Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #11 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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never knew 420 could have you crying, falling down and acting hysterically..hmm unless it was laced
A quote from the article:

If I were a school administrator and had four crying, hysterical girls on the floor, yeah, I'd call 911 as well.

Yeah, I suppose they may have been "dosed" and not even have realized the brownies were "special". I initially assumed that these cookies were consumed by people who knew what was in them who thought this was less obvious than lighting up in the rest room...
I don't recall any mention of a black man in connection to Sierra but I do recall a video clip with a farm worker who said he had seen a man who always wore black clothing in the area prior to Sierra's disappearance but hadn't seen him since.

It could explain, at least for now. Why no RSO in the area or any field workers have come to the forefront as far as we know in being a POI.

Anyone know with a guess. How many of the RSO in the area were black men.
I would guess 1 to none.

Someone posted earlier about a black man that caught my attention.
I cant find it now, but it was from today.

I asked awhile back week or two don't remember about any blacks that she had communications with either online or in person but got no responce.

That comment I am asking about is he an known acquaintance of hers, or did I not fully understand the posting.

I remember reading something about a black guy who supposedly asked her for money, and when she refused, he threw her inhaler ? That what you're writing about ? IDK where or when,or even if, this actually happened... Think it was at school,but I'm not sure ?
Are there landfills in the area that have been searched?

They have such a large potential area for her to have been dropped in that they can't really do that. If they knew/suspected she had been placed in a dumpster at a specific location, they could use the schedule for when that dumpster is emptied and what dump it went to. The dump could locate where the contents of that dumpster would be, but there's loads of other dumpsters' worth of stuff that were in the same truck dumped along with it. It is a gross, smelly, usually fruitless job, unless they have a really good idea of what quadrant of which landfill to look in.
I remember reading something about a black guy who supposedly asked her for money, and when she refused, he threw her inhaler ? That what you're writing about ? IDK where or when,or even if, this actually happened... Think it was at school,but I'm not sure ?

I've only ever heard this from twitter.... The guy was making claims that he did this, I think LE got involved and it got deleted. I never knew there was a face to the name. Huh.
The more I reread her posts, the more my heart breaks for this baby girl.
All she wanted to do was go back to Fremont. She really had no "real" friends at school, she was dying to see her old girls, she said she "couldn't deal with all this moving".
That there was never any "starting over" or a "fresh start"..."no matter where I go or what I do, the PAST always follows me."
Feb 9th - wasn't supposed to move...the move is not a fresh start. Basically just a new school where don't know anybody.
She posts she loves her dad...she'd be happy if she were with her trying to convince her MH is better than Fremont.

Theres a few things, though...Feb 20..."the worst feeling is you could have stopped something if you weren't so stupid"
Then, not word for word, but Feb 23...basically glad that her sis and dad tell her they get a bad vibe from someone and they're right.
And, that she should have run away - she says "I'm dumb" - BEFORE they moved to MH.
She never mentions anything about therapy, though, but she DOES says "this" is her mom's fault...or "she did this to me".....

OH, and JDB, her dad's GF lives in S.F. if that might help your theory, it's not LA like you believe, but maybe it'll help play into what you're thinking???
I still think it was a neighbor!
He sees her
he knows her!
knows she walks to bus every morning

Did any of the neighbors get picked up for work in the am
Did any of them have company?
College aged students home that week?

Someone mentioned Jessica Lundsford and she was right there in the home.
What if this guy had her in a car were their cars searched?
I totally agree with looking at it every which way possible I come back to it being so much more likely not only was the perp known but he is from right there.. close IMO.. early on I was totally focused on it being a neighbor ...the focused search on the neighbor and bringing out evidence bags from neighbors as well.. my gut still says he is close and I believe she is as well.. honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she is found in an area already searched and cleared.. not saying that's the case but just that it wouldn't surprise me. Jmo.

Hope anyone doesn't mind if I go back to some tweets???
I know we can't actually copy tweets, but I'm gonna leave out names, etc...OK??
I DO have one screen shot a person took to document the "actual" event...kinda important, to ME, anyway. Shows the "SL twitter nonsense" started earlier than a few evenings ago.....AND, to someone who could give a poop about her.

