Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #5 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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FGS, I can have a microchip implanted in my dog or my cat, but they won't let me put one in my child. I think this should happen automatically, at birth.

And then in the future, Big Brother can track everyone in the U.S.... :what:
OT, but don't misco chips just give the address/telephone number of the attached pet, for example? Not tell where he is? And don't GPS devices have to be charged? If one were to implant them in children, how would they charge them...JMO

Might be better to just attach one to the child in some manner, if they can come up with a way to make one look like something else...i.e. an ipod or least until the device was tossed aside, the child could be tracked, which is better than nothing...

Although...the chances of your child being abducted are SO small...better to keep them out of cars, etc...if you truly want them to be safe and that is not feasible...
Respectfully to everyone....
I DO think there are red flags for Sierra's situation, too.
-Dad is a SO
-Moved from high school where she was highly a new one after school had started.
Not that I am leaning towards her running away, necessarily, but her situation(not blaming anyone) statistically represents a possible at-risk minor.
And I don't think these issues can be ignored.

If I am not mistaken, she was a High School cheerleader at her old school, which automatically assures that people will know you and you will be higher in the caste system of HS. When she moved, it was too late to join the school squad.

She joined a community cheer group, although we don't know if that was a "consolation prize" offered by Steve and Marlene, or something she wanted to do, but the status that goes with being a HS cheerleader was not there, and for one reason or another, she stopped, within a month or so of her disappearance. Maybe she quit, or was forced to quit, or there were issues with transportation and finances, since the private groups involve fees for competitions, etc. and are less involved in supporting a team than in being a team themselves. I could see the change being difficult.

One of my daughter's friends was forced off a community (swim) team when she was caught with "contraband" in her bag, and although I have not seen all Sierra's tweets and tumblr stuff, people seem to be saying they are full of drug and sex references. She MAY HAVE BEEN (moo) asked to leave the team. If she did not quit the local cheer group voluntarily,and had hoped participating in it would help ensure her a spot on the school squad next semester/year, that may have been even harder on her.
OT, but don't misco chips just give the address/telephone number of the attached pet, for example? Not tell where he is? And don't GPS devices have to be charged? If one were to implant them in children, how would they charge them...JMO

Might be better to just attach one to the child in some manner, if they can come up with a way to make one look like something else...i.e. an ipod or least until the device was tossed aside, the child could be tracked, which is better than nothing...

Although...the chances of your child being abducted are SO small...better to keep them out of cars, etc...if you truly want them to be safe and that is not feasible...

The chip is more like an RF identifier (RFID) than a GPS device.

I had a couple of my pet kidz microchipped during times when they were undergoing other procedures under an anesthetic. I would not have elected to have this done otherwise.

iirc, the chip has a unique I.D. number but it is up to the pet parent/owner to keep the records updated by providing current contact info including whom to notify in case of emergency.

With the first pet, I was not notified of any future billing but with the second, I was billed a fee of $15/year.

There is controversy about pet microchipping for various reasons, the greatest of which is that not all scanners are alike; that is, your pet's chip might not be recognized by equipment at xyz's office.

~from memory, without verifying~
OT, but don't misco chips just give the address/telephone number of the attached pet, for example? Not tell where he is? And don't GPS devices have to be charged? If one were to implant them in children, how would they charge them...JMO

Might be better to just attach one to the child in some manner, if they can come up with a way to make one look like something else...i.e. an ipod or least until the device was tossed aside, the child could be tracked, which is better than nothing...

Although...the chances of your child being abducted are SO small...better to keep them out of cars, etc...if you truly want them to be safe and that is not feasible...

It would make identifying remains a lot easier, and locating escaped prisoners. It would enable a hospital to get medical history on an unconscious patient. I agree that there are negatives, and would not allow tracking of missing kids, but depending on how it was used, they would be discovered when an attempt was made to register them at school, or, when they got older, and applied for a job. It could eliminate identity theft completely.

OK, it is a reach, but it COULD have beneficial applications.

It might also be a deterrent to taking children at all.
FGS, I can have a microchip implanted in my dog or my cat, but they won't let me put one in my child. I think this should happen automatically, at birth.

