husband between 10:30 and 11 that morning - assuming she was the one that sent that text. He didn't answer it until some time after 1 in the afternoon. We never heard if she replied to his text. If not, her abduction probably occurred between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM.

I see joggers all the time. I saw 3 this morning and I can only remember what one of them was wearing. They are part of the background, just like kids playing in the yard and riding bikes or skateboards. I see them, but I don't file it away for later recall in case LE asks me who I saw.

Oooh I have an inkling that even a fractured leg wouldn't stop her from walking home....she seems like a tough cookie.

I don't think it was injury related. I think she left or was grabbed and murdered....

Ransom would have been instant, hit and run would have been loud etc someone would have seen or heard ...I don't discount the someone at the door theory in case of stalker...hits her with stun gun as she opens it and puts her in a van with no's always a van with no windows.....
I think so too. I worry this is really only going to help one group of people - the people of bethel and CG himself. Even if they don't succeed in getting her back, in which it might make them look bad, there is the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity. We all have learned that one pretty recently.

One of the things I consider is that she was abducted for real but the person offering the ransom is actually the abductor with or without the connivance of CG with this being part of some scheme. CG and the ransom were brought in awfully quickly where it was only a few days after she went missing, though we didn't hear about their involvement until much later because the media couldn't verify the veracity of what CG said.
i have to throw something in here! If I wanted to leave my husband i would never ever ever leave them (my children) without me! They would come with me! other thing to consider is that
I would never cause my mother so much grief about my missing!
And we have nothing to suggest Sherri wasnt anything but a loving daughter and mother!

I agree, and my instinct very, very, very much says that she was a beautiful young woman who was abducted while jogging alone in a rural area, likely by a sexual predator who happened upon her or who had been waiting for the opportunity where there would be no witnesses. A jog.

That said, we can't be 100% sure. Years ago, a coworker of mine went missing on Valentine's Day. He had called his wife and young kids and said he was on his way home to make cookies with them. He never made it home.

He was a nice, quiet, well-liked church-going guy. His abandoned car was found.

Everyone thought he had been killed. LE kept the door open that he left willingly. A long time went by before we found out that he bailed on his family, job and friends and moved to LA. He had been leading a double life. No one could believe it. Not his wife. Not us coworkers. It was a case on WS. Nicolas Francisco.

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Here's an old MSM articles that includes CG:
I don't doubt he knows something about SERE, but that's way different from an alleged domestic abduction.

JMO but nothing he says there inspires with me the confidence that he would know what he was doing. It sounds like it came straight out of a book.

My gut says he's one of those stolen valour types who exaggerate their military experiences. I could be wrong but all I've read is he was Air Force SERE and joined after 9/11.
I think 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 are all the most probable scenarios. I can see #14, but with a running injury and that ends up in an abduction. I also think of the Mickey Shunick case that was mentioned earlier. Yet, I come back to the unwrapped present or presents and it leads me to believe the abduction occurred at the house at the front door or on the porch. The witnesses might be mistaken and she was abducted before she had a chance to go jogging that day. She sent a text to her husband between 10:30 and 11 that morning - assuming she was the one that sent that text. He didn't answer it until some time after 1 in the afternoon. We never heard if she replied to his text. If not, her abduction probably occurred between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM.

I see joggers all the time. I saw 3 this morning and I can only remember what one of them was wearing. They are part of the background, just like kids playing in the yard and riding bikes or skateboards. I see them, but I don't file it away for later recall in case LE asks me who I saw.

We know she didn't respond, as LE has stated all activity on her phone stopped around noon.
One of the things I consider is that she was abducted for real but the person offering the ransom is actually the abductor with or without the connivance of CG with this being part of some scheme. CG and the ransom were brought in awfully quickly where it was only a few days after she went missing, though we didn't hear about their involvement until much later because the media couldn't verify the veracity of what CG said.

