Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #5 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Was there something in the media about this particular house being searched and evidence removed?

I guess there is a possibility, though it seems slight to me, that someone on foot could have abducted her. Hard to imagine, really. Getting her to a vacant house would be a pretty risky operation in broad daylight, with the bus due soon, etc...

about 1:40 into the video is the vacant house.
One of those videos came out about a week or so after her disappearance.
I would think the police, FBI whomever had a chat and talk with everyone of those workers. To find out otherwise, would be totally shocking.

Without looking through the threads. I assume they have already done some forensics on her computer if she had one. And checked for any and all websites that include webcam chat? Not just the popular ones, but any websites she had visited or belong to that had webcam chat available.

If she had a computer with a webcam. I don't know, I am just guessing.

A forensic investigation of the phone yielded no leads, neither did a search of her computer.
I really think the school needs to take some responsibility for the amount of time it took for them to contact her family to let them know she was absent.

They are probably worrying about being sued right now, so I doubt they will say anything much at all. But even if they said they were partly at fault, what good would it do Sierra? As it is, they are probably "reviewing their policies" as we speak, the usual after-the-fact response to these type of incidents, as per Kyron. It doesn't help find Kyron, but maybe will help someone in the future, I guess...JMO
A forensic investigation of the phone yielded no leads, neither did a search of her computer.

Thank-you very much for that link. I really appreciate you posting it for me. You saved me two hours at least just trying to find that information.

I have to admit I am a little surprised by that. I thought for sure the person she left with that day, they had chatted before at sometime online. So does this mean the person she left with on that day had no communication with her whatsoever ever perhaps online? Just thinking out loud on this one.

Girls whom are abducted, and using this case only as an example. Usually are abducted by someone whom had developed a fixation on them. And not a random drive by that someone took advantage of.

To take her/engage with her at this time in the morning. This was the perfect time and place for it. Not after school, not at school, and with there being nothing around, to take her from a public place would be hard to do since she didn't have a regular routine away from home.

Going to school, leaving home for the buss stop was the best place and time to take her if there may had been a problem or not. Which means they knew that beforehand and planned it that way. In fact it was almost 12 hours later before a parent was notified. They had a twelve hour head start before any one noticed there was a serious problem.

I am not an expert on abductions, so when i say usually, I mean the ones I have read about.
Public schools will not do much. They don't have to unless they make another guideline.

Private schools make their own rules and are motivated to implement them. I attended private school before technology and they can handle 5,000 students and notify parents prior to 10:00am w/o computers. In fact attendance was taken prior to first class. There were 1400 freshman and nobody got away with anything.

At present (in the local private school here), your child must be phoned in prior to 7:30a.m if ill. If he is not in school by first period, parents are notified immediately and are asked where is he? No child will be removed from school w/o a note presented the day prior with an explanation.

Why can't public schools do it? They don't have to so they don't.
They are probably worrying about being sued right now, so I doubt they will say anything much at all. But even if they said they were partly at fault, what good would it do Sierra? As it is, they are probably "reviewing their policies" as we speak, the usual after-the-fact response to these type of incidents, as per Kyron. It doesn't help find Kyron, but maybe will help someone in the future, I guess...JMO

The first things public schools do in this situation is shut everyone down from speaking...about policies, attendance, etc

In these cases before, I wanted to hear from the teacher so badly....never happened.
This is a IF question. Just a theory in regards to the LEOs information she may had left voluntarily. One of there theories besides abduction and kidnapping. Kidnapping I would say no, there's been no ransom demand or any demand for that matter and no communication whatsoever as far as we know.

But a suggestion for a LEO, working under this theory, would be to check back in the girls home state and see if any friends, boyfriends girlfriends etc came up missing also on the day before or sooner. For a few days or if perhaps they are still being reported as missing since around the time this occurred.

And check her snail mail. See if she received any snail mail from anyone before she became missing.