You do realise, I hope, that the microchip in your pet has a radius of less than four inches. The scanner that detects the microchip must be within four inches (and usually even closer) before it can detect the microchip.

A microchip is a tiny copper wire that acts as an antenna with a chip that has a number. When the scanner passes over the microchip, the antenna picks up on the energy emitted by the microchip and uses that to power the chip so it can broadcast the number.

Keep in mind, that broadcast is only good for a maximum of four inches.

Now, what happens when the antenna picks up the energy from the scanner and uses it to broadcast the number is heat is released. Since the broadcast is of such limited power, the amount of heat released is miniscule.

Now, how useful against kidnapping, running away or cutting school is a microchip that only broadcasts 4 inches? Not very.

Unfortunately a chip that has a useful broadcast range is going to get hot enough to severely injure the subject. And it will get that hot whenever the radio waves on that frequency are transmitted.

So even if you were willing to allow your child to be severely injured when you were trying to track them, you would have to think it was a good idea for your child to be injured whenever anyone in your child's area was being tracked.

GPS locators are a better idea and do not require surgery to insert or remove.
You do realise, I hope, that the microchip in your pet has a radius of less than four inches. The scanner that detects the microchip must be within four inches (and usually even closer) before it can detect the microchip.

A microchip is a tiny copper wire that acts as an antenna with a chip that has a number. When the scanner passes over the microchip, the antenna picks up on the energy emitted by the microchip and uses that to power the chip so it can broadcast the number.

Keep in mind, that broadcast is only good for a maximum of four inches.

GPS locators are a better idea and do not require surgery to insert or remove.

Snipped for space .You are talking a better way is like an ankle bracelet like my work has on me so when I leave my desk I get zapped :)
I know the movies often take liberties with the facts, but that is a huge one isn't it? And very misleading. It is still a big story in these parts. And so very sad. jmo

Yeah, it really was. I wasn't familiar with the case, so thank you for clearing that up. I was careful to say that it was the movie, though, because I know movie makers like to exaggerate or add things to make it sensational. To me, there is nothing sensational about a child being kidnapped and murdered. Shame on them!
I agree with you. I do not think this girl ran away. I have always believed that she was abducted right from the very beginning.

Do you every watch Unusual Suspects on ID? I was watching it last night (catching up on 5 episodes) and all of the people ultimately responsible for people going missing and ultimately their murders, were people who were interviewed originally by LE (including FBI). One of the stories actually included a FBI employee. It turned out one of the neighbors, although never conviced, had several sexual assault attemps that were dismissed. But they only questioned people, didn't do backgrounds. He was initially interviewed by the FBI on the first day of the murder. It took 2 years for them to figure out that it was him. And it was only because he go defensive upon the 2nd questioning when they went back to start over 2 years later. It was only his behavior that raised their suspicion, nothing else. This murder happened shortly after the FBI employee (their admin) moved into this new home.

I guess what I'm saying is that we know the likelihood of her being abducted by someone she know is very high. Or someone in the area...we also know that a lot of these cases involve some type of change in a persons life, either a relocation, life change, legal or emotional issues that have come up...we see this in SO many cases...a lot of the time there is some type of deviation from the norm when these things happen.

She may have had interactions (casual that she likely wouldn't have even thought about to mention, i.e., the landlord since they were renting, someone who helps maintain the property since it is so large, gardener, student, love interest, students at her new school, a house sold and closed across the street one week before this happened - not implying anything here). Sometimes it takes a long time for this information to come out and, as I mentioned above, people can pass initial interviews easily.

Someone could have come to the house that morning (like one of the above mentioned people) and she was running out the door...they offered her a ride.

I really believe it was someone she knew. Especially since her scent ended at the driveway.

I also believe in another theory could be she intended to do something that night and that is the reason she had the clothes with her and something went wrong with that. It's a change in her normal schedule...we see these things happen when there is a change in the normal schedule.

There is so much they are not telling's too bad we have minimal victimology to go off.

