Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #22 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
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Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 15m15 minutes ago
Sgt Cortez dusted for prints from interior door handle and interior window of suspect Garcia-Torres car #SierraLaMar.
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 20m20 minutes ago
Next witness is being re-called: Sgt. Cortez, assisted with fingerprint processing of suspect car on April 10, 2012
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 24m24 minutes ago
Jurors enter courtroom. Still questioning Sgt. Fisher on evidence collection protocol, says they wore new uniforms every day they processed
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 55s56 seconds ago
Jury in #SierraLaMar is getting that glazed, pained look that comes during tedious testimony, regardless of how important it is.
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 14m14 minutes ago
A different peace officer, Sgt Cortez, testifies he dusted for fingerprints before visiting #SierraLaMar's house (contamination issue).
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 25m25 minutes ago
Fisher says he didn't seal def's Jetta overnight. (CSI work took 2 days) But he believes he locked evidence room. #SierraLaMar
WAKE UP - Sgt. Cortez on cross says he wd sometimes brush onto the ground debris that fell off #SierraLaMar evidence on butcher paper.
That's possible fodder for defense's contamination theory. #SierraLaMar
Sgt. Cortez processed evidence from def's trailer on April 9, 2012, then on his 1998 Jetta on the 10th. #SierraLaMar
Cortez positioned the controversial white rope on clean butcher paper. #SierraLaMar
Al Lopez has used the terms cross-contaminate or contaminate at least a dozen times in the past 15 min. #SierraLaMar
Lopez making much of fact that same brush was used by Cortez to dust for prints in whole interior of #SierraLaMar def's car.
#SierraLaMar case is based largely on DNA evidence, so defense is attacking integrity of evidence collection, as well as DNA analysis itself
They found DNA consistent with #SierraLaMar in the car, not her fingerprints.
Lopez asks Sgt Cortez same question he asked Fisher: was fingerprint dusting last to mininimize cross contamination. Cortez agrees
Next witness at #SierraLaMar trial: Francine Sarmiento, ex girlfriend of suspect Antolin Garcia-Torres. Has 2 kids w/him
#SierraLaMar Sarmiento & Garcia-Torres broke up in late 2013. She Has two kids w him, one born in Aug 2010, the other in Nov 2012.
Met him in 2007. His birthdate is March 30. All attacks he is charged w occurred in March. #SierraLaMar
He worked at 2 different Safeways in Morgan Hill #SierraLaMar
#SierraLaMar Safeway parking lot attacks were in 2009. Sierra vanished in 2012.
Def had 3 cars over the time she was w him. Black Impala, green Mazda, red Jetta w black hood. #SierraLaMar
Francine said she lived about two years with Garcia-Torres, his mother and mother's bf at Maple Leaf RV park in Morgan Hill #SierraLaMar
She didn't drive Jetta cuz it was a stick. Sarmiento lived at trailer park w him, his mom and mom's boyfriend for abt 2 years. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 15s16 seconds ago
She recognizes rubber bands and marbles. He used them as a slingshot. She went camping with him at times. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
She says he used to play paintball but doesn't remember where. Never saw him use the crossbow. Items were in car trunk. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 1m1 minute ago
DA reads names of #SierraLaMar, friends & family; she didnt know any of them & he never mentioned them.
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
They lived at her mom's house, then moved to Maple Leaf RV park. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Jury is definitely awake now. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Sarmiento: Def has tattoos, got them at different times. Rt arm: Lucky. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 1m1 minute ago
Tattoo on other arm= Riddle. At least one Vic of 3 in 2009 attempted kidnappings said assailant had arm tattoos. #SierraLaMar
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 2m2 minutes ago
Boyd asks Francine if Garcia-Torres had arm tattoo in 2009. Clearly cause a victim in Morgan Hill Safeway attack said suspect had ink on arm
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 5m5 minutes ago
today, prosecution only interested in arm tattoos of Garcia-Torres. Tattoo on right forearm says "Lucky" left forearm tattoo says "Riddle"
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 8m8 minutes ago
Prosecutor Boyd shows pic of Garcia-Torres w/ tattoos on arm, & chest. Trying to establish when he got arm tattoo. Francine not sure
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 1m1 minute ago
She cant remember if he had em in 2009. But in May 2012, she testified he had them as long as she knew him. They Met in 2007. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
She says his Facebook page was created b4 Sierra gone. DA seems surprised/incredulous. She says he didn't have Twitter etc #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
DA's Point may have been that #SierraLaMar & Def wd not have "met" online cuz she was active online, he wasn't.
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 41s41 seconds ago
She bought him the cloth gloves found in his trunk, as a gift. She wore them at times. ((They contain her DNA)) #SierraLaMar
I must have faith in this jury to make the right decision. I feel the evidence shows Sierra is no longer living and that AGT is the killer. I can only have hope that the jury sees the evidence for what it is.

