Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #6

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Especially with the "next few days" original deadline and the claim that once "he leaves town," "the offer is off the table." It's so bizarre.

Another thing I found somewhat odd was the public request that people wear yellow ribbons on Thanksgiving for Sherri...on the 15th. To "signify the hope for her safe return." The balloon release was spoken of to the Redding City Council on the 15th; it doesn't take place until the 24th. I understand they want to raise awareness--it just seems strange to wait for such an event, not knowing what may happen in the meantime or how urgent it is. If it's so urgent, why not hold a raising awareness event ASAP? I'm not implying anything about anyone. It just seems off. It doesn't make sense to me.
To me it's great they want to get awareness out but like honestly to me the ribbions and what not are what you do when someone is already dead and it felt like they were spending all this time preparing events but not our hunting for her and it was weird to me but I'm not them and maybe all they can do now is wait and so they're trying to do something good to raise awareness while they wait. Something about it just seemed like people who have given up on finding her or finding her alive and so they want to get the word out to hopefully save another innocent girls life which if that's the case that's good that they're turning such an awful thing into something that will hopefully help save lives. Also sorry for the separate posts my iPhone doesn't let me make paragraphs and my laptop would make all my finger frozen compare to just my thumbs right the second from typing and scrolling.
Okay so I did some research earlier about all the RSO living in Redding. I had heard/seen that the number is really high for such a small place population wise. There are a total of 346 RSO in Redding (known and registered of course). Of those 346 there are only 37 whose charges were not against children. Sickening, but that's a whole different discussion.

Out of those 37, 6 were for outright rape. Of those 6, 4 were offenders whose crimes occurred before 1990. The rest of the 37 were a combination of a date rape type scenario, sexual battery and assault with intent to commit a sexual assault.

There was 1 person on the list that had a prior conviction involving kidnapping to commit a sexual assault, but I believe it involved a minor as well.

I don't know where I am going with this exactly. It is still an alarming number of RSOs in the area, but a much much smaller number who would be potentially considered a risk for adults. That of course is not to say that there aren't creeps out there who have not been caught, who aren't registered etc.

Still over here grasping at straws...

Well, there is the belief that some sexual predators will not only continue but escalate in the severity of their offenses. Still, I think this seems to add to the theory that whoever abducted Sherri - and I believe the abduction is most likely at this point - is not known to LE as RSO. They may be someone who was suspected in the past or arrested but the victim dropped the charges and not in the system as an RSO.

The last update I saw the sheriff stated they were looking at acquaintances, past and present. I would not be all that surprised if the culprit was someone from Sherri's high school. I hope LE goes that far back.
I feel like Alice in Wonderland. What a weird and crazy rabbit hole this case has turned into!!! At this point aliens wouldn't be that surprising.
I really hope LE gets more from the electronic data on Sherri's phone, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. I believe it is only going to solidify the timeline somewhat. LE needs a break in this one. A tip. Or the person responsible screws up. In the Jessica Heeringa case they had more than this, but it was the killer's screw up in trying to abduct another victim that LE what they needed. I'm hoping LE gets SOMETHING before it gets to that point.

Someone has to notice something. A person who was not at work that day, if they didn't work at night. A person acting strangely in the days following. Something.
Thanks wfgodot. That new category works perfectly. :) Are you tallying the votes? Not that it matters. :(

15 Murdered and/or abducted by a person acquainted with someone in Sherri's inner circle. If abducted, either alive or deceased depending on the purpose of the abduction.

I'm on board with this 15 as a possibility.

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I don't understand how this is allowed or what good they expect to come of it.
Would a typical, random abductor agree to being paid off? Just a gut feeling - I don't think think TK in South Carolina would have made such a trade.

I totally agree!! Does anyone know the definition of "obstruction of an investigation"? Why would LE allow this?
Besides this Ransom video, things seem fairly quiet. Interested in seeing the police logs from the weekend and also have a feeling something may come out this week. Will something else be released about the follow up to this video plea? If nobody contacted them, do they just let it fade away with no word or try something else? So puzzled by all this.

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Okay, I haul this out twice a day; here 'tis for the night shift, comrades.

(Stagehand somewhat wearily hauls it out again.)

So what happened, ya think? List your top 3 or 5 or dozen, in order. No. 2 pencil.


.1. Abducted by person known to her; still alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; now deceased
.3. Abducted by unknown party; still alive
.4. Abducted by unknown party; now deceased
.5. Murdered by known person; jog a red herring
.6. Hit by car; driver took body
.7. Suicide
.8. Amnesia
.9. Hoax
10. Wilfully missing
11. Witness protection
12. Human traffickers
13. Space aliens
14. Crazy clowns

Opinion-shift? This is free; do it again.

#4. I do not believe this was anyone in Sherri's inner circle. If she knew them she would probably get into their vehicle willingly and would have her cell phone with her along with her earbuds. Since those items were found along with what seems to be Sherri's hair it leads me to believe this was a crime of opportunity by a stranger predator who saw her alone. Now of course the stranger predator could have lived in her area or surrounding areas and had been watching her for some time and knew her jogging route.

