Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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CA Sierra Lamar, 15, Santa Clara County, 16 March 2012 timeline and media thread - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24 Antolin Garcia-Torres Felony Complaint PDF

May 24 Antolin Garcia-Torres Statement of Facts PDF

May 24 Raw Video Antolin Garcia-Torres makes first court appearance

May 24 more @ link

A 21-year-old Morgan Hill man was charged Thursday with the murder and kidnap of Sierra LaMar Thursday afternoon in Santa Clara County Superior Court.

Garcia-Torres, who is being held without bail, said nothing at the brief court hearing. He was ordered back on May 31, and was referred to the public defender's office. His family, including his mother and sister, attended.

Neither of the LaMar parents were present.

May 24 more @ link

"Our investigation is continuing," District Attorney Jeff Rosen said outside the Hall of Justice. "My office and law enforcement, aided by many volunteers in this county, continue to devote all available resources to finding her body. We hope that will soon give her family some measure of peace."

While the charge makes Garcia Torres eligible for the death penalty, Rosen said he will not decide whether to pursue a capital case until his office completes a lengthy review, including a conversation with the suspect's lawyer and the victim's family.

A formal arraignment for the suspect was set for May 31.

May 24 more @ link

In an effort to maximize the resources to locate Sierra, the Sheriff's Office is encouraging the community and rural property owners to continue searches of land, water shorelines, creeks, streams, private property wells, large containers and abandoned sheds or outhouse structures.

May 24 from video @ link

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Detectives believe that the evidence that they have in this case is strong. It points to him and- and only to him as the primary suspect in this case.

Reporter: Sgt. Cardoza shrugs off recent comments made by Torre's family members regarding his innocence.

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: They are relatives of Mr. Garcia-Torres and- and, you know, they are entitled to their opinion.

Reporter: He talked about the evidence in the case.

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, the main components that we have- her bag- inside that bag there was numerous items. What that yielded was Garcia-Torre's DNA on some of Sierra LaMar's property that was located a couple of days after she went missing. Um- Garcia-Torre's car. In Garcia-Torre's car, again, there's going to be several items in there. The various interviews- the hundreds of interviews that the detectives have done.

Reporter: Then there's the motive for what investigators are calling a strangert abduction of the Morgan Hill teen.

Sgt: Jose Cardoza: As far as the motive goes, uh- only Mr.Garcia-Torres would know that. When investigators asked him about Sierra LaMar, where she could be, her whereabouts-uh, he declined and refused to provide the information.


Alondra Garcia: I don't think he's capable at all of doing something like that.
I don't really see him as that violent - you know, like- he's pretty mellow. So, he's not like a violent guy at all. He's a good guy. He's social. He likes- he likes fishing, he likes doing outdoor things, he's with his family a lot- you know, he's a hard worker. He works a lot, too. I don't think they have enough proof yet. Like, substantial proof. I think he's innocent, you know. What I have in my mind is innocent until proven guilty- but like, full- you know, full proven, you know?


Marlene: The person that is in custody is linked with her being- you know, kidnapped which we pretty much suspected- as a mom, I suspected that from the day she went missing. And I'm- I was aware of that, but- you know, I still didn't give up back then and I'm not going to give up now until we find her and that's what this is all about.!/on-air/as-seen-on/Search-for-Sierra--Suspect-in-Court/153947515

May 24 from video @ link

Sheriff Laurie Smith: I believe we can. I believe we can. I believe we have strong evidence.

Reporter: Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith is convinced the prosecution has enough to convict Antolin Garcia-Torres in the kidnapping and murder of 15 year old Sierra LaMar. She says they're moving forward whether or not Sierra's body is found.

Sheriff Laurie Smith: It's not critical, but it would help. But more than that, it's important for the family. It's important for us. It's important for closure.

May 24 from video @ link

District Attorney Jeff Rosen: A few moments ago, we charged Antolin Garcia-Torres with murder, and the special circumstance of kidnapping Sierra LaMar.

Reporter: Outside court, Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen says those charges make Garcia-Torres eligible for the death penalty.


Reporter: Garcia Torre's wife remained silent as she left the court with family members.

Q: Did you know about the charges-

Lucero Garcia: Thank you very much. You can- you can direct yourself to Mr. Mandel, thank you.

May 24 from video @ link

District Attorney Jeff Rosen: What I can say to you is that where we'll prove that case is in a court room, in front of a jury, with facts.


Reporter: The suspect's family previously told ABC 7 news they believe Garcia-Torres is innocent and he told them he never knew Sierra LaMar. Today, they are not commenting.

Family member: The public defender just wants us to keep quiet and that's it.