With that said, let's brace ourselves for this not going the way it should. As we all know, that can and does happen. The child killer in Florida is guilty and the evidence even though circumstantial pointed directly to that fact yet the jury failed to do their part. I'm still reeling from that, but at the same time do not want to wash my hands completely of our justice system. It has major flaws, yes, but when it works it works well.

I pray that it works this time.
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 3m3 minutes ago
Francine says she previously wore gloves she bought suspect Garcia-Torres. Can't remember last time she wore them #SierraLaMar
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 2m2 minutes ago
Prosecutor Boyd said she answered the question when she testified back in Feb 2014. Giving her copy of testimony to refresh her memory
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 1m1 minute ago
Francine read testimony but says she still can't remember.
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 39s39 seconds ago
Def may not have had car during part of 2009. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 1m1 minute ago
distance from their home to Tennant Safeway where at least 1 of 3 attacks occurred was walkable #SierraLaMar
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 1m1 minute ago
Prosecutor Boyd asked Francine at least 2x if she told truth under oath during her previous testimony in 2012 & 2014 after memory failure
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
This has got to be tough for Sarmiento, testifying v father of her 2 kids. She doesn't seem particularly hostile or helpful. #SierraLaMar
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 26s27 seconds ago
Boyd asks if the date 3/16/12 (day #SierraLaMar went missing) rang any bells Francine: "no." Boyd: "you know why you're here, right?"
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 1m1 minute ago
She & Def watched news together at some point re #SierraLaMar. He was interviewed by deputies twice.
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 2m2 minutes ago
Boyd asks if Garcia-Torres buying turkey baster & bleach were unusual purchases. Francine says yes.
Jenna Lyons ‏@JennaJourno 3m3 minutes ago
Francine says she & suspect saw coverage of #SierraLaMar missing "it was all over the tv" she said. "Everyone was kind of talking about it"
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
DA asking re Fri 3/16/12 and whole weekend. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
She didnt ask him to buy turkey baster or bleach, not normal purchase for him. He bought em around midnight. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
She says he wd have worked Friday. But his employer the tree surgeon said he had fridays off at some point. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Recess til Tues morning. court holiday on Monday. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplan ‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
She worked Sat night the 17th at Chipotle, then they left for ski trip. #SierraLaMar
Apparently no court until Tuesday....

tracey kaplan
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‏@tkaplanreport 3h
Recess til Tues morning. court holiday on Monday. #SierraLaMar

As far as arrests according to the above article he was arrested for : obstructing an officer, felony battery having sex with a minor and the ones that he is currently on trial. I'm not clear on the dates of these arrests.

Having read the link which outlines the reasons for his convictions...... putting them in perspective, the jury could also be quite sympathetic to his circumstances.

I'm not sold on the Safeway attacks ..... none of the victims could ID him.

It was interesting to hear what else was in his trunk..... after what was already taken into evidence as per court documents ..... the other day I thought wow...this guy had alot of crap in his car...clothes...lots and lots of water bottles srewn all over back seat and floorwell .........Now hearing of other items that weren't taken in as evidence..........well ..... Im shocked....there should have been well more traces of Sierra's DNA in that car or in the trunk....

