Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #2 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Is it bad reporting on the "hour after she left her home" part? Why would she be leaving at 6 am? I thought that is when her Mom last saw her in her pj's?
Help with clarification!
Only thing I've heard or read about boys.......
From NG transcript:

CLAIRE N, FRIEND OF MISSING TEEN GIRL, SIERRA LAMAR: It`s really hard for a lot of us. But we`re just trying to keep -- stay strong because we`re not going to give up.

COSBY: No, don`t you dare. She looks like a beautiful young gal, so many people have said great things about her. Tell us about your dear friend.

N: She -- like, excuse me. She walks in a room, like, she would light up the room. Everyone loved her. And no one would think that this would happen to someone like this because she`s so innocent.

COSBY: Claire, was she dating anyone or was she having a relationship with anyone?

N: No. Not that we know of, but I`m pretty sure no.

COSBY: Would she have told friends if she was close to somebody?

N: Yes.

COSBY: Was there anybody who was angry at her?

N: There were a few girls who didn`t like her. But it didn`t really get to her.

COSBY: Would there have been any reason for her to run away? I understand that she moved schools, and that was a little bit of a transition, but was there any reason for her to run away? Is she the type of person who would have wanted to run away from home?

N: No, not at all. She was always happy.

COSBY: I understand she liked to dance, too. Dance and music. What -- tell us a little bit about things that she would love as we are looking at beautiful 15-year-old Sierra Lamar.

N: Music, that was like everything to her. She would always be listening to music.

COSBY: And a responsible person, right?

N: Yes.

Edited to remove friend's name.

I want to TY for posting this...I was just curiuos, and do not think this has anything at all to do with any teenaged boys... I think Sierra probably accepted a ride from someone she saw often enough not to be wary of... Friend or aquaintance of a parent possibly...MOO Could be someone who lives in the cul de sac too...jmo.
Yeah sorry that didn't come across right. I realised you wasn't implying that but thought it was worth exploring.

I think if the clothes had been worn it would have been obvious. 1, because of the underwear and 2, I just cannot see the perp neatly folding up her clothes in the bag and then disposing of it. The phone was seemingly thrown from a car IMO the bag was probably thrown from a car

BBM - Weren't Karen Swift's clothes found neatly folded close to her car?
Is it bad reporting on the "hour after she left her home" part? Why would she be leaving at 6 am? I thought that is when her Mom last saw her in her pj's?
Help with clarification!

Last seen was around 6:00 am. She didn't leave home at that time. She was texting (from home) at 6:29 am and a few minutes after 7:00 am.
Is it bad reporting on the "hour after she left her home" part? Why would she be leaving at 6 am? I thought that is when her Mom last saw her in her pj's?
Help with clarification!

The most exact timeline I know of said she left home at around 7:11 am.
The teen usually starts walking from her home to catch the school bus between 7 and 7:10 a.m., police said. Her last post to her Twitter website account was 6:29 a.m., and she sent a text from her phone to a friend about 7:11 a.m., Cardoza added. Both messages were sent from her home.
Okay, this has been bothering me. Wasn't there a possible sighting of Sierra by someone who knew her and that she had the purse with her and she was wearing boots? What day was that sighting and what day was the purse found?
Maybe she did run away and read about the sighting and went back and dumped the purse to throw people off?
I maybe off track here, but was wondering what days both things occurred.
I want to TY for posting this...I was just curiuos, and do not think this has anything at all to do with any teenaged boys... I think Sierra probably accepted a ride from someone she saw often enough not to be wary of... Friend or aquaintance of a parent possibly...MOO Could be someone who lives in the cul de sac too...jmo.

I don't really think it was teenagers either. I think they would be more likely to get her drunk at a party and assault her. But they do not need to kidnap young girls to have access to them. It is older, less appealing guys who need to use force in this way, imo.
Did anyone happen to read or see on video that she would normally bring her cell phone charger to school with her? They mention it in all the articles, I believe, as a clue that she didn't plan on running away. But did she normally bring it to school with her?
The most exact timeline I know of said she left home at around 7:11 am.
The teen usually starts walking from her home to catch the school bus between 7 and 7:10 a.m., police said. Her last post to her Twitter website account was 6:29 a.m., and she sent a text from her phone to a friend about 7:11 a.m., Cardoza added. Both messages were sent from her home.

AND to add on

JOSTAD: Right. We do know that she had a pink and black purse with her, it was a Juicy brand purse. It had that word on it. However, we`re not sure exactly what she was wearing and that`s probably because her mom, her mom`s boyfriend, her sister all were out of the house before she was that morning.

So unfortunately we don`t have a description of her clothes, but they do believe she had that purse with her because it`s no longer in the home.
Okay I have to leave. I'll try to check in on Sierra. I know that all of you will be on top of her case.

Take care my friends and may she come home safe and sound!

I don't have time to transcribe the presser. If we have a transcriber here that would be amazing. I have to leave shortly or else I would do it myself.

I'll be transcribing this tonight. Just finished catching up..I'll be updating the timeline as fast as I can, shouldn't take more than a couple of hours.

Here is a link to the timeline so far:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Sierra Lamar, 15, Santa Clara County, 16 March 2012 - #1
This article details the exact contents of the purse (and reasons why they delayed releasing it):

Purse contents: pants, t-shirt, underwear, neatly folded, and nothing else -- "not makeup, a wallet or hair brush"

Also, police do NOT believe the purse contents are indicative of a runaway.


THANK GOODNESS. One pair of jeans and a t-shirt does not mean she was running away. I am so happy they can see that too. I am very very worried about this outcome though.
Still, she must have had another bag of some sort. No way she left the house with a bag containing ONLY a change of clothes. They just have not found it yet, or it is still in the vehicle that she left in, IMO (whether voluntarily or by force.)
I don't really think it was teenagers either. I think they would be more likely to get her drunk at a party and assault her. But they do not need to kidnap young girls to have access to them. It is older, less appealing guys who need to use force in this way, imo.

Don't know about less appealing.. I think sexual predators are all about absolute control of their victims. not so much a sexual thing, sex is just a way for them to exert that control. But its just MOO. I would be really surprised if this was a total stranger...MOO
I agree that the "running away" theory has some holes. If she was planning anything, it looks as if it was a "skip day" or "stay one night" with someone that possibly went terribly wrong. The big hole in that theory is the fact that I don't think there has been any mention of any suspicious contact with someone on her phone or computer.

If she was going to spend the day with someone, they would have had to communicate and so far everyone she chatted with that morning has been accounted for, correct?

Wow. The more I think about this case, the weirder and scarier it becomes. The only other theory that makes sense is someone she did not know abducted her. She had a change of clothes maybe for something she was planning to do after school.
IMO the vehicle likely turned right on Santa Teresa and then drove up to Bailey where it may have turned right again and got onto 101. Could have gone north to San Jose from there or south towards Gilroy, then on to who knows where.

That is what I thought also yesterday when I was driving around that area and from where the phone was found and now the purse being found even more confirms is IMHO of course.
I'm very concerned that she may have been targeted for the sex trade industry (hate to even think it, let alone type it). Beautiful young girl with Asian features...she even had a tweet or 2 about Asian features being perfect (paraphrasing, she was obviously joking with someone).

Altho that comment could also tie in to the theory of jealous peers, etc..

Regarding the urine (hate to discuss this, too)...but I wonder if the urine is hers? Surely LE knows. I could imagine someone else doing something out of disrespect/rage to her belongings.

Just brainstorming...
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