Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #19 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I keep thinking that we heard the clothes were folded, etc...LE never has said the CONDITION of the clothing. Was it ripped, stretched out, cut off, etc....COULD also be what leads to them to believe she's no longer on this earth....or DEFINITELY that she was NOT in AGT's car willingly....AND put up a huge struggle.
We've only got what was in the probable cause for arrest info...IMO, that would be the MINIMAL amount of info neccessary to get the arrest.
LE, IMO, isn't going to go into everything. I believe they have much more evidence, but are not, and do NOT have to reveal it to the general public, at this point in time.

I STILL keep going back to the "neatly" folded clothes and the books being found in, what I call, an "orderly" fashion.
I'm starting to wonder MAYBE his sister or wife helped him get rid of the items, or actually "place" them there. MAYBE he told them he gave someone a ride and picked them up in that area and dropped them off somewhere, but they left their things in his car and asked what should he do with them.
LE said they found AGT's DNA on the clothes....they weren't asked, IIRC, if anyone "elses" DNA was found, besides Sierra, of course. His could have been there due to a struggle, BUT, I keep going back to a FEMALE, other than Sierra, folding the clothes and the orderly placement of the rest of her belongings, as well.
Although, who knows, I've been thru sooo many different scenerios by now.

As always, just IMO and am NOT saying he had others involved, especially his family, just a few thoughts.

I sooo agree on the female thing.
Just look at his video of himself in his bedroom in 2009 or the places they lived. He is a slob !
I have no idea who the female was. He could have made Sierra disrobe herself and she herself tries to buy some time by folding her own clothes, which is a method of torture in terms of control over the victim on his part.

But what if it was one of his women ? hmmm.. disturbing.

I bet they read here everyday because it comes up in the search engine.
Gosh, it's okay not agree with something, but it's not okay to even want to know or to look for that information.

It's out there, and I posted it, but that post was removed for whatever reason.

there is one in texas - cameron todd willingham - the link i've posted is to HIS website; i did that for simplicities sake - but if you google 'cameron todd willingham' there are a ton of news articles devoted to his case - he was truly innocent.

there are way too many others - you can find a lot of info at the 'innocence projects' website.

it's tragic - but it does happen; another reason why many states are seeking to do away w/the death penalty. personally, i agree w/the death penalty in SOME cases, but not unless there is firm, factual proof of guilt.
I sooo agree on the female thing.
Just look at his video of himself in his bedroom in 2009 or the places they lived. He is a slob !
I have no idea who the female was. He could have made Sierra disrobe herself and she herself tries to buy some time by folding her own clothes, which is a method of torture in terms of control over the victim on his part.

But what if it was one of his women ? hmmm.. disturbing.

I bet they read here everyday because it comes up in the search engine.

I think many have this question on their mind, and most especially after the hatred and venom AGT's wife was spewing towards Sierra. It was absolutely a very jealous woman. Jealous of what? Why? How can you be jealous of a little 15 year old that was most likely murdered. Oh wait, wasn't the wife around 15 when he met her and got her pregnant? Not sure if that fact is correct.... Very, very strange indeed.
FS is 19 and their child is not yet 2 years old. She could not have been pregnant (at least not with that baby) at age 15.

I don't know why it is important to me to clear this up since it really does not matter in the great scheme of things regarding Sierra's disappearance. I suppose it's just that I like to keep the facts straight, especially in a case like this where there are so few known facts.
I really do not see anyone else being involved. I think he stalked, raged, and then he got on with the task of hiding Sierra and her belongings in a much more sedate manner. For whatever reason he didn't leave her belongings with her, the clothes went back in the car, so were folded to go in the bag. Maybe he enjoyed handling them, maybe he folded them up in a rush, it takes seconds to fold a garment, it's quicker to fold a pair of pants in half, half, half, and get in the bag than shove them in handful by handful. Books and bags placed at the shed on the way home. He is calm at this stage, unlike when her phone was tossed.

It is possible that Sierra was made to put them in th bag, their condition would tell a lot I imagine. I am still holding on to the idea that the urine/wetness "leak" come from something solid.

I agree part of his gf's outrage is the inference he would be interested in someone else other than her. I think that's understandable for a young and possibly insecure person, but that feeling would be kept in check if you were confident he wasn't guilty. For her to feel jealous towards Sierra, her mind went to the place and she found it at least somewhat credible. Maybe he has been unfaithful in the past.
I know there are a lot of cases around WS where the bodies are never found, but I prefer to think of the few recent cases where months or years later someone has stumbled upon them! Keep the faith, Sierra can and will be found!

Caylee was found 6 months later. Michelle Le was found several months later. Phylicia Barnes was found months later. And I thought Gail Palmgren was gone forever, but she was found a year later.

This case is far from cold. There may be a lot of ground to cover in California searching for her, but Sierra is there and we can find her. I agree that they would NOT have arrested AGT if they were not confident they could win the case against him. We see other cases where the perp has all but confessed but they're still walking free. LE definitely has some strong evidence to already have him in custody and have murder charges filed.
Morgan Hill police have already given the district attorney's office all the material & evidence to support a prosecution of A.G.-T. as the parking lot assailant from 2009. There were the three assaults at Safeway that we know about. Morgan Hill police believe there was one assailant. A taser was used in one of the attacks and IIRC, police took it from the scene.

