Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #4 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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If she was being stalked and watched when she was in the remote area by the bus stop, IMO it would have ben easier to grab her there...Rather than enter the cul de sac and drive to her driveway... high risk of a vehicle being spotted there...MOO

I understand what you are saying.. a girl standing out in the middle of nowhere is like a sitting duck. BUT People and cars from a distance may see her, the car or the bus. He may have been worried about the bus seeing a car leaving from the stop...and ID'g the vehicle.

It appears her house faces a vacant lot...and there is shrubbery on both sides of her house, concealing the driveway. I wonder if the perp had this all figured out for awhile.
The typical profile of this sort of thing is white male, early thirties, not married.

Most of all the migrant workers I've come across are law-abiding people but what if there was one that had a bad criminal past or was not like the others working out in that area. Have they all been accounted for or are some running scared because of LE presence? We have an unincorporated area up here and there sure are many 911 calls from that neighborhoood. It has to be taken into consideration given the population in these areas that migrant workers may know something/someone...but are afraid to speak.

Angel Resendiz-Ramirez "The Railroad Killer" was a migrant worker that was "cast out" because the others somehow thought he was "off." He still followed the workers around the country because his brother was one of them. He'd leave money and jewelry for his brother to find that he'd stolen from his victims.
I understand what you are saying.. a girl standing out in the middle of nowhere is like a sitting duck. BUT People and cars from a distance may see her, the car or the bus. He may have been worried about the bus seeing a car leaving from the stop...and ID'g the vehicle.

It appears her house faces a vacant lot...and there is shrubbery on both sides of her house, concealing the driveway. I wonder if the perp had this all figured out for awhile.

If this was a stalker, however, they would know the neighbors' schedules, as well. If all of the neighbors typically left for work at say, 6 AM, he'd know it was safe to abduct her from her driveway at 7 AM.
The possibility (since I can't seem to get a straight media answer) that there was urine on Sierra's clothes makes me wonder what she was taught about abduction and fighting back. Not even neccesarily by her parents, but TV, friends, or any other medium.

For instance, I have taught my kids to yell, scream, knock over shelves, pee their pants, use every obscenity they've ever heard, and even stick a finger down their throat and throw up on someone that tries to take them. I wonder if Sierra had heard the same instructions on a tv show or from a friend, and wet herself as a defense mechanism.
The fact that the cell phone was disposed of within minutes leads me to either believe that the abductor either knew exactly what they were going to do with her from the moment she entered the car. Or that is was a family member, since family is ruled out per LE, I would guess this was a stranger abduction, except I cannot see a stranger feeling comfortable in the cul de sac, so putting it all into perspective in my mind, I think this was a neighbor that had it very well planned and observed her for a good long time.
I wonder if this home is a rental, as was specified in an earlier post, when did the rent come due. Most homes rent is due on the first or the fifteenth.... Wonder if someone came by to collect the rent, and offered her a ride, just a thought.
The fact that the cell phone was disposed of within minutes leads me to either believe that the abductor either knew exactly what they were going to do with her from the moment she entered the car. Or that is was a family member, since family is ruled out per LE, I would guess this was a stranger abduction, except I cannot see a stranger feeling comfortable in the cul de sac, so putting it all into perspective in my mind, I think this was a neighbor that had it very well planned and observed her for a good long time.

I have been leaning towards a neighbor as well. But it seems like LE has no real POI's in mind, and there are only 7 other houses on the street, so it seems like they would have picked up on a potential suspect if there was one.

How many adults are going to be found to be home, with no alibis and fit any kind of potential profile in those 7 homes ? So now I am not sure if it is a neighbor anymore.

I am leaning more towards a serious stalker, perhaps from the immediate neighborhood. Someone who worked or hung around nearby and saw her walking alone every day. imo
If this was a stalker, however, they would know the neighbors' schedules, as well. If all of the neighbors typically left for work at say, 6 AM, he'd know it was safe to abduct her from her driveway at 7 AM.

