Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #21 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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As far as I am concerned and in my humble opinion, the defense's statement as to the length of time for this case to be adjudicated shows desperation on the part of AGT. He continues to show his narcissism by believing his "star status" BS. Not guilty, really? And not guilty of accosting three women prior to Sierra's brutal kidnap? Gimme a break. On top of all that, AGT is just plain unlikeable.

No doubt his defense team is following AGT's edicts. Too bad a plea bargain wasn't negotiated to a lesser charge by AGT giving up Sierra's location. LWP? But noooooooooo, a jury trial and its attendant publicity and circus-like atmosphere at taxpayers' expense, is the chosen route. AGT disappeared Sierra forever, knowing her remains will never be found, that is a given, IMHO.

I have complete confidence that a jury will see through the machinations and find him guilty. I go back to Scott Peterson, represented by top private defense counsel, but nonetheless found guilty. Sierra was a minor who never even knew AGT, making this especially horrendous.

(And no, I won't use the politically correct "alleged" in this matter.)
It doesn't matter where he gets tried, he's going down. He can smirk all he wants, it will just make things tougher for him.
BTW, let's not forget that "lovely" bride of his, and the vicious remarks she said about Sierra. I hope they haul her *advertiser censored*s up on the witness stand; IMO she knows where Sierra was dumped.
Just opinion and speculation, of course.

I agree she knows something even if not all details of where he did what and to whom. Too bad they can't force a wife to testify against her husband but my faith in humanity would be on its way to being restored if she were to grow a conscience and volunteer to testify against him.
Obviously the deepest violence and damage was done to Sierra and her family, but this is now going to soak up perhaps a decade of other citizen's time, who could be out being productive in society, a help to their friends and family and just getting on with their own important lives. Never mind what trauma and change they might experience having to bear witness to what he's done. At least the professionals signed up for this, and I commend their commitment - but it's just such bull&^%$ that one man's perverse actions impact so many.
I agree she knows something even if not all details of where he did what and to whom. Too bad they can't force a wife to testify against her husband but my faith in humanity would be on its way to being restored if she were to grow a conscience and volunteer to testify against him.

If she knows something, she might as well testify as the murderer is going to be useless to her and the kids they had together while he's in prison maybe on Death Row. She'll<alledgedly> probably send him money for munchies.:moo:
Here are the docs from Friday's court minutes so next date will be July 29th


  • Order.7.11.16.pdf
    302.6 KB · Views: 4
  • MinuteOrder.7.8.16.pdf
    558.9 KB · Views: 5
The latest documents posted on the SC Court website have 2 upcoming dates:

People vs. Antolin Garcia-Torres - The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara
Upcoming Court Dates at the Hall of Justice :

7/29/16 at 9 am in Dept. 50 - Readiness
8/1/16 at 9 am in Dept. 50 - Jury Trial



I'm hoping our legal eagles will have a chance to take a look and chime in. There are quite a few symbols / abbreviations used. I believe the delta sign (a triangle) means changes. I'm not sure what looks like the symbol for Pi (like the mathematical symbol) represents.

Until then, thoughts?


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I don't think she knows anything. He had to stash Sierra's belongings somewhere, he couldn't bring them to their tiny home and I think he wanted to be able to revisit them. When you consider how easily they were found compared to Sierra, and those items being found is what has done him in - they were very important to him. The rude things she wrote on her fb about Sierra sounded like a woman scourned, she would feel humiliated that she is there and available and instead her's abducted a younger, prettier girl off the street.
I don't think she knows anything. He had to stash Sierra's belongings somewhere, he couldn't bring them to their tiny home and I think he wanted to be able to revisit them. When you consider how easily they were found compared to Sierra, and those items being found is what has done him in - they were very important to him. The rude things she wrote on her fb about Sierra sounded like a woman scourned, she would feel humiliated that she is there and available and instead her's abducted a younger, prettier girl off the street.