Just my .02 :twocents:
OT, but don't misco chips just give the address/telephone number of the attached pet, for example? Not tell where he is? And don't GPS devices have to be charged? If one were to implant them in children, how would they charge them...JMO

Might be better to just attach one to the child in some manner, if they can come up with a way to make one look like something else...i.e. an ipod or least until the device was tossed aside, the child could be tracked, which is better than nothing...

Although...the chances of your child being abducted are SO small...better to keep them out of cars, etc...if you truly want them to be safe and that is not feasible...

I haven't any knowledge about the "charging" being a necessary component to the GPS tracking chips that are available to be easily placed under the skin of pets by vets.. I do know that there are available two different micro data chips for pets.. yes, one of them is the basic info like owners contact info, home vet, up to date shot record.. its a ONE TIME FEE OF $50 + possibly charges to have it implanted under your pets skin and that's it.. these "card readers" that are used to scan EVERY ANIMAL that comes in the door of the vet, shelter, etc are VERY VERY WIDELY ACCESSIBLE AND USED IN MOST OFFICES AND SHELTERS.. the scanning of each animal is now just standard operating procedure.. if the animal does in fact have a chip it is read and the important info is logged and used appropriately(ex. such as returning a lost or stolen pet to its rightful owner) ..

And then there is the second type of micro chip that is also available to be implanted under the skin of your pet by a vet.. it is an actual GPS tracking chip and instead of trying to describe what all it does IMO its easiest just to state that its capabilities mirror those of the GPS tracking chip that ALL SMARTPHONES ARE NOW EQUIPPED WITH IN THIS DAY&TIME..its literally as simple as that.. you can log on from any internet via home computer, laptop, cell phone and log into the GPS tracking site with your pets personal micro chip code and voila~ just like on Google maps it will pinpoint the exact location of your pet.. ANY WHERE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD..

but this micro chip with its full GPS tracking capabilities is MUCH MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than the other basic info chip.. not only is the cost of the actual GPS micro chip a helluva lot MORE expensive.. but just as is any other item that is to be GPS tracked IT COSTS A MONTHLY PREMIUM USUALLY AROUND $50 PER MONTH!

SO yep the technology is definitely here and available for use but at this point the cost for such methods is on the high end.. moo but as with all technology as the companies continue to one up and out do the others the prices will eventually drop Considerably lower and we'll see it become more and more of a common occurrence for our pets to have these type micro chips and GPS tracking and monitoring.. jmo, tho..

As for the charging.. I'm still stumped on that being necessary.. ?? I can say that those I spoke with while looking in to getting our dog "chipped" that none of them ever mentioned anything about there being a charging component necessary regarding the GPS chip and tracking.. so idk?

In regards to Sierra's Twitter - I really believe that the drugs and alcohol mentioned (drinking tequila, getting high before bed, posting ecstacy photos, talking about the drug pinata, using gunpower - which is a new, very powerful form of heroin...or coke and actual gunpowder, and sex) is really just a persona she projects. She seems like a sweet girl and the fact they are saying there really are no family problems (which could totally be false) really make me lean towards her just joking around and that being her personality and sense of humor. Although the language is horrible. But, I can't imagine her mom letting her do those things and there not being 'family issues' so to speak.

I haven't any knowledge about the "charging" being a necessary component to the GPS tracking chips that are available to be easily placed under the skin of pets by vets.. I do know that there are available two different micro data chips for pets.. yes, one of them is the basic info like owners contact info, home vet, up to date shot record.. its a ONE TIME FEE OF $50 + possibly charges to have it implanted under your pets skin and that's it.. these "card readers" that are used to scan EVERY ANIMAL that comes in the door of the vet, shelter, etc are VERY VERY WIDELY ACCESSIBLE AND USED IN MOST OFFICES AND SHELTERS.. the scanning of each animal is now just standard operating procedure.. if the animal does in fact have a chip it is read and the important info is logged and used appropriately(ex. such as returning a lost or stolen pet to its rightful owner) ..

