Only thing I've heard or read about boys.......
From NG transcript:
CLAIRE N, FRIEND OF MISSING TEEN GIRL, SIERRA LAMAR: It`s really hard for a lot of us. But we`re just trying to keep -- stay strong because we`re not going to give up.
COSBY: No, don`t you dare. She looks like a beautiful young gal, so many people have said great things about her. Tell us about your dear friend.
N: She -- like, excuse me. She walks in a room, like, she would light up the room. Everyone loved her. And no one would think that this would happen to someone like this because she`s so innocent.
Claire, was she dating anyone or was she having a relationship with anyone?
No. Not that we know of, but I`m pretty sure no.
Would she have told friends if she was close to somebody?
COSBY: Was there anybody who was angry at her?
N: There were a few girls who didn`t like her. But it didn`t really get to her.
COSBY: Would there have been any reason for her to run away? I understand that she moved schools, and that was a little bit of a transition, but was there any reason for her to run away? Is she the type of person who would have wanted to run away from home?
N: No, not at all. She was always happy.
COSBY: I understand she liked to dance, too. Dance and music. What -- tell us a little bit about things that she would love as we are looking at beautiful 15-year-old Sierra Lamar.
N: Music, that was like everything to her. She would always be listening to music.
COSBY: And a responsible person, right?
N: Yes.
Edited to remove friend's name.