It is merely my belief that A.G.-T. used a taser when he struck again but he favors striking from behind & the taser would certainly facilitate such a surprise attack. I don't think he gave it up for Lent. The article below includes information about the use of a taser and was written before Det. Sgt. Troy Hoefling completed the case for transfer to the D.A.
FS is 19 and their child is not yet 2 years old. She could not have been pregnant (at least not with that baby) at age 15.

I don't know why it is important to me to clear this up since it really does not matter in the great scheme of things regarding Sierra's disappearance. I suppose it's just that I like to keep the facts straight, especially in a case like this where there are so few known facts.

Thank You I appriciate you telling us this because I did not pay that much attention to it.. He is only 21 if he was 50 I would have had more focus on it.
But he was charged after he was in a fight with somebody who lived in his old home on Llagas ave. The charges included sex with a minor..

So who was the minor then ?
If he got on the freeway 101 south, it would have been at Bailey ave.
From there it is about 5 miles to San Martin ave. Then he turns west and it is 1/4 mile to Laggas ave. This is where he grew up. Acerage lots on that street and some run down rentals. What if one of his old friends lives there and helped him. There is also a creek there that is full of water and overgrown heavy on both sides. So she could be hidden there. I am not sayin this is what he did do.. Just that it is another possible location. I spent some time on that street looking around and there are also septic tanks on most of these older homes.
I think you are correct about the statutory rape, simply she did not become pregnant at that time, only later after they were together subsequent to the incident when she was fifteen.
No such link exists that proves an innocent person was executed.:takeabow:

Since we are not in a court of law and sworn as jurors, we can certainly make comments and opinions as to AGT's guilt and the known evidence against him. In my, and the DA's office's, opinion, AGT is guilty of the worst kind of crime. I'll let our justice system handle the adjudication.

Newly-available DNA evidence has allowed the exoneration and release of more than 15 death row inmates since 1992 in the United States, but DNA evidence is available in only a fraction of capital cases. Others have been released on the basis of weak cases against them, sometimes involving prosecutorial misconduct; resulting in acquittal at retrial, charges dropped, or innocence-based pardons. The Death Penalty Information Center (U.S.) has published a list of 8 inmates "executed but possibly innocent". At least 39 executions are claimed to have been carried out in the U.S. in the face of evidence of innocence or serious doubt about guilt.

The Death Penalty Information Center (abbreviated DPIC) is a non-profit organization that focuses on disseminating studies and reports related to the death penalty by itself and others to the news media and general public. The Center was founded in 1990 and is primarily focused on the application of capital punishment in the United States.

The Center is based in Washington, D.C., and its executive director is Richard Dieter.
I actually started my search back in March at the 12 - 15 mile radius south. I know farmers south and they allowed me to go free on their land. I was in the Pajaro river and our dog got a hundred ticks sniffing in the brush. I still need to search more there.
I did search with Mark at first when he and everyone showed up at the school.
But they are limited and I go over fences, I go through garbage and old cars so it became a situation where I went back out on my own again. So far only 2 rattle snakes but there will be more.
I took a break when one of my children graduated high school.
Now I am in close and will expand back out from there as needed.
This guy could have made it to the top of the mountain in the redwoods and from there he could head down summit road. I did it from where Sierra went missing from in 30 minutes.
In my mind I have a 21 year old who is out of work and a pregnant gal with a child and he lives at home. So his fuel is expensive and he may not have a lot of money, one of his many frustrations ? It could limit his ability to travel far.
Im not that familiar with the court system at all, but would ATG be able to do the same thing he did last time? Just extend the date?

My daughter and I were witnesses to a crime that occurred approximately an hour's drive from our home. We expected there would be more witnesses, but the defendent postponed again and again with frivolous motions and requests that we ended up being the only ones left when the trial actually occurred. Sometimes we thought he was intentionally postponing to make us give up too. I can't tell you how many times we psyched ourselves up, dressed ourselves up, and drove ourselves up only to hear there was another postponement. All in all, I am glad we saw it through or this horrible person would not have been convicted.
I don't think anyone is pushing prior acquaintance because A.G.-T. said he did not know Sierra and had never spoken to her. The sheriffs say they did not know one another. I have not seen or heard a statement on this subject from her family but I'm sure they have provided one to the sheriffs. Sierra probably would have been able to avoid him if he did not have the taser but with it, he would be able to overwhelm her before she could run or scream.

He could always backpedal and say he did not want problems with his wife, so denied being acquainted with pretty Sierra.

I really wish FaceBook would volunteer the information to LE where this person whi is SICK is from with the IP . They have been doing this from almost Day 1 IMHO. They should be charges filed against him. I know this person has made accusations about people under other faceboook acounts in the past which were totally False,:banghead:
I think you are correct about the statutory rape, simply she did not become pregnant at that time, only later after they were together subsequent to the incident when she was fifteen.

In 2010 -

Torres had unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman under the of 18, who was less than three years younger than Garcia Torres. The teenage girl was seven months pregnant with Garcia Torres' child, according to police reports.
He told his mom he was going fishing that morning. Liars often tell little facts so that if questions come up later he can justify himself.
That is why LE is focused on water.

I believe this was premeditated. He planned the attack.
Thank You I appriciate you telling us this because I did not pay that much attention to it.. He is only 21 if he was 50 I would have had more focus on it.
But he was charged after he was in a fight with somebody who lived in his old home on Llagas ave. The charges included sex with a minor..

So who was the minor then ?

It was his now-wife. She was 17 and pregnant at the time the police responded because of the fight (with a tenant who would neither pay nor vacate). She mentioned it to the officer and AG-T was enough older to qualify as a statutory rape.
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