And then there is the second type of micro chip that is also available to be implanted under the skin of your pet by a vet.. it is an actual GPS tracking chip and instead of trying to describe what all it does IMO its easiest just to state that its capabilities mirror those of the GPS tracking chip that ALL SMARTPHONES ARE NOW EQUIPPED WITH IN THIS DAY&TIME..its literally as simple as that.. you can log on from any internet via home computer, laptop, cell phone and log into the GPS tracking site with your pets personal micro chip code and voila~ just like on Google maps it will pinpoint the exact location of your pet.. ANY WHERE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD..

but this micro chip with its full GPS tracking capabilities is MUCH MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than the other basic info chip.. not only is the cost of the actual GPS micro chip a helluva lot MORE expensive.. but just as is any other item that is to be GPS tracked IT COSTS A MONTHLY PREMIUM USUALLY AROUND $50 PER MONTH!

SO yep the technology is definitely here and available for use but at this point the cost for such methods is on the high end.. moo but as with all technology as the companies continue to one up and out do the others the prices will eventually drop Considerably lower and we'll see it become more and more of a common occurrence for our pets to have these type micro chips and GPS tracking and monitoring.. jmo, tho..

As for the charging.. I'm still stumped on that being necessary.. ?? I can say that those I spoke with while looking in to getting our dog "chipped" that none of them ever mentioned anything about there being a charging component necessary regarding the GPS chip and tracking.. so idk?


I don't cat came with a chip as all shelter cats do here...but it only will give the info of his far as a GPA needing charging, perhaps now they don't? But the ones you buy for your car charge in a lighter, for example, at least some of them...

In regards to Sierra's Twitter - I really believe that the drugs and alcohol mentioned (drinking tequila, getting high before bed, posting ecstacy photos, talking about the drug pinata, using gunpower - which is a new, very powerful form of heroin...or coke and actual gunpowder, and sex) is really just a persona she projects. She seems like a sweet girl and the fact they are saying there really are no family problems (which could totally be false) really make me lean towards her just joking around and that being her personality and sense of humor. Although the language is horrible. But, I can't imagine her mom letting her do those things and there not being 'family issues' so to speak.


My thought is that it is all an act - and that is a dangerous thing with girls in their mid-teens, as it makes them more vulnerable to the manipulations of men in the 18-24 age group.

That age group is IMO very dangerous for girls to hang around with, as they generally are independent, mobile, have an overclocked sex-drive, and not enough maturity to properly use any of the above (I say this as a male who barely made it out of that age relatively unscathed).

I'm really wondering if there are any males in that age range that are associated with Sierra, her friends or her family that may have taken too much of an interest in her...

I haven't any knowledge about the "charging" being a necessary component to the GPS tracking chips that are available to be easily placed under the skin of pets by vets.. I do know that there are available two different micro data chips for pets.. yes, one of them is the basic info like owners contact info, home vet, up to date shot record.. its a ONE TIME FEE OF $50 + possibly charges to have it implanted under your pets skin and that's it.. these "card readers" that are used to scan EVERY ANIMAL that comes in the door of the vet, shelter, etc are VERY VERY WIDELY ACCESSIBLE AND USED IN MOST OFFICES AND SHELTERS.. the scanning of each animal is now just standard operating procedure.. if the animal does in fact have a chip it is read and the important info is logged and used appropriately(ex. such as returning a lost or stolen pet to its rightful owner) ..

And then there is the second type of micro chip that is also available to be implanted under the skin of your pet by a vet.. it is an actual GPS tracking chip and instead of trying to describe what all it does IMO its easiest just to state that its capabilities mirror those of the GPS tracking chip that ALL SMARTPHONES ARE NOW EQUIPPED WITH IN THIS DAY&TIME..its literally as simple as that.. you can log on from any internet via home computer, laptop, cell phone and log into the GPS tracking site with your pets personal micro chip code and voila~ just like on Google maps it will pinpoint the exact location of your pet.. ANY WHERE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD..

but this micro chip with its full GPS tracking capabilities is MUCH MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than the other basic info chip.. not only is the cost of the actual GPS micro chip a helluva lot MORE expensive.. but just as is any other item that is to be GPS tracked IT COSTS A MONTHLY PREMIUM USUALLY AROUND $50 PER MONTH!