May 24 from video @ link

District Attorney Jeff Rosen: I can tell you that we are carefully and painstakingly going through all of the evidence that we have thus far. I can tell you that we will do everything in our power to seek the truth, and to seek justice for Sierra LaMar.

Reporter: The DA was asked whether he will seek the death penalty in this case.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen: Uh, this charge- murder in the special circumstance of kidnapping- is a death penalty eligible charge. In the DA's office we have a protocol in making our decision as to whether to seek the death penalty, and we do that after reviewed all of the evidence in the case, after speaking with the victim's family, after going through- uh, aspects of the defendants life to inform our decision, and we also invite his attorney to speak with us before we make a final decision in that matter. So, that will be- uh, that process will take..


Reporter: For the first time, we got a glimpse of his wife who is said to be at least 3 months pregnant. You can see her here wearing the white top and black skirt. She would only say that the public defender has instructed her not to talk. Torre's mom was also in the courtroom. As she walked to the car, I could tell that she had been crying. Her eyes were watery and bloodshot. When asked in Spanish if she had a message for her son, she responded that she's already given him that message. Garcia-Torre's sisters were also there, but they also did not say much. Here's what happened when I tried to ask questions.

Lucero Garcia: As much as we would love to talk, Mr. Mandel has advised us not to. Thank you. Please respect our decision.

Reporter: Were you able to speak with your brother, though?

Lucero Garcia: Please respect our decisions as a family. You can direct yourself to Mr. Mandel.

Reporter: How are you taking this?

Francine Sarmiento: We've been advised not to talk. Please go talk to Mr. Mandel.

May 24 from video @ link

Reporter: Garcia-Torre's mother told me she feels good about today's hearing and maintains her son's innocence.


Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We don't have information that Sierra ever left the area. So, we'll concentrate our efforts on locating her in the Morgan Hill and South County area.

May 24 from video @ link

Family member: Just- his public defender doesn't want us to talk.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen: We will aggressively seek justice here, as in all our cases- in a way that is fair, and treats everyone with respect.

May 24 more @ link

A large crowd of supporters of Sierra’s family, including a group of volunteers who have helped search for the missing teen since late March, gathered outside the courthouse after the hearing. Some carried large posters depicting Sierra’s face, with messages written on them such as, “Sierra we love u!”

“I have children, and a big heart, and I would love to have somebody to help me,” said Jennifer Stultz of San Jose, who has volunteered to search for Sierra for several weeks. “I’m not giving up hope that we can bring her home safe. I believe she’s alive.”

May 24 more @ link

Rochelle Torres, who knows Garcia Torres (the two are not related) from when they attended Central together, doesn’t believe police got the right suspect.

“He was a sweetheart,” said Torres, 20, who graduated from Central in 2010. “I don’t think he did it. If you had a problem he’d be there and talk to you. He was always there if you needed somebody to talk to.”

Outside of school, Garcia Torres “liked to work,” and spent a lot of time with his infant and girlfriend at the time.

“I would never have expected him to be any part of this,” Rochelle Torres said.

May 24 more @ link

After a suspect was arrested in connection with the disappearance of 15-year-old Sierra LaMar, the community’s reaction has ranged from shock to relief to sorrow.

As news circulated that Antolin Garcia Torres, 21 of Morgan Hill, was arrested and charged Thursday with murder and kidnapping, students at Sobrato High School where Sierra was a sophomore, were shaken.

Sobrato junior *advertiser censored***** Lunn, 17, said Tuesday that the latest news has had a profound effect on the student body.

“A lot of people were broken down about it,” Lunn said. “There was actually a girl that left my first-period class crying. A lot of people were already emotionally shocked by this.”

May 24 more @ link

Police are investigating a body, possibly that of a woman, found inside a trash can in an upscale Pleasanton neighborhood Thursday.

The age and gender of the body have not yet been positively determined by the Alameda County Coroner's Office, and police offered no immediate details.
Sherbetjello, just to answer that q. asked earlier~I posted a list of about 6 or 7 possibilities as to how Sierra's Juicy sac got where it was found. Some Sleuths later speculated that the sac had gone through two hands, one of the choices. These posts posed the possibility that the driver threw it out and a stranger to the case retrieved it and placed it where searchers discovered it at the cactus. Nothing definitive has ever answered our many questions about this find.

What if he said he was the SECOND person to handle the items, claimed he saw the books and bag of clothes strewn by the road and picked them up, folded the clothes, and repacked the bag, thinking someone had driven off without realizing their stuff was on the roof of the car (it happens). If he said he sat in his car while folding the clothing, it would allow for Sierra's DNA or hair and fiber evidence to be found n his car. He could say he did not come forward when he heard they had found the bag, because he had taken her cash.
I'm not sure if this is the one you're referring to - it shows his wife, mom, and sisters outside. Very brief - no interviews.
The wife looks so much like Sierra, just a few years older and heavier, very weird. I'm glad she's finally keeping her mouth shut. Hmm, I wonder if Mr. Mandel knows about her comments on FB and how they have yet to be's in his best interest to look into that soon.