I'll start backward:

On Apr 16th, HW posted a retweet SL had made, on HER twitter page, on the #FindSierra site, NO LESS!!!
It's the one on the 15th from T on SL's twitter....HW's post, basically, said it was crazy SL retweeted that comment the day before she went missing and "be careful what you wish for"....comment gone from #FindSierra, I have a screen shot of it from THAT site, and from HW's page.
I'm getting smart and screen shotting EVERYTHING so I don't end up looking looney...LOL

Now, this made me go read HW's account, no talk about SL except ONE tweet reading "#FindSierra" sometime far after SL went missing....maybe beginning of April.
So, on Mar 27th, HW tweets that she got a Follower Request "Instagram" frol SL!!!!...and asks isn't she supposed to be missing?
So, next tweet is one of those "#ThatHELLAAwkwardMoment When the missing girl Sierra Lamar follows you on instagram...LOL" (sorry, direct quote)

She posts a pic of it, and sure enough, it requests to "follow" her, BUT, the request was made when SL's account only had 13 "followers"....SL's big thing was "followers", back somewhere in Jan or feb she's saying that she needs "only 30 more people till 300". Her twitter only goes back till end of Dec., but seems she didn't only start using then, it kinda just abruptly cuts into a mid convo.

Back to tweets...One person says HW should contact police "hahaha", HW says "lol..tryin not to get could be fake, too"

The WHOLE bizarre thing about the instagram request...other than the 13 followers...basically, someone had to have THAT screen shot of a request when SL only HAD 13 followers to send to HW. Yet, whoever sent the request with the "old" screen shot, ALSO has #FindSierraAwareness and #NeverGiveUpHope under SL's "motto" it's a person sporting the "Find Sierra" type of sites, yet STILL had a screenshot of SL's request way back when she only had 13 followers.

I hope this all makes sense...

IMO...seems to me someones playin with HW...either because she MIGHT know something...or maybe she just didn't like SL and someone knew it, so they were bustin on her???
Any who followed the Casey debacle a few months back after her release of her video diary and the twitter war that ensued may recall that it was even seen that the folks fighting war on twitter and fb would often post and Immediately delete.. due to this screen capping became the way to prove between the folks fighting that one had even made such claims as they would delete and then deny they ever said it.. the screen caps became quite important..

Sad to say it became evident that these screen caps are not "proof" at all due to the fact that screen caps of SM discussions including entire profiles were being altered and edited to say whatever the nefarious individual wanted it to.. including altering times.. dates.. and entire posts of discussions in the "screen cap",.I imagine its one of the reasons they're not allowed here..

All of that's to say that the screen shots floating around such as the request from SL mentioned above can very likely be frauds, fakes, or heavily altered.. jmo

I read here that Sierra felt that " giving up dance = my life is ruined " or words to that effect. Even allowing for the typical teenage girl melodrama in that statement, I do wonder : why DID she give up dance ? If it was that meaningful for her ? Her life in MH seemed to be all about going to school and coming home...

I believe that there is something which is being left out of this narrative, and that something is the reason for the move to MH. After school had started. I know that Marlene had stated that the move was for "personal " reasons. And yet there seems to be something more going on.Because could they not have gotten the move out of the way before the school year started ? ...Sierra had therapy to deal with this move...

Maybe Sierra didn't disappear in a vacuum...IMO it is possible that there could have been something related to her life in Fremont whi_ch in some way played into her disappearance in MH. Just a thought, and MOO

I believe that as far as the entire back story, so to speak, in the months that led up to her disappearance there absolutely are entire situation(s) of which we have not much of a clue of(atleast as far as being able to openly discuss and analyze) ..IMO could have alot to do with or at the very least contain details that known would possibly better help to put the pieces of the puzzle together...

As always jmo, tho!
I've only ever heard this from twitter.... The guy was making claims that he did this, I think LE got involved and it got deleted. I never knew there was a face to the name. Huh.

I was not thinking of him as a Possible Person of Interest.
Just was trying to establish a connection based on fact she had relationships with black males on line.
I read here that Sierra felt that " giving up dance = my life is ruined " or words to that effect. Even allowing for the typical teenage girl melodrama in that statement, I do wonder : why DID she give up dance ? If it was that meaningful for her ? Her life in MH seemed to be all about going to school and coming home...

I believe that there is something which is being left out of this narrative, and that something is the reason for the move to MH. After school had started. I know that Marlene had stated that the move was for "personal " reasons. And yet there seems to be something more going on.Because could they not have gotten the move out of the way before the school year started ? ...Sierra had therapy to deal with this move...

Maybe Sierra didn't disappear in a vacuum...IMO it is possible that there could have been something related to her life in Fremont which in some way played into her disappearance in MH. Just a thought, and MOO

Dance (and cheering) may have been a big part of her self-identity. IDK why she would have had to give it up ... cost/transportation issues or an injury, perhaps? Dance in itself can also provide a significant emotional release. It may have given her a catharsis that she tried to find elsewhere. If nothing else, quitting it (and cheering) would have given her more spare time to get in "trouble."