I don't think she personally knew who kidnapped her and sadly I believe she has long been deceased. It only takes less than a minute to grab a victim and push them into their vehicle. The victim is totally caught off guard We have seen it happen several times before and if she had her earbuds in she may not have heard or paid attention to her surroundings at the time and who was passing by.

It seems what becomes more important to the predators like this is they leave no victim behind to be able to give a description or victim statement to LE. More and more perps are silencing their victims because they care about no one but themselves.:(

I pray LE gets the break they need to solve this case but cases where there is no close link to the victim and perpetrator are the hardest cases to solve.
Watch the last thing we'd suspect happen and she's just lost in the woods and has been feeding on the wild life. As for whoever asked if she would have her face on for her jog that depends but as someone who takes pride in being a good gf or a stepfors wife type I would imagine purely because of her alter ego board or whatever it was that IF she thought he may be home for lunch she could have done her makeup to look her best for her husband since that would be very stepford wife but if she suspected he wouldn't be home she probably planned a run then a shower before getting done up to get the kids and make dinner or whatever. Which what if she was showering when the person got into the house then when wrapping her gift she needed something from a crafts drawer and went to go get it when thy stopped her or what if she heard their car and assuming the driveway isn't short and they don't get a lot of people turning into it she either thought it could be her husband or ups and ran downstairs and yea. Also how many other door to door or delivery type jobs could there be to trick her? I mean police ups and mailman I'm sure are more common but who knows.

.1. Abducted by person known to her; alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; deceased
.3. Abducted by person unknown to her; alive
.4. Abducted by person unknown to her; deceased
.5. Murdered by person known to her; jog a red herring
.6. Hit by car; driver hid body
.7. Suicide
.8. Amnesia
.9. Hoax
10. Wilfully missing
11. Witness protection
12. Human traffickers
13. Space beings
14. Crafty clowns
15. None of the above; explain below

This morning I'm verging on going with #4 and calling it a (sad) day. Somebody talk me down.
Well I the one scenario I am pretty sure it wouldn't be is animal attack since that would be obvious
Per this MSM account
the news outlet received the letter via email from a "bringsherrihome" g mail address. I think it is the same address they are still asking the kidnapper(s) to use?

I agree though, why did the ransom reward peeps then wait 10 more days before publicizing this? You'd think once KRCR TV did not respond they'd pursue other media outlets, etc.

Maybe it took that long for their lawyers to craft and clear the ransom "legally"
I don't want to add another rabbit hole but, I was thinking maybe she joined an app where you can stay anonymous. One that comes to mind is Whisper.

You post can post "secrets" and it only shows your handle which is chosen at random for you. There is a chat feature that lets you talk to other members privately. You can choose to disclose your location (I believe it shows city and state) but, no notifications come via text or email.

I'm almost wondering if she was speaking to someone on there and it went south or they could of possibly runoff together. They could of communicated strictly on the app which would explain why there was no evidence of their communication on her texts or email.

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Tell that to ross Harris sitting in jail for murder and minor charges because of a whisper app.....nothing is ever really gone....
Okay, I haul this out twice a day; here 'tis for the night shift, comrades.

(Stagehand somewhat wearily hauls it out again.)

So what happened, ya think? List your top 3 or 5 or dozen, in order. No. 2 pencil.


.1. Abducted by person known to her; still alive
.2. Abducted by person known to her; now deceased
.3. Abducted by unknown party; still alive
.4. Abducted by unknown party; now deceased
.5. Murdered by known person; jog a red herring
.6. Hit by car; driver took body
.7. Suicide
.8. Amnesia
.9. Hoax
10. Wilfully missing
11. Witness protection
12. Human traffickers
13. Space aliens
14. Crazy clowns

Opinion-shift? This is free; do it again.

Safe driver credit......10 & 2
Tell that to ross Harris sitting in jail for murder and minor charges because of a whisper app.....nothing is ever really gone....

Very true. I use the app personally and know from media coverage of the app that it's never really gone.

I meant more along the lines of, it's possible she could have been communicating with someone privately without it showing up on texts or email logs. Also, if they strictly communicated on the app, it wouldn't show up on call logs either. All IMO.

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Just finished reading a few posts about the yellow ribbons...and I can't oldie, but goodie...
What luck for the anonymous money person to happen across an international kidnap negoitiator. What luck that Mr. Gamble would be willing to insert himself into the case.
I'm not sure where I am going with this but this is one heck of a fishy twist in my opinion.
How many times have we seen a sad outcome, only to find out that the perp was previously on the radar, was cleared or property was searched and nothing was found?

All the RSOs, such a rural area, Sherri routinely jogged alone. I think #4, sadly.
Just finished reading a few posts about the yellow ribbons...and I can't oldie, but goodie...

Wow, that takes me back!
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