Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #7 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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IMO it is very unusual to pack a spare bra (especially no spare socks) so that would have me leaning towards the bag being a plant OR the clothes in the bag were the clothes she was wearing. Anybody have the link to the photo of where the bag was found? I trawled through all the posts but must have missed it. Some detective I'd be :D
Morning Nursebeeme!

I guess that shows how different individuals can be. :) I agree with Marc Klass and believe the purse was thrownout from the window of a car. LE has also said that the items could have been tossed from a vehicle.

Imo, the perp would throw it toward a bush like the bushy cactus and it landed behind the cactus wedged up against the building, out of sight, like they intended for it to be then they would drive away.

Why place it 2 miles away from where she disappeared if it was to plant it there? Why not closer to where she caught the bus or her home? And plant it for what reason? Imo, the perp or perps simply knew they had to get rid of the items that would link them to Sierra and that is the place they chose. Maybe as they were leaving the area since the cell phone was found much closer to her home and it makes sense they would get rid of her phone ASAP.

The FBI believes these are the clothes Sierra was wearing when she left for school and finding those clothes along with her bra and panties does not feel like a plant to me but someone who was getting rid of evidence.

The one break the police have that the perp(s) didnt know they would get is Sierra sent a picture of the clothes she was wearing that morning. That is priceless. I am so glad that Sierra was like a lot of teenage girls who snaps pics all the time and sends them to their friends. Our teen granddaughters do it before school too. Why I dont know. Fun, I guess. :)

Clothes folded are much easier to get into a space than balled up. If balled or wadded up they would not have fit.

My reasoning for thinking it was planted after the fact (brought back to the area) is that I just cannot see the perp hanging out long enough in the neighborhood to fold the clothes neatly and than drive around to toss them between a bush and a building. I cannot see the perp getting her to disrobe and fold the clothes all while in the neighborhood in a two mile span and I also cannot see the perp sitting around in an idling car near the area of an abduction... I suppose it would be possible he parked back behind that building to do this as well but I would see him wanting to get out of the area as quickly as possible without drawing attention (sarx has mentioned that the area is heavily traveled and this would be during the morning rush hour)

I think the bag was planted after the fact at this point :)moo: of course) and I suppose it could have been tossed from the car but after looking at the picture it just didn't lend itself to a "toss" unless he idled right up next to the building and chucked it.

(or maybe I just need more coffee as well LOLOL)

eta: when I mean not "tossed" I mean not tossed on the immediate egress from the crime as there was no time to do all this folding/lingering in the area during rush hour traffic time... I do concede it could have been thrown there but at a later time and done so as to plant it there (hope that makes sense)
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post too but I have been lurking for days. This is an interesting theory- but IMO if that was the case- and the person who had found the bag was innocent- surly they would have said- or indeed handed the bag in and said where they found it?

Now just some speculation I have- there's no doubt in my mind that this is a runaway. No teenager would throw away the phone. If they were worried about it being tracked they would turn it off. At a later time they could sell it or swap it as they would have limited supplies. Also 15 year old girls DO confide and DO like to keep party to what is going on in their group. This has gone on too many weeks for mouths to stay shut.

Now this is just IMO but does the Mother's behaviour strike anyone else as odd? I am not accusing or anything- no mother needs false accusations on top of their daughter missing but something is odd about the way she acts and it struck me watching this news report:

At 2.44 when asked if she thinks this is an abduction she calmly replies she THINKS it is? If everything was all happy at home she should have no doubt in her mind no? Be frantic to get the point across that someone has taken her daughter?

Also at 4.22 she stops a car and hands them a flyer and asks them to look at it etc. If someone stopped I would, as a mother, interrogate them. Did they see her? Was she there that morning? Were they driving by at that time ETC ETC? But I guess we are all different.

Now another thing- what if she never left the house? She got as far as the driveway, realised she had forgotten something and went back? Maybe somebody had entered the house? Maybe this is why the trail ended in the driveway and she never made the bus? And nobody say anything suspicious but what about people that wouldn't cause suspicion like post man, milk man, maintenance men, gardeners, neighbours? If Sierra was used to seeing these people around and vaguely familiar with them then she may well get into a car willingly with them if she had missed the bus. This is a cul de sac in the middle of a remote area- how unlikely would it be for a stranger to be there? It would be like a needle in a haystack- possible certainly... but likely?

Finally a bra? Why pack a spare bra? Knickers (panties) sure- she may have had her period and therefore likely to pack a spare but a spare BRA? Makes no sense unless it was a fancy one and she was planning on going out or meeting someone after school- rest of the clothes don't really indicate that though do they?

Okay sorry if I broke any rules or repeated things others have said etc. This is all just speculation on my behalf and things that strike me as weird. :seeya:

Welcome FoxyMona!