They took quick action because they knew as the hours ticked away, the chances of this gal being alive diminished. I would have done the same thing. It was a bold move.
Someone mentioned awhile ago how this reminds them of the movie "Gone Girl". This description came up upon searching the movie for those that don't know:

"In Carthage, Mo., former New York-based writer Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and his glamorous wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) present a portrait of a blissful marriage to the public. However, when Amy goes missing on the couple's fifth wedding anniversary, Nick becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. The resulting police pressure and media frenzy cause the Dunnes' image of a happy union to crumble, leading to tantalizing questions about who Nick and Amy truly are."

Let me go ahead and say I am not posting this bc of the part about the husband. I thought the other descriptions and media frenzy part were interesting.

Then I looked up whether it was true or not. Technically no but real crime stories have come up that are similar.
This one for instance is bizarre :

Again. For the record. This post is NOT about the husband. It's more so the theme of the perfect life/perfect wife/mom portrayal to outsiders.

Do I know them? No. does anyone here? Not close enough to be verified. I'm not claiming this is what happened. Just something for those that have read the book or saw the movie.

Edit to add:
Spoiler-It wasn't the husband. She ran away and wanted to frame him.

They moved back to her husbands hometown.

She was wrapping gifts.

Wanted to purchase a gun.

Set up evidence to make it appear something happened to her.

I feel so crazy even typing this but hey weirder things have happened.

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I think 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 are all the most probable scenarios. I can see #14, but with a running injury and that ends up in an abduction. I also think of the Mickey Shunick case that was mentioned earlier. Yet, I come back to the unwrapped present or presents and it leads me to believe the abduction occurred at the house at the front door or on the porch. The witnesses might be mistaken and she was abducted before she had a chance to go jogging that day. She sent a text to her husband between 10:30 and 11 that morning - assuming she was the one that sent that text. He didn't answer it until some time after 1 in the afternoon. We never heard if she replied to his text. If not, her abduction probably occurred between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM.

I see joggers all the time. I saw 3 this morning and I can only remember what one of them was wearing. They are part of the background, just like kids playing in the yard and riding bikes or skateboards. I see them, but I don't file it away for later recall in case LE asks me who I saw.

I agree if she was abducted by a stranger it happened at home - someone with a ruse of some sort who managed to interrupt her and get her outside.

Maybe the same scenario with someone she knew? A person who knew her might think to leave her phone on the side of the road so KP would assume she was taken by a stranger while jogging. Mistake to just leave it instead of throwing it with the buds unattached.
Question for the locals. The road where her phone was found.
What is that road "known" for? Where does it go? Is it the road everyone takes to get to "x"?

Details please.
I think that is an excellent point. I never thought about her footwear, and now that you bring it up...the description of it was missing from what she was supposedly wearing. I know that one of the first things LE looks for in a description is footwear just out of habit. In cases of looking for suspects on the run who may take a sweatshirt off, or change a top the shoes usually stay the same. So very interesting that we don't have any information about what shoes she was wearing. I have a lot of shoes, but I only have 1 pair that would be "work-out" shoes.
Yes we do she was wearing Under Armour shoes or some name like that. This is in earlier threads where there is much discussion on what she was or may have been wearing.
Someone mentioned awhile ago how this reminds them of the movie "Gone Girl". This description came up upon searching the movie for those that don't know:

"In Carthage, Mo., former New York-based writer Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and his glamorous wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) present a portrait of a blissful marriage to the public. However, when Amy goes missing on the couple's fifth wedding anniversary, Nick becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. The resulting police pressure and media frenzy cause the Dunnes' image of a happy union to crumble, leading to tantalizing questions about who Nick and Amy truly are."

Let me go ahead and say I am not posting this bc of the part about the husband. I thought the other descriptions and media frenzy part were interesting.

Then I looked up whether it was true or not. Technically no but real crime stories have come up that are similar.
This one for instance is bizarre :

Again. For the record. This post is NOT about the husband. It's more so the theme of the perfect life/perfect wife/mom portrayal to outsiders.

Do I know them? No. does anyone here? Not close enough to be verified. I'm not claiming this is what happened. Just something for those that have read the book or saw the movie.

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Not to give too many spoilers on the movie, but in the end it was definitely not the husband. :)
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