That's exactly the way I saw her venomous comments about Sierra but that was back in 2012. I am hoping--probably against all odds--that she might have grown up a bit since then. Her comments sounded catty, and catty comes in all ages, but occasionally you run across a female who outgrows the cattiness. From what I know of her, she probably will not mature enough to do the right thing but I have to admit I do not know all that much about her so maybe there is some hope.

Even if she knows nothing specific to this case I have to wonder if she has valuable information about his behaviors on certain dates throughout their relationship--behaviors that did or should have raised red flags?
That's exactly the way I saw her venomous comments about Sierra but that was back in 2012. I am hoping--probably against all odds--that she might have grown up a bit since then. Her comments sounded catty, and catty comes in all ages, but occasionally you run across a female who outgrows the cattiness. From what I know of her, she probably will not mature enough to do the right thing but I have to admit I do not know all that much about her so maybe there is some hope.

Even if she knows nothing specific to this case I have to wonder if she has valuable information about his behaviors on certain dates throughout their relationship--behaviors that did or should have raised red flags?

I would assume life has had some harsh realities for her in the meantime that might make things a bit clearer. I imagine you are correct in that she could probably provide a lot of context for what was happening around that time. His mother was happy enough to offer up where he liked to go ... that poor woman knew he was capable of it, probably because of what she had already experienced in her family.
Do you think that AGT has not been forewarned by his attorney's to the massive amounts of evidence they have against him?. If so would it not be wise for him to consider the attorney's wisdom and shoot for a plea bargain in exchange for the whereabouts of Sierra's remains. Or is it a wait and see game that will unfold once the trial begins and when he realizes that he is deep moose caca and in order for him to sha he will finally revealed the whereabouts of Sierra? Or has his narcissist personality disorder make him oblivious too this three ring circus that has still failed to start. It does make me see red so bad in these high profile murder cases involving minor children. Maybe the best place (for the scum who commit such acts) to realize that even with a conviction it may take 20-25 years before he has an early opportunity to meet his maker. Not that the UK has the perfect system but they seem to get things going at an faster rate. Does it make that much difference in a country with 50 million people versus the US with 318.9 million people (2014 data) in respect to coming to trial and conviction of a murderer?
I standby my original post back in 6/17. I won't believe the trial will start until I hear the bailiff call the Court into session, by saying, "All Rise..." Sad but true... [emoji35]

I absolutely believe agt will do whatever he can to obfuscate and delay, and his defense team is no different. I base this on the only thing that has been clear from the start: their pattern of behavior, which has been to work against the adjudication process.

IMO, agt does not want to face time in the California Penitentiary system (aka The Big House). There's a real fear there, and FWIW, it's probably justified. That's just how I see it. :cow:

The change of venue request is just another move by his dt to keep the trial from starting. They will do whatever is needed to drag this out. There is no benefit in a speedy trial for agt. This has been the status quo for over 4 years now. This speaks for itself. [emoji17]

I made a promise to the #SierraSearchTeam and Mr. Marc Klaas that I would #NeverGiveUp! That promise is also one that I hold to Sierra Mae in my :heart: My girls and I wear our #TeamSierra t-shirts as often as we can. We also submit prayer requests for Sierra and her family each week.

The LaMars need our support now more than ever. The thought of what a change of venue means to them is overwhelming! My heart truly goes out to them. [emoji174]

Justice delayed will NOT be justice denied! I thank all of you for caring so much about Sierra's case. I truly believe she will have the Justice she deserves, and that one day, she will be found!


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Thank you Kimi......

I come back here every few months to see how things are progressing....Knowing full well you will be here, keeping the thread alive.