I still think it is possible that someone just showed up and offered her a ride, that way there would not be any communication with them, but it would still be someone she knew, at least slightly. If it was someone who went to her school, or had gone to the school and perhaps graduated already but she knew him, she probably would have accepted. Who is thinking about being abducted at 7:30AM? Not 15-year old girls, no matter what they have been taught. JMO
I really think the school needs to take some responsibility for the amount of time it took for them to contact her family to let them know she was absent.

I'm really surprised that her friends did not try to track her down by posting on Twitter asking where she was that day. She posted so much that I think it would be curious to her friends and raise some red flags.

All we know is that she 'sent' her last text at 7:11am, but not when she received her last text. All we know is that her mom sent her two texts, but nothing was mentioned about received texts from friends or mom.

But would the perp have a car if he was always seen at the bus stop? I am not sure how anyone could have taken her on foot anywhere.

Maybe he borrowed/stole a car for this "special" day he planned to be with her?

Or maybe he was just using his bus schedule as a ruse to get to know her?
He might have really had a car?

Or maybe he preferred taking the bus to driving to get work done, read, or relax on the route to his work?
If he WAS on foot, it could still explain why her items were found nearby, rather than in another county, for example, but I still can't picture an abduction taking place on foot, unless she had to walk by a vacant house and was pulled inside. And then her items scattered later. Or if the abductor was someone who lived in house nearby...did she pass homes as she walked? I know they say they checked them all, but there would not necessarily be any sign of her, if she had been removed hours before...
I have a few points of discussion - forgive me if these have already been covered. I tried to catch up on everything :)

-was the statement from Luis corroberated by other workers? I'm surprised no other neighbors have mentioned this. Although they could have, but it was not released and this interview with Luis and the media was impromptu (not sure about that...just thinking out loud).

-they may be intimidated to come forward with information if they are not legal citizens.

-I wonder if this man in black got a ride to his bus stop or walked since I read there are no VTA stops near there. So where exactly was he standing most days? Santa Teresa and Monterey is a bit of a distance to a VTA to walk, but it is always possible.

-A thought I have: since it was was winter, was she getting a ride to the bus stop until the weather got better in spring? If so, who took her. Going off of my previous post about her current bus driver only driving her for the past 6 weeks since her disappearance. She mentioned on her Twitter once that she was cold and she wished the bus would get there. But it is still cold in spring.

-If this man in black was a neighbor, I think it would be easier to track him down. His description is rather unique. Perhaps the police know who it is and therefore they do not need a sketch. They won't mention anything about him until he becomes a person of interest or suspect - probably would wait until he is a suspect (if he is).

-I would love to know if Sierra frequented any convenience stores in the area. There hasn't been anything mentioned about her habits in the neighborhood. I have a difficult time believing that a teenager would not stop either before or after school at a convenience store to pick up candy or energy drinks (or something along those lines) even on the weekends. She mentioned on her Twitter that she found $30 in her pocket not that long ago. So she seems to have spending money.

-As a teenager (when I was a teenager), my friends and I always walked places to buy things or go places (restaurants, convenience stores, messing around, movies, etc. ). Since she was the only child at the bus stop, it seems like she wouldn't have any friends her age in the area that we know of. Although, there is another high school near Santa Teresa, so it is possible she did have high school friends in the area who went to another school...just thinking...

-if she had an older friend in the area, it doesn't seem likely she would mention it.

would love any thoughts :)

Thanks for sharing all of the great information.

I apologize for my grammer in my posts - one of the letters on my keyboard decided to not work recently and I'm having to cut and paste every 'w'. It's distracting :)
Reasons that have me leaning toward this being a stranger abduction:

First and foremost is by far the biggest component that points to this being stranger vs. known perp and that is that according to what LE has released to us, the media/public there are NONE, ZERO, NIL Communications between Sierra and the person who she left with that Friday morning.. for me that's saying there are no text messages, phone calls, emails, IMs , posts, chats, etc, etc between Sierra and ANYONE THAT DISCUSS ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY INDICATIVE OF THEIR MAKING PLANS, SETTING UP A DATE(casual or not), ARRANGING TO GET A RIDE , etc, etc.. .


