Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #7

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Before I go to sleep I meant to ask has her family been in Cali helping look? I know i saw one name that I believe was a sibling in the search party but wasn't sure if her family had came there to help look as far as any that don't live around there go. And I mean that as in I would maybe think more so that they all know she's alive and ok so they aren't flying in to look. I don't think it's the case that she left on her own but since I try to think of every possible scenario in case I'm too stuck on the one I think is correct the most isn't but I'm focusing on it and not seeing every other angle so I'm trying to think of if there are any other reasons besides the ones we've said that she would leave on her own because of.
TBH, this stupid deadline of 5 a.m. Wednesday means little to nothing to me.
This struck me from the FiL (from the last thread): "We also spend a lot of time with Keith, Sherri and the kids each week and are a very close family; we spent a week with them in early October, as we do every year, as that is the anniversary of their wedding."

I wouldn't want to spend every wedding anniversary with my in-laws.

Maybe she was escaping from always present in-laws ...

Or maybe they watched the kids while the lovebirds celebrated. Maybe the in-laws treated this lovely couple like gold, and Sherri loves them dearly.
Because the closest thing to what could be considered a crime scene is a mile away. I do think if something involuntary happened, that it happened on their property rather than on the road, but putting the phone a mile away from the actual scene serves to screw up of the investigation.
I agree and I think posing as some anonymous donor would distract everyone even cops(just look how it's distracted a lot of us) and really that gift maybe they all were wrapped but they wanted to throw something else into the mix to confuse everyone so they did that or think of all the weird things being reported as found or seen on the logs since I mean how many of them could be strategically placed by the person? None of this case feels like it's this persons first time. I also wonder if a car could have been pulled over near her mail or something and faking some emergency that either got her close to the vehicle or into her house but that only crosses my mind because I think that's what the dark SUV they're looking for in Princeton did cause of the road it would be easy there but I kinda think it's a neighbor maybe one who she was nice to all the time and they became obsessed cause they'd know her schedule and the easiest access etc
It did seem like an all-too convenient Clue, didn't it. We know she must have been snatched whilst jogging, because of the phone. We've all heard of women being snatched whilst jogging. And we know she didn't just decide to leave her husband, because there was a half-wrapped, hand-made gift addressed to him in the house. Another handy Clue. And she's a perfect, beautiful Supermom who would never leave her kids and whose wedding photos have now been plastered everywhere, so we can see how wonderful she is. As if telling a story/ creating an image is more important than actually putting out accurate photos of how she looks now so people know if they've seen her. And then the mysterious, anonymous benefactor who puts out a bizarre letter offering a reward for her safe return by Wednesday and promising not to involve LE in any way.

If she reappears on Wednesday morning claiming to have been held captive in Mexico this whole time and starts going on chat-shows to describe her awful treatment by those nasty Mexicans, I will be extremely suspicious.

But if she turns up dead, I will feel awful for ever suspecting a hoax :(

Thank you, of the best comments!!!
Or maybe they watched the kids while the lovebirds celebrated. Maybe the in-laws treated this lovely couple like gold, and Sherri loves them dearly.

It doesn't seem weird to me that she did because when ylur family isn't living in the town you are (I think they're all in Vegas except maybe the sister but I could be wrong) you end up bonding stronger with the person you're withs family and so it's normal to me to love her in laws. The only way it would seem not normal is if she had some issues with her family that made her closer to his but it seems like she loved her family and his just as much as they appear to love her. I say appear because sometimes there's always that one cousin or something that someone doesn't get along with or whatever. I just rather say appear and not say it like I know them and know they love her and vice versa since they're strangers and we know nothing about the whole family besides it's clear the ones we know of care a lot. I guess I just have been pretty close to a few exes families so it's normal seeming to me.
TBH, this stupid deadline of 5 a.m. Wednesday means little to nothing to me.
The whole let's turn this into an abduction fir ransom means nothing, I think. It's annoying noise.

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The whole let's turn this into an abduction fir ransom means nothing, I think. It's annoying noise.

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It screams "hey how many ways can we confuse the cops and public so we can get away with our crime!" As far as the donor goes. AND this person may know making CG listed as a negotiator without telling him first or just in general may get so many people talking about it and not noticing other clues that it'll help him get away with it just by everyone getting distracted by him using CG. It's all pretty smart if all of the things I personally think may be distractions are by this person who did it
Quote Originally Posted by monster12
There seems to be quite a few reports each day about "cluster of mailboxes", open mail, stolen mail, lost/found mail, tampering with mailboxes, etc. Is this "normal"? Just seemed odd to me so many reports about mail in one day in an area. Yesterday had a report of

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You can find the daily reports here:

Side Note: A man riding around on his mountain bike barking at people's dogs.....

It is 'normal' for Redding, yes. A common occurrence thanks to AB 109 and one of the ongoing issues LE has to deal with in addition to property theft, smash and grabs, auto thefts, etc. If I lived in Redding I would have, at the least, a locking mailbox or even a PO box.

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Thefts from "cluster mailboxes" at the "end of the road" are common in Marin County. Some of the locking mailboxes are being pried open. Locked bikes are being stolen from garages. These property crimes being reported on Nextdoor not on MSM. I don't know how to view the Marin 911 call log.

Our Sheriff uses Twitter, Nextdoor, and Nixle for news. They may use FB but I don't have FB. You can sign up for urgent alerts by email or text/mobile. Nextdoor allows you limit alerts to Crime and Safety.