I will say this though, I didn't realize how young she is... she's practically a child herself and while that doesn't excuse what she said, it makes more sense as she probably views Sierra as a peer instead of the child we see.
Looking at the contents of the shed in the pic gives me shivers. He could have raped and killed her right on that mattress and never be seen. Esp if no blood. I really hope they have tested all of those items for traces she was there. SCARY.

There are two sheds on opposing corners. IIRC, the one with the mattress is the OTHER shed. The one with the cactus also has MAYHEM spray painted on the side, and the cactus is growing around some large pipes that look like white PVC to me. And there are kitties. There is a SWM pond that was checked too.
Another thing I just thought of. Someone said he was a tree trimmer now. My uncle used to be a tree trimmer and I saw first hand what kind of damage and how powerful a wood chipper is. hopefully that didnt have something to do with disposing the body

Hate to be gross, but the cases where this has been done, the body was first dismembered and frozen. I doubt he'd have had access to a chipper and a deep freezer.
What if he said he was the SECOND person to handle the items, claimed he saw the books and bag of clothes strewn by the road and picked them up, folded the clothes, and repacked the bag, thinking someone had driven off without realizing their stuff was on the roof of the car (it happens). If he said he sat in his car while folding the clothing, it would allow for Sierra's DNA or hair and fiber evidence to be found n his car. He could say he did not come forward when he heard they had found the bag, because he had taken her cash.

If that's the case then they probably would have found another unknown DNA contributor on her clothing.
What if he said he was the SECOND person to handle the items, claimed he saw the books and bag of clothes strewn by the road and picked them up, folded the clothes, and repacked the bag, thinking someone had driven off without realizing their stuff was on the roof of the car (it happens). If he said he sat in his car while folding the clothing, it would allow for Sierra's DNA or hair and fiber evidence to be found n his car. He could say he did not come forward when he heard they had found the bag, because he had taken her cash.

The Statement of Fact released stated her cash had been located, so I don't think that would apply. JMO
I just posted about this..I used to live in Sac, now I live in Roseville, but work near downtown Sac. I don't think many people go to the clubs. I think there is PLENTY on the street. I've seen people rolling blunts on lightrail and I'm fairly sure they don't even have a card, or maybe do just so they don't get in trouble. Didn't the feds just do a big sting on the clubs?

A friend of mine moved to L.A. to further his music/poetry career at age 25. When I first met him when he was 14, he was already one of the "stoner kids." Once we got to college at least half our peers smoked pot, so that wasn't a "stigma" anymore as it had been in high school. Anyway, the guy likes his weed, even to this day (we are nearing 50). He's lived in California for 25 years, and buys his stuff from a "regular dealer" and sometimes from a coworker whose wife has a medical marijuana card. When I visited from Maryland, I was amazed by the number of pot shops, but, of course, you needed a card. He said he had always "meant to" get one, but just never had. It seemed to me like something he'd want to do just in case he ever got caught with anything. So I guess even a lot of adults, even guys like my friend who smokes pretty much nonstop, don't have the cards.
Can someone point me to the document that says her cash wasn't taken? I've only seen that it was "located".
A friend of mine moved to L.A. to further his music/poetry career at age 25. When I first met him when he was 14, he was already one of the "stoner kids." Once we got to college at least half our peers smoked pot, so that wasn't a "stigma" anymore as it had been in high school. Anyway, the guy likes his weed, even to this day (we are nearing 50). He's lived in California for 25 years, and buys his stuff from a "regular dealer" and sometimes from a coworker whose wife has a medical marijuana card. When I visited from Maryland, I was amazed by the number of pot shops, but, of course, you needed a card. He said he had always "meant to" get one, but just never had. It seemed to me like something he'd want to do just in case he ever got caught with anything. So I guess even a lot of adults, even guys like my friend who smokes pretty much nonstop, don't have the cards.

If you live in a state where they have those cards, I think it wise to buy one because that would seem to me to be so much safer than going through a street dealer. I know I would do it.
maybe the postponement is because AGT might be ready to give up where SL is?
I believe it could have been that he was without representation, and they referred him to public defender and told him to get his butt back in there next week, as they will proceed then whether or not he has an attorney.
If you live in a state where they have those cards, I think it wise to buy one because that would seem to me to be so much safer than going through a street dealer. I know I would do it.

Many people don't get cards because there are a fair amount of employers who will terminate employment for having one. So, it can be safer for your job to get it illegally, makes sense huh, lol.
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