Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #22 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 8m8 minutes ago
In court for the start of week 3 in the #SierraLaMar trial. No court yesterday due to court holiday (Lincoln's birthday)
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 1m1 minute ago
Bonsall confirms he was assigned to conduct surveillance on Garcia-Torres, suspect in #SierraLaMar killing. Put GPS tracker on his car
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 3m3 minutes ago
First witness DA investigator Robert Bonsall, former Santa Clara county sheriff's Sgt. assigned to follow suspect Antolin-Garcia Torres
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 1m1 minute ago
Bonsall says tracking device put in suspect car in late March (about two weeks after #SierraLaMar disappeared)
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 1m1 minute ago
Bonsall says within a couple of days of putting tracking device on suspect car they stopped getting tracking data (implying it was removed)
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 3m3 minutes ago
Bonsall says tracking device put on Garcia-Torres' car either March 28 or 29. Stopped transmitting data March 31 7:39 pm
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 2m2 minutes ago
That was all from initial questioning by Prosecutor David Boyd. Now defense attorney Al Lopez questions Bonsall
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 2m2 minutes ago
Defense attorney Lopez asks Bonsall if tracking device had any sign it was from LEO or sign to not remove it. Bonsall says no
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 3m3 minutes ago
Then Lopez comments if the tracking device was clearly labeled that would defeat the purpose

I may be in the minority, but if I knew that I was a suspect in a case that I knew that I was innocent would I have removed the tracking device? I am pretty sure that I would not have since I had nothing to hide.
I may be in the minority, but if I knew that I was a suspect in a case that I knew that I was innocent would I have removed the tracking device? I am pretty sure that I would not have since I had nothing to hide.

Everybody reacts differently I suppose, sorry if I missed something but was AGT interviewed at all before the tracking device was put on his car? I can't remember if he was.

If he was it makes less sense to take it off but if he didn't know he was under investigation I can understand why he took it off.
Everybody reacts differently I suppose, sorry if I missed something but was AGT interviewed at all before the tracking device was put on his car? I can't remember if he was.

If he was it makes less sense to take it off but if he didn't know he was under investigation I can understand why he took it off.

Great question MK_MMJ. Let's suppose that he didn't know that he was under investigation when the tracking device was placed. Now I take good care of my car and have only once looked at the undercarriage of my car once in 7 years (assuming that the tracking device was hidden under the frame or under a wheel well). Would he have looked under his car? Or did the device fall off.

Now if he was under suspicion at the time the tracking device was placed did he feel the need to check for the device or did it fall off? You are correct that everyone reacts differently tho.
I may be in the minority, but if I knew that I was a suspect in a case that I knew that I was innocent would I have removed the tracking device? I am pretty sure that I would not have since I had nothing to hide.
I am with you and totally agree
I believe the face value evidence point to something obvious. Whether the vehicle is new or used, a person of that age without a decent paying job has acquired this by selling drugs. I also say this because she has two cell phones, her phone rang many times , she leaves the store and has no interest in her wallet, goes to a different location , and probably looking for a cash transaction.
First witness is Santa Clara county Sgt. Gerardo Quintana, collected DNA cheek swabs from mother of suspect Garcia-Torres and mother's bf

V short testimony from Quintana. Next up is John Bourke, supervising criminalist with Santa Clara County crime lab

Bourke going through resume at Prosecutor Boyd's prompting. Got BA in Forensics from Cal State Sacramento, trained with Secret Service, FBI
I just want to thank ya'll - especially emiusacska - for keeping us updated with what's going on in Sierra's trial.

Justice for Sierra :heartbeat:
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno
Criminalist John Bourke will testify as expert in handwriting analysis and comparison. This will be big for contested notebook entry
Background on note book - defense used it in Pre-trial motions to suggest #SierraLaMar ran away. Prosecution said it wasn't her handwriting
Now handwriting expert going over known writings by #SierraLaMar - not contested Spanish notebook but other books agreed to be her writing
handwriting of #SierraLaMar's known writing thoroughly analyzed by Bourke. Process involves sketching entire alphabet in her handwriting
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Defense has claimed note shows #SierraLaMar ran away. Notebook was not recovered right away; DA claims note is prank by school kid(S).

Now handwriting expert going over known writings by #SierraLaMar - not contested Spanish notebook but other books agreed to be her writing
DA likely later to call to stand official from school and/or cop to say #SierraLaMar notebook was recovered well after she went missing.