IMO the only other thing I can think of would be that the perp intentionally had any/all discussions or plans arranged either in person or via an untraceable manner.. how could that be accomplished? ..

IMO if it were to be a premeditated abduction with this much forethought and for it to be virtually untraceable as far as a trail leading back to the perp.. the perp would have to be someone quite close to Sierra.. meaning someone who she regularly chatted with her on the phone for instance.. not via text or chat but via telephonic chat between the two.. I'm not sure of Sierra phone habits so it'd be hard to know what would actually consist of the "norm" as far as the frequency and duration of her telephone conversations with friends/pals.. but if it were found that she did frequently have telephone convos like we know she did with text and online then I could see how it could possibly be set up or arranged through these conversations on the phone.. it'd have to be someone or something that she was interested in and trusted enough to have for whatever reasons possibly agreed to keep the plan on the down low, their little secret.. and the perp would have to trust that Sierra had in fact kept their plan a secret and not told anyone.. as all it would take is for Sierra to even just casually make mention of it to one person and that would likely be enough to have blown the perps cover(so to speak).

So all in all with all my blabbing I guess I'm saying that several things point toward unknown or opportunist perp.. unless it happened to be something similar as to what I above just poorly described:crazy:.and that's that IMO it is possible it could have been someone close to her that she regularly spoke with both in person as well as over the telephone conversations and that if it were to have been a premeditated abduction that if Sierra had for whatever reasons chosen to keep their plan a secret and not have told anyone about it.. well.. then basically the entire setting up of the plan between Sierra and the perp would be completely concealed from everyone except the perp and Sierra.. and with the perp actually being someone legitimately in Sierras life their phone record of calls between the two would raise no suspicion.. and the content of the calls is completely unknown..

Hope that makes sense:crazy:
I'm really surprised that her friends did not try to track her down by posting on Twitter asking where she was that day. She posted so much that I think it would be curious to her friends and raise some red flags.

All we know is that she 'sent' her last text at 7:11am, but not when she received her last text. All we know is that her mom sent her two texts, but nothing was mentioned about received texts from friends or mom.


I would like to know after sending that last text. If the person she sent it to responded back? She was leaving the area right around that 711am mark. But really would like to know if someone responded to that text. If they didn't, it could mean they GOT the message. And a response was not necessary. And to let this person know that, she sent any message for any message sent would have told that person the real message which is I am gone/I am ready etc etc. Or something similar to that. Of course this is working under the theory she left voluntarily.

I havent posted on this case yet,but have been following.

I keep coming up with the same results when trying to put 2 & 2 together.

This is only my opinion and thought that keeps coming back to me.

Could it be someone that has to do with her fathers past deed? Like, retaliation. She lived with him until 10/11. Is he living in the same town he lived in before his incarceration?
That could be the reason she moved in with Mom? The perp could have found out where she moved to and has been watching her?
I havent posted on this case yet,but have been following.

I keep coming up with the same results when trying to put 2 & 2 together.

This is only my opinion and thought that keeps coming back to me.

Could it be someone that has to do with her fathers past deed? Like, retaliation. She lived with him until 10/11. Is he living in the same town he lived in before his incarceration?
That could be the reason she moved in with Mom? The perp could have found out where she moved to and has been watching her?

I can't shake that theory from my thoughts, either! It could be vengeance, or it could be someone dad knows, who has a similar background, who took a fancy to Sierra.

In this we have:
Addresses are not hard to obtain on internet, so finding the new address in Morgan Hill would be relatively easy.
I wonder if this is one reason that they don't believe she's voluntarily missing, like they didn't find messages etc that suggested she was planning time away?

"There isn't a lot of extraneous traffic. These are people who live here and may very well know this girl's routine and might have taken advantage of that," says Klaas.

Next door neighbors - wow! Thanks so much. I hadn't seen that. Great find.
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