My daughter has danced for years and had to give it up for six months due to a tendon injury. She's back to dance now, but that time off was the worst time in our relationship and the first time she made bad choices. It was almost like she lost touch with who she was. Thankfully, she's found herself again.

I'm thinking that the loss of dance/cheering might have hit Sierra that way, too. IDK why Marlene felt the need to move her from Fremont. It seems like a lot of change for Sierra, so I feel there must have been a valid reason.
I was not thinking of him as a Possible Person of Interest.
Just was trying to establish a connection based on fact she had relationships with black males on line.

Still saying, I didn't know there were any "black males" she had contact with online. From this persons twitter, there were no pictures, so I'm just curious as to how black males come into play and what the theory is regarding them.
I was not thinking of him as a Possible Person of Interest.
Just was trying to establish a connection based on fact she had relationships with black males on line.

May I ask, why?:waitasec: What is your thinking on this matter?
I would be curious to know if Sierra ever used the computer at the Morgan Hill, Santa Teresa or Gilroy libraries.
If they have computers at school....maybe they are monitored, leaving little time to 'surf' or...?
I read here that Sierra felt that " giving up dance = my life is ruined " or words to that effect. Even allowing for the typical teenage girl melodrama in that statement, I do wonder : why DID she give up dance ? If it was that meaningful for her ? Her life in MH seemed to be all about going to school and coming home...

I believe that there is something which is being left out of this narrative, and that something is the reason for the move to MH. After school had started. I know that Marlene had stated that the move was for "personal " reasons. And yet there seems to be something more going on.Because could they not have gotten the move out of the way before the school year started ? ...Sierra had therapy to deal with this move...

Maybe Sierra didn't disappear in a vacuum...IMO it is possible that there could have been something related to her life in Fremont which in some way played into her disappearance in MH. Just a thought, and MOO

Good post. And maybe we don't need to know those personal reasons. But I am sure the LEOs know something about it. I wonder if she was being stalked or threatened with or experinced physical harm. Not saying it has a relation to this situation. Just curious is all.
Yes, that is the one. Thank-you.
I just wanted to know that she in fact has connection to black males.
From what I have seen on her accounts. I would be in total shock if there were not records of her interactions with black males on line. More so online because i don't believe there are many in the neighborhood or at the school.

What's with the focus on black males about? :waitasec:
She was also said she was babysitting 2 kids(?) on Jan 30...

ETA : I'm not a stalker...LOL Just made notes about things I thought were "different" or seemed to matter when I was reading.....wanted to stick a fork in my eye by the time I was done...LOL

I DO have some other ones about starting over, etc.

Who? where?
something to think about!
I totally agree with looking at it every which way possible I come back to it being so much more likely not only was the perp known but he is from right there.. close IMO.. early on I was totally focused on it being a neighbor ...the focused search on the neighbor and bringing out evidence bags from neighbors as well.. my gut still says he is close and I believe she is as well.. honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she is found in an area already searched and cleared.. not saying that's the case but just that it wouldn't surprise me. Jmo.

Any who followed the Casey debacle a few months back after her release of her video diary and the twitter war that ensued may recall that it was even seen that the folks fighting war on twitter and fb would often post and Immediately delete.. due to this screen capping became the way to prove between the folks fighting that one had even made such claims as they would delete and then deny they ever said it.. the screen caps became quite important..

Sad to say it became evident that these screen caps are not "proof" at all due to the fact that screen caps of SM discussions including entire profiles were being altered and edited to say whatever the nefarious individual wanted it to.. including altering times.. dates.. and entire posts of discussions in the "screen cap",.I imagine its one of the reasons they're not allowed here..

All of that's to say that the screen shots floating around such as the request from SL mentioned above can very likely be frauds, fakes, or heavily altered.. jmo

I believe that as far as the entire back story, so to speak, in the months that led up to her disappearance there absolutely are entire situation(s) of which we have not much of a clue of(atleast as far as being able to openly discuss and analyze) ..IMO could have alot to do with or at the very least contain details that known would possibly better help to put the pieces of the puzzle together...

As always jmo, tho!

Well, the screenshot, IMO, wasn't altered...the posts weren't deleted....this happened on Mar 27th....the "request" was from when SL probably just began her Twitter acc't. And, the person who received it (HW) didn't even MENTION SL, or seem to give a rats tail about her.
Well, at any is what it is...was important to me. I KNOW it's not SL...not even going anywhere near there.....just odd, IMO, someone would save a "follow" request that long, then send it to HW in March, when SL is missing..
And, yeppers, I joined to watch the whole KC Circus from start to finish...and then some!! LOL
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