And the hair thing has me stumped too ..... how do you get that many hairs on the rope and only ONE be Sierra's. ....
Monday is Presidents Day
I am not feeling that optimistic about the prosecution's case at this point. It is hard to tell from just one tweeter though. You really need several tweeters to get an objective POV.
Having read the link which outlines the reasons for his convictions...... putting them in perspective, the jury could also be quite sympathetic to his circumstances.

I'm not sold on the Safeway attacks ..... none of the victims could ID him.

It was interesting to hear what else was in his trunk..... after what was already taken into evidence as per court documents ..... the other day I thought wow...this guy had alot of crap in his car...clothes...lots and lots of water bottles srewn all over back seat and floorwell .........Now hearing of other items that weren't taken in as evidence..........well ..... Im shocked....there should have been well more traces of Sierra's DNA in that car or in the trunk....

And the hair thing has me stumped too ..... how do you get that many hairs on the rope and only ONE be Sierra's. ....

There may have been more than one hair that was Sierra's but only one had sufficient DNA to prove it was hers. Other hairs could be deemed similar or not but without enough root material tests can be inconclusive.
I am not feeling that optimistic about the prosecution's case at this point. It is hard to tell from just one tweeter though. You really need several tweeters to get an objective POV.

Same here. But we are not hearing the whole story, not seeing reactions of those in court to any statements made or evidence shown. From here, the whole trial seems slow and tedious and almost uninteresting. It's like no trial I've ever followed. But then, most that I've followed were not by tweet. And if it was there was more than one tweeting so you might get information that would otherwise be missed.

In this trial, we are missing alot.

I do not like how sloppy they were gathering the evidence. Very strong, telling evidence of what happened to her but if there are questions about how they came by it, Sierra will be another child who does not get the justice she deserves. But I will never support imprisoning someone when the evidence is questionable.

Sad and frightening as it is, another female may have to be kidnapped and murdered before this killer is locked away for life.
Just trying to catch up on this case. I'm sure this has been answered abundantly but there's a lot of threads to read!
So just a quick question: Did he possibly commit other crimes between his 3 attacks in 2009 and then beautiful Sierra's murder in 2012?
I just don't think he was staying out of trouble during that time. Y'all may have the answer I'm looking for.
This is a horrible case and heartbreaking! I do think they will find him guilty because what I have read so far is obvious he is the killer. Praying for justice!

I think it is very possible he didn't do anything. The idea that these guys can't stop has a lot of traction but time and again you come across instances where it does seem that for long stretches of time they do not offend. I believe that this is because it is entirely within their control, it is not an overwhelming urge, they are not like animals, it is a predilection they indulge in themselves. The energy and excitement of a new (traditional) relationship probably kept him interested for awhile, until she's pregnant for the second time and they're living in a trailer with his mother, it's a few years in and that new relationship energy has burnt off.
There may have been more than one hair that was Sierra's but only one had sufficient DNA to prove it was hers. Other hairs could be deemed similar or not but without enough root material tests can be inconclusive.

Yeah that could be right..hadn't thought of that....

The whole hair thing needs to be sorted in a way the jury can understand.... wondering if the defense will bring up the fact they took his Mums "mourning" hair peice into evidence.... obviously same dark brunette colouring.... again cross contamination of hair (consistent in appearance) .....

Examination on unsanitized corkboard, fibre, debris. ...simply swept onto floor..

Very slopey. ...
I'm a little anxious about the outcome as well. I believe he is guilty, but if it were my choice I wouldn't go for the DP.
I feel like they did it that way so that he could make the deal for less prison time. If that is so, he called their bluff. He may just get away with it.
We've seen it before.
I'm a little anxious about the outcome as well. I believe he is guilty, but if it were my choice I wouldn't go for the DP.
I feel like they did it that way so that he could make the deal for less prison time. If that is so, he called their bluff. He may just get away with it.
We've seen it before.

Sadly - You wrote my thoughts, couldn't have said it better.
Alice253 - I've seen you on this thread - so -





Hope you had a GREAT day!!
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