SO yep the technology is definitely here and available for use but at this point the cost for such methods is on the high end.. moo but as with all technology as the companies continue to one up and out do the others the prices will eventually drop Considerably lower and we'll see it become more and more of a common occurrence for our pets to have these type micro chips and GPS tracking and monitoring.. jmo, tho..

As for the charging.. I'm still stumped on that being necessary.. ?? I can say that those I spoke with while looking in to getting our dog "chipped" that none of them ever mentioned anything about there being a charging component necessary regarding the GPS chip and tracking.. so idk?

The GPS shoe..

I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but something definitely worth looking into to invest in our loved ones and even ourselves.
You do realise, I hope, that the microchip in your pet has a radius of less than four inches. The scanner that detects the microchip must be within four inches (and usually even closer) before it can detect the microchip.

A microchip is a tiny copper wire that acts as an antenna with a chip that has a number. When the scanner passes over the microchip, the antenna picks up on the energy emitted by the microchip and uses that to power the chip so it can broadcast the number.

Keep in mind, that broadcast is only good for a maximum of four inches.

Now, what happens when the antenna picks up the energy from the scanner and uses it to broadcast the number is heat is released. Since the broadcast is of such limited power, the amount of heat released is miniscule.

Now, how useful against kidnapping, running away or cutting school is a microchip that only broadcasts 4 inches? Not very.

Unfortunately a chip that has a useful broadcast range is going to get hot enough to severely injure the subject. And it will get that hot whenever the radio waves on that frequency are transmitted.

So even if you were willing to allow your child to be severely injured when you were trying to track them, you would have to think it was a good idea for your child to be injured whenever anyone in your child's area was being tracked.

GPS locators are a better idea and do not require surgery to insert or remove.

Thanks you for the info regarding heat emanating from chips. I didn't realize that was a consequence. And...Ouch!

I cannot speak for Lisa B, but I do have a desire to see some kind of tracking device developed so that this overwhelmingly horrific situation of missing persons can be eliminated, or reduced, at least.
Yes...there are draw backs. And no...a device has not been created which fits everyone's needs. (As far as I know.)
But where there is a know the rest.
Additionally, a devise such as this could be quite a deterrent to potential perps.
And I respectfully disagree that it would ruin our "freedom". That is already being done through computers and daily communication with organizations who feed off of our information for a multitude of motives. If we have to live in fear of abductors, then we are prisoners already. There just are no bars.
Snipped for space .You are talking a better way is like an ankle bracelet like my work has on me so when I leave my desk I get zapped :)
Wow, JDB!
You have me intrigued. What kind of job requires you to wear an ankle bracelet that zaps?:waitasec:
The GPS shoe..

I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but something definitely worth looking into to invest in our loved ones and even ourselves.

Thank you, 90nine!
My father has Alzheimer's, and his wandering is a concern of ours.
I am going to bring this to the attention of my family! you think I can get this system for my cowboy boots?
:bud: :bud: :cowboy: :cowboy: :seeya:
In regards to Sierra's Twitter - I really believe that the drugs and alcohol mentioned (drinking tequila, getting high before bed, posting ecstacy photos, talking about the drug pinata, using gunpower - which is a new, very powerful form of heroin...or coke and actual gunpowder, and sex) is really just a persona she projects. She seems like a sweet girl and the fact they are saying there really are no family problems (which could totally be false) really make me lean towards her just joking around and that being her personality and sense of humor. Although the language is horrible. But, I can't imagine her mom letting her do those things and there not being 'family issues' so to speak.


IMO, it's trendy for high-school kids to appear to be dark and edgy. I see it in my daughter and call her on it ... and I see it in her friends. I thought one of her friends was seriously depressed after reading her FB posts, until I realized she was basically reposting lyrics. Sierra does pretty much the same thing (reposting from others and lyrics), from what I can see.

That said, she did have a lot to deal with, given her dad's situation and recently switching schools. While her posts don't seem all that different from others I've seen, I think she was vulnerable in that she was in a new school at a critical time in her life ... 15 is a difficult age.

IMO, it's possible she fell victim to someone whom she thought it would be fun to spend the day with ... and that someone had something else in mind.
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