I can only speak for myself, but no, I do not think Marlene acts odd and the police has already said that she is not involved in Sierra's disappearance. Imo, I cant judge her by what I would do.. because I have never had to walk in her shoes...thank the good Lord above. And no individual reacts the same to trauma. I have certainly seen all personalities over the years concerning parents of missing children and each one is very individual.

I do remember Marlene telling one gentleman to please let LE know what he saw.

I think LE is sure she left her home and made it to the end of the driveway. If she had circled back then the scent dogs would have trailed her scent back to her home.

Strangers can be in all areas for a myriad of reasons. Nowadays I dont think neighbors are really all that close and dont keep up with who is a stranger or may live somewhere in the area. People are so busy nowadays and go about their own life and dont notice much around them and the homes werent right under each other. Also at 7:15 we have no idea who would be out in that neighborhood. We do know that the field workers werent working the fields by Sierra's home that day.

I truly think Marlene doesnt have a clue what happened to her daughter. If it was my daughter I would much rather cling to the belief that she possibly ran away or left willingly with someone than have to face the brutal truth that she had been kidnapped and I would never see her alive again.

Tricia is on the ground with the searchers and tonight at 5PM PST we'll have a special edition of Websleuths Radio with Brad Dennis from KlaasKids!

Feel free to call in!
Is it at all unusual that they are only offering a $10,000 reward for her safe return?

Im not judging her family or anything, but that seems VERY low to me. If I were reading into this, I'd think maybe it means they believe she possibly ran away, or isn't completely being held against her will, and might return any day.

I dunno, but to me, if you think there is a high chance that your daughter is dead and isn't coming back, you'd offer something like
My reasoning for thinking it was planted after the fact (brought back to the area) is that I just cannot see the perp hanging out long enough in the neighborhood to fold the clothes neatly and than drive around to toss them between a bush and a building. I cannot see the perp getting her to disrobe and fold the clothes all while in the neighborhood in a two mile span and I also cannot see the perp sitting around in an idling car near the area of an abduction... I suppose it would be possible he parked back behind that building to do this as well but I would see him wanting to get out of the area as quickly as possible without drawing attention (sarx has mentioned that the area is heavily traveled and this would be during the morning rush hour)

I think the bag was planted after the fact at this point :)moo: of course) and I suppose it could have been tossed from the car but after looking at the picture it just didn't lend itself to a "toss" unless he idled right up next to the building and chucked it.

(or maybe I just need more coffee as well LOLOL)

eta: when I mean not "tossed" I mean not tossed on the immediate egress from the crime as there was no time to do all this folding/lingering in the area during rush hour traffic time... I do concede it could have been thrown there but at a later time and done so as to plant it there (hope that makes sense)

I know what you mean, and if I hadnt found items tossed up into my yard some 35 feet, I may doubt it too, but unfortunately I have to pick up items thrown way up on our front yard property, and our road also has a 15 foot easement on both sides too. And we have found items in our yard that are even further back from where the purse was tossed behind the cactus and building.

We do not know how far Sierra was taken once the phone was thrownout. It doesnt take but minutes to fold a shirt and pants. It isnt like they are taking a long time to do this. Even if they neatly folded them they could have done it less than 3-5 minutes, tops, imo. They could have gathered all the things up where they took Sierra after abducting her and on the way out they threw the purse at the cactus and it landed on the other side of the cactus wedged up against the building. That building is not that far off of the road. The car path on the property is no bigger than for one car to go down it.

I do agree and think it was thrownout after the fact. After Sierra had been stripped of her clothing but I dont think it was a plant but discarded when the perp(s) were leaving the area possibly with Sierra's body in the trunk.

I think they saw that it was out of sight when they tossed it. They sure wouldnt want it to be inside their vehicle in case they were stopped in a roadblock.

Is it at all unusual that they are only offering a $10,000 reward for her safe return?

Im not judging her family or anything, but that seems VERY low to me. If I were reading into this, I'd think maybe it means they believe she possibly ran away, or isn't completely being held against her will, and might return any day.

I dunno, but to me, if you think there is a high chance that your daughter is dead and isn't coming back, you'd offer something like

I would think that they'd be a little more concerned with putting their money into the search efforts, which have a much, much greater chance of being successful. IMO, rewards are just shots in the dark, given how rare it is for one to be claimed - no doubt they've been cautioned by MK & LE not to expect anything to come of the reward.

They're spending a lot of time interviewing her friends but i doubt her friends know anything.
From my POV it could be a six degrees of separation friend. Because I've been thinking perhaps that Sierra's siblings or friends had an acquaintance online or something who got some info. on Sierra's routine and stalked her, like a girl who was set up to lure her for a predator.