Wonder if anyone has recently moved out of the neighourhood. Was Watching her, too risky to make a move whilst living there, came back for her after they'd moved and weren't connected to the local area. Just a thought.
The profiler on the today show said the scent ended at the end of her driveway, prior to this i was thinking it ended in the driveway, but since its at the end of it, she walked down that driveway, and what ever occurred happened per happenstance as driveway meets road. If it was a ride picking her up, I believe they would have pulled in, if it had happened in the home and she was loaded into the vehicle, it would have ended up in driveway, so I agree, its a neighbor, relative of a neighbor, friend of a neighbor, or someone from the neighborhood. I do not believe this is someone who offered ride, made and advance and then things went wrong, the phone was disposed of entirely too fast. Whomever this was, knew what they were doing upon taking her. I do not believe she ran away. No way she would dispose of her phone and her purse she loved. Also, I believe the clothing would have stayed neatly folded in her bag if thrown out a vehicle, it the clothes fit well in it, they would be totally protected from becoming unfolded when the toss occurred. IMHO
Posters are at Casa de Fruita which is on 152 and gets lots of people stopping by to buy fruit, candy etc. Also, the posters are all over the outlet stores which is off of 101 just before 152. I have passed out posters all the way to south San Jose off of Santa Teresa.

Her face is everywhere.

People here (south San Jose) and even into Campbell, Los Gatos and Willow Glen know about her.
Posters are at Casa de Fruita which is on 152 and gets lots of people stopping by to buy fruit, candy etc. Also, the posters are all over the outlet stores which is off of 101 just before 152. I have passed out posters all the way to south San Jose off of Santa Teresa.

Her face is everywhere.

People here (south San Jose) and even into Campbell, Los Gatos and Willow Glen know about her.

I've been to Casa de Fruita many times. Wow.

My prayers to all the searchers!

WRT the clothing. What about shoes. How do you take your clothes off and keep your shoes on. No mention of finding her shoes. Don't think i've heard any description of what shoes she was likely wearing that day. Maybe she changed clothes, intending to return to them, before getting picked up. She could have gone north, changed clothes, gotten picked up, and was headed south when the phone was tossed a few minutes later. It would make sense if whoever took her was heading over to Rt 1 on the coast.
If a stun gun was used wouldn't urine have been found on her driveway?
I understand what you are saying.. a girl standing out in the middle of nowhere is like a sitting duck. BUT People and cars from a distance may see her, the car or the bus. He may have been worried about the bus seeing a car leaving from the stop...and ID'g the vehicle.

It appears her house faces a vacant lot...and there is shrubbery on both sides of her house, concealing the driveway. I wonder if the perp had this all figured out for awhile.

The one thing that is hopeful,IF this was an abduction, is the female neighbor who usually saw Sierra passing on her way to the bus stop in the mornings. It tells me that this neighbor MAY well have noticed a vehicle driving by on the morning Sierra went missing. It also tells me that neighbors on the cul de sac are somewhat vigilant. Wonder what or who she saw that morning ? MOO

If a stalker had scoped out the house, a neighbor(s) would possibly have noticed that too MOO. It looks like a small cul de sac...
I at one point thought the clothing in the bag were those she was wearing that day, I am leaning towards the fact that she packed them in that bag, and was heading possibly to see dad after school on Friday. I bet she had a cell phone charger at dads house too, my son does that. Has more than one charger. In lieu of the fact her dad said she had a hair appt. on Saturday, and he spoke with her the night before and her sister was with the dad in Freemont. perhaps last minute the plans were changed to her visiting him a weekend earlier.
I agree with Portabella---I thinks its a neighbor or someone from that area....someone who was not a stranger to her. Someone who may have offered her a ride to the bus stop who wouldn't have frightened her. JMO
Liz B,
But if a neighbor had an idea of the vehicle, I believe they would have posted an Amber alert. But since a neighbor usually sees her leaving after seven a.m. each morning, that rules out the fact that someone knew no neighbors were home.
The one thing that is hopeful,IF this was an abduction, is the female neighbor who usually saw Sierra passing on her way to the bus stop in the mornings. It tells me that this neighbor MAY well have noticed a vehicle driving by on the morning Sierra went missing. It also tells me that neighbors on the cul de sac are somewhat vigilant. Wonder what or who she saw that morning ? MOO

I wonder also, at what point of her walk to the bus stop the neighbour normally sees her. Who leaves first Sierra or the neighbour? It would seem that as the neighbours driving that she would leave after Sierra but probably by only a few minutes. If someone was stalking Sierra and knew the neighbours movements then they would know that the neighbour was leaving soon which would give them a very small window of opportunity to get out of the street before anyone saw them
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