Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #5 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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BBM I agree. I have this image in my mind of a girl driving the car, picking up Sierra, and a guy in the back that Sierra wasn't aware of until too late. Sierra was a former cheerleader at her old school and probably quite popular. She competed at Showstopper competitions which I am very familiar with. It is a large well-run talent competition and draws very talented kids. From the video I have seen of her dancing, she was very animated and had great stage presence. Moving to a new high school, she, more than likely, caught the guys' eyes which could very well have made some girls extremely jealous.

I too have the same mental image. And in cases such as these, neither the female nor even the male perp has necessarily planned for murder, but something eventually goes wrong.

The female target represents a threat to the female perp who may also participate in the crime. The threat can be perceived, not real beyond the victim's obvious attractiveness (as in Sierra's case).

With the passing of each day, my hopes for a happier outcome and any associated theories are fading fast.

I strongly feel this was a planned abduction and that Sierra either got into the vehicle willingly because she recognized the driver/passenger OR she was overcome/threatened and complied. I tend to think the pickup was not pre-planned by her but rather happenstance, by someone who looked familiar to her at the very least.

I give equal weight to the theory that she was stalked for some time by a stranger who scoped her routine, residence, etc, then struck.

Still hoping for a brighter ending...
How many illegal immigrants live in that immediate area? They would be scared to talk about any questionable comrades that work with them. I would think they would be living at that RV park, at least some of them. Most will ride to work. How many have seen Sierra walk to that bus stop? Some had to have seen Sierra at some time since last October...imo.

I hope every neighbor has taken a poly and are ruled out.

And I have to imagine that her family is going through every possible scenario in their minds endlessly---who they had over to their home, who they recently hired, who they spoke to on the phone, who waited on them at a family night out for dinner, who they talked to about their beautiful daughter, and even if any of their friends or family members may have a hidden dark side. It must be so incredibly painful to try and figure it out.

All of the above, to my mind, are reasons why justice is so important.

I believe that the dead are in a place where they are beyond needing or even caring about justice in this world.

But there are many innocent people who may be suspected right now, simply due to innocent proximity to Sierra. For instance, if this area has milk routes, I imagine that the delivery person whose route goes nearest Sierra's home or bus stop has received a visit and intensive questioning by LE.

It is the living who suffer for lack of justice and not just the loved ones of the victim.
Updated timeline is on the way, sometime this morning.
I know she was sick the week before all of this happened. I wonder if she stayed home or actally went to school. I'm not exactly sure of the dates. It is on her Twitter. I was thinking that if she has a stalker, then her absence could have set this off if she was not visible to him for a bit (change in routine, etc.).

I agree with all of the above.

As to the bolded part, followed way too many cases where family members believed with all their hearts that their loved one would have put up a huge fight... only to learn in the end that no, their family member was compliant out of fear.

Even with self defence classes, even with martial arts training, there is no way to accurately predict which people will fight and which will comply.

Even in the military, this is true. Studies show that only about 10% of all soldiers in WWII, for instance, deliberately shot to kill. In Vietnam, there were 52,000 bullets fired in the field for every enemy combatant killed.

It's always a comfort for a parent to think "MY kid would fight" but the reality is there is no way to predict this.

I think if Sierra were a runaway, she'd be the type to hang with her buddies either in Morgan Hill or in Fremont. She just had so many friends and was so well liked, it's clear her social skills were very good.

If she were doing the couchsurfing thing, she would have showed up before now with the heavy LE/FBI presence. No one would knowingly harbour her.

Thank you.

We have seen the horror of knowing a young teen did not fight back or scream when a predator nabbed them.

I will never forget the surveillance video of Carlie Brushia when Joe Smith took her by the arm in front of the car wash in broad daylight and led her away. She was gone without a trace until she was found raped, murdered, and buried behind the old church.

I do not believe Sierra left willingly and I am not convinced she even knew her abductor.

Everything seemed like a typical morning for Sierra. Tweeting and texting before she went to school. Something horrible happened to Sierra once she departed from her home that day enroute to the bus stop.

I think whoever did this knew her routine and that Marlene and Rick left the home early every morning to go to work. While I certainly would never harm anyone, I do know the schedules of my surrounding neighbors, because I am an early riser and I see them leaving for work or the kids catching the bus.

It is someone familiar with that area.

Amber Hagerman's murder has never been solved. I think they may have a suspect in mind, but no one has been charged.

I said in the movie.... sometimes movies add details for effect. The credits did say the movie was based on real events, but they are sometimes not totally accurate.
I believe that the perp or perps wanted LE to believe that Sierra ran away. The neatly folded clothing was done as a diversionary tactic to lead them away from an abduction.

Speculation is one thing but starting statements with "she doesn't seem like the type to..." is a pretty dangerous slope.
Speculation is one thing but starting statements with "she doesn't seem like the type to..." is a pretty dangerous slope.

Respectfully, I dont think it is.