If I was in LE I would want to question everyone so that they understood the ruses perps. use and possibly jog their memory of something said by someone.
Is it at all unusual that they are only offering a $10,000 reward for her safe return?

Im not judging her family or anything, but that seems VERY low to me. If I were reading into this, I'd think maybe it means they believe she possibly ran away, or isn't completely being held against her will, and might return any day.

I dunno, but to me, if you think there is a high chance that your daughter is dead and isn't coming back, you'd offer something like

I see rewards in this amount quite frequently or even less. They have had money donated to them and they have taken all of that money and started the reward for Sierra.

If they are donated more money the reward amount can rise. I have seen that happen before also.

I would think that they'd be a little more concerned with putting their money into the search efforts, which have a much, much greater chance of being successful. IMO, rewards are just shots in the dark, given how rare it is for one to be claimed - no doubt they've been cautioned by MK & LE not to expect anything to come of the reward.


Frankly, I dont think either are going to be successful.

I dont think the perp has Sierra in the area that has been searched and I dont believe Sierra is going to return home and alive, either.

I did read that there had been a fund setup to help in the search for Sierra. Maybe this is apart from the reward fund?

Frankly, I dont think either are going to be successful.

I dont think the perp has Sierra in the area that has been searched and I dont believe Sierra is going to return home and alive, either.

I did read that there had been a fund setup to help in the search for Sierra. Maybe this is apart from the reward fund?


Sadly, I think that you are most likely correct, and this will be another Morgan Harrington scenario (coincidental finding after months where nobody would expect) or worse, a total vanishing...

Well, as I always say, expect the worst & hope for the best.

As for the fund - this is directly from their page:

The Sierra LaMar Fund
On March 16, 2012 Sierra LaMar went missing from Morgan Hill, CA. Since this day, her family and friends have been desperately searching for her. This fund was established to help with this search and recovery effort and to fund a reward for information leading to her recovery and conviction of anyone responsible for her disappearance.
I remember the news conference where LE said that after the first few searches for Sierra's person, subsequent ones were to try to find evidence. I posted on the Holly Bobo threads that this is what I thought they were doing early on. I think that the message is a) Sierra is far away from the abduction site or b) she's hidden really well.
From my POV it could be a six degrees of separation friend. Because I've been thinking perhaps that Sierra's siblings or friends had an acquaintance online or something who got some info. on Sierra's routine and stalked her, like a girl who was set up to lure her for a predator.

If I was in LE I would want to question everyone so that they understood the ruses perps. use and possibly jog their memory of something said by someone.

I have also thought for a long time along these lines that this may be a possibility, but I thought the connection was an acquaintance of the RSO father that he isn't aware of. Imagine being in prison and you paste the pictures of your beautiful daughters on the wall. I imagine some other RSO inmates that see the girls' pictures would have lots of time on there hands to create quite the obsession over such a pretty girl.

Just another possibility... iMHO
My foray into crime sleuthing began with the case of Dru Sjodin, although I had also been a violent crime survivor, outdoor sports enthusiast, etc. Sometimes there are many layers to these abductions, many crime scenes.
I have also thought for a long time along these lines that this may be a possibility, but I thought the connection was an acquaintance of the RSO father that he isn't aware of. Imagine being in prison and you paste the pictures of your beautiful daughters on the wall. I imagine some other RSO inmates that see the girls' pictures would have lots of time on there hands to create quite the obsession over such a pretty girl.

Just another possibility... iMHO
I think I thanked you for your post earlier, because, that is an excellent thought.
I remember the news conference where LE said that after the first few searches for Sierra's person, subsequent ones were to try to find evidence. I posted on the Holly Bobo threads that this is what I thought they were doing early on. I think that the message is a) Sierra is far away from the abduction site or b) she's hidden really well.

bbm: ita and I tend to think they know other things are missing (re: keys, etc)
:moo: of course
Sadly, I think that you are most likely correct, and this will be another Morgan Harrington scenario (coincidental finding after months where nobody would expect) or worse, a total vanishing...

Well, as I always say, expect the worst & hope for the best.

As for the fund - this is directly from their page:

Thank you.

The word 'recovery' gives me chills.

My foray into crime sleuthing began with the case of Dru Sjodin, although I had also been a violent crime survivor, outdoor sports enthusiast, etc. Sometimes there are many layers to these abductions, many crime scenes.

I remember that case vividly. Another pretty young woman nabbed in broad daylight and later found raped and murdered.

It was her family that finally found Dru's remains months later, right?

Thank you.

The word 'recovery' gives me chills.

Don't you know it. When LE announced in the Dru Sjodin case that the rescue mission shifted to recovery mode, all of us either online working or on the ground searching, suddenly acquired a somber mood.
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