Puggle *advertiser censored*
Do you think that AGT has not been forewarned by his attorney's to the massive amounts of evidence they have against him?. If so would it not be wise for him to consider the attorney's wisdom and shoot for a plea bargain in exchange for the whereabouts of Sierra's remains. Or is it a wait and see game that will unfold once the trial begins and when he realizes that he is deep moose caca and in order for him to sha he will finally revealed the whereabouts of Sierra? Or has his narcissist personality disorder make him oblivious too this three ring circus that has still failed to start. It does make me see red so bad in these high profile murder cases involving minor children. Maybe the best place (for the scum who commit such acts) to realize that even with a conviction it may take 20-25 years before he has an early opportunity to meet his maker. Not that the UK has the perfect system but they seem to get things going at an faster rate. Does it make that much difference in a country with 50 million people versus the US with 318.9 million people (2014 data) in respect to coming to trial and conviction of a murderer?
I am sure AGT has the exact same info as his lawyer. My very strong feeling is that AGT disposed of Sierra such that her remains will never be found. His lawyer no doubt has tried to reason with him on some level, to no avail, at least insofar as pleading to a lesser charge. The U.S. Justice system adheres to the mandate that an accused person is innocent until proven otherwise in front of, and voted unanimously by, a jury "of his peers." :thinking: The accused also has a right to a speedy trial, but that obviously has not been used in this case.

We are fast approaching August 1st. Jury selection may take a long time, if the past four+ years is any indication.

Is the change of venue request still ongoing?
Hello, as a local girl from San Jose I can tell you there have been some kind of protest at the court house where there is a hearing scheduled Friday for Sierra. No other minutes have been posted since the last ones I posted here. Also there could be a strike going on on Friday we will have to wait and see for that.
Hello, as a local girl from San Jose I can tell you there have been some kind of protest at the court house where there is a hearing scheduled Friday for Sierra. No other minutes have been posted since the last ones I posted here. Also there could be a strike going on on Friday we will have to wait and see for that.

I wonder if this is the end of the fiscal year and there are some budget issues under protest.

The 118 members make up a quorum of the Superior Court Professional Employees Association (SCPEA), which represents more than 400 clerks, janitors, legal researchers and family court mediators. In mid-June, before the court made its final two-year offer, 253 members voted to authorize a strike.

"A united membership spoke loud and clear tonight that eight years without a pay raise is ridiculous," SCPEA spokesman Tom Saggau said. "And if the court administration can afford imported Italian marble for their new $200 million dollar courthouse, then they can treat their workers fairly. Unfortunately, a strike is imminent."

Court officials have declined to comment on the labor dispute, but they have said that in the event of a strike, they would staff only certain crucial hearings, using managers and executives if necessary. Those hearings include arraignments and bail hearings for people whose freedom is at stake because they are locked up in jail.spokesman Tom Saggau said. "And if the court administration can afford imported Italian marble for their new $200 million dollar courthouse, then they can treat their workers fairly. Unfortunately, a strike is imminent."

Court officials have declined to comment on the labor dispute, but they have said that in the event of a strike, they would staff only certain crucial hearings, using managers and executives if necessary. Those hearings include arraignments and bail hearings for people whose freedom is at stake because they are locked up in jail.

This part of the article linked above to explain what the strike is about
New court documents


  • DefenseNoticeMotionContinue.8.1.16.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 17
  • DistrictAttorneyNotice.pdf
    239.7 KB · Views: 8
  • PeoplesResponseToGarciasMotionForAContinuanceUnderPC1050.pdf
    630.3 KB · Views: 11
  • MediaOrder07292016Final-signed.pdf
    103.4 KB · Views: 16
Another delay and another continuance. The state or for that matter the County judicial arm is not going to drop this case. Justice for Sierra LaMar is slowly moving but will have it's final say. On the one hand this case is so frustrating to me it must be extremely frustrating and hair-pulling time for Sierra's family. But I would rather see that all the rights and all the i's are dotted and all the t's are crossed to insure he gets a competent trial so when the hammer is finally swung his trial and case will be beyond reproach and his sorry excuse for existence will finally have the cold hard steel door locked permanently locked.
New court documents

So according to the Media Order 071920 (linked in the quoted post above post # 278) the judge has decided no live streaming, no pics, etc., however, it does appear that media can use their "electronic devices" including social media to report on the trial. So another trial by tweet....ARGGGGH

Snipped from the order:
(4) There shall be no use of electronic devices in the courtroom for any purpose with
the following exceptions:
(a) Members of the media, with credentials prominently displayed, may use
electronic devices to facilitate their reporting of the proceedings, including the use of social media.
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