Marin County Sheriff Twitter Feed
Scroll down their feed to read about my neighbor who got lost on November 1, 2016. There's a photo of the rescue K9 and handler. You can also see how it would be easy to miss someone after they leave the side of the road. Search Teams from 5 counties, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Contra Costa, and Alameda were on hand in the morning. The dog found him.

Here's a NIXLE report of a home invasion robbery
I feel like we are at the point of writing a TV script for an episode of Barnaby Jones about now. Its getting that bizarre.

I want to remind all of you that we felt the same way about the KB & CC disappearance. Family members were fighting each other and no one knew where these 2 disappeared. Fortunately, a detective was on the case and found her alive. There is a detective on this case as well. So anything could be happening right now that we no knowledge of.
We're here. Just waiting for feedback and updates from LE. There literally is nothing to attempt to resolve right now because we know exactly what we knew by the 5th post of the 1st thread. Everything since then has been speculation and ad nauseum dissection of things that we assign meaning to, and probably wrongly.

A woman went for a jog and disappeared. Her phone and ear buds were found. That's entirely all we know.
This whole ransom / reward thing has my head spinning.
I can see the family doing anything they possibly can to get Sherri back safely
Anything to keep attention on their cause.

But i can't see them doing this if they weren't sure the money was in place, as that would endanger her.
I know nothing about this CG but , it would be too risky for him to come forth if he did not feel the money was in place to pay the ransom/reward

We don't know anything about the anonymous donor
I can't see him being involved as it is his money that would pay for the return of Sherri so there would be no financial reward for him

So, if Sherri was abducted, I can't see a ransom/reward working at all as she would have seen or have many clues about who her abductor was.
The only way I can see it working is if this was a hoax to gain financially
Or a reward for information on her where abouts if they were certain she was in no danger

I am having a hard time putting my thoughts into words
Still all over the map on this one
It screams "hey how many ways can we confuse the cops and public so we can get away with our crime!" As far as the donor goes. AND this person may know making CG listed as a negotiator without telling him first or just in general may get so many people talking about it and not noticing other clues that it'll help him get away with it just by everyone getting distracted by him using CG. It's all pretty smart if all of the things I personally think may be distractions are by this person who did it
What crime exactly? Who are "we". I'm honestly trying to follow your thinking but you lost me. What is the motive for the crime? Who benefits?

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IIRC, nobody that knows SP has asked anyone to believe in "the perfect marriage and the perfect life." The facade that some posters are choosing to believe (and focus on) is one based on pure speculation and embellishment. The alter ego board you are referring to hasn't been pinned in over a year. Her SIL's comment about SP being a "supermom" has been misconstrued, I highly doubt that is how SP would describe herself. When I look at her Pinterest boards, I see someone very organized who enjoys crafting, cooking, traveling, fitness, holidays and being a mother/wife. We are all going to derive our own opinions, I can only imagine what one would think of my boards. IMO, all the scrutinizing and baseless interpreting only confirms my belief that she was abducted and could not have left voluntarily. She certainly had time to clean up anything that could've led to suspicion if she had been planning to leave. I have no intentions of going anywhere but the kitchen for lunch in a few minutes, but I now feel compelled to delete a few Pinterest boards first.

I don't think anyone is intending it to be bashing. I think everyone is just confused by the craziness of this case and we are all too cynical to believe in the perfect marriage and the perfect life. She also has a board called her alter ego that has perfect wife/mother type pins. There is also the divorce but nothing else about a previous marriage. It's like she fell off the earth when she left Redding years ago and just appeared again one day. This case is just so weird!!!!
Kinda OT but I just remembered something someone said earlier on the thread that bothered me. They said Sherri looks like the kind of person who may have picked up a stalker or two over the years.

Anyone can be the victim of a stalker, or a victim of rape. It doesn't matter what you look like.

Ken Dodd had a stalker a few years ago, even though he doesn't "Look the type" to attract a stalker.

This is what a victim of a stalker looks like:
If you want to find her you should look at all clues. Profile the victim and figure out what circles she runs in. It does feel mean, but if I want to play amateur detective and come to an Internet forum to do so then it does end up public. Maybe in some weird way these ideas could help. If I go missing I hope people examine everyone in my circles. If I hang with a crowd that has enemies, but am more worried about hiding the fact that I have had some degree of ties to group at some point in my life than I am exploring that rabbit hole then something may be missed. I like the girl. I like her even better when these "faults" come out because she seems real to me. I am interested because I want a live body to come home and parent kids. This case feels weird to me and I can't place why. But I am all for the family. I had a gut suspicion early on that it was a particular person outside of family. I am following to see how it all pans out. Im all for justice.
I'm in the US and have no clue what group wears bangs or fringe as you call it over there. Last I knew it was just a hairstyle that comes and goes in and out of fashion. Maybe she has kept that hairstyle for so long because it works with her face and she likes it?


I agree. I think some people are mistaking a pure and genuine zest for love, life and the 'American Dream' as someone who was perpetuating her life in a fraudulent way. I tend to think that she was just lucky enough to enjoy the world she lived in to the absolute fullest.

From outward appearances, Sherri does have it all. A happy marriage and a husband who appears to adore her, two healthy children, does not appear to have financial struggles, the flexibility to have her 'me time'....

Maybe she really did live the 'perfect life', until she disappeared? So sad that this family still has no answers.

I hope Sherri is alive and able to return back to her family.
#2 or #4 but if #2 it is a distant acquaintance from the past. I am in Sherri's demographic and age group. Bangs have come and gone, she has kept hers through the years even when they were not popular or common. Sherri has a hairstyle that is similar and unique to a certain group. IMO

Not sure where you live. Around here, Marin County, people don't notice your hair unless it's a hygiene issue.
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