Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I was thinking the same thing. I'm not sure if he took that route but on google maps, there is a road directly behind Sierra's house where one could have a clear view of the back of her house and swimming pool. He may have seen her out by her pool one day and returned on a week day early in the morning when he knew she would be going to school to see if she took the bus or not. When he learned that she did, he realized this would be the perfect girl to abduct given her long walk from her home to the bus stop.

This was debated a long time ago, and the locals indicated that even in CA, they would not use the pool between October and March. They moved in in October and she was abducted in March. She might have taken her homework or a phone to sit outside, but she probably wasn't in a swimsuit or using the pool.
Sitting here thinking about a comment made by someone local that there is a mutual friend of Sierra's from the high school on FS's FB. I wonder if FS had been online early the morning Sierra went missing, talking on her FB, being up with a 1 1/2 year old early.

Wonder if Antolin saw her talking and decided to do some snooping on her FB and found that high school student, and clicked on her FB page and saw that Sierra had posted that picture of herself before she left the house that morning. Thinking out loud.....

She didn't put the photo on social media IIRC. There have been questions all along about who she sent the photo to, but apparently it was one recipient.
I am WAAAAY behind, and this may be a stupid question... if he STALKED her before he kidnapped her, (i.e. got to know her habits, schedule, etc.) would you still consider him a stranger? She had never had any social interaction with him, but he knew her.

If, in fact, it turns out that the car that was bothering her WAS his, how do you feel about him being classified a stranger. Per her SM she spoke to that guy at least once, and her words were antagonistic.

If she didn't know him, yes, he's a stranger. Just because she said something to him once while he was passing by doesn't indicate that she knew who he was. To be acquainted with someone, I think requires at least knowing their name and something about them, aside from what kind of car they drive. IMO, I can exchange a few words with someone I see at Wal Mart, but they are still strangers. I don't know them, they don't know me.
OTOH, if she stopped to talk to him a few times, maybe he isn't a total stranger, just someone she happened to talk to, I guess he could be thought of as an acquaintance, but certainly not well known to her.
I have a neighbor up the road who I don't know anything about except her name. Never talked to her, never see her out in the yard, wouldn't recognize her if I saw her on the street. I can't really call her an acquaintance, I know OF her, but I don't know anything ABOUT her. Maybe she's not a stranger in the true sense, but she's not even close to being a friend.
That's how I see it anyway.
From what I am reading they are planning another Vigil at Washington High in Fremont on June 1st. Since I live in Fremont I am planning to go and show my support and maybe if possible see if I can talk to some of them.Let them know there are people that care. And they need to talk to their parents how they feel and not just tweet about it.

JBD thank you for doing this!!! I have been so concerned about her friends. Something like this will definately have a life long impact on the kids as well as the adults in the community.

Some of these kids may not have good support from their parents, so it is important for the community to ensure that these children are not left behind.
I was/am in the same type of situation (as are many of her close friends) and Im here to tell you, even after 20 years and plenty of counseling, that guilt NEVER goes away. The not knowing is the hardest part... but I still have days that I wonder *why am I so lucky?* and is it okay for me to be happy? It's just beyond devastating.

MO MO - Tracy A Pickett, 14, Joplin, 12 Aug 1992 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I am so sorry that you had to endure that so young. I'm certain that it never will go away, and yes, you were lucky, and yes, you have the right to be happy. You couldn't have predicted something like that happening, you couldn't have changed it. It was a life experience, and life throws us curve balls, and all we can do is ride the wave, adjust to those events, and attempt to go on and live our lives as best, and as lovingly as we possibly can.

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Like someone else mentioned, maybe that explains AGT's change in demeanor in court today. If they proposed a deal and he later revealed where he put her body, then he knows that LE would have located it before 1:30 PM- his arraignment time. You can easily see the change in behavior, it's almost as though he went from thinking "ha ha, you don't know where she is" smirking and having no problem staring right into the camera to "god @#$#*, i don't stand a chance now" which may explain why he made absolutely no eye contact and had his head down. Just a theory.

I think his lawyer told him to take the smug look off his face and the grin!
I also think The GF was told to STFU she is not helping him any with her comments!
She didn't put the photo on social media IIRC. There have been questions all along about who she sent the photo to, but apparently it was one recipient.
I'm almost positive that she didn't send it to anyone, rather it was simply found on her cell phone in the photo album section or maybe her facebook page.
She didn't put the photo on social media IIRC. There have been questions all along about who she sent the photo to, but apparently it was one recipient.

On that document I posted yesterday, it says that she did post it on a social media site. Didn't say which one. But, IIRC, Sierra said she wasn't going to use FB anymore. She tweeted it. I don't think she really used her FB account, at least not nearly as much as she did Twitter.

I think that unless at one point, AGT rung up Sierra or her mother at a store or if he and Sierra have a mutual friend (which sounds like they don't), he never actually knew her name. I think he just physically "stalked" her. :moo:
A weir is a type of dam that is deliberately designed to allow water to go over it all the time.

Thank you. I asked the question and then promptly went to bed. I saw a show on ID Discovery the other day. The police were investigating the disappearance of a young boy. They thought he had been murdered, but as it turned out he had gone after his dog that had fallen in the river. He got swept away and he was caught in the whirlpool at the base of the small dam. They found him there and ruled his death accidental. I had just never heard the word weir, but from your description that is what I thought it was. Are you from U.S.? Thanks again. I learned a new word.
I do not think it is a store bought trash came from some county somewhere...New home, anyone know how to search surrounding towns police blotter reports of stolen garbage cans?

How about the vacant home Le was searching in her neighborhood!
This man collected scrap metal....Im sure he had trash cans Does he have access to a truck of any kind? He has to !!!!
I hate to bring this up but if and when they do find her body, how will they be able to prove rape (if it did occur)? Does anyone know how they go about doing that?
I hate to bring this up but if and when they do find her body, how will they be able to prove rape (if it did occur)? Does anyone know how they go about doing that?

I think they may have evidence of that in his car! And on her clothes!
On that document I posted yesterday, it says that she did post it on a social media site. Didn't say which one. But, IIRC, Sierra said she wasn't going to use FB anymore. She tweeted it. I don't think she really used her FB account, at least not nearly as much as she did Twitter.

I think that unless at one point, AGT rung up Sierra or her mother at a store or if he and Sierra have a mutual friend (which sounds like they don't), he never actually knew her name. I think he just physically "stalked" her. :moo:

I think he turned down her street that morning looking for junk saw her leaving her house and pounced... I dont think he took her very far they stayed in tht area she died he had her in the car he got rid of the clothes and the phone then had to decide what to with her body!.
If he rode up and down those streets every week he knows what homes are vacant where he can take her..I do think LE found evidence in that house they searched!
I think they may have evidence of that in his car! And on her clothes!

"If" they do have evidence of that now, it would be a good reason for them not to disclose it. It would be very hard on her loved ones and something that I'm sure they will choose to keep private for as long as possible.
"If" they do have evidence of that now, it would be a good reason for them not to disclose it. It would be very hard on her loved ones and something that I'm sure they will choose to keep private for as long as possible.

I believe the family knows!
I think they were told everything.

They just want her found!
I believe the family knows!
I think they were told everything.

They just want her found!

Yes, I agree. But her friends may not and typically they try to keep shocking details from the public if they can, even if most may believe this is what happened.

Even if the parents know, it is a private thing that you wouldn't want plastered all over national tv about your daughter.
I wonder how long he was missing that day and when surfaced. That to me would give a clue as to how far he drove to get rid of her body. mo
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