When a teen runs away there are always red flags in the child's life. With Sierra there is nothing to support she would run away and put her family through this horror and agony.
And yet, there's ample proof that some people (not just kids or teens) will be compliant, even if they have received previous training.

Consider that not even the military, with six weeks of full time, totally controlled training, can turn out soldiers who will reliably fight, not even in battle conditions when their own lives are obviously at risk.

Training raises the probability that a target will get away but it is no guarantee. I'm all for training but I'm also realistic about the possibility of training failures. Train but don't assume it will result in any given outcome.

If a victim is compliant, that's no reason to infer that the parents were negligent, viewing the world through rose coloured lenses or never tried to teach their child differently. Sadly, it means that just like the military, they could not predict what their child would do when in danger.

Exactly. Most teenagers are aware of stranger danger, but what if it's someone they know? And what if they are approached on the street or the road by a person on foot? What if that person has a knife or a gun?
There are way too many possibilities. Still, no one can predict how their child will react when they're scared. Some will run, some are rooted to the spot, and some will trust the person. And in some instances, there is no place TO run.

And Whisperer, there have been some children who saved their own lives by running AWAY from the stranger who approached them. Most kidnappers are not going to get out of the car and go chasing after someone unless they're in a rural area with no other houses or people around. Staying rooted to that spot could get them killed, because if there is an accomplice it would take maybe 2 seconds to reach out and grab an arm and pull that person into the car with them. I would advise a child, a teenager, or even an adult that if a car pulls up beside them to speak to them, and they don't know that person, RUN like hell-O and don't look back.
Just a side note, but I seriously think in the future children under 12 will be given an option (or more accurately the parents will be given the
Option) to install a gps tracking device in their child via blood stream. This will probably be introduced by the white house as a way to safe guard
Your kids, the government will approve and bam the option will be wide spread, kind of like having a college fund set up or life assurance; kid assurance. I'm only 19 but being as paranoid as I am, I'd h

FGS, I can have a microchip implanted in my dog or my cat, but they won't let me put one in my child. I think this should happen automatically, at birth.
You know, we haven't discussed a tweet someone sent Sierra. In the first week, I read through almost all her tweets, and found one that a guy or business sent her regarding getting paid for getting tweets or sending tweets. I wonder if she was making an income from tweeting and her parents didn't know about it? Maybe she had cash stashed way? Maybe someone knew about it?

Also, regarding the purse been dropped. It could also mean that the perp knew Sierra had a second phone. I though I read somewhere that she had two phones. If she did, then it could have been someone she knew.

Respectfully, I dont think it is.

When a teen runs away there are always red flags in the child's life. With Sierra there is nothing to support she would run away and put her family through this horror and agony.

But there are red flags. Her parent's separation or divorce, father being jailed for molestation, moving from her father's home to her mom's, mom's new boyfriend, leaving her old high school and friends, starting a new school mid semester, tweets regarding suicide, tumbler account full of sex and drug references, etc.
But there are red flags. Her parent's separation or divorce, father being jailed for molestation, moving from her father's home to her mom's, mom's new boyfriend, leaving her old high school and friends, starting a new school mid semester, tweets regarding suicide, tumbler account full of sex and drug references, etc.

So many children go through divorces yet rarely do they runaway because of it. The divorce didnt just happen. We have no idea how long Marlene had gone with Rick. It certainly doesn't mean that Sierra disliked Rick.She never complained about Rick in any of her posts. In fact LE came out and said that Sierra had a good relationship with her mother and Rick and her closest friends would certainly know if she resented him and there hasnt been one untoward word said against him. He gave her a very nice home to live in and I think he is devastated that Sierra is missing. Just because he was her mom's boyfriend doesnt mean he didnt love her and he took good care of her, imo.

Her father was sentenced in September 2009 and Sierra seemed to have no problem with her father or why he was convicted. She visited him frequently.

She had been living with her mother full time... I would guess starting from the time Sierra's father was sentenced to jail time... so this was not something new to Sierra. She had been in Morgan Hill since October 2011.

Unfortunately teens of today express themselves on line in disgusting ways. I dont think Sierra was any different than a lot of teens are today. The mentioning of sex is certainly not unusual, sadly to say. I didnt find her suicidal at all. Iirc she said she was not suicidal.

So there really is nothing in Sierra's background that shows she would runaway. She is a very social child. Imo, she would not just leave her friends and family behind and put them all through such worry.
But there are red flags. Her parent's separation or divorce, father being jailed for molestation, moving from her father's home to her mom's, mom's new boyfriend, leaving her old high school and friends, starting a new school mid semester, tweets regarding suicide, tumbler account full of sex and drug references, etc.

Respectfully to everyone....
I DO think there are red flags for Sierra's situation, too.
-Dad is a SO
-Moved from high school where she was highly a new one after school had started.
Not that I am leaning towards her running away, necessarily, but her situation(not blaming anyone) statistically represents a possible at-risk minor.
And I don't think these issues can be ignored.
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