Def Al Lopez: A person's fine motor skills at time of writing affects they produce writing #SierraLaMar

Lopez on cross-examination suggests it is not ideal to compare homework samples with a note, also expert needs bigger sample. #SierraLaMar

Expert acknowledges limitations of small sample he analyzed, also exhaustion & person's physical position can affect writing. #SierraLaMar

On cross-examination, Expert admits he cannot (entirely) eliminate #SierraLaMar as author of note. Eliminations r rare, he says

DA's handwriting analyst's name is John Bourke. #SierraLaMar

#SierraLaMar John Bourke is an analyst with the Santa Clara County District Attorney's crime lab.
On re-direct, expert says no need for further examples of #SierraLaMar writing. Def suggested sample was limited cuz only schoolwork.

DA David Boyd: Did Mr. Lopez submit any samples of #SierraLaMar writing to you? Lopez objects. Judge overrules. No, expert says.

Point is, if defense thought writing sample was insufficient, they cd have sought further analysis. #SierraLaMar

Expert also looked at #SierraLaMar English notebook.

Several juror questions coming. Judge allows jury to submit written questions after Def/DA done w witness. #SierraLaMar

Next witness on the stand: @SCCoSheriff Detective Richard Alanis

Alanis interviewed and collected DNA samples from Brittany Stonehouse, whose custom Sharks sweatshirt was found with #SierraLaMar's clothes
Who among us would even think to look for a tracking device on our cars? Only a guilty person would look for one!
Jury questions re #SierraLaMar include - can u tell if note & rest of notebook were written left- or right-handed? It's tricky, no

Is writing affected by state of mind/other factors? #SierraLaMar expert said it's outside his purview.

That question indicates juror may not be convinced that #SierraLaMar did not write the note.

Sobrato high school asst principal Kevin Miller, turned in #SierraLaMar Spanish notebook to sheriff's deputy.

Miller turned notebook in on March 22, 2012, about a week after #SierraLaMar disappeared. Can't recall which student gave it to him

Can you say who has written in the notebook? No, asst principal says. #SierraLaMar

#SierraLaMar Miller: school had auto-dialer + email to let parent know re Unexcused absence, in evening. Unclear if parent had to sign up.

#SierraLaMar Spanish teacher Claudia Moreno takes stand.

#SierraLaMar (darn auto-correct). Spanish teacher's last name = Magana ( Claudia). IDs some of her own handwriting in notebook

#SierraLaMar Spanish teacher testifies notebooks NOT locked up, available for students to pick up from pile behind whiteboard.

#SierraLaMar Spanish teacher did not monitor pickup, doesn't know how many student hands it passed though.

#SierraLaMar DA David Boyd: "Could have been 10 (students), could have been one?" Yes, teacher says.

DA: Was it a big deal that #SierraLaMar did not show up, that her cell phone, clothing, etc had been found? Yes, teacher says.

Point is, kids knew abt her disappearance and the run-away note could have been a prank. #SierraLaMar

Teacher agrees with DA that some students were talking about #SierraLaMar disappearance seriously, some jokingly.

#SierraLaMar trial in recess for lunch.
emiusacska said:
snipped by me...
Several juror questions coming. Judge allows jury to submit written questions after Def/DA done w witness. #SierraLaMar

Oh I didn't know California jurors could ask questions! I like that! I guess no body tweeted "what" the questions were?
Edited to add - OOPS! Just saw your tweet on the questions! :facepalm:

and :tyou: emiusacska for all the tweets! Great job!

So I guess we are at lunch there?

So - since I'm 10 hours ahead of you all - AARRGGHHH! - :offtobed: for me - and will read more tomorrow!

If a student did write it as a joke, I wish they'd come forward and admit it....
Joanna Moore takes the stand in #SierraLaMar trial. Owns cabinetry shop. Lives near Dougherty and Tilton, near #SierraLaMar bus stop

Moore moved there in 2011, is familiar with Morgan Hill. #SierraLaMar
note reads, “I hate my life ... no ever sees this . I will be in San Francisco by 3/16/12." That's last day Sierra was seen.
Moore fed feral kittens at shed where #SierraLaMar bag/clothing found. She saw evidence of others feeding them as well, white paper plates.

DA has said defendant Garcia-Torres fed feral cats, had cat food in his car. #SierraLaMar

Shed where #SierraLaMar clothing/bag found is off Laguna. Was there at least twice a week. Stopped when S's clothes found.

#SierraLaMar bag was found 3/18/2012. Moore never saw it. Husband asked her to stop feeding cats in remote area after news broke.

On cross, Moore tells Al Lopez saw bunch of Siamese kittens on old couch, began feeding em. #SierraLaMar
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